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Tema: Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci
Bob Fotheringham: Book Review: Antonio Gramsc—Academic or Revolutionary?
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 214
Note: A review of George Hoare and Nathan Sperber, An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci: His Life, Thought and Legacy (Bloomsbury, 2015), £16.99
A central question confronted by the authors of this book is, what is Antonio Gramsci’s relevance today? It seems to me that there exist two parallel Gramscis—one is the Italian revolutionary activist and founding member of the Italian Communist Party who died shortly after leaving prison in 1937; and the other is the philosopher and theoretician whose prison writings have had a major impact on a wide range of academics trying to make sense of their world in their own particular field of study.
Robert Jackson: Book Review: Everything moves
International Socialism Journal nr. 149, jan 16 – side 215
Note: Antonio Gramsci (edited and translated by Derek Boothman), A Great and Terrible World: The Pre-Prison Letters, 1908-1926 (Lawrence and Wishart, 2014), £25
The Italian revolutionary Antonio Gramsci is widely acknowledged, even beyond the left, as one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. This collection gathers together around 200 of his letters ranging from his school days in Sardinia, through joining the socialist movement at university, as an international communist leader in the early 1920s, right up until the moment of his arrest and imprisonment by Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime in 1926.
Andreas Ytterstad: Good sense on global warming
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 141
Note: Good sense, for Antonio Gramsci, was the “healthy nucleus of common sense”. This article tries to make sense of what Gramsci meant by good sense, and seeks to develop his understanding of good sense into a resource we can use to stop runaway global warming in time. Although I conclude by briefly outlining the politics of good sense on global warming, the article is not primarily concerned with how we use good sense on global warming.
Adrian Budd: Book reviews: Globalising Gramsci
International Socialism Journal nr. 129, jan 11 – side 220
Note: Alison J Ayers (ed), Gramsci, Political Economy and International Relations Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), £55
It says a good deal about the nature of the academy that despite Marxism’s internationalist perspective it was until recently at best marginalised and at worst ignored in the discipline of international relations (IR). This began to change in the 1980s in large part due to the pioneering work of Robert W Cox and those who subsequently developed his insights in what has come to be called the neo-Gramscian current in IR.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Introduktion til socialisme: Gramsci: Klassekamp – en kamp om bevidstheden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 300, aug 10 – side 13
Note: Den italienske marxist Antonio Gramsci skriver om mulighederne og udfordringerne for revolutionære under en mere udviklet kapitalisme end mange andre af de store marxistiske tænkere. Det gør at han tydeligere kan se hvilket kæmpestort ideologisk apparat, maghaverne råder over under den udviklede kapitalistiske stat. Han bidrager derfor med nogle meget vigtige betragtninger om udfordringerne for moderne klassekamp.
Chris Bambery: Book review: Gramsci rendered whole
International Socialism Journal nr. 127, jul 10 – side 205
Note: Peter Thomas, The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism (Brill, 2009), £104
So much quoted, less read and even less understood, Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks must be one of the most cited works by any Marxist. Peter Thomas has produced a fine book, which readers of this journal should beg, steal or borrow to obtain a copy, placing Gramsci firmly, not just in the revolutionary camp, but as a Leninist rooted in the early, revolutionary years of the Communist International.
Chris Bambery: Marxists and recession: Gramsci and the phases of war
Socialist Worker nr. 2152, maj 09 – side 6
Note: In the first part of our new series Chris Bambery looks at the link between workers’ struggle and revolution
Tom Walker: Repression and consent
Socialist Worker nr. 2150, maj 09 – side 13
Note: Our rulers strike a delicate balance to keep us in line. Tom Walker looks at ‘hegemony’ and the role of state violence in modern capitalism
Penny Howard: Book review: Putting “culture” into context
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 188
Note: Kate Crehan, Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology (Pluto, 2002), £18.99
Gramsci, Culture, and Anthropology is a welcome contribution to the revival of interest in the work of Antonio Gramsci. Kate Crehan’s clear and succinct book begins with a brief biographical summary, emphasising Gramsci’s engagement with revolutionary politics in Turin and his later imprisonment by Benito Mussolini.
Chris Harman: Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (1977)
Note: The article reclaims Gramsci for revolutionary socialism. It was written at a time when "Euro-communist" parties tried to use Gramsci to back up their support for right-wing governments in Italy and elsewhere.
It first appeared as articles in International Socialism (first series) issues 98 + 99. It was later published with an introduction as a pamphlet: "Gramsci versus Reformism".
Gramsci's revolutionary legacy: Introduction
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 65
Megan Trudell: Gramsci: the Turin years
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 67
Note: Since the mid-1970s academics have rarely considered Antonio Gramsci’s revolutionary activism. The emphasis has been on ‘a more subtle and academically assimilable Gramsci’,1 a figure whose later work is separated from his political development in the Italian city of Turin in 1919 and 1920, known as the biennio rosso—the ‘two red years’.
Chris Bambery: Gramsci: Hegemony and revolutionary strategy
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 85
Note: Lenin, Leon Trotsky, the young Soviet Republic and the Communist International saw Russia’s October Revolution as the prelude to a European revolution. Their hope and attention were focused primarily on Germany, but also on Italy.
Chris Harman: Gramsci, the Prison Notebooks and philosophy
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 105
Note: Those who want to present Antonio Gramsci as someone other than a revolutionary Marxist focus on the notebooks he wrote in prison.
Adrian Budd: Gramsci’s Marxism and international relations
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 125
Roberto Robaina: Gramsci and revolution: a necessary clarification
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 109
Note: The name of Antonio Gramsci is regularly invoked internationally by people looking for a version of Marxism that avoids references to revolution. Roberto Robaina challenges this approach, criticising fellow Brazilians who use it.
Chris Bambery: Gramsci: Class, ideology and revolution in the West (3/3)
Socialist Worker nr. 1966, sep 05 – side 6
Note: Last in a series of 3.
Chris Bambery: Gramsci: A philosophy that reveals contradictions (2/3)
Socialist Worker nr. 1965, aug 05 – side 6
Note: Second in a series of 3.
Chris Bambery: Gramsci: The state, consent and ‘war of position’ (1/3)
Socialist Worker nr. 1964, aug 05 – side 6
Note: First in a series of 3.
Sam Ashman: Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937: Inspiration til revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 144, okt 96 – side 6
Mette Moltke: Anmeldelse: Antonio Gramsci – Hvad kan vi lære? (Antonio Gramsci: "Fængselsoptegnelser")
International Socialisme nr. 1, feb 92 – side 33
Note: I 100-året for Antonio Gramscis fødsel udkom på dansk et udvalg af den italienske revolutionæres fængselsoptegnelser. Bogen er et vigtigt bidrag for enhver, der vil forstå historien og marxismens teoretiske fundament.
Sam Ashman: Gramsci's political thought revisited (Roger Simon: "Gramsci's Political Thought")
International Socialism Journal nr. 53, dec 91 – side 123
Ellen Christensen: Kamp mod reformismen: Revolutionære Gramsci
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 40, jun 88 – side 9
Note: Den italienske marxist Antonio Gramsci brugte sit liv på en hård kamp mod reformisterne i det italienske socialistparti og i fagbureaukratiet. Han døde i Mussolinis fængsel i april 1937.
Anne Kaltoft: Råd og magt: Antonio Gramsci og fabriksbesættelserne i Torino i 1920
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 28, apr 87 – side 10
Note: Mange socialister mener, at den eneste politiske magt ligger i folketinget. Men historien viser talrige eksempler på, at arbejdere spontant har organiseret sig i råd som alternativ til det eksisterende magtapparat.
Chris Harman: Forward from 1968 – or back to 1928? A reply to Martin Shaw
International Socialism Journal nr. 2, sep 78 – side 35
Note: A reply to Martin Shaw: "Back to the Maginot Line: Harman's New Gramsci" in ISJ2:1
Martin Shaw: Back to the Maginot Line: Harman’s New Gramsci
International Socialism Journal nr. 1, jul 78 – side 55
Note: A reply to two articles by Chris Harman in IS 98 and 99 (First Series)
Chris Harman: Gramsci versus Eurocommunism, part II
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 99, jun 77 – side 10
Note: In the first part of this article, which appeared in our last issue, Chris Harman rescued Gramsci’s thought from the distortions it has suffered at the hands of the Eurocommunists. In the second and final part he critically examines Gramsci’s strategy for revolution in Western Europe.
Alt. url: Part 1
Alt. url: Full article (part 1 + 2)
Chris Harman: Gramsci versus Eurocommunism, part I
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 98, maj 77 
Note: ANTONIO Gramsci died forty years ago, on April 27 1937. His death was brought on by years of ill-treatment in Mussolini’s gaols. Yet in some ways, he has suffered more misfortune since his death from the distortion of his ideas by those who have nothing in common with his revolutionary principles.
Alt. url: Part 2
Alt. url: Full article (part 1 + 2)
Chris Harman: Gramsci
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 32, mar 68 – side 37
Note: Review: Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism, John M. Cammett, Stanford/OUP 68s

Der blev fundet 29 artikler


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