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Tema: EU-afstemninger - uden for Danmark

EU-afstemninger - uden for Danmark
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Brexit: a world-historic turn
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 3
Note: Britain’s vote on 23 June to leave the EU is an event of major geopolitical significance. It will have a disorganising effect on the nexus of alliances through which the Western imperialist powers, led by the United States, manage global capitalism. It is a very serious blow to the European Union.
Charlie Kimber: Efter EU-afstemningen og Camerons afgang: Gå sammen om at forme oprøret mod magthaverne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: David Cameron er trådt tilbage, og “Forlad EU”-resultatet ved folkeafstemningen har kastet det konservative parti og de britiske og europæiske magthavere ud i en dyb krise.
Socialist Worker (UK): Storbritannien: Den herskende klasse er rædselsslagen for at skulle forlade det rådne EU
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: Valgkampen op til folkeafstemningen om Storbritanniens medlemskab af EU blev genoptaget mandag efter en pause i kølvandet på mordet på Labour-politikeren Jo Cox.
Dave Merrick: Feedback: Letter to the editor: The European Union
International Socialism Journal nr. 149, jan 16 – side 205
Note: The autumn 2015 issue of International Socialism contained two extremely important and erudite articles concerning the issue of the European Union and which way socialists should vote in any potential referendum. In order of appearance they are: “The EU Referendum: The Case for a Socialist Yes vote” (John Palmer), and “The Internationalist Case against the European Union” (Alex Callinicos). Both of these contain a great deal of empirical and historical detail and repay careful consideration.
Having said that, I found myself wondering whether in responding in simple “yes or no” terms we are missing the opportunity to resist what is at best a silly question and at worst a poisonous question. I will do my best to elaborate below.
John Palmer: The EU referendum: The case for a socialist Yes vote
International Socialism Journal nr. 148, okt 15 – side 75
Note: I would like to preface this discussion with Alex Callinicos, on what attitude socialists should take to the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU), on a personal note. This debate has echoes of earlier controversies on the same issue in which I was involved when I was a member of the predecessor organisations of the Socialist Workers Party; first the Socialist Review Group and then the International Socialists.
Alex Callinicos: The internationalist case against the European Union
International Socialism Journal nr. 148, okt 15 – side 99
Note: For the first time in a generation Britain will vote on its membership of the European Union, probably in the autumn of 2016. How to vote in that referendum is a difficult choice for anyone on the left. Since the 1990s the anti-EU camp has been dominated by the chauvinist and racist right, initially on the Thatcherite wing of the Tory party, but now enjoying separate and increasingly powerful representation in the shape of the UK Independence Party. But anyone who contemplates therefore voting Yes in the referendum is confronted with the reality of the EU as a neoliberal club currently busy nailing the people of Greece to the cross of austerity. Viewing the standoff between the Europhobes and the oligarchs of Brussels and Frankfurt one is reminded of Oscar Wilde’s description of fox hunting as the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable. This article seeks to address this dilemma, arguing that there is a powerful internationalist case against the EU.
Alex Callinicos: Grækenland: Nej-flertal kan blive udgangspunkt for reelle forandringer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 345, jun 15 
Note: Der er historiske øjeblikke, hvor begivenhedernes normale strøm står stille. Det er ofte tilfældet, når de sædvanlige magtforhold vendes om, de mægtige bliver ydmyget, og de fattige og nødlidende bliver opløftet.
IS-tendensen: IS-tendensen: Udtalelse om Grækenland: Nej til aftalen!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 345, jun 15 
Note: Udtalelse i anledning af den græske folkeafstemning 5. juli om aftalen med EU-bosserne.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: - et nederlag for venstrefløjen: Det irske „Ja“
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 3
Note: Da irerne stemte om Lissabon-traktaten tilbage i 2008, gav de EU-eliten en mavepuster og stemte Nej. Men da de skulle stemme om traktaten igen den 3. oktober i år, var det storindustrien og den politiske elite, der løb af med sejren. Resultatet blev et stort ja, og et nederlag til venstrefløjen.
Editorial: Lisbon treaty: Irish can say no to neoliberal Europe again
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 12
Note: Next October the Irish people will be asked to vote once again on the European Union’s (EU) Lisbon Treaty. This is despite the referendum held in June this year, when 1.6 million people turned out and rejected the treaty by a margin of over 110,000 votes.
Sinead Kennedy: Irland: Nej til et nyliberalistisk Europa
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 280, jul 08 – side 3
Note: Ved at stemme nej til Lissabon-traktaten har irske vælgere slået et afgørende slag imod forsøgene på at skabe en korporativ, militariseret EU-superstat. Traktaten er i sin essens, magen til den EU-forfatning som blev forkastet ved folkeafstemningerne i Frankrig og Holland i 2005.
Richard Boyd Barrett: Letter from ...: Ireland
Socialist Review nr. 327, jul 08 – side 9
Note: Ireland's rejection of the Lisbon Reform Treaty went against the wishes and deceptions of the ruling elite, writes Richard Boyd Barrett.
Sinead Kennedy: Irish voters reject plans for a neoliberal Europe
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 2
Note: Irish voters have dealt a decisive blow to attempts to create a corporate, militarised European Union (EU) superstate by voting to reject the Lisbon treaty.
Chris Bambery: Gordon Brown refuses to hold British referendum on Lisbon treaty
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 2
Note: Gordon Brown’s government has pressed on with the parliamentary vote to ratify the Lisbon treaty on the European Union (EU), despite Irish voters rejecting it. New Labour is adamant that there will be no referendum here. With the Liberal Democrats supporting the government, the treaty seems guaranteed to be endorsed by parliament.
Workers reject neoliberal EU treaty in Irish referendum (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 
Note: The neoliberal European Lisbon Treaty has been thrown out by the Irish voters as counting continues. With 29 of 43 constituencies declared, the campaign for a no vote is leading by 53.5 percent to 46.5 percent. All but six constituencies have rejected the treaty.
Sinead Kennedy: Ireland and the EU's dodgy 'constitution' treaty
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 12
Note: Irish voters will cause consternation among Europe’s elite if they reject the undemocratic and neoliberal Lisbon treaty.
Pepijn Brandon: A note on the Dutch referendum
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 34
Note: On 1 June 2005 a large majority of the Dutch electorate rejected the proposed EU constitution. With a 62 percent ‘No’ vote on a 63 percent turnout, the Dutch ‘No’ was even more pronounced than the French ‘No’ two days previously.
Alex Callinicos: The No's Have It
Socialist Review nr. 298, jul 05 – side 9
Note: Alex Callinicos examines the problems facing Europe's ruling class.
Chris Harman: Votes of no confidence
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 3
Note: The ‘no’ vote in the French and Dutch refendums. The loss of a million votes by New Labour in Britain’s election. The defeat of Germany’s social democrats in the state election in the Ruhr. One simple fact emerges from them all. Europe’s rulers are failing to find a popular constituency for neo-liberal policies at the centre of their agenda.
Jim Wolfreys: How France’s referendum caught fire
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 9
Alain Krivine: Non to bosses’ Europe
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 12
Note: Debates over the European constitution are dividing the French left, says Alain Krivine, former Member of the European Parliament and spokesperson of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire (LCR)
Åsa Hjalmers: Folkeafstemning om ØMU: Under-Sverige gav EU-eliten fingeren
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 219, okt 03 – side 6
Note: “Et sviende nederlag for den politiske og økonomiske elite.” Sådan blev valgresultatet efter ØMU-afstemningen i Sverige beskrevet på SVT i den 14. september.
Richard Boyd Barrett: Nice treaty: When Irish no's are smiling
Socialist Review nr. 254, jul 01 – side 5
Norge: De stemte nej
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 110, dec 94 – side 2
Note: Så kom der igen grus i det store EU-projekt. Et flertal på 52,2% sagde nej tak til EU ved den norske afstemning. Det vil styrke den modstand, der er i mange lande mod EU.
Jakob Nerup: Afstemning om EU i Sverige og Norge: Vi stemmer nej
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 109, nov 94 – side 7
Note: Et nej til EU i Norge kan sikres ved at nej-siden kombinerer modstanden mod EU med de mange strejker og aktioner.

Der blev fundet 25 artikler


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