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Tema: Vietnamkrig

Se også: Se også: Vietnam; Krigsmodstand (DK) Vietnam

Se også: Vietnam; Krigsmodstand (DK) Vietnam
Jerry Lembcke: Vietnam vet on George Bush’s false history lesson
Socialist Worker nr. 2066, sep 07 – side 3
Note: In his speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention last week, president George Bush urged Americans to “resist the allure of retreat”.
Martin B. Johansen: Vietnam: Krigen USA tabte
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 262, nov 06 – side 8
Note: Mange taler nu om, at krigen i Irak må bringes til ophør. Men netop eksemplet med Vietnam-krigen viser, at vejen til fred kan gå hen og blive lang og blodig, selv efter at de herskende i USA er begyndt at erkende nederlaget.
Jonathan Neale: Vietnam veterans (C Appy: "Working Class War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam" + A Young: "The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder")
International Socialism Journal nr. 79, jun 98 – side 121
Note: Jonathan Neale explores one legacy of the Vietnam War – the trauma experienced by US veterans.
Charlie Hore: Vietnam and Cambodia: winning the war, losing the peace
International Socialism Journal nr. 50, mar 91 – side 51
Note: Imperialism lost the Vietnam War. Charlie Hore explains why, looking both at the Vietnamese people's resistance and at the anti-war movement in the US. He examines the politics of national liberation and how they fared in the uneasy peace that followed the war. He looks at Vietnam and Cambodia and at the illusions that the left had in both. This article spells out vital lessons for all those who are horrified by the US's attempt to overcome the Vietnam syndrome in the Gulf today.
Kim Moody: Survey: GIs on the March
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 13
Note: Things aren’t going too well for the military these days. The Senate Armed Services Committee, for example, reported in early March that desertions and AWOL’s were ‘substantially’ higher than last year.
Editorial: Neither Washington, nor Moscow – but Vietnam?
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 32, mar 68 – side 2
Note: As we go to press, the first major counter-attack by the National Liberation Front upon the urban strongholds of American power in South Vietnam is drawing to a close. The fate of Khe San hangs in the balance; the triumph of Hue is already apparent. Whatever the outcome of this overall attack, it cannot detract from the amazing reaffirmation of NLF strength and resilience. Few on the Left can now seriously doubt the reasons for that strength: the strong roots of the NLF in the Southern population.

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