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Tema: Krise og modstand - Spanien

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Krise og modstand - Spanien
Se også: Spanien
Andy Brown: Reassessing Podemos
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 97
Note: The emergence of new left wing political parties in Europe in response to the crisis and government austerity policies has been discussed already in the pages of this journal. Specifically we have looked at the nature of the Podemos project in the Spanish state and the question of how the left should relate to it. It is now useful to revisit the analysis in the light of events in 2015 in the Spanish state in order better to understand the viability of Podemos in its own terms and the relationship between it, the left and the working class.
EU-valg: Spanien: Indignados kommer i EU-parlamentet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 
Note: På trods af hvad en stor del af medierne vil have os til at tro, har det ikke bare været den yderste højrefløj, der har nydt godt af desillusionen over den etablerede politik. Ud over SYRIZAs bemærkelsesværdige sejr i Grækenland har valget af fem parlamentsmedlemmer fra det anti-kapitalistiske Podemos (“Vi kan”) i Spanien rystet det politiske etablissement.
Rafel Sanchis + Estelle Cooch: Strikes, independence and indignados
Socialist Review nr. 379, apr 13 – side 18
Note: Rafel Sanchis and Estelle Cooch spoke to David Fernández, an MP for the Catalan parliament, about the origins and politics of the anti-capitalist coalition, CUP, and its relationship to the wider movement.
Mathias M. Christiansen: Krisen i Spanien er ikke til at overse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 321, jul 12 – side 6
Note: Hver eneste dag bliver 500 private boliger sat på tvangsauktion. Før var hospitalsbehandlinger tilgængelige for alle uanset indkomst og statsborgerskab, i dag skal alle betale en euro for en recept.
Albert García: Anger explodes on the streets of Spain
Socialist Worker nr. 2297, apr 12 – side 4
Note: Our angry, gigantic general strike across the Spanish state last week was a new step forward in the fight against austerity in Europe. Tens of millions struck and two million demonstrated up and down the country.
Joel Sans + Andy Durgan: Epilogue: the 15-M movement since the summer
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 1, mar 12 – side 41
Note: Five months after having written on the 15-M movement in Spain, and following the elections of 20 November, won by the Right with an absolute majority, the movement still exists albeit at a lower level. Dozens of local groups continue to be active even though now involving less, and more dispersed, forces; a situation compounded by a lack of large scale mobilizations that could pull activists together.
Alt. url: PDF
Enric Rodrigo + Luke Stobart: Spain: More than a million light up the outrage
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 7
Note: On Saturday more than a million people joined jubilant protests across Spain in another show of strength by the indignados movement.
Joel Sans + Andy Durgan: “No one represents us”: The 15 May movement in the Spanish state
International Socialism Journal nr. 132, okt 11 – side 23
Note: On 15 May 2011 thousands of people, mainly young, demonstrated all over the Spanish state under the slogans “For real democracy now” and “We are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers”.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen + Mette Hermansen: Spanien i oprør
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 310, jul 11 – side 9
Note: ’Intet job, ingen uddannelse, ingen fremtid, ingen frygt’ stod der på et af de hjemmelavede skilte som var med på en af de mange demonstrationer d. 19. juni. Den dag tog omkring en million mennesker del i 50 demonstrationer over hele Spanien mod stramninger, bankfolk og det politiske system.
Uzma Hussain + Luke Stobart + Andy Durgan: Million march against austerity across Spain
Socialist Worker nr. 2257, jun 11 – side 2
Note: Around one million people took part in 50 demonstrations all over Spain against austerity, the bankers and the political system last Sunday.
Some of the demonstrations that took place across Spain last Sunday
Socialist Worker nr. 2257, jun 11 
Debs Gwynn + Pura Ariza + Luke Stobart: Spain: ‘Nothing will ever be the same’
Socialist Worker nr. 2255, jun 11 – side 6
Note: The protests sweeping Spain are reaching a crucial point. In the capital, Madrid, arguments rage about what to do next.
Andy Durgan: Spain: Fighting for ‘A future without capitalism’
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 8
Note: Andy Durgan spoke to Socialist Worker from Barcelona about the ongoing Spanish revolt against the economic crisis.
Alt. url: Dansk oversættelse
Spain: Barcelona resists violent police attack on assembly
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 8
Note: Police violently attacked the protest camp in Barcelona on Friday of last week.
Siân Ruddick: Spanish activists: ‘We are building bridges between different sections of the movement’
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 8
Note: Siân Ruddick spoke to some activists taking part in the protests. Miguel is an unemployed worker living in Seville. Jesus is a biology teacher in Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. Miguel and Jesus are in En Lucha. Jaime Pastor is a member of the anti-capitalist organisation Attac and is a professor of political sciences in Madrid.
En Lucha: Socialists in Spain say spread 15 May revolt!
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 
Note: by En Lucha, the International Socialist Tendency group in Spain.
The camps have extended like a trail of gunpowder all over the country since Sunday 15 May. They have provided the spark that has ignited an atmosphere charged with frustration, indignation and anger after three and a half years of crisis and a growing spiral of cuts, the worsening of working conditions and unemployment.
Video of protests in Spain
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 
Note: Protesters in Puerta del Sol Square, central Madrid on 20 May 2011
Siân Ruddick: Protests erupt across Spain
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 
Note: Mass demonstrations and protest camps have mushroomed across Spain as the young and the unemployed say “enough”. As many as 40 percent of Spain’s 4.5 million unemployed are under 25.
Andy Durgan: Revolt reigns in Spain
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 8
Note: On Friday 20 May there were at least 160 camps in cities and towns all over Spain following demonstrations the previous Sunday "against bankers and politicians" and for "real democracy". In solidarity there have also been pickets outside Spanish embassies all over Europe.
Andy Durgan: Kampen for ”En fremtid uden kapitalisme” i Spanien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 309, maj 11 
Note: Andy Durgan talte med Socialist Worker fra Barcelona om det igangværende spanske oprør mod den økonomiske krise.
Alt. url: Oversat fra Socialist Worker 2254, 4. juni 2011
Siân Ruddick: Spanish protests show the way... Revolt against austerity
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 1
Note: The mass protests that have erupted across Spain against austerity and corruption are an inspiration to people fighting back everywhere.
Siân Ruddick: Spain: camped on the streets for jobs and democracy
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 5
Note: Tens of thousands of protesters in towns and cities across Spain have flooded onto the streets. The movement shows that resistance to the global economic crisis has taken a new, militant and imaginative turn.
Luke Stobart: ‘No house, no job, no pension, no fear’ – what lies behind Spanish revolt
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 5
Note: Young people are at the centre of the dramatic Spanish revolt that exploded a week before last Sunday’s municipal and regional elections.
Message from the reclaimed camp in Barcelona: We will not be moved
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 
Note: Message from the “Camp Of The Indignant”, Barcelona 27 May following the attempt to occupy the Plaça Catalunya by the riot police, on the orders of the Catalan Government Security Minister Felip Puig.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Europa i oprør: Spanien: ‘Nu må de stoppes’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 100, feb 94 – side 6
Note: Stor opbakning til spansk generalstrejke mod den socialdemokratiske regerings planer om nedskæring af lønnen.

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