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Tema: Nazister

Se også: Se også: Nationalisme; Racisme; Ytringsfrihed for nazister?

Se også: Nationalisme; Racisme; Ytringsfrihed for nazister?
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Succesfuld blokade mod nazileder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 – side 11
Note: Tirsdag den 6. marts blokerede 200 aktivister et medlemsmøde i Venstres Ungdom i København. VU havde i anledning af deres temamåned om nationalisme indkaldt ny-nazisten Daniel Carlsen som oplægsholder.
Robert Lange: Stop den hetz: No pasaran!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 – side 16
Note: Når sammenslutningen European Defence League demonstrer i Århus d. 31. marts, sker det under parolen ”Stop islamiseringen af Europa”. Dette er selvfølgelig åbenlyst racistisk, og de synspunkter som disse mennesker giver udtryk for må og skal bekæmpes.
Rasmus Holmegaard: Hvordan bekæmper vi nazismen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 317, feb 12 – side 15
Note: I tider med dyb økonomisk krise, stigende arbejdsløshed, og øget polarisering i samfundet vil truslen fra det yderste højre vokse. Det er afgørende, at socialister, humanister, fredselskende mennesker og arbejderklassen generelt er klar til at konfrontere denne trussel.
Mette Hermansen: Hvad er fascisme?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 307, mar 11 – side 15
Note: Fascisme og nazisme bruges som skældsord på venstrefløjen. Mange er begyndt at bruge det om partier som er reaktionære, men ikke fascistiske partier som Dansk Folkeparti eller Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Esme Choonara: Stop BNP Nazis from spreading their hate
Socialist Worker nr. 2159, jul 09 – side 6
Note: The fascist British National Party (BNP) is hoping to use its summer “festival” as a rallying point to promote its Nazi politics – but anti-fascists are determined to stop its plans.
Chris Bambery: How the Nazis win
Socialist Worker nr. 2159, jul 09 – side 13
Note: Chris Bambery looks at the lessons of the way fascists have taken power in the past
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Nothing democratic about Nazis
Socialist Review nr. 338, jul 09 – side 22
Note: How do we challenge the Nazi British National Party now that it has won two seats in the European parliament and is attempting to appear part of the mainstream? Anindya Bhattacharyya argues we have to start with an understanding of the nature of fascism.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: What is fascism?
Socialist Worker nr. 2102, maj 08 – side 13
Note: Fascism is about more than just racism – it is an ideology that aims to destroy all democracy. Today’s British National Party stands in this tradition.
Weyman Bennett: A-Z of Socialism: F is for Fascism
Socialist Review nr. 319, nov 07 – side 22
Note: Fascism is so often used as an insult that any real analysis of its specific meaning is often obscured.
Lewisham 1977: the day we turned the tide on the Nazi National Front
Socialist Worker nr. 2064, aug 07 
Note: Thirty years ago this week the apparently unstoppable rise of the Nazi National Front (NF) met a serious challenge. On Saturday 13 August 1977 a Nazi march through Lewisham in south London faced a counter demonstration by thousands of anti-fascists. The fascists’ march was stopped.
Jim Wolfreys: What is fascism?
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 189
Note: A review of Michael Mann: "Fascists" (Cambridge University Press, 2004), £15.99, and Robert Paxton: "The Anatomy of Fascism" (Penguin, 2004), £8.99
Neil Davidson: Carnival, march, riot
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 209
Note: A review of Dave Renton: "When We Touched the Sky: the Anti-Nazi League, 1977-1981" (New Clarion Press, 2006), £13.95
Guido Picelli: The revolt in Parma
International Socialism Journal nr. 99, jun 03 – side 115
Note: Italy, 1922, was a country on a knife-edge. We reprint an article first published in 1932 recounting how the people of Parma turned their streets into barricades, successfully fighting off Mussolini's 'punitive raids' and sending the fascists running with their tails between their legs.
Chris Bambery: Polarisation in Europe: Designed to deceive (fascism)
Socialist Review nr. 264, jun 02 – side 14
Note: Chris Bambery explains why today's fascists stand in the tradition of their Nazi forefathers
Colin Sparks: Aldrig mere fascisme! (1980)
Chris Bambery: Nazisterne kan stoppes (1992)
Jon Dahl: Nazimord i Sverige
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 177, nov 99 – side 2
Note: Tirsdag d. 12. oktober blev den svenske fagforeningsaktivist Bjørn Söderberg dræbt af nazister foran sin lejlighed. Söderberg havde afsløret at nazisterne forsøgte at infiltrere fagbevægelsen og havde fået en nazist ekskluderet.
IS mener: Aldrig mere fascisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 3
Note: Udnævnelsen af en række fascistiske ministre i Italien er en advarsel om, at den europæiske fascisme og nazisme stadig er en trussel, der skal tages alvorligt.
Dave Beecham: Ignazio Silone and 'Fontamara'
International Socialism Journal nr. 63, jun 94 – side 155
Note: Dave Beecham reviews the life and work of the socialist author Ignazio Silone, whose great work Fontamara has just been republished.
Chris Bambery: Bookwatch: understanding fascism
International Socialism Journal nr. 63, jun 94 – side 163
Chris Bambery: Euro-fascism: the lessons of the past and current tasks
International Socialism Journal nr. 60, sep 93 – side 3
Note: The rise of the far right in Europe has struck fear into the hearts of many. But fear is our greatest enemy. In its place we must put a clear sighted analysis of the roots of fascism and develop from it a strategy to defeat the neo-Nazis. Chris Bambery looks at the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany and France during the 1930s to discover the origins of fascism. He examines the alternative strategies for defeating the Nazis offered by the left then and now. He concludes with an account of the far right in Europe today and spells out the steps we must take to stop the return of the Holocaust.
Henrik Christensen: Erfaringer fra kampen mod nynazistiske skinheads i Lund og Stockholm: Nynazister stoppet i gaden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 77, jan 92 – side 5
Note: At frede fascister i håb om, at de forsvinder af sig selv, er det værste man kan gøre.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Hvilke rettigheder har nazisterne?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 52, sep 89 – side 7
Note: Især to synspunkter har været dominerende i den offentlige debat om, hvordan man bedst kan holde nazisterne og andre fascister nede.
The European Left and the new fascists: Introduction
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 84
Note: THIS SUMMER the far right in Europe forced itself on the attention of the left. In Italy, West Germany and France there were savage and indiscriminate terrorist bombing attacks. In Britain, the open Nazis of the British Movement began to emerge as the main pole of attraction for disgruntled white working class youth, taking over from the National Front, split and in disarray after its heavy defeat in 1979.
Colin Sparks: Fascism and the working class; Part 2 – the National Front today
International Socialism Journal nr. 3, dec 78 – side 17
Note: Part one of this article (International Socialism 2:2, Autumn 1978) dealt with the extent of Nazi penetration into the working class. It was shown that, contrary to many arguments, it is not essential for the working class to suffer a ‘defeat’ before fascist parties can grow. It was also shown that the core of the NSDAP was based upon the classic petit-bourgeoisie of Germany, and that this class accounted for the dominant proportion of its membership.
Alastair Hatchett: Guide to Reading on Fascism
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 101, sep 77 – side 28
Note: FASCIST movements today can be defeated. Fascism in the 1930’s could have been defeated. There is no inevitable historical force which marches forward independently of the working class. Most of both acacademic and popular histories of the rise of German fascism portray a sense of inevitability in the rise of Hitler.
Nazister: Tyskland
Se også: Tyskland
Lene Junker: Interview: Alternative für Deutschland og kampen mod racisme i Tyskland
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 359, maj 17 – side 7
Note: I Tyskland står det højreradikale parti Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) til at blive stort ved valget til det tyske parlament, forbundsdagen, i efteråret.
Martin B. Johansen: Sejr for tyske anti-fascister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 296, mar 10 – side 5
Note: I midten af februar lykkedes det for tyske anti-fascister at stoppe en nazistisk march i byen Dresden.
Donny Gluckstein: Review: The economics of barbarism
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 184
Note: Review: Gotz Aly, Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War and the Nazi Welfare State (Verso, 2007), £19.99
Hitler’s Beneficiaries is an important milestone in the study of Nazism and the Holocaust. At first glance, a book on German government financial policy and taxation is not likely to set the heart racing. However, a detailed study of these aspects yields some extraordinary results.
Anders Schou: Kampen mod nazierne i Tyskland: Forbud løser ikke problemet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 5
Note: I sidste måned demonstrerede over 200.000 mennesker i Berlin mod nazisterne og det største militante nazi-parti, NPD.
Jim Wolfreys: The physiology of barbarism (Donny Gluckstein: "The Nazis, Capitalism and the Working Class")
International Socialism Journal nr. 83, jun 99 – side 147
Note: Jim Wolfreys' review of Donny Gluckstein's account of the rise of the Nazis reminds us that there are no easy comparisons with modern authoritarian heads of state.
Henry Maitles: Never again! (David Goldhagen: "Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust")
International Socialism Journal nr. 77, dec 97 – side 103
Note: The Nazis' crimes and their roots in German society are discussed in Henry Maitles's review of Daniel Goldhagen's infamous Hitler's Willing Executioners
Jørgen Lund: “Afregning – en nynazist står af”: Nazistiske bekendelser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 106, aug 94 – side 12
Note: Den nazistiske afhopper, Ingo Hasselbach, har skrevet en bog om sin tid som nazist.
Charlie Lywood: Stands nazi-terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 87, dec 92 – side 12
Note: Brandmordet på to tyrkiske kvinder og en pige på ti år i Mölln d. 23. november har skabt rædsel og vrede i det tyske samfund.
Henrik Christensen: Kampen mod racismen i Tyskland, Danmark og Norge: Tyskland: Racister på tilbagetog
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 76, dec 91 – side 5
Note: Efter voldsomme overgreb på tyske asylcentre så det ud til at racisterne og nazisterne for alvor var på fremmarch. Men de sidste par måneder har styrket kampen mod dem.
Roland Christensen: Stop nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 75, nov 91 – side 12
Note: I Tyskland er racister, nazister, højreekstremister og store dele af borgerskabet i øjeblikket i gang med at mobilisere kræfter imod udlændinge.
SAG (Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe, Tyskland): Brev fra tyske socialister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 75, nov 91 – side 12
Note: Kohl og hans konservative kristeligt-demokratiske regering begyndte deres racistiske kampagne mod flygtninge i august.
SAG (Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe, Tyskland): The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the German Left: Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 89
Note: FIGHT Everyday Fascism!
The attempt to bomb Strauss to power as the ‘strong man’ and the ‘saviour out of the chaos’ has failed. However, it would have succeeded had it not become evident that the assassins of Munich were fascists and not left-wingers.
The European Left and the new fascists: Comments from the Editors
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 90
Note: WE DO NOT think that extended comment is called for, since the documents largely speak for themselves. In particular, it is clear that the two documents from the French comrades are sadly inadequate and contain serious mistakes.
Colin Sparks: Fascism and the working class: Part 1 – the German experience
International Socialism Journal nr. 2, sep 78 – side 41
Note: The development of the National Front, and its apparent appeal to sections of the English working class, has provoked a considerable amount of discussion on the question of fascism. Marxists have generally argued that, as a social phenomenon, fascism is a ‘petit bourgeois’ movement, and we have regarded the National Front penetration of the working class as an historical ‘accident’ which they would move away from as they evolved into a traditional fascist movement. In this article, I want to examine rather more closely what we mean by considering fascism as ‘petit bourgeois’, and to examine the relationship between the German Nazis and the working class.
Contents 38-39 – Special Issue: Fascism, Stalinism and the United Front, 1930-34 by Leon Trotsky
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 38-39, aug 69 
Nazister: Frankrig
Se også: Frankrig
Sylvestre Jaffard: EU-valg: Frankrig: En sejr for fascisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 
Note: EU-valgene blev en enorm sejr for det fascistiske Front National (FN) i Frankrig. FN blev det største parti med 25 procent af stemmerne. Det er første gang i partiets historie, at det har sikret sig førstepladsen ved et nationalt valg. Dette er et forfærdeligt tilbageslag og en indtrængende opfordring til handling.
Sylvestre Jaffard: Demonstrationer mod Front National over hele Frankrig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 – side 11
Note: Omkring 10.000 mennesker, hovedsageligt unge, demonstrerede mod Front National (FN) i Frankrig torsdag den 29. maj – 4 dage efter EU-valget.
Dave Sewell: Thousands march in memory of murdered French anti-fascist Clément Méric
Socialist Worker nr. 2357, jun 13 – side 8
Note: Anti-fascists took to the streets of France last week in memory of Clément Méric. Clément was a student activist who died on Thursday of last week following an attack by fascist thugs.
Sadie Robinson: Holocaust survivor warns: Don’t let Nazis tell their lies
Socialist Worker nr. 2341, feb 13 – side 20
Note: Cleo Yvel was living in France when Adolf Hitler’s Nazis were targeting Jews across Europe during the Second World War.
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
Paul McGarr: Fascists brought to book (Pete Fysh and Jim Wolfreys: "The Politics of Racism in France")
International Socialism Journal nr. 82, mar 99 – side 83
Frankrig: Front National splittet
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 5
Note: Jordskredssejren for venstrefløjen ved sidste parlamentsvalg i Frankrig og de mange demonstrationer imod nedskæringer, racisme og arbejdsløshed har været hård ved det yderste højre.
Frank Antonsen: Le Pen på tilbagetog
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 6
Note: Le Pens Front National led et stort nederlag i maj, da partiet mistede sit eneste parlamentsmedlem ved et suppleringsvalg i Toulon. Dagen efter jublede antinazister i hele Frankrig, især i Sydfrankrig, hvor fronten har størst indflydelse. Ikke mindst i byen Vitrolles, som er berygtet for sit Front National-bystyre, vakte nederlaget jubel.
Strasbourg: Demonstration tvang Le Pen i skjul
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 156, apr 97 – side 3
Note: Racisterne kan bekæmpes gennem konfrontation og massive demonstrationer.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Nazisterne i Frankrig svækket
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 102, apr 94 – side 12
Note: De unges aktioner i Frankrig har presset nazisterne i Front Nationale tilbage.
Chanie Rosenberg: Labour and the fight against fascism
International Socialism Journal nr. 39, jun 88 – side 55
Note: The rise of the National Front in France is grim testimony to the failures of socialist Francois Mitterrand’s Presidency. But it is not the first time that a reformist government has allowed fascists to grow. The last Labour government in Britain did the same.
This has meant that the initiative in confronting the fascists has always had to come from those to the left of the reformists. In a timely article Chanie Rosenberg recalls not just the fight against the National Front in the 1970s and the struggle against Mosley in the 1930s, but also analyses the response of the French left to the rise of Le Pen.
LO (Lutte Ouvrière, Frankrig): The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the French Left: i. Lutte Ouvrière
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 85
Note: YES, THEN, today we can demonstrate and do nothing; there are no immediate consequences because there is not really any fascist party posing a threat; there are only outrages which any madman could commit, even on his own.
Alain Krivine: The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the French Left: ii. Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 88
Note: THEY HAVE killed. After Bologna, after Munich, it’s in Paris that the black terror has struck, outside a synagogue, on the evening of October 3rd. Today everyone is expressing emotion. But Giscard and Lecanuet were much less indignant when, over five years, the fascists murdered seventy Algerian workers. Bonnet didn’t announce that he was a ‘North African’, but now he has discovered that he is an ‘Israelite’.
The European Left and the new fascists: Comments from the Editors
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 90
Note: WE DO NOT think that extended comment is called for, since the documents largely speak for themselves. In particular, it is clear that the two documents from the French comrades are sadly inadequate and contain serious mistakes.
Nazister: Italien
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
Anders Schou: Anti Nazi League: Fascismens to ansigter. Det er muligt at stoppe dem
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 11
Note: Den “stuerene” fascisme er ikke noget nyt fænomen. Også Hitlers nazister havde en pæn facade, da partiet blev opbygget.
Ågot Berger: Fascismen i Italien sidste gang
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 99, jan 94 – side 11
Note: Facismen i Italien er igen på fremmarch. Men vi har nogle erfaringer på hvordan den skal bekæmpes.
Tim Potter: A Note on the Fascist Resurgence in Italy
International Socialism Journal nr. 12, mar 81 – side 119
Note: While the article on the rise of fascist terrorism in the last issue of International Socialism was useful, it needs to be the start of more systematic work on the social and ideological roots of this phenomenon. It seems that in most European countries, the probability of a fascist revival had been discounted by the left for a number of years after the major street battles which characterised much of the activity of the left in the early and mid-seventies. Yet fascist groups, while having been substantially defeated on the level of parliamentary and mass politics have regrouped and reappeared in a much more violent form.
Nazister: Grækenland
Socialist Worker (UK): Grækenland: Antifascister forhindrer det nazistiske Gyldent Daggry i at demonstrere mod flygtninge
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Det græske fascistiske parti Gyldent Daggry havde indkaldt til en demonstration på havnen i Piræus nær Athen fredag aften i sidste uge (8. april).
Sonja Andersen Lange + Anne A. Lange: Ingen platform til fascisme!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 327, mar 13 – side 10
Note: Inden vi tog til Athen var vores forventning, at vi ville se fascister på hvert gadehjørne, at vi skulle passe på ikke at tage alene hjem om natten, og at vi i det hele taget skulle holde lav profil.
Hver anden græske politibetjent stemmer på nazi-parti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 320, jun 12 – side 10
Note: Det fascistiske Gyldent Daggry fik 6,9 % af stemmerne ved valget i Grækenland den 6. maj – det var en stor og foruroligende stigning i forhold til det sidste valg hvor de fik 0,23 % af stemmerne.
Nazister: Danmark
Se også: DDF - Den Danske Forening
Bo Nielsen: Den dag nazisterne blev smidt ud af byen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 – side 15
Note: 10. maj ville organiserede nazister for første gang siden 2. verdenskrig demonstrere i København. Dagen blev et vigtigt skridt fremad for opbygningen af en bred antifascistisk modstand.
Alerta – udrykningsklar antifascisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 330, jul 13 – side 6
Note: Antifascistisk Aktion (AFA) har lanceret et nyt aktionskoncept, “Alerta”. Alerta er et forsøg på at skabe et antifascistisk netværk, der kan mobiliseres med kort varsel. Kommunikationen vil primært foregå over sms’er og sociale medier.
Hold øje med Danskernes Parti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 328, apr 13 – side 7
Note: Det nynazistiske Danskernes Parti stiller op i samtlige regioner på nær Region Sjælland.
Jørn Andersen: 2. udgave: Interview: København for Mangfoldighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 
Note: København for Mangfoldighed sendte 8 busser med 450 mennesker til demonstrationen i Århus. Initiativet blev oprettet af anti-racistiske og faglige organisationer, politiske partier m.fl. for at bakke op om demoen i Århus.
Martin Smith: Denmark: Anti-racists see off Nazis in Aarhus
Socialist Worker nr. 2297, apr 12 – side 4
Note: Many of Europe’s key Nazis and Islamophobes gathered in Aarhus, Denmark, on Saturday of last week.
Jørn Andersen: Århus 31. marts: 30-1 til anti-nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 
Note: Over 5.000 deltagere i den største anti-nazistiske manifestation i Danmark i over 20 år gav 31. marts i Århus EDL-fascisterne et ydmygende nederlag.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Alle antiracister til Århus 31. marts
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 317, feb 12 – side 16
Note: Den 18. januar kom det frem, at europæiske højreekstremister planlægger en anti-islamisk demonstration i Århus lørdag den 31. marts.
Hans Verner Klausen: Århus: Nazivold og protester imod
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Tre unge venstreorienterede blev natten til lørdag d. 15. januar overfaldet på Klostertorv i Århus. En 20-årig blev slået og trampet i hovedet flere gange, mens han lå ned. Overfaldsmanden var nazist og tydeligvis påvirket og grinede, mens han gjorde det.
Stine My Petersen: Ny bog: Forklædt som nazist
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 304, dec 10 – side 15
Note: Bogen er så afgjort interessant for dem, der ønsker at få et dybere indblik i White Pride og deres virke. Hvordan kan en så hadefuld organisation fungere i et land som Danmark?
Christine Kyndi: Nazister i Viborg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 303, nov 10 – side 10
Note: Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Bevægelse, DNSB, har fået en ny lokalafdeling. Den ligger i Viborg, og til opstartsmødet, hvor der blev holdt oplæg om ”racebevidsthed”, deltog 15.
Jonathan Højgaard: Århus: Good Night White Pride
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 295, feb 10 – side 7
Note: Den 6. februar var der samlet cirka 500 antifascister i Århus under parolen Good Night White Pride. Som mange læsere af Socialistisk Arbejderavis nok er bekendt med, har netop Århus været skueplads for utallige nazistiske overfald på specielt venstreorienterede, men også indvandrere og homoseksuelle.
Århus: Protest mod nazi-vold
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 290, aug 09 – side 5
Note: Natten til søndag den 23. august overfaldt nazisterne fra White Pride igen en ung mand.
Hans Erik Madsen: Kampen mod nazismen: Erfaringer fra 90-erne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 5
Note: Utallige gange indenfor de sidste par år har nazisterne i Århus – med rekrutteringsbasis i den højreekstremistiske fanklub White Pride – manifesteret sig med voldelige overfald og evnet at vokse medlemsmæssigt.
Jørn Andersen: Århus: Forstærk kampen mod nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 5
Note: Der er både gode og dårlige nyheder fra kampen mod nazisterne i Århus.
Rune Jakobsen: Interview: Nazi-overfald og antiracistisk kamp i Århus
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 284, dec 08 – side 5
Note: Peter Hegner Bonfils, der er talsperson for Antiracistisk Netværk i Århus, studerende og medlem af Enhedslisten blev natten til den 1. november overfaldet af nazister i Århus.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Nazisme og antinazisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 284, dec 08 – side 5
Note: Nazismen – eller fascismen – er en politisk overbevisning og bevægelse, hvis mål det er at skabe en almægtig stat, der samler befolkningen omkring ét fælles nationalt mål.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Århus: Det antiracistiske arbejde styrket af demonstration
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 283, okt 08 – side 2
Note: Lørdag den 11. oktober løb den antiracistiske og antinazistiske markering „Gi’ Århus smilet tilbage“ af stablen. Det blev en festlig og fredelig dag med mange deltagere til både demonstration og støttefest.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Århus: Smilets by eller nazi-hovedstad?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 282, okt 08 – side 3
Note: Århus siges at være smilets by. Men gennem lang tid har der i byen været problemer med nazistiske grupperinger og deres overfald, chikanerier og hærværk.
Jesper Høi Kanne: Århus: Stop nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 223, jan 04 – side 3
Note: I Århus er nazi-gruppen White Pride (WP) vokset det seneste år. De begynder nu at blive mere offensive og voldelige.
Nazi-bøller spreder vold og terror i Århus
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 217, aug 03 – side 4
Note: Ifølge dokumentationsgruppen DEMOS i Århus, tæller den århusianske nazi-gruppe White Pride i dag ca. 20 organiserede medlemmer og 20-30 sympatisører.
Hans Verner Klausen: Hvordan bekæmper vi nazisterne?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 217, aug 03 – side 6
Note: Rødovre og Århus er på det seneste, blevet skæmmet af heilende voldelige nazister. I Århus kalder de sig “White Pride” og bygger sig op som hooligans til fodboldklubben AGF.
Nazivold i Svendborg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 187, nov 00 – side 2
Note: En lille gruppe nazister med forbindelse til Blood & Honour er nu trådt åbent frem i Svendborg. De holder til i en lejlighed i Vestergade, og for kort tid siden angreb de Jesper Kiel fra Enhedslisten med skældsord og flasker på hans bopæl.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Nazisterne stoppes kun gennem aktiv kamp
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 10
Note: Lørdag d. 29. juli marcherede ca. 60 nazister i Helsingørs gader.
Tania Maria Juhl: Langeland: Anti-nazistisk demonstration
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 176, okt 99 – side 11
Note: Lørdag den 25.9 fandt der en demonstration sted i Humble på Langeland mod nazigruppen “Blood & Honour”.
Socialistisk Arbejderavis mener: Stop nazisternes march – mobilisér
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 174, aug 99 – side 3
Note: Vi skal stoppe de danske nazister af flere grunde.
Rikke Holm: Stop nazisternes march
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 174, aug 99 – side 11
Note: Nazisterne i Danmark har proklameret, at de vil marchere den 14. august.
Hans Verner Klausen: Boganmeldelse: Rene Karpantschoff: “Nynazismen og dens modstandere i Danmark”
Socialistisk Revy nr. 14, maj 99 – side 23
Note: Op gennem 80erne og 90erne har vi igen set den nazistiske pest i form af mordbrande, overfald og brevbomber. Rene Karpeantschof beskriver naziernes måde at arbejde på og de virkninger, de antiracistiske moddemonstrationer har.
Jørn Andersen: Enhedsfront mod nazismen: Slå nazisterne tilbage – for altid
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 8
Note: Jørn Andersen skriver om kampen mod nazismen og det system, der skaber den.
Roskilde og Køge: Sejr trods politiets nazi-beskyttelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 165, aug 97 – side 8
Note: Politiet forsøgte at beskytte nazisterne mod vrede Køge-borgere og anti-nazistiske demonstranter. Alligevel blev nazi-bøllerne jaget væk.
Stærk tradition mod nazisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 165, aug 97 – side 8
Note: Forud for nazi-marchen den 16. august i Roskilde forsøgte politikere og medier at overtale nazi-modstandere til blot at vende ryggen til nazisterne.
Freddie Nielsen: Slaget ved “Den lille Hornblæser” 1940: Nazi-drømme blev knust
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 129, feb 96 – side 4
Note: Da folk i Roskilde i august sidste år jog nazisterne på flugt ud af byen, var det ikke første gang, at nazister i Danmark blev fordrevet på den måde. 17. november 1940 jagtede og gennembankede titusinder af vrede københavnere nazister, som forsøgte at demonstrere.
Naziterror må mødes med demonstrationer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 128, feb 96 – side 2
Note: Efter et racistisk angreb på en pizzabar i Århus er der taget initiativ til at demonstrere mod racisme.
Tom Christiansen: TV3 hjælper nazi-radioen: At tie er at samtykke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 126, jan 96 – side 2
Note: Nazi-radioen vil opfordre til vold mod indvandrere og anti-racister. Den skal lukkes, før den kommer i gang.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Danske nazister bygger op gennem vold og terror: Nazisterne optrapper – vi kan stoppe dem
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 119, sep 95 – side 8
Note: Nazister er ikke blot en gruppe forvirrede personer, der har forlæst sig på den nazistiske ideologi. De danske nazister har gennem de sidste år ændret deres opbygning fra en næsten ren ideologisk opbygning til opbygning gennem vold og terror.
Nazist smidt ud fra skole
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 119, sep 95 – side 8
Note: Nazisten Henrik Asferg Christensen, fra nazi-højborgen i Greve, er blevet fyret fra sit arbejde som medhjælper i fritidsordningen på Karlslunde Skole.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Dette er nazi-terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 119, sep 95 – side 9
Note: Nazi-terroren kommer mest uhyggeligt til udtryk i de to områder, hvor nazisterne i dag opbygger, nemlig i Greve og Folehaven i Valby.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Er ytringsfrihed en ukrænkelig ret?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 119, sep 95 – side 9
Note: Hver gang, der bliver arrangeret anti-nazistiske demonstrationer, rejser spørgsmålet sig: Er det rigtigt at angribe nazisternes ytringsfrihed – er det ikke uacceptabelt, at selv et nok så stort flertal kan begrænse nazisternes ytringer, selv om de er nok så afskyelige?
IS mener: Stå sammen mod nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 117, jul 95 – side 3
Note: For første gang siden 2. verdenskrig har nazisterne offentligt marcheret i Danmark.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Nazisterne kan nemt stoppes
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 117, jul 95 – side 5
Note: Nazisterne forsøger igen at opbygge sig. En enig front mellem fagbevægelsen og arbejderpartierne kan nemt stoppe dem.
“Forsyningslinie Nord. Demos Nyhedsbrev nr. 36-38”: Kortlægning af nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 116, jun 95 – side 13
Note: Forsyningslinie Nord. Demos Nyhedsbrev nr. 36-38. Udg. af ATZE – Antifascistische Zeitung og Demos Nyhedsbrev, 1995. (Postboks 1110, 1009 Kbh. K, tlf. 31 35 12 12). 64 sider, ill. 70 kr.
Helsingør og Valby: Nye nazioverfald
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 115, maj 95 – side 2
Note: I Helsingør blev en grillbar ejet af en indvandrer fra Ægypten totalraseret af en påsat, eksplosionsagtig brand.
Nazi-hyggevisit i Greve
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 114, apr 95 – side 2
Note: Gary Lauck, som er lederen af den internationale Nazist-organisation, NSDAP/AO, blev i slutningen af marts arresteret af det danske politi efter opfordring fra det tyske kriminalpoliti.
IS mener: De løber fra løfterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 109, nov 94 – side 3
Note: Da lokalbefolkningen i Kværs startede demonstrationerne mod nazisterne og fik dem smidt ud af byen, startede regeringen og de borgerlige partier med at give en masse løfter om at stramme op over for nazisterne.
Tom Christiansen: Lukker øjnene for nazi-vold
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 109, nov 94 – side 5
Note: Danske nazister er ikke mindre voldelige end deres tyske åndsfæller. Det viser tre overfald på indvandrere og anti-nazister.
Dorte Lange: Vi vil ikke ha’ nazisterne her
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 109, nov 94 – side 8
Note: Oktober måneds store mobiliseringer mod nazisterne har sat nazisternes forsøg på at bygge op mange år tilbage.
IS mener: Kværs dem ud
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 3
Note: Kampen mod nazisme tog et stort skridt fremad med udsmidningen af de tyske nazister fra landsbyen Kværs.
Randers, Greve, Aalborg: Stop nazisterne: Nazister på tilbagetog
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 14
Note: Jorden brænder under de danske nazi-grupper. Demonstrationerne i Kværs og Kollund er langt fra de eneste aktioner mod nazisterne.
Hans Erik Madsen: Nazisterne skal ud nu
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 16
Note: Nazisterne er på hælene. Først måtte de flygte fra Kværs. Nu strammes grebet om dem i Kollund. De må ikke slippe af krogen. De skal stoppes nu.
Carsten Lorenzen: Struer: Nej til samling af højrekræfter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 104, jun 94 – side 14
Note: 250 demonstrerede d. 7. maj i Struer mod “Holger Danske”s plan om at samle de danske højrefløjsgrupper.
Kasper Munk Nizam: Nazistisk vold i Birkerød
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 102, apr 94 – side 4
Note: I Birkerød har nazister i lang tid spredt frygt med vold og terror. Politiet gør intet.
Johan Elkjær: Aktivitet mod nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 101, mar 94 – side 4
Note: Nazister og racister står bag over 200 tilfælde af terror. Men politiet nægter at se virkeligheden i øjnene.
Tom Christiansen: Nazister hærger på Islands Brygge
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 87, dec 92 – side 12
Note: Natten til torsdag d. 26. november blev Beboerforeningen på Islands Brygges lokaler smadret af nazister.
Anders Schou: Nazisterne i Danmark
International Socialisme nr. 3, dec 92 – side 5
Note: De to nazi-organisationer, Partiet De Nationale, PDN, og Nationalpartiet Danmark, NPD, har besluttet at stille op ved kommunalvalget i 1993. Med opstillingen forsøger partierne at flyde med den nazi-bølge, som i de sidste år er skyllet over Europa.
Anders Schou: På kanten: Nazister i medierne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 4
Note: Er nazisme en sygdom som AIDS? Mange – især mediefolk – synes at mene, at den afskyvækkende ideologi bedst bekæmpes gennem »oplysning, oplysning og atter oplysning«.
Jason Meyler: Nazismen yngler
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 37, feb 88 – side 2
Note: Thies Christoffersen er manden som ifølge egen udtalelse i TV-avisen passede planter i Auschwitz. Han er gammel vesttysk nazist, som står til 9 måneders fængsel i Vesttyskland for udøvelse af nazistisk propaganda. Han er derfor flygtet til Danmark og har her fået opholds- og arbejdstilladelse.
Nazister: Storbritannien
Se også: Storbritannien
Sadie Robinson: Storbritannien: Racistisk had bag mordet på Jo Cox
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: Mordet på Labour-parlamentsmedlemmet Jo Cox har ført til udbredt chok og rædsel, som Socialist Worker deler. Parlamentsmedlemmet fra Batley and Spen blev skudt og knivstukket i går, torsdag, i Birstall, West Yorkshire.
Annette Mackin: Racism and resistance in the wake of Woolwich
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 17
Note: The killing of soldier Lee Rigby sparked a wave of anti-Muslim attacks. But politicians and pundits created the climate for them, writes Annette Mackin
Sally Kincaid: How to oppose the fascists in your area
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 17
Note: Fascists have launched a series of attacks on trade unionists in Leeds over the last 20 or so years. But having a rooted anti-fascist group in the city meant that there was always a network that could support people and organise against them.
Annette Mackin: Racists launch new attacks, but EDL London march is a flop
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 – side 6
Note: Racists have carried out a wave of attacks on Muslims since the killing of soldier Lee Rigby, reports Annette Mackin.
Annette Mackin: Racist EDL blocked in Sheffield for second week in a row
Socialist Worker nr. 2357, jun 13 – side 4
Note: More than 2,000 people gathered in Sheffield city centre last Saturday for a demonstration against the racist English Defence League (EDL) organised by Unite against Fascism (UAF).
Annette Mackin: Victory as protesters stop Nazi BNP march
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 4
Note: Anti-fascists united in London to stop Nick Griffin’s racist rabble from marching, reports Annette Mackin
Weyman Bennett: Unite Against Fascism: ‘Our tactics can beat the racists’
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 10
Note: We’ve pushed back the racist thugs in the past couple of years, but now they’re mobilising in numbers not seen since 2011.
Yuri Prasad: After Woolwich: Beating back the racist backlash
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 10
Note: Attacks on Muslims are on the rise in the wake of the murder of a soldier in Woolwich last month. Politicians may be quick to urge calm but it’s their policies that are the main drivers of racism.
Sarah Ensor: Unite Against Fascism debates experience of fighting racism
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 – side 7
Note: Hundreds of activists met in London last week to celebrate Unite Against Fascism’s successes against the EDL and plan future campaigns at its annual conference.
Sarah Ensor: Hundreds protest at fascist Marine Le Pen in Cambridge
Socialist Worker nr. 2341, feb 13 
Note: Some 200 students, school students, trade unionists and campaigners protested at the Cambridge Union Society today, Tuesday, against French fascist Marine Le Pen.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Anti-racists unite to take on EDL threat in Luton
Socialist Worker nr. 2298, apr 12 – side 13
Note: Anti-fascist activists, Muslim groups, trade unionists and local councillors in Luton are banding together to see off the threat from the racist English Defence League (EDL).
Stop the Nazi BNP—and their fascist pals
Socialist Worker nr. 2298, apr 12 – side 13
Note: Nazi organisations are gearing up to field candidates at the local elections in England and Wales on Thursday 3 May. These include the fascist British National Party (BNP), as well as splinters and defectors from it.
Tim Northover: English Defence League: Voldelige racister og fascister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 – side 8
Note: Vi kan ikke forklare EDL’s opkomst uden først at betragte dem som en del af en større vækst af nazistiske og racistiske organisationer i Europa. På trods at deres afstandstagen, er EDL gennemsyret af medlemmer af British National Party (BNP) og andre fascistiske/nynazistiske elementer med en klar islamofobisk holdning.
Martin Smith: We stopped racist EDL ...and we’ll do it again!
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 1
Note: There are days when our side wins an outright victory. Tower Hamlets on 3 September 2011 was one such day.
United against the racists
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 4
Note: Thousands of anti-racists protested in the East End of London last Saturday to stop the racist English Defence League from gathering. Socialist Worker reports.
The EDL was humiliated by mass mobilisation, not the police. The 600 thugs were forced to hold their rally outside Tower Hamlets.
Martin Smith: End of the road for the BNP?
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 – side 10
Note: The BNP’s recent election defeat has led many commentators to declare the fascist party finished. But, argues Martin Smith, the anti-fascist movement must continue to mobilise.
Lee Billingham: Book review: We want rebel music
International Socialism Journal nr. 130, apr 11 – side 213
Note: Ian Goodyer, Crisis Music: The Cultural Politics of Rock Against Racism (Manchester University Press, 2009), £60
Viv Smith + Matthew Cookson: Protests in Luton that gave the EDL a bad day
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 6
Note: Thousands of anti-fascists helped ruin the racist English Defence League’s (EDL) hopes of a victorious homecoming in Luton last Saturday.
Ken Olende: People of Bury Park united to resist any attacks
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 6
Note: The defiance shown by the people of Bury Park on Saturday was inspiring. The EDL has particularly targeted this multi-racial area.
Viv Smith: Unite to stop the racists in Luton
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 16
Note: Anti-racists are determined to stage a united and defiant show of strength against the racist English Defence League (EDL) in Luton this Saturday 5 February.
Protest against racist EDL in Luton – rolling update
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Socialist Worker will provide regular updates to this story throughout the day.
Homes attacked in Luton after racist EDL march
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Two homes in Luton were attacked late last night – their windows smashed and the word EDL painted on the front door – just hours after the English Defence League’s (EDL) racist protest through Luton town centre.
Viv Smith: Luton: stop the English Defence League where it started
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 6
Note: On Saturday 5 February, the racist English Defence League (EDL) is going back to where it all began for the group—Luton.
Labour councillor says we must oppose the EDL
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 6
Note: Sian Timoney is a Labour councillor in Luton’s Farley ward, where the EDL is planning to assemble on 5 February. She spoke to Socialist Worker.
Viv Smith: The BNP Nazi at the heart of the EDL
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 1
Note: Chris Renton, BNP activist, was on the English Defence League march in London last week.
Viv Smith: After EDL march in London: 'We’ll stop these racists next time'
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 16
Note: The state allowed 250 followers of the racist English Defence League (EDL) to march on parliament on Friday last week.
Viv Smith: Nick Griffin invited back by BBC (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 
Note: The BBC has announced that it is going to give another platform to Nazi British National Party (BNP) leader Nick Griffin.
Viv Smith: English Defence League thugs convicted (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 
Note: The leadership of the racist English Defence League continue to claim it is a “peaceful” organisation—but the arrest and conviction of key members paints a different picture.
Martin Smith: The BNP and EDL
Socialist Review nr. 345, mar 10 – side 10
Note: A new racist political group is organising on the streets. They call themselves the English Defence League, but who are they and what do they represent?
Viv Smith: EDL Stoke rampage must never happen again
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 6
Note: More than 1,200 supporters of the English Defence League (EDL) went on a violent rampage through Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent, last Saturday.
Viv Smith: Multiracial demonstration opposes EDL in Stoke
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 6
Note: The EDL did not go unchallenged. A counter protest of around 500 students, trade unionists and local people – black, white and Asian – turned out to counter the EDL.
Mark Thomas: Barking and Dagenham: Nipping Nick Griffin’s election hopes in the bud
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 6
Note: The campaign to halt Nazi Nick Griffin’s ambition of winning a seat in the general election took off last Sunday. The BNP leader plans to stand in Barking, east London.
Editorial: Mass action and class fight can beat the Nazis
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 11
Note: The EDL's mobilisation in Stoke should be a wake-up call to every anti-racist and anti-fascist.
Viv Smith: Nazi with explosives sentenced to 11 years
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 16
Note: British National Party (BNP) member Terence Gavan was jailed last week for 11 years after police found 54 improvised explosive devices, including nail bombs and 12 firearms, at his home in West Yorkshire.
Siân Ruddick: Police report into death of Blair Peach may finally be released (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2182, dec 09 
Note: The report into the death of Anti Nazi League and Socialist Workers Party member Blair Peach in 1979 got a step closer to seeing the light of day this week.
John Shemeld: Fighting the racist EDL in Nottingham and Harrow
Socialist Worker nr. 2181, dec 09 – side 4
Note: Seven hundred anti-racists and anti-fascists stopped the Nazi thugs of the English Defence League (EDL) from marching through Nottingham city centre last Saturday.
Esme Choonara: BNP’s fascist Franco trip
Socialist Worker nr. 2179, nov 09 – side 2
Note: Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party (BNP), took time out from stoking up race hatred in Britain last weekend to hobnob with fellow fascists in Europe.
Demonstrate to stop the Nazi BNP’s festival of hate
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 1
Note: The leader of the fascist British National Party (BNP), Nick Griffin, thinks that Islam is a “cancer” that must be removed by “chemotherapy”.
Simon Assaf: BNP is at the heart of web of Nazi filth
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 3
Note: A motley collection of Holocaust deniers, antisemites, white supremacists and admirers of Adolf Hitler will gather for their annual hate-fest in the Derbyshire village of Codnor at the Red, White and Blue festival on Saturday 15 August.
Esme Choonara: Hundreds rally against fascists at UAF conference
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 3
Note: More than 400 anti-fascist activists from around Britain gathered in Manchester last weekend for a conference organised by Unite Against Fascism (UAF).
Stop the Nazi hate-fest as Nick Griffin shows his true colours
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 6
Note: Nick Griffin, the Nazi leader of the British National Party (BNP), has continued to defend comments he made last week calling for boats with migrants on them to be sunk.
Martin Smith: How do we stop the BNP?
International Socialism Journal nr. 123, jul 09 – side 41
Note: The fascist British National Party (BNP) made a major electoral breakthrough when it won two seats in the European elections in June. BNP leader Nick Griffin won a seat in the North West region and Andrew Brons won a second seat in Yorkshire & Humberside. Across the country the BNP polled 943,598 votes.
Paul Jenkins: Nazis show true colours at Blackpool protest
Socialist Worker nr. 2157, jun 09 – side 5
Note: Britain’s fascists let their mask of respectability slip when they were confronted by a lively 150-strong protest in Blackpool last Saturday.
Esme Choonara: Media: Debates around reporting BNP (expanded online)
Socialist Worker nr. 2157, jun 09 – side 5
Note: Around 50 media workers met in the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) headquarters last week to discuss how best to respond to the threat of the Nazi BNP.
Esme Choonara: Why the Nazis hate democracy
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 – side 8
Note: Esme Choonara examines the threat caused by the fascist ideology at the heart of the BNP and explains why Nazi organisations must be confronted
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Racist ideas fuel the BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 – side 9
Note: The election of two fascist BNP MEPs has led to predictably craven reactions from some quarters.
Andy Burnham, New Labour’s health secretary, responded to the fascist gains by saying, “Clearly there are concerns about immigration. The government has got to respond to those concerns...
Chris Bambery: Economic crisis and the right
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 – side 13
Note: Right wing forces were the main beneficiaries of the European elections, but there is a complex relationship between economic crisis and political polarisation.
Leon Kuhn: Cartoon: Nick Griffin (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 
Simon Assaf: Europe 2009: The new fascist election threats and how they can be stopped
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: Imagine a group of thugs, implicated in terrorism and racist attacks, becoming our representatives in Europe. In the days following Thursday 4 June, the date of elections to the European parliament, we could wake up to find that this is exactly what has happened.
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
Esme Choonara: Uniting together to stop the Nazi BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 16
Note: Anti-fascist activists have been out in force over the last few days campaigning to stop the British National Party (BNP) making gains in the European elections on 4 June.
Esme Choonara: Step up the fight to stop the BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2150, maj 09 – side 16
Note: Anti-fascists were out in force over the May Day bank holiday weekend campaigning to stop the British National Party (BNP) from grabbing seats in the European elections on 4 June.
Weyman Bennett: Stand up to the Nazis
Socialist Review nr. 336, maj 09 – side 15
Note: Elections next month may see the Nazi BNP win their first MEPs. But, argues Weyman Bennett, the threat of fascism can, and must, be challenged
Don’t let the BNP grab a Euro seat
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 6
Note: Martin Lynch, convenor of Unite Against Fascism in the Black Country, spoke to Socialist Worker about the local campaign against the Nazis
Weyman Bennett: An urgent fight to stop the Nazi BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 – side 4
Note: The British National Party (BNP) is aiming to win seats in the European parliament in June. The Nazis believe they have the wind in their sails following the walkouts at the Lindsey Oil Refinery.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Why we need to get the Nazis out of workplaces
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 9
Note: Last month’s leak of a list of British National Party (BNP) members and supporters has raised the issue of what we should do about fascists in our workplaces and communities.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Fighting fascism: Unions and activists beat back the BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2130, dec 08 – side 4
Note: Troubles are piling up for the fascist British National Party (BNP) in the wake of last month’s leak of a list of the organisation’s members and supporters.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Seize this chance to isolate the Nazis
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 4
Note: Anindya Bhattacharyya argues that the leaked BNP list has provoked a crisis in the party and that we need to build a mass anti-fascist campaign.
Simon Basketter: Leaked membership list reveals middle class base of the fascist BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 5
Note: Looking at where the people on the British National Party (BNP) list live – and the kinds of jobs they do – tells us a lot about the nature of their support.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Disillusion feeds fascist votes
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 5
Note: The leaked BNP list contains some 12,800 names. Not all of these are members of the party – some of the names have not paid subscriptions for three years.
Protest against Nazis organised for Stoke
Socialist Worker nr. 2119, sep 08 – side 2
Note: The Nazi British National Party (BNP) has called a national demonstration in Stoke-on-Trent for this Saturday. Party leader Nick Griffin is the keynote speaker.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Rotherham’s carnival: Show of defiance against the Nazis
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 16
Note: The fascist British National Party (BNP) is on the march again – but we can build a mass movement to stop them in their tracks. That was the message last weekend coming from Rotherham and Stoke-on-Trent, two key targets for the BNP Nazis.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Stoke shows what happens when Nazis gain a foothold
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 5
Note: Stoke resident Habib Khan was handed an eight year jail sentence last week for the manslaughter of British National Party (BNP) activist Keith Brown, his next door neighbour and a hardened Nazi thug.
The BNP is trying to present Brown, 52, as a “white martyr” and a “victim of Islamic jihad against Great Britain”.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Angry protest against the BNP’s Nazi ‘Red, White and Blue’ hate-fest
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 2
Note: Over 500 anti-fascist activists and trade unionists marched in Codnor, Derbyshire, last Saturday in opposition to the British National Party (BNP) and its “Red, White and Blue” Nazi hate-fest that took place in the area.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Unions throw their weight behind protest to stop Nazi BNP rally
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 16
Note: Trade unionists and other anti-Nazi activists will be gathering in Codnor, Derbyshire, on Saturday of this week to protest against the “Red, White and Blue” event being held there by the fascist British National Party (BNP).
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Unite Against Fascism: Mobilising to stop the BNP’s hate-fest
Socialist Worker nr. 2113, aug 08 – side 6
Note: Trade unionists and other anti-fascist campaigners across the Midlands region are gearing up to protest against a fascist rally due to be held by the British National Party (BNP) in Derbyshire next Saturday 16 August.
Phil Turner + Anindya Bhattacharyya: Rallying Stoke to drive back the fascist BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 5
Note: Campaigners are stepping up the fight against the fascist British National Party (BNP) across the country.
Alex Callinicos: Could fascism take power today?
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 4
Note: How big a threat is fascism today? For many, even on the left, it belongs to the first half of the 20th century, the “age of the dictators”. It has nothing to do with the era of neoliberalism, globalisation, and the internet.
United we will smash the Nazi BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 4
Note: Joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism Weyman Bennett spoke to Socialist Worker about the rise of the BNP and about how we can defeat the fascists
Jim Wolfreys: How the BNP poses as a respectable party
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 5
Note: The British National Party (BNP) has made some worrying electoral breakthroughs in recent years. This is the result of a specific strategy that the BNP has pursued under its leader Nick Griffin. The model for Griffin’s BNP comes from France, in the form of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Front National (FN).
Yuri Prasad: 21 June protest: Grassroots revolt that can stop the Nazi BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 3
Note: Anti-Nazi activists are mobilising across the country against the British National Party (BNP) after its gains in recent elections.
Stop the BNP!
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 8
Note: Socialist Worker’s guide to fighting Britain’s Nazi party
Anindya Bhattacharyya: How we stopped the fascists before
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 9
Note: Some people say we shouldn’t worry about the BNP because fascism “just isn’t part of the British character”. But there is a long history of fascism in Britain. And the reason fascists have never triumphed is that they have been confronted, not ignored.
Judith Orr: The resistible rise of the BNP
Socialist Review nr. 326, jun 08 – side 14
Note: The recent local elections saw the BNP gain ten councillors and a London Assembly member. Judith Orr puts these results in context, and argues that the fascists can, and must, be stopped once more.
Martin Smith: New challenges for anti-fascism
Socialist Review nr. 326, jun 08 – side 30
Note: Along with every great success come new challenges. That will be the case for Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR).
Who are the British National Party and what do they stand for?
Socialist Worker nr. 2102, maj 08 – side 13
Note: The roots of the British National Party (BNP) lie in the splinters of the National Front (NF), the main fascist organisation of the late 1970s.
Weyman Bennett + Martin Smith: March to stop the BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 1
Note: The fascist British National Party (BNP) made an electoral breakthrough on 1 May when it won a seat on the London assembly and made a net gain of ten more council seats across England.
There are two possible responses to this. One is to bury our heads in our hands. The other is to fight back.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Fighting fascism: United campaigning can defeat the BNP
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 4
Note: After the fascist BNP’s gains in recent elections, Anindya Bhattacharyya looks at where their vote came from – and how we can beat them back.
Lars Kjær: Storbritannien: Nazistiske overgreb mødes med modstand
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 196, sep 01 – side 4
Note: En række racistiske overfald i flere byer i Midt-England udført af medlemmer af BNP (British National Party) har betydet, at Anti-Nazi League endnu engang har mobiliseret til anti-nazistiske manifestationer.
Anders Schou: Anti Nazi League: Fascismens to ansigter. Det er muligt at stoppe dem
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 11
Note: Den “stuerene” fascisme er ikke noget nyt fænomen. Også Hitlers nazister havde en pæn facade, da partiet blev opbygget.
Tim Potter: Lessons of Lewisham
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 101, sep 77 – side 18
Note: The anti-fascist mobilisation at Lewisham on August 13 marked a new stage in the struggle against the new Nazis in Britain. West Indian youth were drawn into the struggle on a large scale for the first time, and the police used the occasion to try out a number of new tactics.
Alastair Hatchett + Alex Callinicos: In Defence of Violence
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 101, sep 77 – side 24
Note: The violence of the confrontations between anti-fascists and the Nazi National Front, protected by the police, at Lewisham and Ladywood, has received much criticism in the press and even from sections of the labour movement. Much of the blame was heaped on the Socialist Workers Party. Alex Callinicos and Alastair Hatchet reply to these criticisms.
David Evans: Notes of the Month: News from the Nazi Front
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 80, jul 75 – side 5
Note: The fact that the National Front has not so far been able to make much headway in the anti-Common Market campaign can be attributed to a certain extent to internal power squabbles.
Nazister: Østeuropa
Esme Choonara: BNP’s Euro friends are thugs and bombers
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 8
Note: The British National Party’s (BNP’s) “friends” in Europe are an assortment of violent fascist organisations. These links are yet more evidence that the BNP is engaged in building a serious Nazi party.
GM Tamás: Hungary: Fascist menace emboldened by capitalism’s crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 9
Note: Fascists in Hungary are hoping to make a breakthrough in the European elections. Former MP G M Tamás spoke to Socialist Worker about what is driving them forward.

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