Tema: Vietnam
Se også: Se også: Vietnamkrig
- Vietnam
Se også: Vietnamkrig - Jesper Høi Kanne + Mikkel Birk Jespersen: USA-imperialismen – den største trussel mod fred og velfærd
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 9
Note: USA er den absolut stærkeste økonomiske og militære magt i verden. USA forsvarer sine interesser overalt – i Afghanistan, i Columbia, i Mellemøsten. Og det med en brutalitet, som sætter profit højere end menneskeliv.
- Jørn Andersen: Vietnam: Myte eller mirakel
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 7
Note: Vietnams økonomiske opsving skal ses i lyset af, at landet faktisk har måtte bygge sin økonomi op fra ingenting.
- Charlie Hore: Vietnam and Cambodia: winning the war, losing the peace
International Socialism Journal nr. 50, mar 91 – side 51
Note: Imperialism lost the Vietnam War. Charlie Hore explains why, looking both at the Vietnamese people's resistance and at the anti-war movement in the US. He examines the politics of national liberation and how they fared in the uneasy peace that followed the war. He looks at Vietnam and Cambodia and at the illusions that the left had in both. This article spells out vital lessons for all those who are horrified by the US's attempt to overcome the Vietnam syndrome in the Gulf today.
- Ian Birchall: The Vietnamese Road to State Capitalism
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 89, jun 76 – side 12
Note: It is now just a year since US imperialism was finally and ig-nominiously ejected from Indochina, and the puppet regimes of Thieu and Lon Nol were overthrown. There has been relatively little discussion on the left of the experience of the new regimes; presumably most people on the British left believe that South Vietnam and Cambodia [2] are either workers’ states or in some sort of transition to socialism.
- Chris Harman: Review: Vietnam
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 36
Note: The first three of these books about Vietnam are by journalists. This has the advantage that they are readable and full of information, but leave much in the way of analysis to be desired. The fourth is not even readable.
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