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Tema: Marxisme

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Se også: Marxistisk tradition
Penny Howard: Human nature and social change
Socialist Worker nr. 2094, mar 08 – side 13
Note: Anthropologist Penny Howard argues against the commonly held notions that human beings are inherently selfish and that capitalism is somehow “natural”
Martin Empson: Marxism on the web
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 164
Note: Over the last decade the Marxists Internet Archive has become the most comprehensive online collection of left wing texts. Martin Empson spoke to some of the volunteers behind the project about their aims and methods.
Joseph Choonara: Book reviews: Marx or the multitude? (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: "Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire")
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 176
Note: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s first collaboration, Empire, exerted a powerful influence on the anti-capitalist movement, especially on those sections describing themselves as autonomist.
Books are weapons: Engels: Socialism Utopian and Scientific
Socialist Review nr. 40, feb 82 – side 26
Note: Most works of Marxist theory have their origin in a polemic within the movement. Engels’ Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is no exception, though for many years it has been published and read as a simple introduction to Marxism.
Alt. url: Som gif-fil (+27 og 28)
Ann Rogers: Review of G. Cohen’s “Karl Marx’s Theory of History – A Defence”
International Socialism Journal nr. 12, mar 81 – side 125
Note: Since its publication, Cohen’s book has acquired a formidable reputation in certain left circles; both as heralding a return to orthodox Marxism, and as a masterpiece of philosophical rigour. Cohen himself sees his mission as being to introduce the ‘precision of intellectual commitment’ which he thinks was a product of British philosophy’s engagement with logical positivism, to an interpretation of historical materialism ‘in which history is, fundamentally, the growth of human productive power, and forms of society rise and fall according as they enable or impede that growth.’
Colin Barker: The State as Capital
International Socialism Journal nr. 1, jul 78 – side 16
Note: In recent years, there has been a welcome revival in the Marxist critique of political economy. A good deal of this revival has been concerned with the rediscovery of Marx’s concepts, and much less with their use for comprehending the contemporary capitalist world, If there has been a field where development has been most slight, however, it has been the critique of the capitalist state and its place within the reproduction of capitalism as a whole.
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