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Tema: Østeuropa: 1956

Se også: Se også: Ungarn

Østeuropa: 1956
Se også: Ungarn
1956 and the rebirth of socialism from below
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 77
Note: Why commemorate 1956? The answer, in short, is that Sunday 4 November 1956 was one of the major ideological turning points for socialists in the 20th century. On that day Russian tanks moved in to crush workers’ councils in Hungary and did so just as the left across the world was mobilising hundreds of thousands of people on the streets in protest at the joint British, French and Israeli military attack on Egypt.
Joan Soelberg: Ungarns hede efterår (1956)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 23, okt 86 – side 10
Note: Opstanden i Ungarn i 1956 er blevet kaldt både kontrarevolutionær og fascistisk. Den påstand afviser Joan Soelberg i denne artikel og ser samtidig nærmere på de ungarske arbejderes aktiviteter og organisering i arbejderråd under opstanden.

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