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Tema: Bolig

Sonja Andersen Lange: Studerende uden tag over hovedet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 340, aug 14 – side 2
Note: Ved studiestart i september vil det, atter en gang, ikke være alle nye studerende, der har et sted at bo.
Dave Renton: Housing: as it is, and as it might be
International Socialism Journal nr. 134, apr 12 – side 113
Note: This article explores the history of housing in Britain over the past 150 years, and the ways in which access to housing has been shaped by collective struggle. It traces the rise and the decline of council housing, and the present hegemony of a system in which it is assumed that the majority of people will buy, or attempt to buy, their own house, and in which private tenants in particular have fewer rights than their counterparts of just 30 years ago.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Flere boliger – nu
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 196, sep 01 – side 2
Note: Manglen på boliger til studerende har aldrig været så slem som nu. Omkring 15.000 mangler et sted at bo. I Århus står ca. 7000 på venteliste til et kollegieværelse eller en ungdomsbolig, og i København er tallet ca. 6600.

Der blev fundet 3 artikler


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