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Tema: Mad

Simon Shaw: Book review: Hungry for justice
International Socialism Journal nr. 147, jul 15 – side 215
Note: Elaine Graham-Leigh, A Diet of Austerity: Class, Food and Climate Change (Zero Books, 2015), £12.99
In December last year the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the UK, “Feeding Britain” (funded from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Charitable Trust), reported that in the sixth richest nation on the planet 4 million people were going to bed hungry. In the same year The Trussell Trust, a Christian charity that currently runs 420 food banks in the UK, recorded a 38 percent increase in referrals.
Simon Basketter: Hungry for a profit – why the market feeds us rotten food
Socialist Worker nr. 2341, feb 13 – side 10
Note: As the scandal of food adulteration spreads, Simon Basketter looks at the how the pursuit of profit makes meat slaughter and processing anything but safe.
Simon Basketter: The great subsidy scandal
Socialist Worker nr. 2341, feb 13 – side 11
Note: Beef barons can claim bungs for exporting animal produce under the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy. The system of export credits subsidises the profits of the meat industry.
Dave Sewell: Review: Thought for food
International Socialism Journal nr. 134, apr 12 – side 214
Note: Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar (eds), Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance and Renewal (Monthly Review, 2010), £14.95
When prices for many basic foods spiked in 2007 and 2008, thousands rioted in more than 30 countries from Bangladesh to Burkina Faso. In Haiti the riots drove President Réné Préval from office; in Egypt they were a key act in the prologue to the current revolution.
Amy Leather: E coli: It’s the system that kills, not salad
Socialist Worker nr. 2255, jun 11 – side 4
Note: The latest E coli outbreak has already claimed the lives of 22 people and infected more than 2,000 people across the world. Bean sprouts from a German organic farm were blamed for spreading the previously unknown strain—though previously we were assured that Spanish cucumbers were the source.
Ken Olende: Why are world food prices rocketing?
Socialist Worker nr. 2250, maj 11 – side 10
Note: More food is being grown than ever before—yet people are still starving. Ken Olende looks at how capitalism lets the rich profit from food while those who need it go without.
Sadie Robinson: Jamie Oliver patronises us with his Sainsbury's school experiment
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 
Note: Poor Jamie Oliver. He’s dedicated his life to trying to help us working class people live better lives—but it’s like throwing pearls before swine. This seems to be the message of his latest project, Jamie’s Dream School, which began on Channel 4 last night.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Høje fødevarepriser giver appetit på forandring
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 13
Note: Fødevarepriserne har nu nået et rekordhøjt niveau og overstiger prisniveauet umiddelbart før finanskrisen. Det medfører social uro, som vi senest har set i hele Nordafrika, men også andre steder har der været opstande.
Mark Thomas: Food prices leave many hungry for change
Socialist Review nr. 355, feb 11 – side 6
Note: Global food prices are once again rising sharply. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation's monthly index of agricultural commodity prices rocketed upwards by over 30 percent in the last six months of 2010.
Helle S Nielsen + Jonathan Højgaard: Filmanmeldelse: Food, Inc.
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 15
Note: Robert Kenners nye film ønsker at belyse, hvad der ligger under overfladen i den amerikanske fødevareindustri, som ellers ynder at fremstille sig selv som om tiden stort set har stået stille siden det 19. århundredes landbrug – som et sted hvor små landmænd lever i idyllisk pagt med naturen.
Rasmus Holmegaard + Jørn Andersen: Den globale fødevarekrise
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 281, aug 08 – side 9
Note: Millioner af mennesker verden over er det seneste år blevet kastet ud i hungersnød på grund af stigende fødevarepriser. Fx steg prisen på korn på verdensmarkedet med 88 pct. mellem marts 2007 og marts 2008. Prisen på olie og fedtstoffer steg 106 procent, mens mælkeprodukter steg med 48 procent.
Carlo Morelli: Behind the world food crisis
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 37
Note: It is not often that the Financial Times warns of impending revolution unless governments act to stem the consequences of untrammelled market capitalism, but that is exactly what Alan Beattie argued in April 2008.
Sadie Robinson: Food crisis: No solution for world’s poorest on offer at the United Nations
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 9
Note: World leaders gathered in Rome last week for the World Food Summit organised by the United Nations’s Food and Agricultural Organisation in response to the deepening crisis caused by rising food prices.
UN food summit ducks the issues
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 3
Note: World leaders were meeting at the United Nations world food summit in Rome as Socialist Worker went to press. The summit takes place in the shadow of a drastic rise in the global price of staple foods that is causing hunger for millions.
Sadie Robinson: Crisis in Haiti as World Bank issues food price warning
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 3
Note: The global crisis over rising food prices continues to grow. Robert Zoellick, head of the World Bank, warned last Sunday that the price rises have put 100 million lives under threat.
Esme Choonara + Sadie Robinson: Hungry for change: the scandal of rising food prices
Socialist Worker nr. 2096, apr 08 – side 12
Note: As the spiralling cost of food hits the poorest, Sadie Robinson and Esme Choonara ask why we suffer from famine in a world of plenty
Esme Choonara: Prisstigningerne på fødevarer slår millioner ihjel
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 5
Note: Esme Choonara ser på protester og oprør, mens markedets galskab truer verdens fattige.
Thomas Fogh Klausen: Kapitalens fødevarer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 5
Note: I følge (13.2.2008) blev antallet af fødevarevirksomheder med sur smiley for dårlig hygiejne fordoblet i 2007 som et resultat af, at politikerne afsatte flere penge til fødevarekontrollen. For hundrede og syttende gang fik vi det dermed sort på hvidt: kapitalistiske forretningsdrivende producerer fødevarer, der er ækle eller direkte farlige.
Esme Choonara: Food price rises will kill millions
Socialist Worker nr. 2090, mar 08 – side 1
Note: Millions around the world are facing a future of insecurity, starvation and malnutrition as the price of basic food soars. The price of maize, wheat, soya beans and rice – staples for the majority of the world’s population – have more than doubled in the last few years.
Jimmy Ross: Joanna Blythman on Bad food Britain
Socialist Worker nr. 2007, jul 06 – side 6
Note: Award winning writer Joanna Blythman’s new book Bad Food Britain is a blistering critique of the state of food. She spoke to Jimmy Ross
Carlo Morelli: The politics of food
International Socialism Journal nr. 101, dec 03 – side 45
Note: In a world where millions of people are living on the brink of starvation while millions of others face obesity-related health problems due to fast-food diets, the politics of food is a vital question. Carlo Morelli takes a detailed look at some of the key players in the industry: Nestlé, Unilever and Sainsbury's. If, as he argues, the logic of the Project for a New American Century applies here, what are the implications for the struggle to regain control over our world?
Alt. url:
Jens Loller: De ødelægger vores mad! Stop markedets galskab: Kogalskab – markedskræfternes fallit
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 190, feb 01 – side 6
Note: Konsekvenserne af en profitstyret fødevareindustri vælter nu ind over os, og stadig flere er ved at få nok.
Jens Loller: Gensplejsning – en genvej til profit
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 190, feb 01 – side 6
Note: Udviklingen indenfor gensplejsning af afgrøder, hjælpestoffer og færdige fødevareprodukter, kaldet GMO, går ufatteligt stærkt. På trods af EU’s 1 års stop for markedsføring af GMO, foregår udviklingen af GMO i meget høj hast, både i og udenfor EU.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Fødevarer og kapitalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 174, aug 99 – side 7
Note: Dioxin i maden, salmonella, kogalskab – listen over fødevareskandaler bliver længere og længere. Selv om der bliver snakket meget om økologiske fødevarer og forbedring af folkesundheden, så tyder alt på, at svineriet med vores fødevarer bliver værre.
Jens Loller: Den politiske forbruger: Skrot markedsmekanismerne
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 5
Note: Landbruget og fødevareindustrien har i årevis kastet ansvaret for underlødig og uetisk produktion over på forbrugerne. Deres typiske argument er: “Det er forbrugernes valg i supermarkedet, der bestemmer udbuddet af varer. Hvis de ikke blev solgt, ville vi ikke producere dem.” Modsvaret til den holdning er blevet den politiske forbruger, som tilrettelægger sine indkøb efter etiske holdninger ud fra krav om sundere fødevarer og et renere miljø.

Der blev fundet 25 artikler


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