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Tema: Klimajobs

Martin Empson: Jobs, justice, climate: The struggle continues
International Socialism Journal nr. 149, jan 16 – side 143
Note: A review of Paul Hampton, Workers and Trade Unions for Climate Solidarity: Tackling Climate Change in a Neoliberal World (Routledge Studies in Climate, Work and Society, 2015), £90
The complete and utter failure of the world’s governments to take meaningful action on climate change was once again apparent at the COP21 talks in Paris in December 2015. In Britain, the Conservative government was barely into its new term before it announced policies that undermined even the minimal commitments its predecessors had made.
Christine Kyndi: Byggefagenes Samvirke kræver klimajobs
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 296, mar 10 
Note: Socialistisk Arbejderavis har talt med Anders Olesen om Byggefagenes Samvirkes plan. Planen vil være med til at løse arbejdsløsheden og klimakrisen.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Kræv 100.000 klimajobs
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 294, jan 10 – side 13
Note: De tre vigtigste tiltag i kampen mod klimaforandringer er omlægning til vedvarende energi, bedre isolerede bygninger og meget mere kollektiv trafik.
Vestas: Workers’ action can save the planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 2
Note: Jonathan Neale of the Campaign Against Climate Change spoke to Socialist Worker about the importance of the fight at Vestas.
Jonathan Neale: Create jobs and save the planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2141, mar 09 – side 12
Note: Jonathan Neale sets out the case for a radical solution to unemployment – creating a million new jobs to tackle climate change

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