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Tema: Ukraine

Rob Ferguson: Ukraine: imperialism, war and the left
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 65
Note: The most powerful military alliance in the world met in Newport, Wales, at the beginning of September. It was, arguably, the most significant meeting of the NATO alliance since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Two issues dominated the NATO agenda: the rise of Islamic State and, beyond all expectations, the apparent success of Vladimir Putin’s strategy in Ukraine.
Alex Callinicos: Krisen i Ukraine og de to imperialismer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 340, aug 14 
Note: Konfronteret med alle rapporterne om en russisk invasion i det syd-østlige Ukraine er vi nødt til at huske på Tonkin-bugt begivenheden.
John Rose: Ukraine and the Bolsheviks
International Socialism Journal nr. 143, jul 14 – side 201
Note: ‘The Russian Revolution unleashed a vicious struggle between revolutionaries (above all the Bolsheviks based among the miners of the Donbass in the east), Ukrainian and Polish nationalists, and red and white armies.’

This sentence in Alex Callinicos’s analysis of events in Ukraine, “Imperial Delusions”, in International Socialism 142, addressed the troubled relationship between the Bolsheviks and Ukraine. Understandably, given the article’s focus on contemporary events, it could not do justice to the profound challenge that Ukraine posed for the Bolsheviks after they had seized power in October 1917. It was a challenge which, arguably, undermined the revolution from its earliest days.
Charlie Lywood: Ukraine: Situationen er flydende
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 339, jun 14 – side 12
Note: Den store vinder af det ukrainske præsidentvalg er chokolade-oligarken Petro Porosjenko.
Jørn Andersen: Ukaine: Hverken Moskva, Bruxelles eller Washington – men international socialisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 337, apr 14 – side 6
Note: Situationen i Ukraine har mange aktører på scenen: Indbyrdes rivaliserende oligarker, et folkeligt oprør, fascister og rivaliserende, imperialistiske stormagter.
Charlie Lywood: Ukraine: Oprøret på Maidan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 337, apr 14 – side 6
Note: For mange på venstrefløjen er begivenhederne i Ukraine forvirrende. Hvad er der egentlig sket? Var det en fascistisk bevægelse som væltede Janukovitj? Hvad skal vi tro?
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Imperial Delusions
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 3
Note: Once upon a time, after the end of the Cold War, a fairy tale came to prevail, especially in Europe: economic globalisation was washing away national antagonisms and drawing states into a benign system of “global governance” under which the peoples of the world would share freedom and prosperity.
The crisis in Ukraine, demonstrating as it does persisting geopolitical conflicts among the Great Powers, should deliver the coup de grace to this ideology.
Alex Callinicos: Ukraine: Putin hæver indsatsen i den imperialistiske Krim-krise
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 336, feb 14 
Note: Ruslands overtagelse af den militære kontrol over Krim har bragt Ukraine på randen af krig. Denne krise er en kombination af tre forskellige konflikter.
Dragan Plavsic: Manufactured revolutions?
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 21
Note: Media excitement reached a pitch with multicoloured 'revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, But what was really happening? Dragan Plavsic compares the changes to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia five years ago.
Mike Haynes: Ukraine’s Brutal History
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 13
Note: The recent explosion of popular anger comes after centuries of misrule.
Dave Crouch: What is at stake in the Ukraine
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 16
Note: Popular anger exploded onto the streets of the Ukraine last week. Dave Crouch spoke to Socialist Worker from the streets of Kiev on Monday
Ukraine: Ex-Stalinists and oligarchs try to use protests
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 16
Note: Leonid Kuchma – Viktor Yanukovich – Viktor Yushchenko

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