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Tema: Kenya

Benedict Wachira: Kenya’s government feels the heat from workers’ strikes
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 8
Note: A national strike by teachers in Kenya entered its 22nd day on Tuesday of this week.
Ken Olende: British state admits colonial torture during Mau Mau war
Socialist Worker nr. 2357, jun 13 – side 6
Note: The government agreed on Thursday of last week to compensate Kenyans tortured by the British during the 1950s Mau Mau war. It was a momentous move.
Ken Olende: Book review: A true reflection of the system
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 221
Note: Michela Wrong, It’s Our Turn To Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistle Blower (Fourth Estate, 2009), £12.99
Kenya was long seen in the West as a stable country where journalists, NGOs and Western businesses could set up their headquarters. In 2002 the long entrenched and notoriously corrupt government of Daniel Arap Moi was finally removed in a remarkable election. Two central features were the degree of public participation and the break from the entrenched “tribalism” that has plagued the country since independence.
Ken Olende: Kenya's Mau Mau war: veterans demand justice from Britain
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 8
Note: Veterans of Kenya’s Mau Mau independence struggle came to Britain in June demanding compensation for atrocities committed by the British.
Kenya's ugly tale of colonialism
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 9
Note: The British arrived in East Africa in the 1890s and took what is now Kenya by savage military conquest.
Mau Mau veterans case: Seeking justice after 50 years
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 9
Note: The delegation of three men and two women veterans presented their case to the high court in London at the end of June
Ken Olende: Bag oprøret i Kenya
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 276, feb 08 – side 10
Note: Protesterne og optøjerne, der fulgte i kølvandet på „det stjålne valg“ i Kenya, har givet et billede af, hvor dybtliggende utilfredsheden er i det ellers „stabile“ afrikanske land, skriver Ken Olende.
Ken Olende: Kenya: Ethnic violence results from Western intervention
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 4
Note: There has been an upsurge in violence across Kenya in east Africa. Up to 800 people have been killed since the result of the “stolen election” was declared on 30 December 2007. Though many were protesters shot by the police, others have died in ethnic battles.
Patrick Ward: Kenya: 'Tribal' smokescreen
Socialist Review nr. 322, feb 08 – side 4
Note: The media reports surrounding recent events in Kenya have tended to portray it as yet another "tribal" clash.
Ken Olende: Kenyan strike shows trouble brewing for tea giants
Socialist Worker nr. 2069, sep 07 – side 5
Note: A strike by more than 10,000 tea pickers in Kenya in East Africa has won an 8 percent pay increase.

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