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Tema: Cambodia

Frank Antonsen: Pol Pots død: Vesten vasker sine hænder
Socialistisk Revy nr. 4, maj 98 – side 19
Note: Den tidligere cambodjanske diktator Pol Pot, leder af guerillahæren De Røde Khmerer, er død. Det er ubetinget en god nyhed. Hvad der ikke er en god nyhed er, at de forbrydelser, der blev begået i hans regeringstid 1975-79, vil blive brugt som argument mod kommunismen. Men Pol Pot var aldrig socialist, endsige kommunist, men derimod ultranationalist og stalinist.
Charlie Hore: Vietnam and Cambodia: winning the war, losing the peace
International Socialism Journal nr. 50, mar 91 – side 51
Note: Imperialism lost the Vietnam War. Charlie Hore explains why, looking both at the Vietnamese people's resistance and at the anti-war movement in the US. He examines the politics of national liberation and how they fared in the uneasy peace that followed the war. He looks at Vietnam and Cambodia and at the illusions that the left had in both. This article spells out vital lessons for all those who are horrified by the US's attempt to overcome the Vietnam syndrome in the Gulf today.
Dorte Lange: Cambodia: Mareridtet fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 53, okt 89 – side 2
Note: Vietnam har nu trukket de sidste styrker ud af Cambodia efter 10 års besættelse af landet. Verdens opmærksomhed rettes endnu engang mod det krigshærgede land, hvor borgerkrigen igen blusser op.
Pete Goodwin: ‘Razor-sharp factional minds’ – the F.I. debates Kampuchea
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 106
Note: Our party, the SWP, was born out of Trotskyism. We were conceived, in the Trotskyist movement of the late 1940s on the basis of our different analysis of Stalinist Russia and the other so-called socialist countries.

Der blev fundet 4 artikler


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