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Tema: Bahrain

Bahrain: Queen’s invite to dictator
Socialist Worker nr. 2298, apr 12 – side 3
Note: The queen has invited the king of Bahrain to her Jubilee jamboree.
Outcry over Bahrain medics forces a shift
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 13
Note: The Bahraini government announced last week that medical staff threatened with 15 years in prison will now be tried by a civilian court.
Bahrain regime targets students
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 2
Note: Several Bahraini people living in Britain are being forced to sign documents pledging their loyalty to the king of Bahrain and promising not to protest.
Dominic Kavakeb: What's changed in Bahrain?
Socialist Worker nr. 2251, maj 11 – side 16
Note: The King of Bahrain has announced that the state of emergency imposed in March will end by the start of June. But after three months of anti-government protests, in which at least 31 people have been killed, many see this as an attempt to portray the country as returning to “normal”.
Dominic Kavakeb: Bahrainis take torture evidence to UN
Socialist Worker nr. 2250, maj 11 
Note: The International Criminal Court (ICC) will decide this week as to whether it plans to accept a case of war crimes against Bahrain’s government. A group of Bahrainis living in Britain, with a team of international lawyers, travelled to The Hague last week to present their report to the prosecutor.
Bahrain: royals will be put in the dock
Socialist Worker nr. 2250, maj 11 – side 2
Note: Bahraini citizens living in Britain are set to take their case against the Gulf state’s royal family to court this week.
Siân Ruddick: New attack on Bahrainis in Britain
Socialist Worker nr. 2249, apr 11 – side 24
Note: Seven young Bahraini citizens training to be commercial pilots in Britain have been ordered to return to their home country and present themselves to the government’s Gulf Aviation Authority (GAA).
International round-up of revolt
Socialist Worker nr. 2248, apr 11 – side 6
Note: Yemen – Syria – Bahrain
Siân Ruddick: Exclusive: Bahrainian government targets family members of pro-democracy campaigners in Britain
Socialist Worker nr. 2244, mar 11 
Note: At 2.20 yesterday morning, Bahraini and Saudi forces raided 20-year old Sayed Mahmood Shuber’s home in Jidali in Bahrain. They pointed guns at the heads of his family and abducted him. They beat him. He has now disappeared.
Viv Smith: Bahrain: Protesters fight back as Saudi soldiers try to put down uprising
Socialist Worker nr. 2243, mar 11 – side 16
Note: Some 1,000 Peninsula Shield Force soldiers entered Bahrain from Saudi Arabia on Monday. The mainly Sunni troops were invited in by the US backed Bahraini monarchy—to smash the revolt taking place against the ruling Sunni royal family.
Siân Ruddick: Bahrain: King desperate to cling to power as protests escalate
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 2
Note: What began on 14 February as demonstrations for small reforms has blossomed into a mass uprising demanding the fall of the monarchy.
Royals are all in it together
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Most ordinary people, after watching the bloody scenes on their TV screens this week, would want as much distance between themselves and the king of Bahrain as possible. – Not Britain’s royal family though.
Tory spin firm for Bahrain's king
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 2
Note: In between attempts to gun down protesters, the king of Bahrain has employed the international public relations firm Bell Pottinger to manage the country’s image.
Siân Ruddick: Bahrain: a history of repression
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 4
Note: The small island state of Bahrain is being rocked by an uprising. The Shia majority, joined by liberal and radical Sunnis, are protesting against political exclusion and repression by the state, which is ruled by a Sunni royal family.
Simon Assaf: Fra Libyen og Bahrain til resten af regionen: Oprørene fortsætter med at sprede sig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: En storm af revolutioner, opstande og revolter fortsætter med at tordne gennem hele Mellemøsten. Dens hastighed og omfang kan gøre én forpustet.
Siân Ruddick: Middle East round-up: ‘The gates to our freedom have been opened’
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 6
Note: Since Tunisia’s revolution began in December, people across North Africa and the Middle East have risen up against their regimes. They are inspired by Tunisia and Egypt, where two dictators were toppled in the last few weeks.
Algeria – Bahrain – Yemen – Palestine
Tunesien, Egypten ..: Protesterne spreder sig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 10
Note: For første gang i årtier er det lykkedes et folkeligt oprør at vælte en diktator i den arabiske del af verdenen. Eksemplet fra Tunesien og senere fra Ægypten har spredt sig ud over Mellemøsten og Nordafrika. Det har givet mange en tro på at det er muligt at kæmpe imod undertrykkelsen.
Bahrain builders down their tools
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 2
Note: A wave of strikes and occupations is sweeping the Gulf state of Bahrain. In the latest strike construction workers downed tools and refused to leave their labour camp.

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