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Tema: Stalinistiske regimers klassenatur

Stalinistiske regimers klassenatur
Tom Gordon: Book Review: State, power and bureaucracy
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 200
Note: A review of Thomas M Twiss, Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy (Brill/Haymarket, 2015), £25.99
The theory of bureaucratic state capitalism in Russia and elsewhere characterises the International Socialist Tendency and distinguishes us from most other Marxist parties worldwide. So a study of the development of Leon Trotsky’s ideas on the Russian bureaucracy is of particular interest. This book reveals one of the greatest Marxists struggling to come to terms with a wholly new ­phenomenon, the Stalinist bureaucracy.
Chris Harman: In perspective: State capitalism – the theory that fuels the practice
Socialist Review nr. 341, nov 09 – side 15
Note: With the fall of the Berlin Wall, many on the left concluded that socialism had failed. Others of us saw these countries as state capitalist and an integral part of the world system. This theory has renewed relevance today.
Mike Haynes: A to Z of Socialism: S is for state capitalism
Socialist Review nr. 332, jan 09 – side 21
Note: As global capitalism flounders, the world's governments are scrambling to use state action to try to stop the rot and bail out the system. After two decades of being told that the market works best, the state is back.
Tony Cliff: On the Class Nature of the "People’s Democracies" (1950)
Alt. url:
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Statskapitalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 177, nov 99 – side 7
Note: Da regimerne i Østeuropa og Sovjet faldt i årene 1989-91, var det ikke socialismen, der led nederlag, men en variant af kapitalismen, nemlig statskapitalisme.
Jakob Nerup: 1989-1999 – 10 året for Murens fald: Statskapitalismen i Østeuropa
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 174, aug 99 – side 10
Note: Vi var mange socialister, som jublede med menneskene i de østeuropæiske lande, da regimerne faldt som dominobrikker i 1989. Endelig døde de stalinistiske diktaturer.
Tony Cliff: Østeuropa – socialisme eller statskapitalisme?
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 10
Note: En af grundlæggerne af IS-tendensen, Tony Cliff udviklede teorien om statskapitalisme efter den anden verdenskrig for at forklare, hvorfor Sovjet og de østeuropæiske satelitstater ikke var socialistiske.
Her argumenterer han for, at historien har eftervist hans teori.
Alex Callinicos: Rhetoric which cannot conceal a bankrupt theory: a reply to Ernest Mandel
International Socialism Journal nr. 57, dec 92 – side 147
Note: Alex Callinicos replies to Ernest Mandel's article printed in our previous issue.
Ernest Mandel: The impasse of schematic dogmatism
International Socialism Journal nr. 56, sep 92 – side 135
Note: Ernest Mandel closes this issue with another contribution to the discussion of the class nature of the Russian and East European states begun in issue 49. International Socialism will reply in a future issue.
Ernest Mandel: A theory which has not withstood the test of facts
International Socialism Journal nr. 49, dec 90 – side 43
Note: Reply to Chris Harman’s article in ISJ2:47
Chris Harman: Criticism which does not withstand the test of logic
International Socialism Journal nr. 49, dec 90 – side 65
Note: Reply to Ernest Mandel’s article in this issue
Derek Howl: The law of value and the USSR
International Socialism Journal nr. 49, dec 90 – side 89
Chris Harman: From Trotsky to state capitalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 47, jun 90 – side 137
Note: In a review of Ernest Mandel’s Beyond Perestroika, Chris Harman traces the fate of Trotsky’s analysis of Russia at the hands of the Fourth international and argues that the theory of state capitalism is nearer to the spirit, if not the letter, of Trotsky’s politics. Ernest Mandel has been asked to reply in a future issue.
Charlie Lywood: Kapitalismen i krise: Krise i øst
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 17, feb 86 – side 7
Note: De statskapitalistiske lande med USSR, Østeuropa og Kina i spidsen er ikke gået fri af krisen i kapitalismen. De følger udviklingen i verdensøkonomien generelt.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Marxismens betydning: Derfor drikker Ivan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 10, jun 85 – side 7
Note: I Østeuropa har der været mange store opstande mod de arbejds- og levevilkår, som den østeuropæiske arbejderklasse er underlagt. Det har været opstande, som i flere tilfælde har rystet den herskende klasse i parti- og statsapparatet. De største har fundet sted i Ungarn i 56, Tjekkoslovakiet i 68 og Solidarnosc i Polen i 80/81.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Marxismens betydning: Ingen lysende fyrtårne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 9, maj 85 – side 7
Note: Torsdag den 11. april døde Enver Hoxha. Han var statsleder i Albanien fra 1944 til sin død. For nogle var torsdag den 11. en sorgens dag. Det gjaldt for de små grupper uden for Albanien, som har set Albanien som socialismens lysende fyrtårn.
Alex Callinicos: Wage Labour and State Capitalism: A reply to Peter Binns and Mike Haynes
International Socialism Journal nr. 12, mar 81 – side 97
Note: An otherwise excellent critique of “exceptionalist” analyses of the eastern bloc by Peter Binns and Mike Haynes in a recent issue of International Socialism was vitiated by the authors’ acceptance of the proposition that “wage-labour is not necessary to capital” (p. 29).
Mike Haynes + Peter Binns: New theories of Eastern Europe class societies
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 18
Note: Peter Binns and Mike Haynes critically examine a growing consensus between Marxist oppositionists in the east and some independent western Marxists who have decisively rejected Maoist and ‘Orthodox’ Trotskyist accounts of those countries, but who have equally not yet been convinced of the theory of state capitalism. The article argues that these new views are not just mistaken, but also dangerous, leading, if taken up consistently, to a reformist strategy in the west.
Nigel Harris: Mao and Marx
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 89, jun 76 – side 16
Note: On Charles Bettleheim: "The Class Struggle in the USSR"
Chris Harman: Review: The Inconsistencies of Ernest Mandel
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 41, dec 69 – side 36
Note: Review: E. Mandel, The Inconsistencies of State Capitalism, IMG, 4s.
Tony Cliff: The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: A critique (1948)
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 32, mar 68 – side 13
Note: For obvious reasons, discussion of the nature of Soviet society was central to the thinking of most socialists of the last generation.

Der blev fundet 21 artikler


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