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Tema: Cypern

Bo Nielsen: Så kom turen til Cypern
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 328, apr 13 – side 10
Note: Overalt i Europa tvinges almindelige mennesker til at betale for en krise, de ikke selv er skyld i eller herre over, så længe den økonomiske politik ligger i hænderne på politikere og teknokrater. Nu er turen kommet til Cypern.
Mark Thomas: Small island, big crisis
Socialist Review nr. 379, apr 13 – side 4
Note: At the time of writing it is still unclear whether Cyprus’s banks will finally re-open. What has taken place on this small island state seems part of a by now familiar pattern of financial speculation, real estate boom and resulting collapse of a banking sector – one that had ballooned to around eight times the size of the economy it was attached to.
Phaedon Vassiliades: Republic of Cyprus: a Historic Victory for the Left (online only)
International Socialism Journal nr. 118, apr 08 
Note: The crucial presidential runoff in (Southern) Cyprus on Sunday 24 February 2008 brought to office Dimitris Christofias the Communist Party leader who clinched 53 percent of the vote in an unprecedented victory for the island’s Communist AKEL party, beating the conservative Yiannis Kasoulides, who polled 46 percent of the vote.
Phaedon Vassiliades: Cyprus: Beyond the Boundary
Socialist Review nr. 290, nov 04 – side 28
Note: Why did Greek Cypriots reject the UN plan to reunite the island? Phaedon Vassiliades of Workers' Democracy looks beyond the accusation of nationalism.
Chris Stephenson: Chauvinist cancer ("The Cyprus problem and the Internationalist Tasks of Greek Cypriot Revolutionaries")
Socialist Review nr. 117, feb 89 – side 28

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