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Tema: Storbritannien før 1900

Storbritannien før 1900
Ian Birchall: The enemy’s enemy: Disraeli and working class leadership
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 149
Note: At the most recent Labour Party conference party leader Ed Miliband caused a certain amount of consternation by praising Benjamin Disraeli (Tory prime minister 1868 and 1874-80), and repeatedly using Disraeli’s most famous phrase “One Nation”. Just to make sure nobody had missed the point, he repeated the words 46 times.
Hassan Mahamdallie: William Morris: Victorian artist and revolutionary
Socialist Worker nr. 2183, jan 10 – side 13
Note: Famous for his art, William Morris's commitment to socialism and struggle is less well known.
Andrew Stone: Book Review: Matches made in hell
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 128
Note: Louise Raw, Striking a Light: The Bryant and May Matchwomen and their Place in Labour History (Continuum, 2009), £70
John Rees: Oliver Cromwell’s legacy
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 13
Note: John Rees explains the relevance for today of Cromwell – the decisive figure of the English Revolution of the 1640s – who died 350 years ago this week.
Keith Flett: The Making of a London Suburb: Capital Comes To Penge
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 9
Note: Capitalism, and resistance to it, has shaped the environment in which we live. Martin Spence has written a new book The Making of a London Suburb: Capital Comes To Penge. It examines how the system transformed London, and the suburb of Penge, into the major city it is today. Martin, the assistant general secretary of the Bectu broadcasting union, spoke to Keith Flett.
Keith Flett: Review: Chartism in one town
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 192
Note: Review: Robert G Hall, Voices of the People (Merlin, 2007), £15.95
Andrew Stone: The Putney debates: Visions of democracy
Socialist Worker nr. 2076, nov 07 – side 13
Note: In the midst of the English Revolution some 360 years ago, radical anti-royalists outlined their plans for a new egalitarian society. Andrew Stone looks back at the legacy of the Putney Debates
James Dean: Victor Grayson: remembering an independent socialist MP
Socialist Worker nr. 2065, aug 07 – side 13
Note: A militant and independent socialist who was elected to parliament a century ago, shouldn’t be forgotten, writes James Dean.
Judy Cox: Review: Chartism's hidden history
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 210
Note: Keith Flett, Chartism After 1848: the Working Class and the Politics of Radical Education (Merlin Press, 2006), £15.95
Michael Löwy: Imagining other worlds
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 215
Note: A review of Matthew Beaumont: "Utopia Ltd: Ideologies of Social Dreaming in England 1870-1900" (Brill, 2005), €58
Mark O’Brien: The bloody birth of capitalism
(J L and B Hammond: "The Village Labourer")

International Socialism Journal nr. 70, mar 96 – side 119
Note: Mark O'Brien reviews a classic history of the rise of the British working class
Peter Linebaugh: 'To the teeth and forehead of our faults' (V A C Gatrell: "The Hanging Tree: Execution and the English People, 1770-1868")
International Socialism Journal nr. 68, sep 95 – side 93
Note: Peter Linebaugh is the author of "The London Hanged".
Peter Linebaugh: Days of villainy: a reply to two critics
International Socialism Journal nr. 63, jun 94 – side 111
Note: Peter Linebaugh, author of the widely acclaimed "The London Hanged", replies to the establishment critics of that book.
Colin Barker: In praise of custom (E P Thompson: "Customs in Common")
International Socialism Journal nr. 55, jun 92 – side 127
John Charlton: Crime and class in the 18th century (Peter Linebaugh: "The London Hanged. Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century")
International Socialism Journal nr. 54, mar 92 – side 153
Ray Challinor: Peter Murray McDouall and ‘Physical Force’ Chartism
International Socialism Journal nr. 12, mar 81 – side 53
Note: Chartism has been Britain’s biggest and most significant mass revolutionary movement to date. In the 1830s and 1840s it mobilised millions of workers. Peter Murray McDouall remained a Chartist leader throughout these turbulent years. Furthermore in every major battle – 1839, 1842, 1848 – he consistently advocated the same policies. McDouall was the foremost exponent of physical force.

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