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Tema: Globalisering

Se også: Se også: Den globaliseringskritiske bevægelse; Imperialisme

Se også: Den globaliseringskritiske bevægelse; Imperialisme
Ben Selwyn: Book Review: Emerging workers’ movements
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 209
Note: A review of Immanuel Ness, Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class (Pluto Press, 2016), £15
Since the 1980s the institutionalisation of global neoliberalism has been pursued based on a range of ideological claims which have been advanced (or at least accepted) across the political spectrum. These claims include the arguments that the working class is increasingly a thing of the past, both structurally (as industry gives way to services and information) and politically (as traditional left parties embrace varieties of neoliberalism); that globalisation is reducing world poverty and that as a result the global middle class is expanding rapidly; and, seemingly logically, that radical politics are a thing of the past.
Adrian Budd: Characterising the period or caricaturing capitalism? A reply to Nigel Harris
International Socialism Journal nr. 138, apr 13 – side 181
Note: In a recent issue of International Socialism Nigel Harris provided a perspective on “characterising the period”.
Jane Hardy: New divisions of labour in the global economy
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 101
Note: It has become a rarely challenged commonsense assumption that, as part of the globalisation process, there is an inexorable haemorrhaging of jobs from the “Global North” to the “Global South”.
Nigel Harris: Characterising the period
International Socialism Journal nr. 135, jul 12 – side 137
Note: It used to be that identifying the central contradiction of a historical period was seen by Marxists as the linchpin of all subsidiary analyses and strategies. But the general decay of theoretical concerns has made this unfashionable.
Jakob Nerup: Udkantsdanmark
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 302, okt 10 
Note: Det begyndte med et sygehus i Holstebro. Regeringen ville lukke sygehuset, og det tog borgerne i Vestjylland ualmindeligt ilde op. Her to år efter har utilfredsheden spredt sig til hele det svært definerbare område, man kalder udkantsdanmark.
Bill Dunn: Myths of globalisation and the new economy
International Socialism Journal nr. 121, jan 09 – side 75
Note: Social scientists and journalists have bandied about terms such as “globalisation” and the “new economy” for some time. Behind much of this lies the argument that the working class is dead and with it Marxist hopes of working class self-emancipation.
Mark Thomas: State of dependence
Socialist Review nr. 330, nov 08 – side 10
Note: The era of globalisation meant that national states would have no role in modern capitalism. This was a myth accepted by many, left and right. Mark L Thomas argues this was never the case and looks at the impact of recent state interventions to rescue the free market.
Simon Basketter: Nationalisation: Governments are not as helpless as they claim
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 9
Note: New Labour chancellor Alistair Darling explained last week that he was unable and unwilling to bring in a windfall tax on the fuel companies. His explanation was that these companies made a lot of their money outside Britain – and therefore paid taxes in other countries.
Ben Selwyn: Review: Workers’ power under global capitalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 206
Note: Beverly J Silver, Forces of Labour: Workers' Movements and Globalisation since 1870 (Cambridge University, 2003), £16.99
Beverly Silver has written an important, accessible and I think excellent book that contributes significantly to our understanding of workers’ bargaining power under global capitalism.
Alex Callinicos: Swelling cities of the Global South
Socialist Worker nr. 2058, jul 07 – side 6
Note: Some time next year more people will live in cities than in the countryside. According to the State of the World Population report published last week by the United Nations (UN), humankind is experiencing a second great wave of global urbanisation.
Naomi Klein: Naomi Klein: Katastrofe-kapitalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 242, apr 05 – side 9
Note: Naomi Klein har skrevet en sønderlemmende kritik af den imperiale måde, genopbygningen foregår på, hvad enten det er i det besatte og smadrede Irak eller i landene efter den store tsunami-katastrofe i Sydøstasien.
Artiklen kan læses i sin fulde længde på
Giles Ji Ungpakorn: NGOs: enemies or allies?
International Socialism Journal nr. 104, sep 04 – side 49
Note: NGOs have played a very important part is many of the big mobilisations. Naomi Klein describes them as part of a swarm which can beat back corporate globalisation. But many third world activists view them with deep suspicion, even hostility. Again and again they claim that NGOs use their funds to co-opt and weaken grass roots struggles. Some go so far as to see all NGOs as tools of imperialism. Giles Ungpakorn from Thailand looks at theory and practice of the NGOs and suggests the approach the left should take to them.
François Chesnais: Globalisation against development
International Socialism Journal nr. 102, mar 04 – side 27
Note: François Chesnais is a member of the Scientific Council of Attac France. His paper 'Globalisation Against Development', was written as a contribution to the World Social Forum in Mumbai. He charts the devastating effects of neo-liberal policies on the Third World, and explores the role of the state in a globalised world. While not written within a Marxist framework, his piece is a call to arms for academics to reject the Washington consensus and begin to develop a radical critique of capitalist globalisation.
Jakob Nerup: Nye bøger: Hurra for globaliseringen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 215, jun 03 – side 8
Note: Mens Bush, Blair og Berlusconi på G8-mødet har aftalt, hvordan de fortsætter med at føre krige og udvide deres kontrol med verdens markeder, må de fleste af os følge med på afstand. Hvad skal vi gøre ved det og hvorfor er det endt sådan?
Lene Junker: Naomi Klein: “No Logo”: No Space – No Choice – No Jobs: No Logo
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 8
Note: NO LOGO af den canadiske journalist Naomi Klein er blevet en global bestseller. Den udkom på engelsk i foråret 2000. Nu har forlaget Klim så endelig udgivet den på dansk, hvilket gør den tilgængelig for mange flere. Den er på godt 500 sider og koster 275 kr. i boghandlen.
Goretti Horgan: How does globalisation affect women?
International Socialism Journal nr. 92, sep 01 – side 77
Note: In the discussion on the anti-capitalist movement Irish socialist Goretti Horgan examines the fate of women in the global economy.
Peter Morgan: A troublemaker's charter (George Monbiot: "Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain")
International Socialism Journal nr. 90, mar 01 – side 111
Note: On George Monbiot's bestseller: "Captive State".
Phil Marfleet: Globalisation and the Third World
International Socialism Journal nr. 81, dec 98 – side 91
Note: 'Third world development' is rapidly becoming a contradiction in terms, as Phil Marfleet's analysis of globalisation and the Third World demonstrates. He looks at the claims of the boosters of globalisation and compares them with the real development of the world economy, concluding that Marxism, far from being outmoded by the expansion of the world market, has had its usefulness vindicated.
Ole Andersen: Globalisering – fælde eller fremskridt?
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 24
Note: Globaliserings-spøgelset har været brugt til at skræmme alle, der har været imod, at markedskræfter frit skulle hærge. Ole Andersen påviser i denne artikel, at det meste omkring globalisering bygger på myter.
Peter Morgan: Capitalism without frontiers? (Nigel Harris: "The New Untouchables")
International Socialism Journal nr. 74, mar 97 – side 93
Note: Peter Morgan looks at Nigel Harris's new book on immigration and the global economy.
Global betydning
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 149, dec 96 – side 8
Note: Globaliseringen har ikke svækket arbejderklassens styrke, tværtimod.
Chris Harman: Globalisation: a critique of a new orthodoxy
International Socialism Journal nr. 73, dec 96 – side 3
Note: `Globalisation' has become the new orthodoxy of establishment economics ­ as much for the supporters of Tony Blair's New Labour as for free market conservatives. Chris Harman examines the claim that the world market is now such a powerful force that neither states nor organised labour can withstand its pressures. He debunks the assertions of globalisation theorists and gives a careful account of the inter-relationship between multinational capital, the state and the modern working class.
Alex Callinicos: Capitalism and the state system: A reply to Nigel Harris
International Socialism Journal nr. 54, mar 92 – side 133
Note: Reply to Nigel Harris' defence of his book "National Liberation", printed in our last issue
Nigel Harris: A comment on "National Liberation" (Nigel Harris: "National Liberation")
International Socialism Journal nr. 53, dec 91 – side 79
Note: Nigel Harris's new book National Liberation was reviewed by Alex Callinicos in International Socialism 51, the same issue to which Chris Harman contributed 'The state and capital'. Here Nigel responds to both articles, restating his analysis of the shape of the world system in the 1990s.
Chris Harman: The state and capitalism today
International Socialism Journal nr. 51, jun 91 – side 3
Note: The last decade is seen as a time when the state was rolled back and the ‘free market’ took over. In Britain and the US, Eastern Europe and the Third World, the ruling class talks of privatisation as the solution to the economic crisis. But as Chris Harman explains, the interdependence of capital with the nation state is most crucial today as it was in capitalism’s early days. He examines the relationship between capital and the state, from its early days through to the globalisation of capital and the spread of multinational corporations. He shows how these trends are underpinned by political structures and supported by military might, as the recent Gulf war vividly demonstrated.
Alex Callinicos: The end of nationalism?
International Socialism Journal nr. 51, jun 91 – side 57
Note: Nigel Harris’ recent book ‘National Liberation’ is reviewed by Alex Callinicos. He takes issue with Harris’ argument that the globalisation of capital has led to a greater disassociation of capital and the state. And he disputes the claim that such globalisation will undermine the factors which give rise to national liberation movements.
Peter Green: Nation-states and the world economy: a review of Nigel Harris' 'Of Bread and Guns'
International Socialism Journal nr. 19, mar 83 – side 85
Nigel Harris: Crisis and the core of the world system
International Socialism Journal nr. 10, sep 80 – side 24
Note: The world economy is a topic more frequently mentioned than clearly identified. Almost all writers on the subject, left and right, are preoccupied with a particular national interest or group of interests – the interests of the predominant political form of power, the State, or a group of States (“the Third World”).
Sabby Sagall: The crisis and the multinationalisation of capital
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 123
Note: Since the War, the export of capital has increasingly taken the form of the export of manufacturing capacity by enterprises located in one country to subsidiaries in others. By 1967, the exports of the ten leading Western countries just exceeded half the turnover of the overseas production sites of the multinational corporations (MNCs): 130 billion dollars compared to 240 billion dollars.

Der blev fundet 29 artikler


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