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Tema: Nazister: Frankrig

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Nazister: Frankrig
Se også: Frankrig
Sylvestre Jaffard: EU-valg: Frankrig: En sejr for fascisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 
Note: EU-valgene blev en enorm sejr for det fascistiske Front National (FN) i Frankrig. FN blev det største parti med 25 procent af stemmerne. Det er første gang i partiets historie, at det har sikret sig førstepladsen ved et nationalt valg. Dette er et forfærdeligt tilbageslag og en indtrængende opfordring til handling.
Sylvestre Jaffard: Demonstrationer mod Front National over hele Frankrig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 – side 11
Note: Omkring 10.000 mennesker, hovedsageligt unge, demonstrerede mod Front National (FN) i Frankrig torsdag den 29. maj – 4 dage efter EU-valget.
Dave Sewell: Thousands march in memory of murdered French anti-fascist Clément Méric
Socialist Worker nr. 2357, jun 13 – side 8
Note: Anti-fascists took to the streets of France last week in memory of Clément Méric. Clément was a student activist who died on Thursday of last week following an attack by fascist thugs.
Sadie Robinson: Holocaust survivor warns: Don’t let Nazis tell their lies
Socialist Worker nr. 2341, feb 13 – side 20
Note: Cleo Yvel was living in France when Adolf Hitler’s Nazis were targeting Jews across Europe during the Second World War.
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
Paul McGarr: Fascists brought to book (Pete Fysh and Jim Wolfreys: "The Politics of Racism in France")
International Socialism Journal nr. 82, mar 99 – side 83
Frankrig: Front National splittet
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 5
Note: Jordskredssejren for venstrefløjen ved sidste parlamentsvalg i Frankrig og de mange demonstrationer imod nedskæringer, racisme og arbejdsløshed har været hård ved det yderste højre.
Frank Antonsen: Le Pen på tilbagetog
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 6
Note: Le Pens Front National led et stort nederlag i maj, da partiet mistede sit eneste parlamentsmedlem ved et suppleringsvalg i Toulon. Dagen efter jublede antinazister i hele Frankrig, især i Sydfrankrig, hvor fronten har størst indflydelse. Ikke mindst i byen Vitrolles, som er berygtet for sit Front National-bystyre, vakte nederlaget jubel.
Strasbourg: Demonstration tvang Le Pen i skjul
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 156, apr 97 – side 3
Note: Racisterne kan bekæmpes gennem konfrontation og massive demonstrationer.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Nazisterne i Frankrig svækket
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 102, apr 94 – side 12
Note: De unges aktioner i Frankrig har presset nazisterne i Front Nationale tilbage.
Chanie Rosenberg: Labour and the fight against fascism
International Socialism Journal nr. 39, jun 88 – side 55
Note: The rise of the National Front in France is grim testimony to the failures of socialist Francois Mitterrand’s Presidency. But it is not the first time that a reformist government has allowed fascists to grow. The last Labour government in Britain did the same.
This has meant that the initiative in confronting the fascists has always had to come from those to the left of the reformists. In a timely article Chanie Rosenberg recalls not just the fight against the National Front in the 1970s and the struggle against Mosley in the 1930s, but also analyses the response of the French left to the rise of Le Pen.
LO (Lutte Ouvrière, Frankrig): The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the French Left: i. Lutte Ouvrière
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 85
Note: YES, THEN, today we can demonstrate and do nothing; there are no immediate consequences because there is not really any fascist party posing a threat; there are only outrages which any madman could commit, even on his own.
Alain Krivine: The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the French Left: ii. Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 88
Note: THEY HAVE killed. After Bologna, after Munich, it’s in Paris that the black terror has struck, outside a synagogue, on the evening of October 3rd. Today everyone is expressing emotion. But Giscard and Lecanuet were much less indignant when, over five years, the fascists murdered seventy Algerian workers. Bonnet didn’t announce that he was a ‘North African’, but now he has discovered that he is an ‘Israelite’.
The European Left and the new fascists: Comments from the Editors
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 90
Note: WE DO NOT think that extended comment is called for, since the documents largely speak for themselves. In particular, it is clear that the two documents from the French comrades are sadly inadequate and contain serious mistakes.

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