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Tema: Østeuropa

Se også: Se også: 1989: Murens fald/Stalinismens sammenbrud

Se også: 1989: Murens fald/Stalinismens sammenbrud
Andreja Živkovic: Eastern Europe's exposure to crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 – side 13
Note: The global recession has devastated the former Stalinist countries of Eastern Europe. Andreja Živkovic looks at the nature of these economies and the roots of their problems.
Mike Haynes: Eastern Europe: a return to crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 – side 8
Note: Twenty years after the 1989 revolutions Mike Haynes looks at the recession and revolts shaking eastern Europe today
Tony Cliff: On the Class Nature of the "People’s Democracies" (1950)
Alt. url:
Tom Christiansen: UNICEF-rapport om Østeuropa: Sådan er det! Markedets rædsler
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 103, maj 94 – side 13
Note: Levestandarden i Østeuropa og Rusland er kraftigt nedadgående. Det dokumenterer en rapport fra UNICEF, som udkom i november 1993: “Public policy and social conditions”.
Mike Haynes: Class and crisis – the transition in Eastern Europe
International Socialism Journal nr. 54, mar 92 – side 45
Note: Bush's problem is, in part, that the New World Order of free market prosperity which he so loudly proclaimed is turning into a disaster-and nowhere more so than in eastern Europe. Mike Haynes' `Class and crisis' uses original material to present a comprehensive analysis of how the market has already failed the ordinary people of eastern Europe. He concludes by looking at how the growing threat of nationalism and fascism can be met by socialist politics.
Chris Harman: The storm breaks
International Socialism Journal nr. 46, mar 90 – side 3
Note: The world seems to have shifted on its axis in the last six months. The Stalinist regimes in Eastern Europe have been blown away by a great hurricane of popular protest which is now battering at the walls of the Kremlin itself. And South Africa is also in the midst of great changes. In two articles written in January this year we provide a Marxist analysis of these events.
International Socialism welcomes the revolutions of 1989, but many other socialists feel as much confused as elated by the upheavals. Those left wingers who believed that Russia and the Eastern European regimes were socialist societies are now demoralised by the seemingly headlong rush to embrace the Western style markets.
'The Storm Breaks' argues against this pessimism. Chris Harman, author of Class Struggles in Eastern Europe, shows that what we are seeing is not the destruction of socialism but the crisis of state capitalism.
Duncan Hallas: Notes and Letters: Eastern European class societies
International Socialism Journal nr. 9, jun 80 – side 128
Note: Comment on "New theories on Eastern European class societies" in ISJ 2:7
Peter Binns + Mike Haynes: New theories of Eastern Europe class societies
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 18
Note: Peter Binns and Mike Haynes critically examine a growing consensus between Marxist oppositionists in the east and some independent western Marxists who have decisively rejected Maoist and ‘Orthodox’ Trotskyist accounts of those countries, but who have equally not yet been convinced of the theory of state capitalism. The article argues that these new views are not just mistaken, but also dangerous, leading, if taken up consistently, to a reformist strategy in the west.
Ellisiv Rognlien: Polen: Modstand mod abortforbud og håb for en ny venstrefløj
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 355, nov 16 – side 12
Note: Det højreorienterede katolske “Lov og orden” parti (PiS) har nu været ved magten i et år i Polen.
Andy Zebrowski: Book review: Poland’s unfinished revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 147, jul 15 – side 219
Note: Jack M Bloom, Seeing Through the Eyes of the Polish Revolution: Solidarity and the Struggle Against Communism in Poland (Haymarket, 2014), £20
On 31 August 1980 the Polish government was forced to sign an agreement in an occupied shipyard with the leaders of the workers’ movement that was to become known as the 10 million strong union Solidarity (Solidarno??).
John Rose: Messianic strains
International Socialism Journal nr. 132, okt 11 – side 217
Note: Antony Polonsky, The Jews in Poland and Russia, Volume 1: 1350-1881 (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2010), £39.50
Adam Fabry: Book review: Poles apart?
International Socialism Journal nr. 127, jul 10 – side 216
Note: Jane Hardy, Poland’s New Capitalism (Pluto Press, 2009), £ 13.99
Throughout the Cold War, Poland played a central role in developments within the Soviet bloc, often representing a beacon of workers’ struggle against its inherently sclerotic economy and repressive Stalinist regime. As the largest economy and most populous country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) with more than 38 million citizens, Poland today remains a key puzzle for understanding political and economic developments not just within the ex-Stalinist states, but also in Europe as a whole.
Filip Ilkowski: Missilskjoldet taget af bordet (indtil videre)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 4
Note: Hvordan skal man forstå USA’s beslutning om at annullere den planlagte opbygning af elementer af det såkaldte „antiraketskjold“ i Polen og Tjekkiet?
Chris Harman: In perspective: Double edged 'democracy'
Socialist Review nr. 338, jul 09 – side 20
Note: The people of Poland demanded democracy in 1989 – but 20 years on the economy is still controlled by a tiny elite.
Andy Zebrowski: Turning against the privateers in Poland
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 9
Note: Last year the governing party in Poland proclaimed that it could build a miracle economy. Events are changing so fast that many politicians and economists have been made to look stupid.
Andy Zebrowski: Polish activists: ‘We’ve had Moscow, we don’t want Washington’
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 9
Note: The US and Poland’s leaders have escalated the militarisation of Europe and the tensions between the West and Russia. They signed a preliminary deal on the Polish part of the so-called missile defence “shield” last week.
Andy Zebrowski: Poland’s left turn
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 8
Note: The growth of popular anger against neoliberalism has created an historic opportunity for a new left movement to emerge.
Andy Zebrowski: Voices from Poland’s left: ‘We must organise working people or remain on the margins’
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 9
Note: There is a wide debate on the left about forming a left coalition to fight elections and neoliberalism. A number of activists spoke to Socialist Worker about their views.
Poland: Timeline
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 9
Andy Zebrowski: Polish voters turn against right wing party (expanded online)
Socialist Worker nr. 2074, okt 07 – side 2
Note: Donald Tusk's neoliberal Civic Platform won the Polish parliamentary elections last Sunday comprehensively defeating the right-wing populist Law and Justice party of prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski – whose twin brother is the country's president.
Joanna Puszwacka: Nurses' protest camp shakes Poland’s government
Socialist Worker nr. 2057, jun 07 – side 4
Note: Health workers have set up shop outside their prime minister’s office in their fight for better pay and conditions.
Kuba Olszewski + Andy Zebrowski: Poland 1956: The Poznan uprising
Socialist Worker nr. 2007, jul 06 – side 13
Note: Fifty years ago this week Polish workers rose up in rebellion, demanding bread and freedom. Kuba Olszewski and Andy Zebrowski trace the story of a heroic struggle.
Karol Modzelewski: ‘The rebellion had all the features of a classic revolutionary uprising’
Socialist Worker nr. 2007, jul 06 – side 13
Note: Karol Modzelewski was a student and political activist in 1956. He went on to co-write the Open Letter to the Party, which challenged Stalinism from the left and was key to setting up the Solidarity union. Karol answered questions from Socialist Worker.
Freddie Nielsen: Polen 1980-81: Solidarnosc
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 246, sep 05 – side 8
Note: I disse måneder er det 25 år siden, at den uafhængige fagbevægelse Solidarnosc (solidaritet på polsk), skød frem i Polen.
Jane Hardy + Andy Zebrowski: Poland and the new Europe
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 39
Colin Barker: 25 years ago: The rise of Solidarnosc
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 52
Andy Zebrowski: Obituary: Jacek Kuron
Socialist Review nr. 287, jul 04 – side 31
Note: Andy Zebrowski explores the life and politics of a leading Polish dissident.
Polen, Kroatien: Østeuropa i opbrud
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 5
Note: I Polen kom det til alvorlige sammenstød med politiet den 25. januar da utilfredse bønder havde lavet vejspærringer i Nowy Gdanski på hovedvejen mellem Gdansk og Warszawa.
Ellen Christensen: Solidaritet: Arbejderne vil have brød – Walesa arbejdsro
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 52, sep 89 – side 12
Note: Solidaritet, bevægelsen der var forbudt for bare fem måneder siden, og som opstod ud af de mest magtfulde arbejderkampe i 80erne, sidder nu i spidsen for den polske regering. Er det den polske stat, der har ændret sig, eller Solidaritet, der har svigtet arbejderklassen. Ellen Christensen skriver om Solidaritets nye kurs.
John Rose: The Jews in Poland
International Socialism Journal nr. 44, sep 89 – side 125
Note: C Abramsky, N Jackimczyk & A Polanski: The Jews in Poland
John Rose reviews part of a major publishing project in Jewish history and shows how socialists organised both Jew and gentile in the fight against anti-semitism.
Andy Zebrowski: Solidarity at the crossroads: Introduction by Andy Zebrowski + Interview with Maria Pinior + Interview with Zuzanna Dabrowska
International Socialism Journal nr. 41, dec 88 – side 47
Note: The importance of the arguments put forward in "Nightmares of the Market" become obvious on reading the articles collectively titled "Solidarity at the Crossroads". These interviews with leaders and members of the Polish Socialist Party show not only the courage and heroism of those fighting the Polish regime, but also how the myth of the market has effected even the left in Solidarity.
This debate with the Polish left – partly a response to the article "Glasnost – before the storm" in International Socialism 39 – is crucial, as Andy Zebrowski explains in his introduction.
Solidarity at the crossroads: The birth of the Polish Socialist Party (discussion with PPS members)
International Socialism Journal nr. 41, dec 88 – side 61
Note: The importance of the arguments put forward in "Nightmares of the Market" become obvious on reading the articles collectively titled "Solidarity at the Crossroads". These interviews with leaders and members of the Polish Socialist Party show not only the courage and heroism of those fighting the Polish regime, but also how the myth of the market has effected even the left in Solidarity.
This debate with the Polish left – partly a response to the article "Glasnost – before the storm" in International Socialism 39 – is crucial, as Andy Zebrowski explains in his introduction.
Piotr Ikonowicz: Solidarity at the crossroads: The courage of ideological thinking
International Socialism Journal nr. 41, dec 88 – side 69
Note: The importance of the arguments put forward in "Nightmares of the Market" become obvious on reading the articles collectively titled "Solidarity at the Crossroads". These interviews with leaders and members of the Polish Socialist Party show not only the courage and heroism of those fighting the Polish regime, but also how the myth of the market has effected even the left in Solidarity.
This debate with the Polish left – partly a response to the article "Glasnost – before the storm" in International Socialism 39 – is crucial, as Andy Zebrowski explains in his introduction.
Solidarity at the crossroads: Which road for Polish Socialists? (A discussion with members of the Polish Socialist Party)
International Socialism Journal nr. 41, dec 88 – side 79
Note: The importance of the arguments put forward in "Nightmares of the Market" become obvious on reading the articles collectively titled "Solidarity at the Crossroads". These interviews with leaders and members of the Polish Socialist Party show not only the courage and heroism of those fighting the Polish regime, but also how the myth of the market has effected even the left in Solidarity.
This debate with the Polish left – partly a response to the article "Glasnost – before the storm" in International Socialism 39 – is crucial, as Andy Zebrowski explains in his introduction.
Andy Zebrowski: Poland: Turning the tables?
Socialist Review nr. 113, okt 88 – side 14
Joan Soelberg: Polen i dag: Støtte til Solidarnosc
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 25, dec 86 – side 2
Note: Den 13. december er det 5 år siden, at militæret i Polen smadrede den største og mest demokratiske fagforening i verden.
Arne Lorenzen: Solidarnosc lever stadig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 15, dec 85 – side 8
Note: General Jaruzelski er trådt tilbage som Polens statsminister. Det sker 10 år efter, at det uafhængige fagforbund Solidarnosc’s ledere blev arresteret i deres senge og slæbt i interneringslejre.
Poland: Two months of military rule
Socialist Review nr. 40, feb 82 – side 3
Note: Eight weeks after the imposition of Polish military dictatorship, Jaruzelski still faces immense problems.
Kara Weber + Colin Barker: Solidarnosc: From Gdansk to military repression
International Socialism Journal nr. 15, dec 81 – side 5
Note: Contents:
Foreword – 5
Part I: Sixteen months of Solidarity
1. The August revolt – 9
2. After Gdansk – 17
3. The road to Bydgoszcz – 38
4. The crisis in Solidarity – 54
5. The tanks move in – 77
6. Reformism in Poland – 87
7. Was a revolution possible? – 99
Part II: 'Accumulate! Accumulate! Polish state capitalism in crisis
8. Chronic problems – 111
9. The goals of production – 121
10. The crisis deepens – 134
Notes – 144
I alle lande!
Proletar! nr. 4-5, sep 73 – side 3
Note: I modsætning til f. eks. begivenhederne i Ungarn i 1956 og i Czechoslovakiet i 1968 er arbejderopstanden i Polen i 1970-71 nærmest gået ubemærket hen i Vesten. Grunden hertil er den enkle, at det denne gang har været i alle gode kræfters klare interesse at fortie opstanden.
Kjeld Schmidt: Arbejderopstanden i Polen 1970-71
Proletar! nr. 4-5, sep 73 – side 4
Protokol. Mødet i Szczecin den 24. januar 1971 mellem de strejkende værftsarbejdere og den polske partiledelse
Proletar! nr. 4-5, sep 73 – side 33
Note: Teksten er et fuldstændigt referat af et møde på skibsværftet “Adolf Warski” i Szczecin den 24. januar 1971.
Massakren i Gdynia 17. december 1970. Erklæring fra arbejderne i Gdynia
Proletar! nr. 4-5, sep 73 – side 82
Note: Offentliggjort i “Der Spiegel”, vol. 25, nr. 6, 1. februar 1971
Øjenvidneskildring fra Gdansk. Brev fra en læge i Gdansk om december-opstanden 1970
Proletar! nr. 4-5, sep 73 – side 83
Note: Offentliggjort i “Der Spiegel”, vol. 25, nr. 5, 25. januar 1971
Peter Iversen + Jørgen Lund: 1968: Foråret i Prag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 94, aug 93 – side 13
Note: Begivenhederne i Tjekkoslovakiet i 1968 satte for mange spørgsmålstegn ved det frie i den frie verden og det socialistiske i de “socialistiske” lande.
Chris Harman: Survey: Czechoslovakia
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 9
Note: The Czech events have now revealed all the features of the classical crisis of bureaucratic state capitalism, as revealed in the events of Poland and Hungary in 1956.
Editorial 1: Russia’s Vietnam
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 2
Note: The Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia dramatically illustrates the contradictory nature of the thaw in the Cold War of the ’fifties.
Jan Májícek: Prague says: 'Cairo made it, so can we'
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 4
Note: Over 48,000 people marched in Prague last week against cuts. The protest was organised by the CMKOS and ASO union federations, and the anti-cuts ProAlt initiative.
Filip Ilkowski: Missilskjoldet taget af bordet (indtil videre)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 4
Note: Hvordan skal man forstå USA’s beslutning om at annullere den planlagte opbygning af elementer af det såkaldte „antiraketskjold“ i Polen og Tjekkiet?
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
Jan Magicek: It’s not Czechoslovakia 1968
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 9
Note: In the Czech Republic, just as in most European countries, we have been watching television pictures of Georgia’s “brave” president Mikheil Saakashvili “defending his small country against imperial Russia”.
Czechs campaign to stop US missile defence radar bases
Socialist Worker nr. 2079, dec 07 – side 3
Note: Ivona Novomestska spoke to Socialist Worker about the campaign to stop George Bush's plans to build missile defence radar installations in the Czech Republic.
Margit Johansen: Tjekkiet: Stor opbakning bag strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 189, jan 01 – side 4
Note: Lige siden jul har journalisterne på den nationale tjekkiske TV-station besat TV-bygningen i protest mod, at to trofaste støtter til det højreorienterede parti De Civile Demokrater er blevet indsat som generaldirektør og nyhedschef.
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 171, nov 97 – side 2
Note: Op mod 120.000 trodsede regnen d. 8. november og demonstrerede imod den økonomiske og sociale politik, regeringen under ledelse af den upopulære Vaclav Klaus fører.
Se også: Østeuropa: 1956
Tomáš Tengely-Evans: Ungarn 1956: Genfødslen af socialisme fra neden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 354, okt 16 
Note: I anledning af 60-året for den ungarske revolution beskriver Tomáš Tengely-Evans, hvordan arbejdere og studerende kæmpede for magten – og rystede det regime, der påstod at repræsentere dem.
Adam Fabry: End of the liberal dream: Hungary since 1989
International Socialism Journal nr. 124, okt 09 – side 71
Note: With the Berlin Wall in rubble, many commentators drew the conclusion that liberal democracy and capitalism represented the only viable future in Central and Eastern Europe.
GM Tamás: Interview: Hungary—“Where we went wrong”
International Socialism Journal nr. 123, jul 09 – side 27
Note: GM Tamás, a prominent Hungarian dissident and now professor of philosophy in Budapest, spoke to Chris Harman about developments in Eastern Europe since the fall of Stalinism.
GM Tamás: Hungary: Fascist menace emboldened by capitalism’s crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 9
Note: Fascists in Hungary are hoping to make a breakthrough in the European elections. Former MP G M Tamás spoke to Socialist Worker about what is driving them forward.
GM Tamás: Letter from ...: Hungary
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 9
Note: The economic crisis has led to politicians blaming the poorest for society's problems, and the rise of the far right.
Peter Kjær: Ungarn 1956: Da arbejdermagt rystede Østeuropa
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 261, okt 06 – side 10
Note: For 40 år siden, d. 23. oktober 1956, startede Ungarns arbejdere en af det tyvende århundredes største revolutionære opstande. Nogen påstår, at det var et oprør mod socialismen. Men i virkeligheden indeholdt oprøret alle elementerne fra en ægte socialistisk revolution, og det var rettet mod et regime, der var det absolutte modsatte af socialisme.
Mike Haynes: Hungary: workers’ councils against Russian tanks
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 81
Note: ‘Tell me what you think about Hungary and I will tell you who you are,’ said a Polish writer in late November 1956. So in this spirit let us make a declaration. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was an authentic working class revolution.
Karsten Ditlevsen: Ungarn 1956: En kontrarevolutionær opstand?
Note: Fordømmelsen af oprøret i Ungarn som kontrarevolution bygger på fortielser og historieforfalskning.
Karsten Ditlevsen: Ungarn 1956: Demokrati, uafhængighed og selvforvaltning
Note: Arbejderklassen var drivende kraft i det folkelige oprør mod det stalinistiske regime i 1956.
Balász Nagy: Budapest 1956: The Central Workers’ Council (1961)
Note: Translated from French and edited by Olivia McMahon and Colin Barker.
Originally published in English in International Socialism 18, 196?
Republished 1980 as No.2 in the series International Socialism Reprint
Distributed by Socialists Unlimited
Peter Fryer: Hungarian Tragedy (1956)
Note: Peter Fryer var reporter for det britiske kommunistpartis avis "Daily Worker" og blev ekskluderet for sine reportager af, hvad der foregik i Ungarn i 1956.
Alt. url: Bogen kan købes på Forlaget
Joan Soelberg: Ungarns hede efterår (1956)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 23, okt 86 – side 10
Note: Opstanden i Ungarn i 1956 er blevet kaldt både kontrarevolutionær og fascistisk. Den påstand afviser Joan Soelberg i denne artikel og ser samtidig nærmere på de ungarske arbejderes aktiviteter og organisering i arbejderråd under opstanden.
Se også: Balkankrigene
Dragan Plavsic: Yugoslavia: From markets to massacres
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 191
Note: A review of Michael Barratt Brown: "From Tito to Milosevic: Yugoslavia, a lost country" (Merlin Press, 2005), £14.95.
Lindsey German: The Balkans' imperial problem
International Socialism Journal nr. 86, mar 00 – side 71
Note: Lindsey German revisits the Balkans and gives an overview of the history of the Balkan question in a review of Misha Glenny's "The Balkans" 1804-1990.
Duncan Blackie: The road to hell
International Socialism Journal nr. 53, dec 91 – side 29
Note: Yugoslavia seems to many a hopeless cauldron of nationalist rivalry almost beyond rational understanding. Duncan Blackie carefully examines the crisis that produced a civil war and marks out the framework of a socialist analysis.
Duncan MacPherson: Book Review: Tito
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 79, jun 75 – side 40
Note: Phyllis Auty: Tito, Pelican, £1.
Polen, Kroatien: Østeuropa i opbrud
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 5
Note: I Polen kom det til alvorlige sammenstød med politiet den 25. januar da utilfredse bønder havde lavet vejspærringer i Nowy Gdanski på hovedvejen mellem Gdansk og Warszawa.
Se også: Balkankrigene
Sasha Simic: The Hague will not deliver justice in the Balkans
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 6
Note: Western forces were the main criminals behind the slaughter in the Balkans.
Robert Lange: Østrig: Universiteter besat
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 294, jan 10 – side 5
Note: Gennem de sidste måneder er en bølge af studenterprotestbevægelser skyllet over det centrale Europa, med centrum på universitet i Wien. Her har tusinder af studerende, ansatte, undervisere og lægfolk holdt universitet besat siden oktober. Blokaden har været støttet af fagforeninger, og bevægelsen har reelt været en folkeligt rodfæstet protest.
Our universities of resistance: ‘Pull together all who are being made to pay for the crisis’
Socialist Worker nr. 2181, dec 09 – side 9
Note: Matija Medenica from the student protest in Belgrade, Serbia, talks about the anger that has led to unity between workers and students.
Matija Medenica: Student struggles sweep Serbia (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 
Note: A wave of student struggle is sweeping over the streets of the Serbian capital, Belgrade. Three marches of some 1,500 students held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday last week have marked a new phase in student organisation.
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica: Serbia’s nationalist forces in disarray
Socialist Worker nr. 2113, aug 08 – side 5
Note: Vladimir Unkovski-Korica from Serb socialist organisation Marks21 reports on the mood in the country following the capture of Karadzic
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica: En bonde på det imperialistiske skakbræt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 10
Note: Revolutionære socialister på Balkan går en svær tid i møde. Regionen har i lang tid været centrum for den imperialistiske rivalisering mellem USA og EU på den ene side og Rusland på den anden side. Kosovas ensidige selvstændighedserklæring markerer et nyt stadie i opskruelsen af spændingerne.
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica: Letter from ...: Serbia
Socialist Review nr. 322, feb 08 – side 9
Note: The Serbian elections highlight the imperialist powers' scramble for influence. But, argues Vladimir Unkovski-Korica, neither the West nor Moscow will benefit ordinary Serbs.
Alex Callinicos: Kosovo: a ‘triumph’ for the West?
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 4
Note: If you want to get the moral measure of the so-called “international community” look at what they claim to be their successes.
Dragan Plavsic: Manufactured revolutions?
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 21
Note: Media excitement reached a pitch with multicoloured 'revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, But what was really happening? Dragan Plavsic compares the changes to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia five years ago.
Jesper Høi Kanne: Retssagen mod Milosevic i Haag: Vestens domstol er hyklerisk
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 202, mar 02 – side 4
Note: Retssagen mod Slobodan Milosevic er i fuld gang ved det internationale krigsforbrydertribunal for ex-Jugoslavien i Haag, Holland. Dette tribunal er kun midlertidigt, for især USA har været kraftige modstandere af oprettelsen af en permanent international krigsforbryderdomstol. Det er der gode grunde til.
Dragan Plavsic: News Review: Milosevic trial: Sold to the highest bidder
Socialist Review nr. 261, mar 02 – side 8
Note: The trial of Slobodan Milosevic opened in The Hague last month to much self righteous acclaim. Commentators were quick to draw comparisons with the trial of Nazi leaders at Nuremberg. Yet far from being a testimony to the moral rectitude of the west, the International Criminal Tribunal on the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is a symbol of its moral duplicity.
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Serbien: Ringe tiltro til ny regering
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 189, jan 01 – side 4
Note: Medierne præsenterer valget i Serbien, hvor den demokratiske oppositionskoalition (DOS) vandt en overvældende sejr, som den sidste pind i Milosevic’ ligkiste, den endelige gennemførelse af revolutionen, der væltede Milosevic i starten af oktober.
Lindsey German: Serbia's spring in October
International Socialism Journal nr. 89, dec 00 – side 3
Note: The revolution in Serbia is an event of international importance. The overthrow of Milosevic by the Serbian workers and the student movement Otpor! clearly proves, for the first time since the Portuguese Revolution of 1974, that the impulse to revolution has not left the European heartland of the capitalist system. Yet this is a democratic revolution, not a socialist revolution, argues Lindsey German. How will the movement now develop? How will the new government confront the workers? How will it deal with the NATO powers and Kosovo?
Jakob L. Krogh: Folkets revolution i Serbien – på trods af Natos bomber
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 187, nov 00 – side 5
Note: “Han er færdig, han er færdig,” lød det taktfast i Beograds gader for en måned siden. Efter 13 år ved magten fejede en revolution det forhadte regime af vejen.
Masseprotesterne viser at intet nok så stærk og voldeligt regime i længden kan modstå en revolution fra neden.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: Marxisme i hverdagen: Revolution i Serbien: Hvad er en revolution?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 187, nov 00 – side 7
Note: Når man som socialist siger, at man ønsker en revolution stejler folk ofte. Tit forbinder folk ordet med en lille elites blodige og udemokratiske overtagelse af magten. Men intet er længere fra virkeligheden.
Jesper Høi Kanne: Balkan: Den serbiske opposition kæmper videre
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 4
Note: - “Don't say things, do them.” Det er mottoet for den serbiske studenterbevægelse OTPOR, som gennem de seneste måneder har markeret sig stærkt i opposition til Milosevic’ regime.
Dragan Plavsic: Balkans: Green shoots of resistance
Socialist Review nr. 242, jun 00 – side 17
Note: Opposition in the Balkans looked at by Dragan Plavsic
Frank Antonsen: Spændt situation på Balkan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 181, mar 00 – side 5
Note: Situationen på Balkan er på ingen måde faldet til ro efter NATO’s krig mod Serbien. Den herskende klasse slås indbyrdes, og blandt almindelige mennesker vokser vreden mod systemet.
Nato-bomber svækkede den serbiske opposition
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 175, sep 99 – side 4
Note: “Oppositionen greb ikke den historiske chance. Vi bad om for lidt, og vi fik for lidt.”
Oppositionen i Serbien: Vælger diplomati frem for arbejderkamp
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 149, dec 96 – side 3
Note: De nationalistiske oppositionsledere har intet alternativ at tilbyde de mange tusinder, der demonstrerer mod præsidenten.
Ken Olende: The bloody history of Nato's intervention in the Balkans
Socialist Worker nr. 2243, mar 11 – side 6
Note: Many people who are horrified by what Western intervention has done in Iraq or Afghanistan still see no alternative to supporting a no-fly zone over Libya. Western governments encourage this—and point to the “successful” humanitarian intervention in Yugoslavia to back up their case.
Bosnien: Ny leder – samme historie
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 166, sep 97 – side 3
Note: Vesten, og især USA, har fået en ny kæledægge på Balkan. Det er de bosniske serberes præsident Biljana Plavsic. I øjeblikket ligger hun i åben strid om magten med Radovan Karadzic, manden, der var de bosniske serberes leder under borgerkrigen i Jugoslavien.
Se også: Balkankrigene
Panos Garganas: Macedonia: Repeat performance
Socialist Review nr. 255, sep 01 – side 23
Note: The war in Macedonia shows no sign of resolution despite the latest peace plans. Panos Garganas looks at the root of the conflict.
Panos Garganas is a Greek socialist. The Greek government put him on trial for treason in the 1990s for supporting an independent Macedonia.
Dragan Plavsic: Macedonia: Talk peace but prepare for war
Socialist Review nr. 254, jul 01 – side 6
Dictators everywhere are living in fear of Tunisian example
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 5
Note: Egypt – Jordan – Yemen – Algeria – Palestine – Albania
Diktatorer overalt lever i frygt for det tunesiske eksempel
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 305, jan 11 
Note: Den tunesiske revolution har givet selvtillid til mennesker overalt til at gå til modstand.
Tom Christiansen: Albanien: Revolution eller kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 155, mar 97 – side 8
Note: “Vi behøver ikke Berisha. Vi behøver ikke politikerne. Vi kan styre selv.”
80-årig kvinde på massemøde i Sarande.
Frank Antonsen: Albanien: Stop støtten til Berisha
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 155, mar 97 – side 8
Note: EU’s ministre vil hjælpe Berisha med at blive ved magten. De frygter, at oprøret vil brede sig, hvis det sejrer.
Albanien: På randen af revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 154, mar 97 – side 3
Note: Oprøret i Albanien giver håb om et alternativ til markedsøkonomien. Et alternativ, der bygger på almindelige mennesker.
Bulgarien og Albanien: Oprør mod fattigdom
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 151, jan 97 – side 3
Note: Uanset regeringens farve er det det samme kriseramte system, de forvalter – og de møder den samme bølge af modstand.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Marxismens betydning: Ingen lysende fyrtårne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 9, maj 85 – side 7
Note: Torsdag den 11. april døde Enver Hoxha. Han var statsleder i Albanien fra 1944 til sin død. For nogle var torsdag den 11. en sorgens dag. Det gjaldt for de små grupper uden for Albanien, som har set Albanien som socialismens lysende fyrtårn.
Curtis McNally: Albanian roulette
Socialist Review nr. 40, feb 82 – side 7
Note: Neraly all the news about Eastern Europe in the last few weeks has come from Poland. But strange things have been happening in Albania.
Tomáš Tengely-Evans: Rumænien: Masseprotester kræver premierministers afgang efter ‘korruptionslov’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 356, jan 17 
Note: Over 200.000 mennesker gik på gaden i Bukarest i Rumænien søndag aften den 5. februar. Yderligere 300.000 demonstrerede i byer landet over, herunder 40.000 i Timisoara og 45.000 i Cluj-Napoca.
Andy Ridley: Film review: California Dreamin'
Socialist Review nr. 326, jun 08 – side 32
Note: California Dreamin', Director: Cristian Nemescu; Release date: out now
California Dreamin' was to be Cristian Nemescu's only feature film – both he and his sound editor were killed in a car crash before it was finished.
He has created a beautiful film. It often makes you smile because you are reminded of your own obsessions and yearnings and clumsy, frustrated attempts to better yourself. People are brought together by circumstance and we witness subtle and intimate conversations between them.
Farah Reza: Film Review: 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 29
Note: Director: Cristian Mungiu; Release date: 11 January
The Palme d'Or winner, 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days, is set during the last days of the Communist regime in Romania. It starts with a student called Gabita frantically packing a suitcase. Her room mate Ortila remarks that "it looks like you're packing to go camping". It emerges that Gabita is pregnant — not two months pregnant, as she originally claims, but four months pregnant. Abortion is still illegal in Romania, but Ortila chooses to help her friend.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Rumænsk protestvalg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 4
Note: I Rumænien har massiv utilfredshed med den nuværende borgerlige regering og dens ‘reformpolitik’ gjort præsidentvalget til et protestvalg, hvor eks-kommunisten Ion Iliescu og fascisten Corneliu Vadim Tudor har fået størst opbakning.
Rumænien: Profitjagt smadre alt liv i Donau
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 181, mar 00 – side 4
Note: I begyndelsen af februar var der en stor ulykke med giftudslip og i begyndelsen af marts var det tungmetaller, der røg ud i floderne.
Sejr for rumænske minearbejdere
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 12
Note: I januar samlede tusindvis af minearbejdere i Rumænien sig i en march mod hovedstaden med krav om højere løn og stop for minelukninger. Det skræmte præsident Emil Constantinescu og hans regering fra vid og sans.
Peter Iversen: Minearbejdere i oprør i Rumænien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 74, okt 91 – side 2
Poul Erik Kristensen: Stadig håb i Rumænien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 62, sep 90 – side 2
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Rumænien – hvorhen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 57, feb 90 – side 10
Thomas Müller: Rumænien: Pampere – Nej tak!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 57, feb 90 – side 11
Peter Wedel: Revolution i Rumænien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 56, jan 90 – side 12
Mariya Ivancheva: Global protest movements: First steps in Bulgaria
Socialist Review nr. 379, apr 13 – side 9
Note: In the last week of February, after days of protests across the country, the Bulgarian government headed by Boyko Borisov resigned. Mariya Ivancheva looks at what happened and what comes next.
Bulgaria: Protests against poverty
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 – side 20
Note: Some 100,000 people took to the streets last Sunday in Bulgaria’s latest wave of protests against poverty and rising utility prices.
Bulgarien: Folk må stadig sulte
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 152, feb 97 – side 3
Note: Arbejderne i Bulgarien vandt en stor sejr, da de gennemtvang et nyvalg til parlamentet i april. Men valget løser ikke arbejdernes problemer.
Bulgarien og Albanien: Oprør mod fattigdom
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 151, jan 97 – side 3
Note: Uanset regeringens farve er det det samme kriseramte system, de forvalter – og de møder den samme bølge af modstand.
Chris Bambery: Kosovos løsrivelse: Optrapning af koldkrigsspændinger
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 10
Note: USA, England, Frankrig, Tyskland og Italien har meget hurtigt anerkendt den unilaterale uafhængighedserklæring, hvor Kosovas parlament erklærede deres selvstændighed fra Serbien. Dette træk kan kun forstærke de etniske spændinger i regionen. Det skaber også en farlig optrapning af den „nye Kolde Krig“, imellem Vesten og Rusland, der fungerer som Serbiens vigtigste allierede.
GM Tamás: Kosovo: Nato’s relentless drive for war in eastern Europe
Socialist Worker nr. 2091, mar 08 – side 9
Note: GM Tamás is a former Hungarian dissident and a former member of the Hungarian parliament. Today he is a professor of philosophy in Budapest. He writes on the background and context to Kosovo’s recent declaration of independence.
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica: Kosovo is a pawn on the imperial chessboard
Socialist Worker nr. 2090, mar 08 – side 4
Note: Revolutionary socialists in the Balkans face a difficult period ahead. The region has long been at the centre of imperial rivalry between the US and European Union (EU) on one side and Russia on the other. Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence marks a new stage in the ratcheting up of tensions.
Chris Bambery: Kosovo’s breakaway will inflame 'cold war' tensions
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 4
Note: The US, Britain, France, Germany and Italy have rushed to recognise last Sunday’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia made by the parliament in Kosovo. This move can only inflame ethnic tension in the region.
Lindsey German: In my view: Kosovo — back to the brink
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 7
Note: The Balkan province of Kosovo has been largely forgotten in British politics since the war there nine years ago. It was obvious at the time that the post-war settlement would come to a crisis over the question of Kosovan independence.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Hækkerup samarbejder med krigsforbrydere i Kosova
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 189, jan 01 – side 5
Note: Sidste år støttede den danske forsvarsminister, Hans Hækkerup, og resten af regeringen ubetinget op omkring NATO’s krig mod Jugoslavien.
Christian Ringdal: NATO, Kosovo og imperialisme
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 4, sep 99 
Jørn Andersen: Kommentar: Fuld selvstændighed for Kosova
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 11
Note: De vestlige landes rolle i forhold til krigen i Kosova er mere beskidt, end det umiddelbart kunne se ud til.
Kosova: Offer for stormagters strid
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 6
Note: 450 mennesker – mest albanske civile – er indtil nu blevet dræbt i krigen mellem de serbiske styrker og den albanske oprørshær i Kosova-provinsen. De gængse forklaringer henviser til balkansk stridbarhed, urgammelt had eller serbernes herrefolksmentalitet.
Østeuropa: 1956
Se også: Ungarn
1956 and the rebirth of socialism from below
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 77
Note: Why commemorate 1956? The answer, in short, is that Sunday 4 November 1956 was one of the major ideological turning points for socialists in the 20th century. On that day Russian tanks moved in to crush workers’ councils in Hungary and did so just as the left across the world was mobilising hundreds of thousands of people on the streets in protest at the joint British, French and Israeli military attack on Egypt.
Joan Soelberg: Ungarns hede efterår (1956)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 23, okt 86 – side 10
Note: Opstanden i Ungarn i 1956 er blevet kaldt både kontrarevolutionær og fascistisk. Den påstand afviser Joan Soelberg i denne artikel og ser samtidig nærmere på de ungarske arbejderes aktiviteter og organisering i arbejderråd under opstanden.

Der blev fundet 129 artikler


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