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Tema: Rusland/USSR

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Se også: Russisk revolution
Stefan Godau: Rusland: Autoritært styre og statslig repression-protestbølge i hele landet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 321, jul 12 – side 14
Note: Uanset protesterne i hele Rusland og EU, så fortsætter Putin-regimet med sin autoritære kurs.
Valgfarce i Rusland: Putin vinder angiveligt præsidentvalget
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 – side 15
Note: I skrivende stund (4.3.) orienteres det, at Vladimir Putin er den store vinder af det afholdte præsidentvalg med over 60 % af stemmerne og at han fejrer sig selv som valgets store vinder.
Jens Andersen: Demonstranter trodser russisk vinter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 317, feb 12 – side 4
Note: Lørdag d. 7 februar samlede der sig mere end 100.000 mennesker bare i Moskva til protest mod valgsvindel. De trodsede en isnende kulde på op mod -20 grader og over 50.000 soldater og betjente.
What we think: Russia could use Moscow bombs to justify a new crackdown
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 3
Note: The bombing of Russia’s Domodedovo airport in Moscow, which saw at least 35 people killed and more than 100 injured, was blamed on “Islamic terrorists” from the Caucasus region.
Russian protests at the economic crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2137, feb 09 – side 5
Note: Defying riot police, protesters took to the streets of Vladivostok, Moscow and other Russian cities in protest at the economic crisis.
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 7
Note: Fascism in Russia – Bolivian referendum shows strength of left
Dave Crouch: Nato and Russia: Georgia on their minds
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 14
Note: What lies behind the conflict between Georgia and Russia? Dave Crouch explains why the Caucasus has become the new front for US imperialism.
Boris Kagarlitskij: War in the Caucasus: The limits of a superpower
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 7
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is a Russian socialist activist and a director of the Institute for Globalisation Studies in Moscow. He spoke to Socialist Worker about the reaction to the Georgian war within Russia, and its implications for the politics in the region and worldwide.
Dave Crouch: Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Witness to the Gulag
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 12
Note: Dave Crouch looks at the politics and work of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the great chronicler of Stalin’s Russia who died recently.
Mike Haynes: Book review: Valuable but flawed
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 193
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky, Empire of the Periphery: Russia and the World System, (Pluto, 2008), £40
Editorial: Sign of tensions with US in Russian election
Socialist Worker nr. 2091, mar 08 – side 12
Note: The election of Dmitri Medvedev as the new president of the Russian Federation came as no surprise. He was championed by the outgoing incumbent Vladimir Putin, and his campaign had an effective media monopoly.
Mike Haynes: The uncertain return of Russian power
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 51
Note: Is the Cold War returning? Relations between Russia and the West now are at their lowest point since the mid-1980s, and some in the West are happy to interpret this as an impending return to the days of the Cold War. Under Vladimir Putin Russia has begun to recover from the low point of its “transition” in August 1998 when it defaulted on its $40 billion debt and the rouble lost 60 percent of its value in two months.
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica: Review: Hello Lenin, goodbye Lenin!
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 220
Note: Archie Brown, Seven Years that Changed the World: Perestroika in Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2007), £25
Archie Brown is credited with being the first person to advise Margaret Thatcher about the likely accession of Mikhail Gorbachev as a radical reformer to the post of general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He is seen, therefore, as one of the few Sovietologists to accurately predict imminent and far reaching change in the USSR.
Pete Glatter: Review: The bear facts: new books on Russia
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 213
Note: Edwin Bacon with Matthew Wyman, Contemporary Russia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), £16.99
Stephen Lovell, Destination in Doubt: Russia since 1989 (Zed books, 2006), £12.99
Craig Murray, Murder in Samarkand: A British Ambassador’s Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror (Mainstream, 2006), £7.99
Frank Antonsen: Minearbejdere i Rusland: Ned med systemet
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 12
Note: Mens den sociale elendighed og utilfredshed vokser, er samfundets top splittet af intern rivalisering. Frank Antonsen fortæller om minearbejderstrejker og regeringskriser i Rusland.
Caspar Diklev: Gorbatjov og Jeltsin har hver deres plan: To veje til helvede
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 63, okt 90 – side 2
Note: Efter voldsomme diskussioner i Den Øverste Sovjet om overgangen til markedsøkonomi endte det med, at Gorbatjov blev bemyndiget til at indføre den økonomiske redningsplan per dekret.
Vælt Gorbatjov og: Slip russerne løs
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 59, maj 90 – side 1
Note: Superpræsidenten bliver stadigt mere upopulær både i Rusland og de øvrige republikker. I år har der indtil nu dagligt været 240.000 arbejdere i strejke i gennemsnit.
Marianne Bülow: De nationale oprør: Gorbatjovs Waterloo
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 59, maj 90 – side 10
Note: Nationale opstande og konflikter spreder sig over hele Sovjet. Styrets økonomiske problemer og konsekvenserne af den langvarige undertrykkelse bobler op til overfladen. Gorbatjov puster sig op til superpræsident for at fastholde undertrykkelsen af de nationale mindretal.
Gorba ud af Litauen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 58, mar 90 – side 1
Note: Den sovjetiske præsident, Mikhail Gorbatjov, har hurtigt levet op til hans nye titel som “superpræsident” med diktatoriske beføjelser.
Harald Lillevang: Gorbatjov: Superpræsident?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 58, mar 90 – side 12
Note: Den nyligt afholdte Folkekongres i Sovjetunionen valgte uden modkandidater Gorbatjov som superpræsident – for et vaklende imperium.
Joan Hansen: Gorba groggy
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 53, okt 89 – side 2
Note: Minearbejderstrejken i sommer og de voksende nationale krav om selvstændighed i republikker har for alvor gjort Gorbatjov groggy.
Strejker der ryster Sovjet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 52, sep 89 – side 12
Note: Den konservative fløj i det russiske kommunistparti vejrer morgenluft, mens reformfløjen med Gorbatjov i spidsen har fået at mærke, hvilke kræfter de har sat i gang via glasnost og perestrojka.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Minearbejdere: Strejken sejrede i Sovjet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 51, aug 89 – side 12
Note: I juli så vi i Sovjet strejker af en størrelse, der ikke er set siden 20’erne og med en magt, hvis lige ikke er set siden 1917. Årtiers bøjen nakken blev brudt af den sovjetiske arbejderklasse, som rejste arbejdermagtens banner, så det blev synligt for hele verden.
Olga Semyonova: Russia: ‘Fish rots from the heads’
Socialist Review nr. 4, jul 78 – side 11
Note: The men and women WHO were to form the Free Trade Union Association of the Soviet Working People met in Moscow at the end of 1977 in the queues of petitioners to the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Mike Haynes: The Soviet Working Class Today
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 103, nov 77 – side 14
Note: The Soviet regime was brought into being by the action of the Russian working class. Isolated from the advanced economies of the West by the failure of the revolution in Europe, the regime evolved into a bureaucratic monolith hoisted above the Russian people. In the following article, Mike Haynes describes the condition of the working class in the USSR.
Notes of the Quarter: 1. Khrushchev’s Congress
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 7, dec 61 – side 1
Note: The festive role for which the 22nd Congress of the Russian Communist Party was originally cast came badly unstuck in debate.
Se også: Russisk revolution; 1989: Murens fald/Stalinismens sammenbrud
John Baxter: Book review: “We can always shoot them later”
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 201
Note: The post-war period was a time of rapid reconstruction and modernisation in the Soviet Union, and science and technology were expected to play a huge part in the process. As such, the rewards and prestige for those working in Soviet science were particularly high. But the risks were great too. Whole academic disciplines could find themselves out of favour—academics might be arrested or killed if their ideas were deemed unpatriotic or “anti-Soviet”.
Mike Haynes: Review: Culture purged of revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 208
Note: Review: Katerina Clark, Evgeny Dobrenko, Andrei Artizov and Oleg Naumov (eds), Soviet Culture and Power: A History in Documents, 1917-1953 (Yale University, 2007), £35
John Rees: Forvirring på den russiske venstrefløj
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 74, okt 91 – side 11
Note: Den russiske venstrefløj, som blev taget med bukserne nede ved august-kuppet, står nu i en krisesituation.
Gorba: Så er det nok!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 43, okt 88 – side 1
Note: Søndag den 26. september kunne Pravda bekendtgøre, at Gorbatjov slet ikke synes, at det er sjovt med Glasnost længere.
Andy Zebrowski + Chris Harman: Glasnost – before the storm
International Socialism Journal nr. 39, jun 88 – side 3
Note: This year already marks a watershed in Russian history.
The crisis facing glasnost and perestroika has led to what Mikhail Gorbachev describes as ‘turmoil in the minds of many peopleworkers, intelligentsia and leading cadres. The panic has reached such a level to question whether perestroika is something destructive, leading to the destabilisation of society.’
But beneath those battling it out in the upper ranks of the bureaucracy much more powerful forces are beginning to stir. Earlier this year the Armenian general strike showed both how dangerous the national question has become for the Russian ruling class and the possibility of the struggle reaching down into the core of the working class.
In this issue’s leading article Chris Harman and Andy Zebrowski chart the growing storm.
Alt. url: Læs teksten på dansk på Marxisme Online: Glasnost – før stormen
Alt. url: Oversat til dansk og udgivet af Forlaget med titlen Glasnost – før stormen.
Mike Haynes: Understanding the Soviet crisis
International Socialism Journal nr. 34, dec 86 – side 3
Arne Lorenzen: Ny direktion i A/S Sovjet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 12, sep 85 – side 6
Note: Ruslands herskende klasse fik i foråret en ny leder, Mikhail Gorbatjov. I juni måned gjorde han sig bemærket ved at holde en, efter russiske forhold, usædvanlig skrap tale.
Colin Barker: Review: The Inheritance of Joe Stalin
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 80, jul 75 – side 30
Note: Moshe Lewin: Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates, Pluto £3.75
Tony Cliff: Changes in Stalinist Russia: 1 Changes in the Management of Industry
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 001, jun 58 – side 19
Note: Since the death of Stalin a number of changes have taken place in the economic, political and cultural life of Russia. To describe these changes, evaluate their importance and try to see their causes and results, we intend publishing a series of articles on the subject in International Socialism.
Simon Englert: The rise and fall of the Jewish Labour Bund
International Socialism Journal nr. 135, jul 12 – side 115
Note: The history of the Bund, or Algemeyner Yiddisher Arbeter Bund in Rusland un Poyln (General Jewish Labour Union in Russia and Poland), is one riven with contradictions.
John Rose: Messianic strains
International Socialism Journal nr. 132, okt 11 – side 217
Note: Antony Polonsky, The Jews in Poland and Russia, Volume 1: 1350-1881 (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2010), £39.50
Pete Glatter: Russia: Rising from the East?
Socialist Review nr. 313, jan 07 – side 18
Note: A few years ago post Communist Russia was commonly dismissed as a basket case, argues Pete Glatter, but today fear of a resurgent Russia is driving a new agenda.
Dave Crouch: The inevitability of radicalism (Boris Kagarlitsky: "Russia under Yeltsin and Putin: Neo-Liberal Autocracy")
International Socialism Journal nr. 97, dec 02 – side 91
Note: Dave Crouch on Boris Kagarlitsky's assessment of the movement in Russia today
Pete Glatter + Mike Haynes: The Russian catastrophe
International Socialism Journal nr. 81, dec 98 – side 45
Note: Russia's catastrophe is qualitatively worse than virtually anything previously suffered by an advanced industrial economy in peacetime. Any thoughts that this judgement might be considered an exaggeration will be banished by Mike Haynes and Pete Glatter's forensic dissection of the Russian crisis. They show in revealing detail just what havoc has been wrought on the Russian society by its integration with the world market and analyse the decomposition of the Russian ruling class just at the point where it thought that it had successfully negotiated the transition from state capitalism.
Rusland: Kamp er eneste håb
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 156, apr 97 – side 3
Note: Op mod fire millioner mennesker gik sidste uge på gaderne over alt i Rusland i en stribe strejker, demonstrationer og protestaktioner.
Minearbejderstrejke i Rusland: “Det er vores opgave at vælte Jeltsin”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 149, dec 96 – side 3
Note: De russiske minearbejdere er gået videre i deres krav, nu forlanger de også regeringens afgang.
Valget i Rusland: Vesten køber Jeltsin til magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 137, jun 96 – side 3
Note: Valget i Rusland beskrives i Vesten som et valg mellem demokrati og kommunisme. Men både Jeltsin og Sjuganov går ind for kapitalisme.
Minearbejdere udfordrer Jeltsin
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 128, feb 96 – side 3
Note: Der er stigende modstand i den russiske arbejderklasse mod Jeltsins reformer. En omfattende strejke tvang i starten af februar regeringen til at give indrømmelser.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Valget i Rusland: Kapitalistisk kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 125, dec 95 – side 4
Note: Valget til parlamentet i Rusland d. 17. december vil blive et nederlag for reformpolitikerne, som har stået for indførelsen af markedsøkonomien.
Dave Crouch: The crisis in Russia and the rise of the right
International Socialism Journal nr. 66, mar 95 – side 3
Note: Russia's crisis reached new depths with Boris Yeltsin's bloody suppression of Chechnya. He won the battle but may have lost the war to hold on to his presidency. Dave Crouch writes from Moscow, assessing the liberals' political, economic and social record and showing how they have prepared the ground for forces to their right, including Russia's increasingly vociferous Nazi organisations. Finally he looks at how workers' organisations are placed to resist the rise of the right.
Mike Haynes: The wrong road on Russia (S Clarke, P Fairbrother, M Burawoy and P Krotov: "What About the Workers? Workers and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia")
International Socialism Journal nr. 64, sep 94 – side 105
Note: Mike Haynes reviews "What About the Workers?", an attempt to give a socialist perspective on the transition to the market.
Anders Schou: Valget i Rusland: Politisk molotov-cocktail. Yderste højre udfordrer Jeltsin
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 99, jan 94 – side 7
Note: Ruslands katastrofale økonomi splitter den herskende klasse.
John Rees: Forvirring på den russiske venstrefløj
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 74, okt 91 – side 11
Note: Den russiske venstrefløj, som blev taget med bukserne nede ved august-kuppet, står nu i en krisesituation.
Mike Haynes: Introduction to Boris Kagarlitsky
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 89
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is one of the best known activists of the new opposition in Russia. He is a founder of the New Socialist Party and of the independent trade union organisation, Sotsprof. He is author of The Thinking Reed, which was recently awarded the Isaac Deutscher memorial prize.
Boris Kagarlitskij: The market instead of democracy?
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 93
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is one of the best known activists of the new opposition in Russia. He is a founder of the New Socialist Party and of the independent trade union organisation, Sotsprof. He is author of The Thinking Reed, which was recently awarded the Isaac Deutscher memorial prize. In 'The Market or Democracy?' he takes on the most fervent Russian advocates of the free market and demolishes their arguments.
Ulla Justesen: Armenien: Nationalt mareridt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 2
Note: Midt i februar startede de største protester i Sovjet siden 20’erne. Over en million mennesker i den sovjetiske republik, Armenien, gik på gaden for at demonstrere.
Vælt Gorbatjov og: Slip russerne løs
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 59, maj 90 – side 1
Note: Superpræsidenten bliver stadigt mere upopulær både i Rusland og de øvrige republikker. I år har der indtil nu dagligt været 240.000 arbejdere i strejke i gennemsnit.
Marianne Bülow: De nationale oprør: Gorbatjovs Waterloo
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 59, maj 90 – side 10
Note: Nationale opstande og konflikter spreder sig over hele Sovjet. Styrets økonomiske problemer og konsekvenserne af den langvarige undertrykkelse bobler op til overfladen. Gorbatjov puster sig op til superpræsident for at fastholde undertrykkelsen af de nationale mindretal.
Judith Orr: Book Review: Nechama Tec: Defiance
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 29
Note: This is the book on which the recent movie of the same name was based. Like the film it has its weaknesses. But the film helped reveal this extraordinary story of a group of Jewish partisans who defied the Nazis and survived deep in the forest of Western Belorussia during the Second World War.
Rob Ferguson: Ukraine: imperialism, war and the left
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 65
Note: The most powerful military alliance in the world met in Newport, Wales, at the beginning of September. It was, arguably, the most significant meeting of the NATO alliance since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Two issues dominated the NATO agenda: the rise of Islamic State and, beyond all expectations, the apparent success of Vladimir Putin’s strategy in Ukraine.
Alex Callinicos: Krisen i Ukraine og de to imperialismer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 340, aug 14 
Note: Konfronteret med alle rapporterne om en russisk invasion i det syd-østlige Ukraine er vi nødt til at huske på Tonkin-bugt begivenheden.
John Rose: Ukraine and the Bolsheviks
International Socialism Journal nr. 143, jul 14 – side 201
Note: ‘The Russian Revolution unleashed a vicious struggle between revolutionaries (above all the Bolsheviks based among the miners of the Donbass in the east), Ukrainian and Polish nationalists, and red and white armies.’

This sentence in Alex Callinicos’s analysis of events in Ukraine, “Imperial Delusions”, in International Socialism 142, addressed the troubled relationship between the Bolsheviks and Ukraine. Understandably, given the article’s focus on contemporary events, it could not do justice to the profound challenge that Ukraine posed for the Bolsheviks after they had seized power in October 1917. It was a challenge which, arguably, undermined the revolution from its earliest days.
Charlie Lywood: Ukraine: Situationen er flydende
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 – side 12
Note: Den store vinder af det ukrainske præsidentvalg er chokolade-oligarken Petro Porosjenko.
Jørn Andersen: Ukaine: Hverken Moskva, Bruxelles eller Washington – men international socialisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 337, apr 14 – side 6
Note: Situationen i Ukraine har mange aktører på scenen: Indbyrdes rivaliserende oligarker, et folkeligt oprør, fascister og rivaliserende, imperialistiske stormagter.
Charlie Lywood: Ukraine: Oprøret på Maidan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 337, apr 14 – side 6
Note: For mange på venstrefløjen er begivenhederne i Ukraine forvirrende. Hvad er der egentlig sket? Var det en fascistisk bevægelse som væltede Janukovitj? Hvad skal vi tro?
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Imperial Delusions
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 3
Note: Once upon a time, after the end of the Cold War, a fairy tale came to prevail, especially in Europe: economic globalisation was washing away national antagonisms and drawing states into a benign system of “global governance” under which the peoples of the world would share freedom and prosperity.
The crisis in Ukraine, demonstrating as it does persisting geopolitical conflicts among the Great Powers, should deliver the coup de grace to this ideology.
Alex Callinicos: Ukraine: Putin hæver indsatsen i den imperialistiske Krim-krise
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 336, feb 14 
Note: Ruslands overtagelse af den militære kontrol over Krim har bragt Ukraine på randen af krig. Denne krise er en kombination af tre forskellige konflikter.
Dragan Plavsic: Manufactured revolutions?
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 21
Note: Media excitement reached a pitch with multicoloured 'revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, But what was really happening? Dragan Plavsic compares the changes to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia five years ago.
Mike Haynes: Ukraine’s Brutal History
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 13
Note: The recent explosion of popular anger comes after centuries of misrule.
Dave Crouch: What is at stake in the Ukraine
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 16
Note: Popular anger exploded onto the streets of the Ukraine last week. Dave Crouch spoke to Socialist Worker from the streets of Kiev on Monday
Ukraine: Ex-Stalinists and oligarchs try to use protests
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 16
Note: Leonid Kuchma – Viktor Yanukovich – Viktor Yushchenko
Sasha Simic: Book review: Vicken Cheterian: War and Peace in the Caucasus
Socialist Review nr. 335, apr 09 – side 25
Note: In 1992, as the former Yugoslavian Republic tore itself apart in a series of bloody ethnic conflicts, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic put forward the following explanation for why Serbs, Croats and Muslims were killing each other: "Tito threw us together. We are like oil and water. While he shook us, we stayed together. Once we were left alone, we separated."
New Labour banging war drums – again
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 1
Note: The new Labour government is leading the West’s war of words against Russia in its dispute with Georgia.
Sadie Robinson: Is Caucasus conflict a new Cold War?
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 6
Note: We need to look beyond Western rhetoric to analyse current geopolitical tensions.
Dave Crouch: Nato and Russia: Georgia on their minds
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 14
Note: What lies behind the conflict between Georgia and Russia? Dave Crouch explains why the Caucasus has become the new front for US imperialism.
Alex Callinicos: George Bush is the real loser in the latest Caucasus war
Socialist Worker nr. 2116, aug 08 – side 4
Note: Now that the dust is beginning to settle, what are the long term consequences of the war between Russia and Georgia?
Boris Kagarlitskij: War in the Caucasus: The limits of a superpower
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 7
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is a Russian socialist activist and a director of the Institute for Globalisation Studies in Moscow. He spoke to Socialist Worker about the reaction to the Georgian war within Russia, and its implications for the politics in the region and worldwide.
A Georgian tragedy
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 7
Note: Mark Almond is a lecturer in history at the University of Oxford, and an expert in the politics of the Caucasus region. He was one of the speakers at the Stop the War Coalition’s emergency meeting on the Georgia crisis held in London on Thursday of last week. He spoke to Socialsit Worker.
Nato moves east (map)
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 9
Simon Assaf + Anindya Bhattacharyya: Georgien og Sydossetien: Fanget i stormagternes spil
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 281, aug 08 – side 7
Note: Anindya Bhattacharyya og Simon Assaf ser på de imperialistiske manøvrer, der ligger bag krigen mellem Rusland og Georgien.
Alt. url: Oprindelig artikel (Socialist Worker, UK)
Simon Assaf + Anindya Bhattacharyya: Ossetien – en historie om splittelse og krig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 281, aug 08 – side 7
Note: Befolkningen i Kaukasus er et kludetæppe af forskellige nationaliteter og etniske grupper, der i flere århundrede har været fanget mellem rivaliserende imperialistiske magter.
Alt. url: Oprindelig artikel (Socialist Worker, UK)
Lindsey German: Caucasus conflict: Bloody cost of the new world order
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 1
Note: The outbreak of war in the Caucasus over the past week has stunned the world. More fighting, more bombing, thousands dead and tens of thousands of refugees are the daily scenes on our television screens.
Anindya Bhattacharyya + Simon Assaf: Caucasus conflict: War is result of imperial game
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 4
Note: Anindya Bhattacharyya and Simon Assaf look at the imperialist manoeuvrings that lie behind the war between Russia and Georgia
Alt. url: Dansk oversættelse (Soc. Arb.avis)
Simon Assaf + Anindya Bhattacharyya: Caucasus conflict: Scramble for resources is destabilising the world
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 4
Note: The global system of competition between rival power blocs has transformed the Caucasus – with its myriad of ethnic and historic rivalries – into a surrogate test of will between the US and Russia.
Caucasus conflict: Maps of the region of conflict in the Caucasus
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 4
Anindya Bhattacharyya + Simon Assaf: Caucasus conflict: Deepening unease with US strategy
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 5
Note: The recent fighting between Georgia and Russia has revealed splits in the Western ruling class over whether or not to turn up the heat on Russia.
Anindya Bhattacharyya + Simon Assaf: Caucasus conflict: Ossetia – a history of division and war
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 5
Note: The Caucasus region is populated by a patchwork of different nationalities and ethnic groups that have been caught for centuries in wars between rival empires.
Alt. url: Dansk oversættelse (Soc. Arb.avis)
Dragan Plavsic: Manufactured revolutions?
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 21
Note: Media excitement reached a pitch with multicoloured 'revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, But what was really happening? Dragan Plavsic compares the changes to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia five years ago.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Bolivia og Georgien: Med revolutionen på dagsordenen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 2
Note: Bolivia: Utilfredshed med regeringens salg af naturgas til USA var den direkte anledning til, at Bolivias præsident Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada i midten af oktober blev tvunget til at flygte til Miami. Det skete efter flere års stærk utilfredshed med en politik, der har gjort Bolivia til Latinamerikas fattigste land.
Georgien: Søndag d. 22. november blev Georgiens præsident, Sjevardnadse, tvunget fra magten.
Andy Ridley: Book review: Dark thoughts: psychology and genocide
International Socialism Journal nr. 143, jul 14 – side 205
Note: Sabby Sagall, Final Solutions: Human Nature, Capitalism and Genocide (Pluto Press, 2013), £20.50.

In Final Solutions Sabby Sagall analyses the nature and the role of the subjective and irrational in determining genocidal mass murder. The book poses the question as to what underlying psychological and historical conditions and processes are necessary to cause groups of people to kill other groups of people en masse, out of the context of immediate military engagement.
John Molyneux: Review: Sabby Sagall, Final Solutions: Human Nature, Capitalism and Genocide
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 9, mar 14 – side 69
Note: Sabby Sagall has written a hugely ambitious book which covers immense historical ground and attempts to answer one of the most challenging historical and theoretical questions of our time. The historical events it deals with are four genocides: that of Native Americans at the hands of European settlers; the Armenian genocide perpetrated by Turkey; the Nazi Holocaust and the Rwanda genocide of 1994.
Sasha Simic: Book review: Vicken Cheterian: War and Peace in the Caucasus
Socialist Review nr. 335, apr 09 – side 25
Note: In 1992, as the former Yugoslavian Republic tore itself apart in a series of bloody ethnic conflicts, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic put forward the following explanation for why Serbs, Croats and Muslims were killing each other: "Tito threw us together. We are like oil and water. While he shook us, we stayed together. Once we were left alone, we separated."
Ulla Justesen: Armenien: Nationalt mareridt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 2
Note: Midt i februar startede de største protester i Sovjet siden 20’erne. Over en million mennesker i den sovjetiske republik, Armenien, gik på gaden for at demonstrere.
Patrick Ward: The new face of methanol
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 7
Note: Tony Blair was guest speaker for Azerbaijan methanol producer Azmeco last month.
Ida H. Jakobsen: Kirgisistan i oprør
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 299, jul 10 – side 13
Note: I april i år væltede en folkelig opstand regeringen i det Central-asiatiske land Kirgisistan. Den folkelige opstand var det seneste i en række tilbageslag mod den amerikanske indflydelse i området, og amerikanske interesser er i høj grad sat på spil i den lille kirgisiske stat, der bl.a. rummer den mest centrale amerikanske luftbase for Afghanistan-krigen. I et desperat forsøg på at holde den gamle regering ved magten, er der blevet fyret op under etniske konflikter i kølvandet på opstanden.
Dragan Plavsic: Manufactured revolutions?
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 21
Note: Media excitement reached a pitch with multicoloured 'revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, But what was really happening? Dragan Plavsic compares the changes to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia five years ago.
Frank Antonsen: Kirgisistan: Oprør nede fra
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 241, apr 05 – side 4
Note: Tusindvis af demonstranter stormede parlamentet i Kirgisistans hovedstad Bishkek
Sasha Simic: Book review: Vicken Cheterian: War and Peace in the Caucasus
Socialist Review nr. 335, apr 09 – side 25
Note: In 1992, as the former Yugoslavian Republic tore itself apart in a series of bloody ethnic conflicts, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic put forward the following explanation for why Serbs, Croats and Muslims were killing each other: "Tito threw us together. We are like oil and water. While he shook us, we stayed together. Once we were left alone, we separated."
Klaus B. Jensen: Tjetjenien: Ruslands Palæstina
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 233, sep 04 – side 5
Note: Billedet af grædende børn, body-bags, blod, død og ødelæggelse sidder på nethinden efter tragedien på Skole nr. 1 i Beslan.
Frank Antonsen: Tjetjenien: Russisk statsterror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 209, nov 02 – side 11
Jesper Høi Kanne: Ruslands terror mod Tjetjenien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 197, okt 01 – side 4
Note: Efter den 11. september erklærede Bush krig mod international terrorisme.
Rusland: 250.000 ofret i krig om olie
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 181, mar 00 – side 4
Note: Det russiske militær har tilsyneladende vundet krigen i Tjetjenien.
Rob Ferguson: Chechnya: the empire strikes back
International Socialism Journal nr. 86, mar 00 – side 51
Note: The new world order behind the WTO has shown its ugly face in Russia's bloody war against Chechnya. Rob Ferguson provides us with a Marxist analysis of the power struggle in the region and the fight against Russian imperialism.
Bo Larsen: Krigsmodstanden vokser i Rusland
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 180, feb 00 – side 4
Note: Den russiske krig mod de tjetjenske oprørere er efterhånden en længerevarende affære. Selvom Grosnij er blevet indtaget så vil krigen fortsætte. Det øger den interne modstand i Rusland.
Niels Henrik Jespersen: Tjetjenien: Ruslands beskidte krig er blot en kopi af Natos krig på Balkan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 179, jan 00 – side 12
Note: “Flygt – eller dø!” Det var budskabet fra de russiske hærstyrker til befolkningen i den tjetjenske hovedstad Grosnij, da de bebudede deres militære offensiv mod byen i december.
Niels Henrik Jespersen: Tjetjenien: Rusland har taget ved lære af NATO
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 178, dec 99 – side 4
Tjetjenien: Folkemord i kapitalens interesse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 177, nov 99 – side 4
Frank Antonsen: Tjetjenien: Ruslands imperialistiske krig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 176, okt 99 – side 4
Note: Knap var NATOs bombardementer af Serbien slut førend den næste krig begyndte at rase i udkanten af Europa.
Charlie Lywood: Kapitalismens blodige arv (Liberia, Israel, Rusland/Tjetjenien): En verden i krig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 139, aug 96 – side 4
Note: Verden er rystet af krig. I alle verdensdele udkæmpes der borgerkrige eller blodige krige mellem nationer.
Tjetjenien: Blodbad for olie
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 127, jan 96 – side 3
Note: Massakren i Pervomajskaja handlede ikke om bekymringen for gidslerne, men om at Jeltsin ville smadre tjetjenernes frihedskamp.
Socialist Worker (UK): Baggrunden for Ruslands invasion i Tjetjenien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 112, feb 95 – side 10
Note: Et interview med en socialist fra Moskva om den russisk invasion af Tjetjenien.
IS mener: Jeltsins blodbad
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 111, jan 95 – side 3
Note: 1995 er startet med en sand opvisning i den herskende klasses desperation og kynisme.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Ruslands invasion i Tjetjenien: Jeltsins blodige mareridt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 111, jan 95 – side 7
Note: Ruslands invasion i Tjetjenien har i løbet af få uger udviklet sig til et ekstremt blodbad. Ikke bare tjetjenere, men også hundredevis af russiske soldater er blevet dræbt i kampene omkring den tjetjenske hovedstad Grosnij.

Der blev fundet 109 artikler


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