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Tema: Frankrig 1900-1939

Frankrig 1900-1939
George Paizis: Review: Reserve army on the march
International Socialism Journal nr. 118, apr 08 – side 209
Note: Matt Perry, Prisoners of Want: The Experience and Protest of the Unemployed in France, 1921-45 (Ashgate, 2007), £55
Ian Birchall: Review: Pioneers of internationalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 179
Note: Review: Robert Stuart, Marxism and National Identity (SUNY, 2006), $29.95
Today Jules Guesde is remembered, if at all, for the treachery at the end of his life—he joined the French wartime government in 1914 and remained in it till the end of 1916.
Martin B. Johansen: Frankrig 1936: Et håb blev knust
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 19, maj 86 – side 10
Note: I begyndelsen af 30’erne var der reaktion på fremmarch i Europa. Fascisterne havde taget magten i Tyskland og Italien. Den økonomiske krise betød massearbejdsløshed og elendige levevilkår for arbejderne. Men i Frankrig i 1936 kom der et fantastisk opsving i arbejdernes kampe, som gav et kort glimt af mulighederne for at vende situationen.
Ian Birchall: Too much, too little, too late: left Social Democracy in the French Popular Front
International Socialism Journal nr. 13, jun 81 – side 74
Note: Recent developments in the Labour Party seem to have strengthened the case of those who argue that the left can make real gains by working inside mass social-democratic parties. Many Labour Party members believe it is actually possible for the left current in the Party to grow in strength and influence until it dominates the whole Party.

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