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Tema: Slaveri

Hassan Mahamdallie: Book Interview: The Slave Ship: Marcus Rediker
Socialist Review nr. 320, dec 07 – side 24
Note: US historian Marcus Rediker talks to Hassan Mahamdallie about oppression and resistance.
Robin Blackburn interview: What really ended slavery?
International Socialism Journal nr. 115, jul 07 – side 13
Note: Robin Blackburn, author of The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery 1776-1848, spoke to International Socialism on the bicentenary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.
End of slave trade: The revolt against slavery
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 9
Note: Supplement featuring Adam Hochschild and Marika Sherwood, on the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire.
Yuri Prasad: The revolt against slavery: Bloody price of the slave trade
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 9
Note: In commemoration of the abolition of the British slave trade, Yuri Prasad introduces a Socialist Worker special on the rise of slavery and the rebellions that destroyed it
The revolt against slavery: Olaudah Equiano: fighter for freedom
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 9
Note: The former slave Olaudah Equiano was a key figure in the British campaign to end slavery.
Adam Hochschild: The revolt against slavery: Radicals and rebels behind the abolition of slavery
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 10
Note: The forces that abolished slavery rose up from below – and gave birth to today’s social justice movements, writes historian Adam Hochschild
The revolt against slavery: Map of the triangular slave trade
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 10
Note: Map of the Atlantic slave trade
Yuri Prasad: The revolt against slavery: The role of the slave revolts in ending slavery
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 10
Note: Africans resisted slavery at every point. There were rebellions on board the ships that carried them across the oceans, which often resulted in the cruelest retaliation. But it was on the plantations that the most serious challenges to the slave economy took place.
Ken Olende: The revolt against slavery: A crime they cannot deny
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 11
Note: Slavery in precolonial Africa doesn't justify Atlantic trade.
Right wingers are desperate to deflect the blame for the slave trade onto anyone but the white ruling class that profited from it. Ken Olende debunks some common myths.
Charlie Kimber: The revolt against slavery: Slavery and the brutal birth of the capitalist system
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 12
Note: The slave trade was vital to the new capitalist world.
The revolt against slavery: The beginning of racism
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 12
Note: Racism as we know it today developed during the Atlantic slave trade. In the 17th century it emerged in its roughest form in the mouths of the plantation owners who wanted to justify their treatment of the slaves.
The revolt against slavery: Frederick Douglass on William Wilberforce
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 13
Note: When Wilberforce came forward, public attention became directed to the matter.
Marika Sherwood: The revolt against slavery: British companies continued to profit after abolition of slave trade
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 13
Note: Within days of the 1807 anti-slavery act coming into force, British slave traders were already deploying a number of ruses to circumvent it.
The revolt against slavery: Books on the fight against the slave trade
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 13
John Newsinger: Hidden communities
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 207
Note: A review of Alvin O Thompson: "Flight To Freedom: African Runaways and Maroons in the Americas" (University of the West Indies Press, 2006), £27.95
Gary McFarlane: A respectable trade? Slavery and the rise of capitalism (Hugh Thomas: "The Slave Trade: the History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870")
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 103
Note: Gary McFarlane compares Robin Blackburn's and Hugh Thomas' recent accounts of slavery.
Frank Antonsen: Steven Spielberg: "Amistad": Oprørerne fra Amistad
Socialistisk Revy nr. 3, apr 98 – side 31
Note: Spielbergs seneste film Amistad beskriver et slaveoprør i 1839, der skulle vise sig at være et vendepunkt for kampen mod slaveriet i USA.
Charlie Lywood: Slaveri: Kapitalismens blodige kapitel
Socialistisk Revy nr. 2, mar 98 – side 8
Note: Slaveriet er en rædselsfuld og umenneskelig periode i historien. Charlie Lywod fortæller, hvordan udbyttet fra slavernes arbejde gav kapitalismen vind i sejlene, og hvordan slavernes egen modstandskamp var afgørende for, at de vandt friheden.

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