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Tema: Tjekkoslovakiet

Peter Iversen + Jørgen Lund: 1968: Foråret i Prag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 94, aug 93 – side 13
Note: Begivenhederne i Tjekkoslovakiet i 1968 satte for mange spørgsmålstegn ved det frie i den frie verden og det socialistiske i de “socialistiske” lande.
Chris Harman: Survey: Czechoslovakia
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 9
Note: The Czech events have now revealed all the features of the classical crisis of bureaucratic state capitalism, as revealed in the events of Poland and Hungary in 1956.
Editorial 1: Russia’s Vietnam
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 2
Note: The Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia dramatically illustrates the contradictory nature of the thaw in the Cold War of the ’fifties.

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