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Tema: Alternativ produktion

Alternativ produktion
Mike George: Reply to Dave Albury on Alternative Plans
International Socialism Journal nr. 8, mar 80 – side 105
Note: It has become clear that the SWP has decided that workers’ alternative plans are a diversion from the revolutionary strategy, although some individual Party members hold an opposing view. Apart from some rhetorical statements in Socialist Worker, the only sustained critique that I and the Lucas Aerospace stewards know of, is the recent article by Dave Albury in International Socialism 2:6. This comment is intended to contribute to the honest debate over alternative plans called for in that article.
Dave Albury: Alternative plans and revolutionary strategy
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 85
Note: In the last few years, when redundancies have been threatened because of cuts in public or private expenditure or actual overproduction, groups of workers have often come up with the idea of “alternative plans” for their company or industry.
FK (Forbundet Kommunist, Sverige): Alternative production
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 115
Note: We would like to draw the attention of readers, particularly in Britain, to the article on Alternative Production. Apart from in a few isolated exceptions – such as the alternative proposals of the Lucas stewards’ Combine Committee – the question has not yet become a central one on the Left in this country. But if the indications of Sweden, Italy and Denmark are anything to go by, it could well become one shortly. We cannot pretend to have done more than familiarise our readers with some of the most important arguments that its supporters use in our present issue. Even so, this is a necessary starting point for future work to be done.

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