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Tema: Libanon

Simon Assaf: Hezbollah’s sectarian turn
Socialist Review nr. 382, jul 13 – side 6
Note: Simon Assaf examines the trajectory of Hebollah since 2006 that has led to their support of Assad in Syria.
Simon Assaf: Imperialism lies behind collapse of Lebanese government
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 4
Note: Political and sectarian tensions in Lebanon are at the fore once more. On Tuesday, the Hizbollah-backed candidate for prime minister, Najib Mikati, was appointed. Anti-Hizbollah demonstrations broke out in the north of the country as the appointement was announced.
Bassem Chit: Letter from ...: Lebanon
Socialist Review nr. 337, jun 09 – side 9
Note: What are the forces in this month's election and what are the prospects for the left?
Bassem Chit: Targeting the Arab rulers over inaction on Israel
Socialist Worker nr. 2133, jan 09 – side 2
Note: Demonstrations and sit-ins have been organised daily in Beirut and other cities in Lebanon since the beginning of Israel’s aggression against Gaza.
Bassem Chit: Brev fra Libanon
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 280, jul 08 – side 6
Note: De begivenheder der for nylig har fundet sted i Libanon har vist de svagheder den USA-støttede regering har, men også hvilke styrker og svagheder den Hizbollah-ledede opposition besidder, argumenterer Bassem Chit.
Bassem Chit: Letter from...: Lebanon
Socialist Review nr. 326, jun 08 – side 9
Note: Recent events exposed the weakness of the US-backed government and both the strength and limitations of the Hezbollah-led opposition, argues Bassem Chit.
Simon Assaf: Lebanon: Deal is a blow to US power
Socialist Worker nr. 2103, maj 08 – side 16
Note: The lebanese peace deal, negotiated in Doha, Qatar, last week, has cleared the way for Michel Suleiman, the head of the army, to become president of Lebanon. Suleiman used his troops to help disarm government supporters in several days of fighting that began on 7 May.
Simon Assaf: Lebanon: Regime looks to US intervention
Socialist Worker nr. 2102, maj 08 – side 3
Note: The US-backed government in Lebanon is attempting to wriggle out of a deal that ended days of heavy fighting in the country last week.
Simon Assaf: Lebanon: US allies in disarray as Hizbollah strikes
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 3
Note: Simon Assaf reports from Beirut on last week’s clashes between the pro-US Lebanese government and the resistance forces led by Hizbollah.
Jacqui Freeman: Reviews – Film: Caramel (Director: Nadine Labaki)
Socialist Review nr. 325, maj 08 – side 33
Note: Set in Beirut, Caramel explores the contrast between the supposedly "open, free and emancipated" nature of present-day Lebanon and the reality of life for five working class women.
Simon Assaf: Film: Philippe Aractingi: Under The Bombs: Blending fact and fiction to bear witness to war
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 11
Note: Philippe Aractingi’s latest film was made during and about the aftermath of Israel’s 2006 attack on Lebanon. He spoke to Simon Assaf.
Somalia, Lebanon, Iran: US ratchets up its global war
Socialist Worker nr. 2091, mar 08 – side 3
Note: The US is increasing its aggression against a number of countries as the “war on terror” spills over into new conflicts and tensions are heightened.
Simon Assaf: Film Review: Under the Bombs (Director: Philippe Aractingi)
Socialist Review nr. 323, mar 08 – side 32
Note: With her marriage breaking down, Zelna (Nada Abou Farhat) sends her son to stay with her sister in south Lebanon. It is the summer of 2006, and Israel has just unleashed a ferocious 33-day assault on the country. Her son is lost somewhere in the chaos and rubble.
Lebanon: Popular revolt brings unity to the streets of Beirut
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 9
Note: The US-backed government in Lebanon is attempting to crush a popular revolt over electricity shortages and rampant inflation.
Patrick Ward: Uniting struggles (expanded online)
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 4
Note: The World Against War conference in London last month united activists from around the world. Ibraham Mousawi, editor of Hezbollah's Alintiqad weekly newspaper, spoke to Patrick Ward about media myths and uniting against imperialism.
Did the Lebanese army deliberately destroy homes of Palestinians?
Socialist Worker nr. 2075, nov 07 – side 4
Note: Evidence is emerging that the Lebanese army deliberately destroyed the homes of Palestinians in the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon during a siege this summer.
Simon Assaf: US wants bases in Lebanon
Socialist Worker nr. 2074, okt 07 – side 4
Note: The US wants to set up a string of military bases in Lebanon as part of its plans to develop a wider military strategy in the Middle East.
Simon Assaf: Report blows apart Israel’s Lebanon lies
Socialist Worker nr. 2068, sep 07 – side 4
Note: A new report by Human Rights Watch has exposed the truth behind Israel’s brutal attack on the Lebanese people last year.
Eamonn McCann: Eamonn McCann in Lebanon: 'There’s no profit in peace for Raytheon'
Socialist Worker nr. 2067, sep 07 – side 8
Note: When an Israeli warplane killed 28 civilians sheltering in Qana, south Lebanon, activists in Derry occupied the offices of the arms maker Raytheon. A year later Eamonn McCann reports from the village on a moving tribute.
Eyewitness from Lebanon: Palestinian demonstrators shot dead in cold blood by Lebanese troops (extended online)
Socialist Worker nr. 2058, jul 07 – side 16
Note: Lebanese soldiers opened fire on a demonstration of Palestinian refugees in the Beddawi camp near Tripoli in northern Lebanon on Friday of last week, killing at least two people and wounding dozens more.
Ghassan Makarem: Book Review: Fawwaz Traboulsi: A History of Modern Lebanon
Socialist Review nr. 315, jun 07 – side 26
Note: As Lebanese historian Fawwaz Traboulsi writes in the introduction to his book, traditional accounts of Lebanon reduce the identity of the Lebanese to one unique form – their sectarian affiliation. Mainstream resources treat the struggles in the country as a series of tribal conflicts or as an earthly paradise for the extremely wealthy interrupted by "external intervention" and "fanatics".
Kampen om Libanon: Interview med libanesisk socialist: Hizbollahs sejr åbner nye muligheder for socialister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 6
Note: Jeres udsendte mødte Simon Assaf i Beirut, to dage før mordet på Gemayel, til en snak om Libanon efter Israels nederlag, Hizbollah og perspektiver for fremtiden.
Jørn Andersen: Kampen om Libanon: På vej mod borgerkrig?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 7
Note: Skal man tro medierne er Libanon på randen af borgerkrig efter mordet på den højreorienterede minister Pierre Gemayel 21. november.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Kampen om Libanon: Interview med Ibrahim Mousawi: Vi kæmper ikke fordi vi kan lide krig, vi kæmper for at stoppe krigen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 7
Note: Ibrahim Mousawi er chefredaktør for Hizbollahs ugevis, "Alinitiqad". Jeres udsendte mødte ham til en snak om modstanden i Libanon og anti-krigs-bevægelsen i Europa.
Simon Assaf: Libanon – frihed fra neden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 259, sep 06 – side 4
Note: Simon Assaf fra Socialist Worker rapporterer fra det sydlige Libanon om, hvordan den invaderende israelske hær blev slået af modstand – og af den folkelige bevægelse, der opstod i hele landet
Chris Harman: Hizbollah and the war Israel lost
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 8
Note: Israel suffered an unexpected defeat in its 33-day Lebanon war. So did its major backers, George Bush and Tony Blair. Hizbollah is riding high, the toast of nationalist opinion right across of the Arab world. But what is the character of the Hizbollah's mix of religion and politics? What attitude should we have to its confrontations with Israel? And what will the US and Israel do now? Chris Harman tries to provide some answers.
The drive for real democracy in the Middle East
Socialist Worker nr. 1962, aug 05 – side 8
Note: Leading economist Samir Amin joined activists to discuss the struggle for democracy in the Middle East at Marxism 2005. We reprint edited highlights of the meeting.
Bassem Chit: Efter attentatet på Rafiq al-Hariri: Farlig stemning i Libanon
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 239, mar 05 – side 4
Note: Bassem Chit fra International Socialist Group i Libanon måler her stemningen efter attentatmordet på Rafiq al-Hariri.
Bo Larsen: Israels tilbagetrækning i Libanon: Spillet om kontrol i Mellemøsten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 183, jun 00 – side 4
Note: Der var glæde i Libanon, da Israel for nyligt besluttede at trække sig tilbage fra de områder i Syd-Libanon, som de har holdt besat i snart 22 år.
Mellemøsten: Bomber over Libanon fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 181, mar 00 – side 4
Note: Med store overskrifter er forhandlingerne mellem palæstinenserne og israelerne genoptaget. Men Arafat har ikke fået mere end han blev tilbudt for flere måneder siden.
Peter Wedel: Libanon: Gidsler for stormagterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 28, apr 87 – side 12
Note: Endnu en bombe er sprunget i Libanon. Hver dag bringer medierne nye beretninger om bombesprængninger og gidseltagninger. Men hvem fortæller os at det libanesiske folk i 70 år har været holdt som gidsler i stormagternes spil?
Bodil Nielsen: Historien bag 10 års borgerkrig: Er der en ende på blodbadet i Libanon?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 12, sep 85 – side 2
Note: Libanon har i det sidste halve års tid været yndet nyhedsstof i den danske presse. Borgerkrig, terrorbombninger og massakrer på flygtningelejre er den virkelighed, libaneserne lever i.
Maggie Østergaard: Libanon: Alternativet til blodbad
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 10, jun 85 – side 8
Note: Borgerkrigen i Libanon mellem de kristne falangister og forskellige muslimske grupper er blusset op igen. Den shia-muslimske Amal-milits har sammen med dele af den libanesiske hær været på erobringstogt i de palæstinensiske flygtningelejre i Beirutområdet. Det har skabt et nyt blodigt kapitel i Libanons historie.

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