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Tema: Naturkatastrofer

Yuri Prasad: Burmese need aid, not invasion
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 6
Note: The enormous suffering in the wake of the cyclone that hit southern Burma last week has shocked the world.
What causes flood disasters in the Global South?
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 6
Note: Many commentators make a point of directly connecting the scale of the devastation in Burma with the specific failures of the military regime.
Palash Kamruzzaman: Bangladesh: Relief mission?
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 4
Note: Bangladesh was struck by a major cyclone on 15 November. Cyclone Sidr was larger than the entire country. United Nations assessments suggest 2.2 million people in need of immediate life-saving relief. Some 3,500 are known to have died, with 40,000 injured and around 1,000 missing.
En menneskelig fejl
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 112, feb 95 – side 2
Note: De borgerlige medier har været fyldt med beskrivelser af naturkatastrofer lige fra jordskælvet i Japan til oversvømmelserne i især Tyskland og Holland.

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