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Tema: Indonesien

David Jardine: Indonesia: Jangled nerves and the begging bowl
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 9
Note: As the global financial crisis broke one of the countries where ordinary people especially held their breath was Indonesia. Ravaged by the economic crisis of 1997-8, whole sectors of the economy were brought down and many millions were thrown below the poverty line.
David Jardine: Poor trampled to death in Indonesia as they rush to claim £1.75 handout
Socialist Worker nr. 2120, sep 08 – side 4
Note: Pasuruan is a small, undistinguished town in East Java. Known nationally in Indonesia as the hometown of popular female singer Inul Daristuta, it recently filled the headlines for a much different reason.
Alexis Wearmouth: Suharto (1921–2008): From Cold Warrior to “model pupil” of neoliberalism (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 
Note: The former president Suharto, who ruled as a dictator over Indonesia for 30 years, has died of organ failure aged 86. A popular revolution deposed Suharto in 1998 during the Asian Crisis that afflicted many economies in the region.
Jesper Høi Kanne + Mikkel Birk Jespersen: USA-imperialismen – den største trussel mod fred og velfærd
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 9
Note: USA er den absolut stærkeste økonomiske og militære magt i verden. USA forsvarer sine interesser overalt – i Afghanistan, i Columbia, i Mellemøsten. Og det med en brutalitet, som sætter profit højere end menneskeliv.
Alexis Wearmouth: On the edge of the abyss (Indonesia)
Socialist Review nr. 254, jul 01 – side 24
Note: Different forces are jostling for power in Indonesia. Alexis Wearmouth explains the latest stage in the crisis, and we carry a report from the anti-capitalist conference in Jakarta which was closed down by the police
Tom O'Lincoln + Paul Kellogg + Ian Rintoul + Giles Ji Ungpakorn: 'Our philosophy is solidarity' (Indonesia)
Socialist Review nr. 254, jul 01 – side 26
Note: Before the police raid in Indonesia Paul Kellogg, Tom O'Lincoln, Ian Rintoul and Giles Ungpakorn interviewed trade union activists in Jakarta
Jesper Høi Kanne: IMF-udsultning startede oprøret i Indonesien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 6
Note: Da IMF i 1997 gik ind med en redningsplan for en indonesisk økonomi i sammenbrud, krævede de nedskæ-ringer i de offentlige budgetter. Det betød så volsomme forringelser i levevilkårerne, at et socialt oprør væltede den enevældige hersker, Suharto.
Clare Fermont: Indonesia: the inferno of revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 3
Note: The revolution in Indonesia has shaken the ruling class to its foundations. In one of the first full length accounts in English of the crisis in Indonesia Clare Fermont looks at the economic and social background to the revolution and goes on to piece together a compelling narrative of the struggles which toppled Suharto's dictatorship.
Workers' Representatives and Socialists: Three interviews from Indonesia
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 35
Note: Our coverage continues by interviewing Indonesian trade union activists and socialists about their experience during the revolution and their assessment of the tasks which now confront the movement.
Chris Bambery: Report from Indonesia
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 45
Note: A first hand account of the depth of the continuing crisis and an assessment of the stability of President Habibie's new government.
Tony Cliff: Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia
International Socialism Journal nr. 80, sep 98 – side 53
Note: Tony Cliff concludes our Indonesian coverage with an open letter to Indonesian socialists in which he draws on the Marxist tradition to suggest the best strategy for building a revolutionary organisation in Indonesia.
Frank Antonsen: Indonesien: Miraklet blev til et mareridt
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 8
Note: Indonesien, som er blevet fremhævet som en af Sydøstasiens mirakeløkonomier, har forvandlet sig til et mareridt for magthaverne. Frank Antonsen ser på baggrunden for det oprør, som i maj måned væltede Suharto-regimet.
Martin B. Johansen: Indonesien: Strejker ryster ‘mirakel’økonomi
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 104, jun 94 – side 6
Note: Vestlig kapital investerer i Sydøstasien på grund af lave lønninger. Men de opbygger også en arbejderklasse, der slår igen.

Der blev fundet 13 artikler


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