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Tema: Irland

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Se også: Krise og modstand - Irland
Apple’s skat: Hvordan virksomheder samarbejdede med den irske stat
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 353, aug 16 
Note: Den irske regering nægter at tage imod skat fra et kæmpe-selskab, samtidig med at den gennemfører brutale nedskæringer.
Shaun Doherty: “All changed, changed utterly”: The historical significance of the Irish Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 83
Note: The problem with political anniversaries is that they often focus on specific dates in the past without any recognition that they are part of a longer process. Easter Monday 1916 is an iconic date in Irish history that all and sundry seek to appropriate, but it can only be understood by what preceded and followed it. This may seem like stating the obvious to readers of a Marxist journal, but in the light of all the false narratives that have been peddled since, it is an important starting point for a credible evaluation of its historical significance.
Simon Basketter: Irsk valg: Et spark til nedskæringspolitikken
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 – side 2
Note: De tre store partier fik et spark ved Irlands parlamentsvalg i februar. Stemmefordelingen afspejlede fortsat modstand mod nedskæringer.
Maeve McGrath: Ireland – the best small country in the world to exploit workers?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 13, jun 15 – side 61
Note: Enda Kenny’s mantra may have been ‘the best small country in the world in which to do business’ but how does it look from a workers perspective?
Ruairi Gallagher: Irish Partisans: Rapparees of the Williamite Wars, 1689-1691
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 13, jun 15 – side 75
Note: This article will analyse the Irish partisans that were active throughout the Williamite Wars in Ireland: the Rapparees. They differed somewhat from their Tory social-bandit predecessors, insofar as Rappareeism was more politicised and was recognised as a political force under the articles of the Treaty of Limerick signed in 1691.
Paul O’Brien: Primitive Communism and The Blasket Islands
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 12, mar 15 – side 32
Note: In the fifty volumes of the Collected Works of Marx and Engels there is very little speculation as to what a future socialist society might look like. The reason for this as Engels makes clear in The Origins of the Family Private Property and the State is that we cannot know how people freed from class oppression will choose to live their lives.
John Molyneux: Editorial (Irish Marxist Review 2014 Vol 3 Number 11): The Great People’s Revolt
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 11, dec 14 – side 1
Note: The radicalisation of the Irish working class is developing apace. As we have argued in previous editorials it was already evident in the 2011 General Election which saw the decimation of Fianna Fail and the beginnings of inroads for the United Left Alliance.
Kieran Allen: The Politics of Sinn Fein: Rhetoric and Reality
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 11, dec 14 – side 4
Note: A recent opinion poll indicated that Sinn Fein is now neck and neck with Fine Gael to be the majority party in the South. In Dublin, it is already the largest party, commanding 26 percent of the vote. This transformation is remarkable. In the early nineties, Sinn Fein was almost a pariah party in the South. Its members were visited regularly by the Special Branch, their voices were banned from RTE and its activists were vilified by the wider media.
Ailbhe Smyth: Interview: The Struggle for LGBT rights in Ireland
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 11, dec 14 – side 28
Note: On the question of LGBT rights IMR interviews Ailbhe Smyth who has long been at the heart of this struggle and who offers us her reflections on how it has developed in Ireland.
Paul O’Brien: John Redmond: A Footnote in History
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 11, dec 14 – side 53
Note: Dermot Meleady in his biography of John Redmond concludes that ‘rarely is the life’s work of a public person so comprehensively erased by history.’ Redmond is the forgotten man of Irish history, a footnote to the events that led to Independence in 1922. And this may have remained the case except for the small matter of the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the 1916 Rising. Given the rise in support for Sinn Fein, how does a rightwing conservative government celebrate the violent revolutionary upheavals that led to the founding of the state, without handing a propaganda coup to Sinn Fein?
Dave O’Farrell: Privatisation: theory and practice
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 10, jun 14 – side 52
Note: Privatisation has been one of the most obvious and controversial aspects of the global trend to neoliberal economics over the past forty years. Across the globe, neoliberal governments and regimes have pursued privatisation policies ranging from the wholesale sell-off of nationalised industries and public services to more ‘subtle’ policies of marketisation or ‘outsourcing’, where state controlled entities and service provision are ‘opened to competition’.
Michael Taft: Review: Kieran Allen with Brian O'Boyle, Austerity Ireland: the Failure of Irish Capitalism
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 8, dec 13 – side 72
Note: As one would expect, Kieran Allen and Brian OBoyle provide an unrelenting analysis of the austerity programme in Ireland, setting themselves the task of describing causes and forces, promoting a new programme and identifying the political agents to promote that programme.
Liam Cummins: Review: Paul O'Brien, The 1913 Lockout & John Newsinger, Jim Larkin & the Great Dublin Lockout of 1913
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 7, sep 13 – side 76
Note: The 1913 Dublin Lockout is the most signi cant industrial struggle in Irish labour history. The defeat of the workers, after almost eight months of heroism, was a de ning event, with continuing effect to the present.
Kieran Allen: Whatever Happened to the United Left Alliance?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 6, jun 13 – side 17
Note: The United Left Alliance is in a comatose state from which recovery, at the moment, appears unlikely. Its steering committee has not met since December and some of its participants have left. At a time when thousands of people are looking for an alternative to the political establishment, the radical left has proved unable to forge a viable, broad organisation that could win their allegiance.
Seán Moraghan: The Revolts of the Rural Working Class before The Famine
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 6, jun 13 – side 63
Note: Irish labour history extends backwards in time well beyond the totemic events and figures of 1913. The Irish working class, historically, was firstly a rural rather than an urban group, and it had a history of militancy that lasted for almost a hundred years before the Famine (1845-49).
Paul O’Brien: 1913 The Great Lockout: A Survey
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 5, mar 13 – side 5
Note: The 1913 lockout was a pivotal moment in Irish history. This essay will present a survey of the literature published to date on the lockout. These publications together provide us with an important archive documenting and analysing the social and political context of 1913, while at the same time examining the key strategic positions and events leading up to and surrounding the lockout. They also provide us with a valuable insight into the political men that were Jim Larkin and James Connolly.
Conor Kostick: James Connolly in The Bureau of Military History
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 5, mar 13 – side 15
Note: The Bureau of Military History was established by the Irish government in 1947 with the remit of interviewing activists from the period 1913 to 1921. The Bureau approached people through the original IRA brigade structures, from there word of mouth led them to members at all levels of the Volunteer movement. The result is an archive collection with over 1,700 contributions, including witness statements from rank and file members whose testimony is otherwise lost to history. First released in 2003, in 2012 this archive was put online at
Connor Kelly: Irish Poetry – The Changing of the Guard
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 5, mar 13 – side 72
Note: The cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap
Of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge
Through living roots awaken in my head.
But I’ve no spade to follow men like them.
I had to learn this poem at school. These lines are from Digging by Seamus Heaney.
Sinead Kennedy: Ireland: 30,000 women used as slave labour for their ‘sins’
Socialist Worker nr. 2340, feb 13 – side 15
Note: Sinead Kennedy looks at the background to a new report into the horrific treatment of women in Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries.
Tina MacVeigh: Can a Meritocratic Education System Deliver Equality?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 4, dec 12 – side 27
Note: In Ireland, it is more difficult for the child of an unskilled manual labourer to reach university than it is in other European countries despite the existence of free primary school education which is, in theory, available to all.
Sara O’Rourke: Racism in Ireland: From Boom to Bust
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 4, dec 12 – side 53
Note: We are, undoubtedly, living in turbulent times. The battles being fought are not just hand and fist, gun and mortar but are also being fought in the realm of possibility as new orders and ideas take shape in and out of the battles on the streets. There is a new enthusiasm for ideas to explain the crisis we have found ourselves in and more importantly there is an appetite for ideas that offer an alternative, a way out. These ideological shifts are happening side by side with and emerging from struggle.
Pat O’Sullivan: William Thompson: The First Irish Socialist
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 4, dec 12 – side 74
Note: This article is a celebration of the extra ordinary life and ideas of the Cork man William Thompson.
Paul O’Brien: Sean O’Casey: A Politician who couldn’t help being a Writer
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 3, sep 12 – side 73
Note: Sean O’Casey was born in Dublin in 1880 in an area that had seen better days. He was a man of immense contradictions, who refused to conform to the image created for him by the literary and political elites. In later life, he experienced rejection, exile, censorship, and a determination not to surrender any part of his literary soul to the small-minded bigots who patrolled the corridors of Irish life. We get a sense of a writer who rose above the naysayers and discredited critics who tried to pull him down and who managed to create a literature of lasting value.
Peadar O’Grady: Review: Elaine Byrne, Political Corruption in Ireland 1922-2010: A Crooked Harp?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 3, sep 12 – side 84
Note: Review: Elaine Byrne , Political Corruption in Ireland 1922-2010: A Crooked Harp?, Manchester University Press, 2012.
This book’s release coincided with the publication of the final report of the Mahon tribunal which ran for 15 years.
Peadar O’Grady: Economic Crisis: Austerity and Privatisation in Healthcare in Ireland
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 2, jun 12 – side 13
Note: Although the financial sector of an economy may be principally responsible for risk-taking related to the present economic crisis, the true costs of this risk-taking behaviour are to society as a Whole.
Alt. url: PDF
Marnie Holborow: Austerity, Capitalism and the Restructuring of Irish Higher Education
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 2, jun 12 – side 24
Note: There is a deep contradiction at the heart of the way governments are dealing with the crisis. By converting bank debt into sovereign debt, they are injecting huge amounts of state money into a system that they stridently claim runs best as a freewheeling market.
Alt. url: PDF
Donal Mac Fhearraigh: James Connolly and the Irish Labour Party
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 2, jun 12 – side 37
Note: 100 years of celebration?
2012 marks the centenary of the founding of the Irish Labour Party. Like most political parties in Ireland, Labour likes to trade on its radical heritage by drawing a link to Connolly.
Alt. url: PDF
John Molyneux: The Politics of the Socialist Party
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 2, jun 12 – side 92
Note: Why are there two main organisations on the Irish radical left – the Socialist Workers Party and the Socialist Party? This is a question that many ask today.
Both organisations work together in the United Left Alliance which currently has ve TDs in Dail Eireann. But while working together in a common front against the right wing parties, neither the SWP or SP hide the differences that exist between them.
Sean McVeigh: Sinn Fein in Government
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 1, mar 12 – side 34
Note: On 30 November 2011 when tens of thousands of workers went on strike in the North over attacks on pensions and austerity cutbacks in the public sector, the Sinn Fein deputy first minister Martin McGuinness said he supported the strike.
Alt. url: PDF
Simon Basketter: Bosses' party implodes as left makes gains in Irish election
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 – side 16
Note: Voters in Ireland have given the main Irish bosses’ party a drubbing in the country’s general election. The radical left made a significant breakthrough with the United Left Alliance (ULA) winning five TDs (MPs). The biggest shift was the collapse in support for the ruling Fianna Fáil party.
Simon Basketter: Valg i Irland: Sammenbrud for arbejdsgivernes parti, mens venstrefløjen går frem
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Vælgerne har givet det største irske arbejdsgiverparti en afklapsning ved landets parlamentsvalg. Og den radikale venstrefløj har fået et gennembrud ved at få valgt fem parlamentsmedlemmer.
Alt. url: Oversat fra Socialist Worker (UK) 2240
Simon Basketter: New election in Ireland as crisis deepens
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 2
Note: Official politics in Ireland descended into chaos in the last week. The ruling Fianna Fail/Green Party coalition has collapsed and prime minister Brian Cowen is no longer leader of his own party.
Sadie Robinson + Sarah Ensor + Simon Basketter + Panos Garganas: Europe – the gathering economic storm
Socialist Worker nr. 2183, jan 10 – side 8
Note: We look at snapshots of Ireland, Greece, Iceland and Spain – as governments rush to slash welfare spending, attack workers’ rights and increase taxes for ordinary people.
Simon Basketter: Ireland: Workers’ anger at brutal cuts held back
Socialist Worker nr. 2182, dec 09 – side 4
Note: The economic crisis in Ireland has resulted in a series of vicious attacks on workers.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: - et nederlag for venstrefløjen: Det irske „Ja“
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 3
Note: Da irerne stemte om Lissabon-traktaten tilbage i 2008, gav de EU-eliten en mavepuster og stemte Nej. Men da de skulle stemme om traktaten igen den 3. oktober i år, var det storindustrien og den politiske elite, der løb af med sejren. Resultatet blev et stort ja, og et nederlag til venstrefløjen.
Kieran Allen: Ireland: the sick tiger
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 21
Note: Ireland, once hailed as the success story of neoliberalism, is undergoing a traumatic economic crash. In its wake a political earthquake is brewing that could shape its politics for decades to come.
United fight for education in Ireland
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 4
Note: Over 120,000 parents, teachers, and school and university students have joined protests against the Irish government’s cuts to education.
Editorial: Lisbon treaty: Irish can say no to neoliberal Europe again
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 12
Note: Next October the Irish people will be asked to vote once again on the European Union’s (EU) Lisbon Treaty. This is despite the referendum held in June this year, when 1.6 million people turned out and rejected the treaty by a margin of over 110,000 votes.
International protests
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 5
Note: Ireland, Greece
Chris Bambery + Paul Michael Garrett + Donal Mac Fhearraigh + Leandros Bolaris: A storm of protest is sweeping Europe
Socialist Worker nr. 2125, nov 08 – side 3
Note: Socialist Worker reports on how anger at the economic turmoil has filled the streets.
Suddenly Europe is aflame. There are mass demonstrations of workers on the streets, students in revolt in the colleges and schools, and pensioners are joining a movement to defend the welfare state they created.
In Italy, Greece and Ireland signs that working people are refusing to pay for the economic crisis and are fighting back are starting to show.
Sinead Kennedy: Irland: Nej til et nyliberalistisk Europa
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 280, jul 08 – side 3
Note: Ved at stemme nej til Lissabon-traktaten har irske vælgere slået et afgørende slag imod forsøgene på at skabe en korporativ, militariseret EU-superstat. Traktaten er i sin essens, magen til den EU-forfatning som blev forkastet ved folkeafstemningerne i Frankrig og Holland i 2005.
Richard Boyd Barrett: Letter from ...: Ireland
Socialist Review nr. 327, jul 08 – side 9
Note: Ireland's rejection of the Lisbon Reform Treaty went against the wishes and deceptions of the ruling elite, writes Richard Boyd Barrett.
Sinead Kennedy: Irish voters reject plans for a neoliberal Europe
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 2
Note: Irish voters have dealt a decisive blow to attempts to create a corporate, militarised European Union (EU) superstate by voting to reject the Lisbon treaty.
Workers reject neoliberal EU treaty in Irish referendum (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 
Note: The neoliberal European Lisbon Treaty has been thrown out by the Irish voters as counting continues. With 29 of 43 constituencies declared, the campaign for a no vote is leading by 53.5 percent to 46.5 percent. All but six constituencies have rejected the treaty.
Sinead Kennedy: Ireland and the EU's dodgy 'constitution' treaty
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 12
Note: Irish voters will cause consternation among Europe’s elite if they reject the undemocratic and neoliberal Lisbon treaty.
Grace Lally: Ireland’s fight: Irish independence didn’t bring radical change
Socialist Worker nr. 2007, jul 06 – side 6
Note: In the final column in our series Grace Lally looks at the divisions in the Irish movement.
Kieran Allen: Militant Dubliners
International Socialism Journal nr. 106, mar 05 – side 161
Note: A review of John Newsinger: "Rebel City" (Merlin Press, 2004), £14.95
Kieran Allen: Is southern Ireland a neo-colony? (1990)
Richard Boyd Barrett: Nice treaty: When Irish no's are smiling
Socialist Review nr. 254, jul 01 – side 5
Goretti Horgan: Changing women's lives in Ireland
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 53
Note: Irish women's lives have transformed in recent years. Goretti Horgan shows how the needs of Irish capital have coincided with shifts in patterns of emigration, marriage and childbirth, but also how collective struggle has started to break down the church's hold over women's lives. Can the new protest movement point the way forward for women's liberation?
Shaun Doherty: Will the real James Connolly please stand up? (James Connolly: "The Lost Writings, introduced and edited by Aindrias Ó'Cathasaigh" + "Selected Writings, introduced and edited by Peter Berresford")
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 127
Note: Shaun Doherty takes issue with a new introduction to the writings of the great Irish revolutionary James Connolly
Pat Riordan: Bookwatch: Ireland
International Socialism Journal nr. 66, mar 95 – side 139
Note: Irish politics are obviously at a turning point. Pat Riordan's Bookwatch provides a guide.
Kieran Allen: What is changing in Ireland?
International Socialism Journal nr. 64, sep 94 – side 65
Note: Irish society is at a fateful juncture, both North and South of the border. Kieran Allen looks at the break up of traditional institutions and the rise of the class struggle in the South and at the impasse which faces the British, the Unionists and the Republicans in the North. He claims that socialists are better placed than at any time in the last 25 years.
Kieran Allen: Rewriting Connolly (Austin Morgan: "James Connolly: A Political Biography")
Socialist Review nr. 112, sep 88 – side 26
Irland: Arbejdersolidaritet mod apartheid
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 13, okt 85 – side 3
Note: Den moralske fordømmelse af apartheidregimet i Sydafrika er massiv. Men der er få eksempler på kontante solidaritetsaktioner til støtte for den kamp, den sydafrikanske arbejderklasse fører. 11 arbejdere på stormagasinet Dunnes i Irland er en undtagelse.
John Newsinger: Jim Larkin, syndicalism and the 1913 Dublin lockout
International Socialism Journal nr. 25, sep 84 – side 3
Note: The Dublin Lockout of 1913 is without any doubt the most important industrial struggle in Irish history. It was fought to determine who should be the dominant force in Home Rule Ireland: the trade unions led by Jim Larkin or the employers.
Kieran Allen: Ireland: Southern workers and the national question
International Socialism Journal nr. 20, jun 83 – side 120
Notes of the Month: Gaining the Upper Hand in Ireland
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 101, sep 77 – side 6
Note: Contributed by members of the Socialist Workers’ Movement in Ireland.
IN THE twelve months since the emergence of the ‘Peace Movement’ in the Six Counties, British Imperialism has strengthen its grip on Ireland.
Chris Gray + John Palmer: Ireland and the British Left
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 36, apr 69 – side 22
Note: For some years now the defenders of British Imperialism have asserted that the ‘Irish question’ – the problem of Ireland’s relationship with Britain – was essentially solved by the 1921 Treaty, which divided Ireland into two halves and created, on the One hand, an ostensibly independent ‘Free State’ comprising twenty six counties, and, on the other, ‘Northern Ireland’ comprising the remaining six counties, an integral part of the United Kingdom possessing its own local autonomy.

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