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Tema: Verdensøkonomi

Chris Harman: Globalisation: a critique of a new orthodoxy
International Socialism Journal nr. 73, dec 96 – side 3
Note: `Globalisation' has become the new orthodoxy of establishment economics ­ as much for the supporters of Tony Blair's New Labour as for free market conservatives. Chris Harman examines the claim that the world market is now such a powerful force that neither states nor organised labour can withstand its pressures. He debunks the assertions of globalisation theorists and gives a careful account of the inter-relationship between multinational capital, the state and the modern working class.
Chris Harman: Where is capitalism going? (part II)
International Socialism Journal nr. 60, sep 93 – side 77
Note: 'WHERE IS capitalism going?' is the second part of a major examination of trends in the world economy. In International Socialism 58 Chris Harman looked at the prospects for the economies of the advanced industrialised world. Here he looks at some key economies in the Third World-India, China and the Newly Industrialising Countries of south and east Asia. He traces the links between the economic changes of the last 20 years, the fall of both state capitalist and neo-liberal economic orthodoxies, and the growth of instability in the world imperialist system.
Chris Harman: Where is capitalism going? (Part I)
International Socialism Journal nr. 58, mar 93 – side 3
Note: Pro-capitalist commentators were supremely confident that the 1980s boom marked a decisive turning point in the fortunes of their system. Optimism continued to rise, unchecked even by the stock exchange crash of 1987. But now these same writers stare out at the wasteland of a world economy suffering the most damaging slump since the 1930s, but have no explanation of why boom turned to bust. In `Where is Capitalism going?' Chris Harman looks at the weaknesses of the 1980s boom, the seriousness of the new slump and at the relevance of Marxist theory in providing an explanation of how the one turned into the other. The first part of `Where is Capitalism going?' looks at the core of the system, the advanced capitalist states. The second part, to appear in the next issue of International Socialism, will examine the economies of Latin America, India, China and the Newly Industrialising Countries of the Pacific rim.
Nigel Harris: The Asian boom economies and the 'impossibility' of national economic development
International Socialism Journal nr. 3, dec 78 – side 1

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