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Tema: Sovjetunionen

Se også: Se også: Russisk revolution; 1989: Murens fald/Stalinismens sammenbrud

Se også: Russisk revolution; 1989: Murens fald/Stalinismens sammenbrud
John Baxter: Book review: “We can always shoot them later”
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 201
Note: The post-war period was a time of rapid reconstruction and modernisation in the Soviet Union, and science and technology were expected to play a huge part in the process. As such, the rewards and prestige for those working in Soviet science were particularly high. But the risks were great too. Whole academic disciplines could find themselves out of favour—academics might be arrested or killed if their ideas were deemed unpatriotic or “anti-Soviet”.
Mike Haynes: Review: Culture purged of revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 208
Note: Review: Katerina Clark, Evgeny Dobrenko, Andrei Artizov and Oleg Naumov (eds), Soviet Culture and Power: A History in Documents, 1917-1953 (Yale University, 2007), £35
John Rees: Forvirring på den russiske venstrefløj
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 74, okt 91 – side 11
Note: Den russiske venstrefløj, som blev taget med bukserne nede ved august-kuppet, står nu i en krisesituation.
Gorba: Så er det nok!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 43, okt 88 – side 1
Note: Søndag den 26. september kunne Pravda bekendtgøre, at Gorbatjov slet ikke synes, at det er sjovt med Glasnost længere.
Andy Zebrowski + Chris Harman: Glasnost – before the storm
International Socialism Journal nr. 39, jun 88 – side 3
Note: This year already marks a watershed in Russian history.
The crisis facing glasnost and perestroika has led to what Mikhail Gorbachev describes as ‘turmoil in the minds of many peopleworkers, intelligentsia and leading cadres. The panic has reached such a level to question whether perestroika is something destructive, leading to the destabilisation of society.’
But beneath those battling it out in the upper ranks of the bureaucracy much more powerful forces are beginning to stir. Earlier this year the Armenian general strike showed both how dangerous the national question has become for the Russian ruling class and the possibility of the struggle reaching down into the core of the working class.
In this issue’s leading article Chris Harman and Andy Zebrowski chart the growing storm.
Alt. url: Læs teksten på dansk på Marxisme Online: Glasnost – før stormen
Alt. url: Oversat til dansk og udgivet af Forlaget med titlen Glasnost – før stormen.
Mike Haynes: Understanding the Soviet crisis
International Socialism Journal nr. 34, dec 86 – side 3
Arne Lorenzen: Ny direktion i A/S Sovjet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 12, sep 85 – side 6
Note: Ruslands herskende klasse fik i foråret en ny leder, Mikhail Gorbatjov. I juni måned gjorde han sig bemærket ved at holde en, efter russiske forhold, usædvanlig skrap tale.
Colin Barker: Review: The Inheritance of Joe Stalin
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 80, jul 75 – side 30
Note: Moshe Lewin: Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates, Pluto £3.75
Tony Cliff: Changes in Stalinist Russia: 1 Changes in the Management of Industry
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 001, jun 58 – side 19
Note: Since the death of Stalin a number of changes have taken place in the economic, political and cultural life of Russia. To describe these changes, evaluate their importance and try to see their causes and results, we intend publishing a series of articles on the subject in International Socialism.

Der blev fundet 9 artikler


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