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Tema: Sydamerika

Dave Sewell: Brasilien: Krisen i Arbejderpartiet viser begrænsningerne i venstrefløjens strategi
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Højrefløjens forsøg på at vælte venstre-regeringer i Sydamerika har rejst vigtige politiske spørgsmål.
Mike Gonzalez: Latin America: the tide is turning
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 73
Note: As 2012 nears its end a pattern is emerging in the political and economic picture of Latin America. It is surprising and contradictory, a dramatic example of the gulf that can open up between rhetoric and reality. After a decade of struggles characterised by their determination, their militancy but also their creativity, this is probably not where we expected to be.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Latinamerika: Modstand mod kapitalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 12
Note: I det seneste årti har Latinamerika været et centrum for modstand mod kapitalisme, neoliberalisme og USA’s imperialisme. Internationalt har især Venezuela og Bolivia fanget både magthavernes og antikapitalisters opmærksomhed.
Fiona McPhail: Latin America: wounds that haven’t healed
Socialist Worker nr. 2159, jul 09 – side 12
Note: The radical Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez presented Barack Obama with the book Open Veins of Latin America, one of the continent’s most important political works, during the Summit of the Americas in April. The book shot up the bestseller list after the event.
Mike Gonzalez: Latin America and the struggles to come
Socialist Review nr. 332, jan 09 – side 10
Note: For a decade global capitalism has suffered setbacks and defeats in the continent where it had been at its most aggressive. Mike Gonzalez argues it is the new forces that have led the resistance which are central to continuing the struggle for a new society.
Latin America: the return of Popular Power
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 8
Note: An old slogan has been reborn in Latin America—that of ‘Poder Popular’, ‘Popular Power’. It has been raised because people in this region see it as more appropriate to deep-seated processes of social change than parliamentarianism.
Joseph Choonara: The state of revolutions
International Socialism Journal nr. 113, jan 07 – side 194
Note: A review of D L Raby, Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today (Pluto, 2006), £15, Tariq Ali, Pirates of the Caribbean—Axis of Hope (Verso, 2006), £14.99 and Michael Lebowitz, Build it Now: Socialism for the 21st Century (Monthly Review Press, 2006), £10.95
These three books take seriously the challenge, laid down by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez at the 2005 World Social Forum, to reinvent socialism for the 21st century. Each of the books attempts to do this with reference to recent struggles in Latin America, in particular the unfolding ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ in Venezuela.
Andy Brown: The real Simon Bolivar
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 183
Note: Simon Bolivar's name is now used to describe the revolutionary process in Venezuela. Andy Brown looks at an important new biography, explaining who Bolivar was and what he really stood for.
(A review of John Lynch: "Simon Bolivar: A Life" (Yale University Press, 2006))
James Dunkerley: Book Review: The Enduring Spell of Bolivar
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 22
Note: James Dunkerley is impressed by a new biography of the Latin American freedom fighter.
Simon Bolivar by John Lynch is published by Yale University Press, £25
Claudio Katz: Latin America’s new ‘left’ governments
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 145
Note: Latin America is increasingly at the sharp end of resistance to the global system. Supposedly left governments rule in Argentina, Brazil, and Uuguay. An uprising has just overthrown the Ecuadorian president Gutierrez. And there have been predictions of civil war in Bolivia. Argentinian Marxist Claudio Katz looks at the recent developments.
Oddbjørn Ø. Jensen + Frank Antonsen: Krise og oprør i USA’s baggård
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 208, nov 02 – side 8
Note: Landene i Latinamerika har siden 1980erne været ofre for Verdensbankens og IMF’s programmer. Resultatet har været øget fattigdom i det, der ellers burde være et rigt kontinent, som endelig var sluppet af med de amerikansk-støttede militærdiktaturer.
Peter Iversen: Latinamerika på randen af kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 206, sep 02 – side 2
Note: Den økonomiske krise rammer voldsomt Latinamerika. Der er fare for, at hele kontinentet står overfor en økonomisk nedsmeltning, sådan som det allerede er sket i Argentina.
Rikke Holm: Latinamerika: Stor utilfredshed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 175, sep 99 – side 4
Note: Den økonomiske krise, der har ramt Latinamerika har ført til stigende utilfredshed med magthavernes økonomiske politik. Arbejdere og studenter i en række lande går nu til kamp mod manglende demokrati og usle levevilkår.
Jørgen Lund: Kampen mod gældspolitikken
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 13, okt 85 – side 8
Note: Latinamerika skylder over halvdelen af al international gæld, nemlig cirka 400 milliarder dollars.
Peter Green: Debt, the banks and Latin America
International Socialism Journal nr. 21, sep 83 – side 3

Der blev fundet 15 artikler


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