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Tema: Haiti

Christian Høgsbjerg: Book review: A spectacular corner of history: writing the Haitian Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 – side 195
Note: A review of Philip Kaisary, The Haitian Revolution in the Literary Imagination: Radical Horizons, Conservative Constraints (University of Virginia Press, 2014), £25.50
Ryan Ffrench + Emmanuel Broadus: The betrayal of Haiti
Socialist Review nr. 354, jan 11 – side 22
Note: One year on from the devastating earthquake that killed an estimated 300,000 people, ordinary Haitians are still suffering homelessness, cholera and an occupying army. Emmanuel Broadus reports on the situation from Haiti, with photos by Ryan Ffrench.
FN, kolera og ingen hjælp til Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 304, dec 10 – side 11
Note: I begyndelsen af november kom det frem, at nepalesiske FN-soldater var kilden til den koleraepidemi, der har smittet 20.000, hvoraf 1.200 indtil videre er døde. Afsløringerne har ført til store protester mod FN’s tilstedeværelse i Haiti.
Christian Hogsbjerg: CLR James and the Black Jacobins
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 95
Note: Aimé Césaire, the late, great Martinican poet and activist, once noted that it was in Haiti that the “colonial problem” was first posed in all its complexity.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Haiti: Hvorfor krævede jordskælvet 200.000 dræbte?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 295, feb 10 – side 3
Note: Jordskælvet på Haiti vil antagelig kræve over 200.000 dødsofre og har gjort 2 mio. hjemløse – for ca. 20 år siden krævede et lignende jordskælv kun 67 liv i San Francisco.
Charlie Kimber: Hell in Haiti as aid turns to occupation
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 8
Note: For all the talk of aid, ordinary people in Haiti are still waiting for basic supplies – and many have had nothing. Geographer Kenneth Hewitt coined the term “classquake” when examining the 1976 earthquake in Guatemala, because of the accuracy with which it hit the poor.
Jess Hurd: Photographer Jess Hurd reports from Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 8
Note: This is like Katrina all over again.
I travelled to Port-au-Prince with a group of Haitians living in the US and the Dominican Republic. Their common aim was to ensure that medical supplies were delivered to those who needed them. They also wanted to see if their relatives were safe.
Mark Thomas: How could Haiti win its freedom?
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 10
Note: The people of Haiti have a powerful record of resistance. They have fought back even in the most appalling conditions – from the great slave rebellion in the 1790s, to the movement that destroyed the brutal regime of “Baby Doc” Duvailer in the 1980s.
Book review: Three novels of Haiti by Madison Smartt Bell
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 13
Note: The great Haitian revolution of 1791-1803 is one of the most inspiring events in world history. And it is central to understanding what has happened to Haiti since.
Money for Haiti – not war and bankers
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 1
Note: Cancel all debt – US troops are no solution.
Over 100,000 Haitians are dead after a devastating earthquake hit the country last week.
-- Much more on Haiti in this issue.
Viv Smith: Haiti: The real looters are sitting in Washington
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: Four days after the disaster in Haiti, the media shifted its attention from images of suffering to those of looting.
IMF forces Haiti into debt slavery
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: Two days after the earthquake struck, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) helped to plunge Haiti even deeper into debt slavery.
Haiti: Aid delayed by US interference
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: A week into the disaster aid had failed to reach most Haitians as the US pushed aside other agencies, including the Haitian government, to take control of Port-au-Prince.
How US imperialism has devastated Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 7
Note: Peter Hallward, one of the foremost experts on Haiti’s history, spoke to Socialist Worker
Sadie Robinson: Haiti: Overthrowing slavery and resisting the IMF
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 8
Note: Sadie Robinson looks at the history of Haiti’s struggle against empire.
Haiti timeline
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 8
Note: 1492 – The islands are “discovered” by explorer Christopher Columbus and claimed for Spain as a colony
Haiti: ‘There is no such thing as free hospitals – or flushing toilets’
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 9
Note: Leah Gordon visited Haiti last month, before the earthquake. She spoke to Socialist Worker about life there.
Ken Olende: Devastating storm hits poor in Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 6
Note: The Caribbean islands have been struck by three tropical storms – Gustav, Hanna and Ike – in the last three weeks. According to the United Nations (UN) some 600 people have died in Haiti – which is occupied by UN troops – and 650,000 have been made homeless.
Yet the neighbouring island of Cuba rarely suffers deaths during tropical storms.
Sadie Robinson: Crisis in Haiti as World Bank issues food price warning
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 3
Note: The global crisis over rising food prices continues to grow. Robert Zoellick, head of the World Bank, warned last Sunday that the price rises have put 100 million lives under threat.
Mark Warren: Coca-Cola fyrer fagforeningsmedlemmer på Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 257, jun 06 – side 15
Note: Det store amerikanske læskedrikfirma Coca-Cola, der i 2005 havde en omsætning på 21 mia. dollars på verdensplan, har en fabrik i Couronne på Haiti med landets værste arbejdsmiljø.
Peter Iversen: Haiti – den evige konflikt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 5
Note: Atter en gang har USA, som så mange gange før i historien, besat Haiti. Præsidenten blev sat i et fly, og sendtes til Afrika.
Jan Hoby: Washingtons klamme hånd bag Haiti’s oprør
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 225, feb 04 – side 5
Note: Gennem de sidste 200 år kan Haiti se tilbage på 13 kup og 19 års amerikansk besættelse, racisme, vold og politiske undertrykkelse.
IS mener: USA ud af Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 3
Note: Med invasionen på Haiti har USA endnu engang demonstreret viljen til med alle midler at forsvare amerikanske investeringer og egne stormagtsinteresser.
Søren Jacobsen: Haiti efter USA’s invasion: Invasion skal beskytte profit
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 7
Note: USA-invasionen i Haiti betyder ikke demokrati og bedre leveforhold. Invasionen skal beskytte amerikansk big business.
Tom Christiansen: Haiti: Clinton lyver om demokrati
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 106, aug 94 – side 6
Note: USA har fået FNs velsignelse til at invadere Haiti, hvis ikke diktaturets generaler Cedras og Biambi trækker sig tilbage.
Pia Larsen: Haiti: Verden er en diktator mindre
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 17, feb 86 – side 3
Note: Vestens fattigste land slap fornyligt af med den enevældige diktator Jean-Claude Duvalier, også kaldet Baby Doc.

Der blev fundet 26 artikler


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