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Tema: Krise og modstand - USA

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Krise og modstand - USA
Se også: USA; USA internt efter 1990
Charlie Kimber: Clinton vinder i New York – Hvorhen nu for Sanders-kampagnen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Hillary Clinton har besejret Bernie Sanders ved primærvalget i New York. Primærvalgene afgør, hvem der skal være det demokratiske parti kandidat til valget af amerikansk præsident.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Occupy Wall Street: Resistance fills the streets of New York
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 
Note: Up to 100,000 supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement came together in New York last Saturday. It was the climax of a global day of action against economic injustice.
Jan Hoby: Chicago skolelærerstrejke: Kampe kan vindes mod alle odds!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 326, jan 13 – side 9
Note: Er der forskel på fagforeninger i USA og Danmark? Svaret ligger lige til højrebenet. Men er der også forskel på offentlige ansattes fagforeninger? Her er svaret ikke bare ligeud af landevejen.
Jen Roesch: The life and times of Occupy Wall Street
International Socialism Journal nr. 135, jul 12 – side 51
Note: Occupy Wall Street (OWS), and the Occupy movement that rapidly spread across the country in late September 2011, marked a watershed moment in the re-emergence of mass struggle and radical politics in the United States. In a matter of weeks, decades of accumulated bitterness and discontent found political expression and began to reshape national politics.
Megan Trudell: The Occupy movement and class politics in the US
International Socialism Journal nr. 133, jan 12 – side 39
Note: The Occupy movement that began in New York in September 2011 and has spread with remarkable speed across the country represents a massive shift in the politics of the United States.
Jonathan Neale: Protests show a shift in US class consciousness
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 
Note: Some 400 people marched with Occupy New Orleans last Saturday. Mostly young, about 50 of them were African-American.
Doug Nielson: Sleepover in Seattle
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 
Note: A long day of protest Seattle culminated in several thousand people marching to sit down outside the street in front of a local Chase Bank.
Jen Roesch: 'Electric atmosphere' on New York protests
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 6
Note: The Occupy Wall Street movement saw a massive mobilisation of up to 100,000 people in Times Square last Saturday.
Unions defend the movement
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 6
Note: The occupiers have made vibrant links with the trade union movement in the US. Groups of workers in union T-shirts are a common site at the occupation.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Activists arrested as they expose bank’s role in crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 6
Note: Some 23 activists were arrested at a protest at Citibank on Saturday afternoon. I was reporting on the demonstrations and was held with them.
Eyewitness report from New York: Occupy Wall Street: ‘A new generation is fighting back’
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 16
Note: Occupations in protest against corporate greed are spreading across the US. The first protest—Occupy Wall Street—began in New York’s financial district.
Noam Chomsky: involvement of workers is key
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 16
Note: Writer and campaigner Noam Chomsky told an audience of over 1,000 that the new occupation movement has a “rare” level of mainstream support. He called the protests “mass popular demonstrations against capitalism”.
Sandra Gufler: Søndag den 9. oktober: Stemningsrapport fra Wall St
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 313, okt 11 – side 9
Note: Da jeg ankommer til Wall Street, er det første jeg ser en flok turister der tager billeder af en række 99’ere med skilte og bannere – “We are the 99 procent – join us”, siger ét, “I don´t respect you either”, siger et andet.
Kim Rebel Stevnsborg: Occupy Wall Street
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 313, okt 11 – side 9
Note: Inspireret af revolutionerne i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten startede det amerikanske magasin Adbuster et non-profit tidsskrift, hvis mål er at omvælte de eksisterende magtstrukturer: En opfordring til folket om at rejse sig og tage til New York d. 17. september for at starte aktion Occupy Wall Street, en protestbevægelse imod, at 1 pct. af befolkningen ejer 85 pct. af værdierne, stigende arbejdsløshed og ulighed i det amerikanske samfund.
Robert Lange: USA: Millionærskat, givet det mening?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 313, okt 11 – side 11
Note: Verdens 3. rigeste mand Warren Buffet beklagede sig i september over, at han selv og resten af de ultra rige amerikanere ikke betaler nok i skat. I samme anledning foreslog han at der indførtes en millionærskat for folk med over 1 mio. dollars i årlig indkomst.
Bob Peterson: Wisconsin: the bill is passed but we'll fight on
Socialist Worker nr. 2244, mar 11 – side 4
Note: The governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has passed a bill to remove the trade union rights of some 175,000 workers in the US. But the battle against him isn’t over—and the mood among people is defiant and upbeat.
US: workers fight on in Wisconsin
Socialist Worker nr. 2243, mar 11 – side 3
Note: Over 150,000 workers and students surrounded the Capitol building in Wisconsin in the US last Saturday.
Siân Ruddick: Epic battle in Wisconsin is a taste of our power
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 – side 8
Note: The battle in Wisconsin has seen hundreds of thousands of US workers rediscover their power. In the most powerful protests for many years, public sector workers—with the support of students, war veterans, pensioners, local campaigners and even some police—have brought the city of Madison to a standstill.
Phil Gasper + Sarah Blaskey: Wisconsin: ‘Workers need a chance to survive—this is the boiling point’
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 – side 9
Note: The battle between Wisconsin’s unions and the state’s Republican governor Scott Walker moved to a new level on Saturday when over 100,000 people marched and rallied in support of union rights at the State Capitol building in Madison.
Bob Peterson: Wisconsin – how we built a mass movement
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 
Note: On Friday 11 February governor Scott Walker declared war on public sector workers in the US state of Wisconsin by trying to ban trade unions.
Bob Peterson: Republicans and bosses are watching Wisconsin
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 
Note: Scott Walker’s attacks on Wisconsin teachers and other public sector workers are part of a national agenda to privatise public institutions and destroy public sector unions.
G Francis Hodge: Book review: Driving American decline
International Socialism Journal nr. 127, jul 10 – side 208
Note: Gabriel Kolko, World in Crisis: The End of the American Century (Pluto, 2009), £12.99
In his introduction to World in Crisis Gabriel Kolko writes provocatively that “American capitalism is tending towards committing suicide—and is taking other nations with it.” Kolko argues that the century of US global dominance is drawing to a close, driven by factors deeply embedded in the structure of US capitalism.
Megan Trudell: Is Obama really taking on the US bankers?
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 9
Note: “Never again will the American taxpayer be held hostage by a bank that is too big to fail. If these folks want a fight, it’s a fight I’m ready to have.”
Barack Obama last week announced his plan to curb the excesses of the big banks with fighting talk that millions have been waiting a year to hear.
USA: Snart 14 millioner arbejdsløse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 288, apr 09 – side 4
Note: For 4. måned i træk er den sæsonkorrigerede arbejdsløshed i USA steget med over en halv million. Alene i marts steg den med næsten 700.000.
USA: 5 mill. flere arbejdsløse på et år
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 4
Note: For tredje måned i træk stillede over en halv million amerikanere i februar op i arbejdsløshedskøen.
USA: 598.000 færre jobs i januar
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 286, feb 09 – side 6
Note: Trods hjælpepakker på tusindvis af milliarder dollars fortsætter arbejdsløsheden med at stige verden rundt.
Sadie Robinson: Obamas økonomiske plan vil ikke løse krisen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 286, feb 09 – side 11
Note: Debatterne om protektionistisk politik misser de virkelige problemer i den dybe krise, skriver Sadie Robinson.
Sadie Robinson: Obama’s economic plan won’t fix the crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2137, feb 09 – side 6
Note: Barack Obama’s plan to save the US economy has been caught up in a growing panic among world leaders over protectionism.
USA: Over 11 millioner arbejdsløse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 285, jan 09 – side 5
Note: Lige før deadline fik vi de nyeste ledighedstal for USA. Fra november til december er arbejdsløsheden steget med næsten en million. Forrige måned steg den med godt en halv million.
Sadie Robinson: Barack Obama faces tough tasks on economy
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 5
Note: As US president-elect Barack Obama prepares for his inauguration next Tuesday the impact of the recession on the US grows more severe by the day.
US factory occupation shows way to beat attacks
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 4
Note: Workers in Chicago have fought back over compensation and won. But the problems are mounting for people across the US
Occupation at US university (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 
Note: An occupation has been taking place for several days at the New School University in New York City. The organisers have issued the following statement.
Chris Bambery: Soaring job losses intensify crisis in US
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 4
Note: As recession brings misery to the lives of millions across the US, some workers are showing that it is possible to fight back.
US: Worries for car workers
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 4
Note: The US Congress and the White House seem set to finalise an emergency $15 billion short-term loan to keep the General Motors (GM), Chrysler and Ford car companies afloat.
Editorial: Barack Obama is drinking from two cups
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 12
Note: US president-elect Barack Obama has put forward a “stimulus” package for the US economy that makes chancellor Alistair Darling’s pre-budget proposals taste like weak milky tea.
Detroit family resists home repossession attempts
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 4
Note: Demonstrators blocked the doorstep to stop the eviction of 72 year old Rubie Curl-Pinkins, a disabled woman who has lived in her Detroit home for 45 years. Bank of America, her bank, attempted to repossess her home after she fell behind on mortgage payments.

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