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Tema: Holland

Max van Lingen: The stagnation of the Dutch Socialist Party
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 131
Note: The Socialist Party (SP) is one of the parties that emerged to the left of traditional social democracy in the last decade of the 20th century. In electoral terms, it is one of the most successful. At its peak in 2006, the SP got 25 out of 150 seats (16.6 percent of the vote), becoming the third party in the House of Representatives. With the European Parliament (2014) and provincial (2015) elections it eclipsed the Labour Party (PvdA) for the first time, becoming the biggest party of the left in the Netherlands. Until Syriza’s election victory in 2015 the Dutch SP was the only left reformist party in Europe to win a bigger share of the vote than the traditional social democratic party.
Maina van der Zwan: Geert Wilders and the rise of the new radical right
International Socialism Journal nr. 131, jul 11 – side 131
Note: “If someone in England stands up and establishes a party which positions itself between the racist BNP and the conservatives, it would also get 20 percent of the vote. I would very much like to establish parties in other countries. The people want it. An anti-Islam wave that is unstoppable.”
A week before this comment by the leading Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders, the English Defence League announced it was considering standing candidates in national and council elections.
Anne A. Lange: Erfaringer fra Holland: Regningen Retur
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 301, sep 10 – side 2
Note: Interview med Maina van der Zwan fra Internationale Socialister i Holland og med i initiativet Regningen Retur.
Far right gain ground in Dutch elections
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 3
Note: Local election results in the Netherlands are a serious warning to the left.
Pepijn Brandon: Bourgeois revolution: The Dutch Revolt: a social analysis
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 139
Note: The Dutch Revolt of the 16th century is probably the most neglected of the “classical” bourgeois revolutions. But this has not always been the case. In the years immediately preceding the French Revolution the Dutch Revolt even became something of a cause celebre.
Klaus B. Jensen: Valget i Holland: Stor fremgang for Socialisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 5
Note: Efter flere års borgerligt styre i Holland står venstrefløjen nu over for en stor udfordring. Venstrefløjen løb nemlig af med sejren ved valget i Holland den 23. november.
Pepijn Brandon: A note on the Dutch referendum
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 34
Note: On 1 June 2005 a large majority of the Dutch electorate rejected the proposed EU constitution. With a 62 percent ‘No’ vote on a 63 percent turnout, the Dutch ‘No’ was even more pronounced than the French ‘No’ two days previously.
Jørn Andersen: Kamp mod racismen i Holland
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 237, jan 05 – side 2
Note: I sidste nummer af avisen fortalte vi om racistisk stemning i Holland efter mordet på den højreorienterede filmmand, Theo van Gogh.
Frank Antonsen + Christina Munk: Reportage fra IS i Holland: Polarisering, racisme og anti-racisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 204, jul 02 – side 11
Note: Holland bliver ofte set som et meget stille og tolerant land, men den lynhurtige måde, hvorpå det yderste højre kom frem, har rystet det vante billede af landet. Ikke mindst efter deres leder, Pim Fortuyn, blev dræbt en uge før valget.

Der blev fundet 9 artikler


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