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Tema: Spanien

Se også: Se også: Spansk borgerkrig 1936-39; Krise og modstand - Spanien

Se også: Spansk borgerkrig 1936-39; Krise og modstand - Spanien
John Molyneux: Catalonien og det nationale spørgsmål
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 363, feb 18 – side 8
Note: Venstrefløjen må forbinde sig med selvstændighedsbevægelser som den catalanske og lede dem i en radikal og revolutionær retning.
Andy Brown: Reassessing Podemos
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 97
Note: The emergence of new left wing political parties in Europe in response to the crisis and government austerity policies has been discussed already in the pages of this journal. Specifically we have looked at the nature of the Podemos project in the Spanish state and the question of how the left should relate to it. It is now useful to revisit the analysis in the light of events in 2015 in the Spanish state in order better to understand the viability of Podemos in its own terms and the relationship between it, the left and the working class.
Sam Robson + Andy Durgan + Manel Barriere: Analysis: The challenge of Podemos
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 – side 19
Note: The emergence of so-called populist parties as a response to increasingly discredited political elites is a European-wide phenomenon. In most cases these parties have emerged on the right, if not the far-right. Not so in the Spanish state where Podemos, after barely ten months in existence, appears to be undermining the whole political set up in place since the end of the Franco dictatorship in the late 1970s.
Andy Durgan: The Spanish state: the Indignados enter the European parliament
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 10, jun 14 – side 62
Note: Despite what much of the media want us to believe, it has not just been the extreme right that have benefitted from disillusionment with established politics. Apart from the notable victory of Syriza in Greece, the election of five MPs from the anti capitalist Podemos (‘We can’) in the Spanish state has rocked the political establishment.
Andy Durgan: Catalonia: Towards Independence?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 8, dec 13 – side 14
Note: On Catalan National Day 11 September 2012, a claimed one and half million people, around 20% of Catalonia’s population, demonstrated in Barcelona in favour of independence. Such annual demonstrations had barely mobilised a few thousand or so people for many years. For the first time since the late seventies, the Constitutional settlement of 1978 is on the verge of collapse.
Rafel Sanchis + Estelle Cooch: Strikes, independence and indignados
Socialist Review nr. 379, apr 13 – side 18
Note: Rafel Sanchis and Estelle Cooch spoke to David Fernández, an MP for the Catalan parliament, about the origins and politics of the anti-capitalist coalition, CUP, and its relationship to the wider movement.
Mike Gonzalez: The labyrinth of Spain's history
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 10
Note: The history of Spain is one of imperial conquest, repression and mass resistance to its rulers. Mike Gonzalez examines the struggles for change that have defined its existence.
Sadie Robinson + Panos Garganas + Sarah Ensor + Simon Basketter: Europe – the gathering economic storm
Socialist Worker nr. 2183, jan 10 – side 8
Note: We look at snapshots of Ireland, Greece, Iceland and Spain – as governments rush to slash welfare spending, attack workers’ rights and increase taxes for ordinary people.
Andy Durgan: Book Review: Barcelona at the barricades
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 210
Note: Lois Orr, Gerd-Rainer Horn (ed), Letters from Barcelona: An American Woman in Revolution and Civil War (Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2009), £45
Luke Stobart: Book review: Life and works of a Spanish rebel
International Socialism Journal nr. 123, jul 09 – side 209
Note: Michael Eaude, Triumph at Midnight of the Century: A Critical Biography of Arturo Barea (Sussex Academic Press, 2009), £45
The trilogy The Forging of a Rebel is one of the most powerful and shocking works on the background to the Spanish Civil War, yet as historian Paul Preston writes,1 its author, Arturo Barea (1897-1957), has remained a little known figure. Barcelona-based writer and socialist Michael Eaude redresses this anomaly, producing an essential guide to Barea’s literary work and life.
Luke Stobart: Culture Column: Cinema and the Spanish Civil War
Socialist Review nr. 337, jun 09 – side 34
Note: Luke Stobart is looking forward to the BFI Southbank film season on the Spanish Civil War.
Michael Eaude: Job massacre in Spain
Socialist Review nr. 336, maj 09 – side 5
Note: This January, as unemployment in Spain reached 3 million, the Minister of Labour, Celestino Corbacho announced, "The worst is over. We will not reach 4 million." The April figures place unemployment at 4,010,700 – 17.36 percent of the labour force and the highest figure in Spain's history. 766,000 jobs were destroyed in January, February and March.
Andy Durgan: Book review: The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain
Socialist Review nr. 329, okt 08 – side 24
Note: by Pierre Broué and Emile Témime, Haymarket, £30.
The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain remains one of the most cogent histories of events in Spain between 1936 and 1939.
Joe Lineham: Review: Tales from the land of the Basques
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 189
Note: Review: Paddy Woodworth, The Basque Country—A Cultural History (Signal Books, 2007), £12
Andy Durgan: Review: Catalonian conflicts
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 205
Note: Review: Angel Smith, Anarchism, Revolution and Reaction: Catalan Labour and the Crisis of the Spanish State, 1898-1923 (Berghahn, 2007), £42.68
Paddy Woodworth: Basque Country: Wounded by conflict
Socialist Worker nr. 2081, dec 07 – side 12
Note: Paddy Woodworth looks at the troubled history of the Basque Country as the battle between the Spanish state and ETA flares up once again
Manel Ros: Letter from ...: Spain
Socialist Review nr. 319, nov 07 – side 9
Note: As the Spanish state goes on the offensive against the Basque left and ETA, Manel Ros reports on developments since the ETA ceasefire ended in June.
Andy Durgan: Barcelona class war
International Socialism Journal nr. 106, mar 05 – side 163
Note: A review of Chris Ealham: "Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona 1898-1937" (Routledge, 2004), £70
Jørn Andersen: Efter bomberne i Madrid: Krig stopper ikke terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 1
Note: Den 11. marts eksploderede 10 bomber inden for et kvarter på 3 jernbanestationer i den spanske hovedstad Madrid. 200 blev dræbt og over 1400 såret.
Spanske chauffører viser deres styrke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 153, feb 97 – side 3
Note: Spanske lastbilchauffører viste deres enorme styrke, da deres blokade lukkede industri over hele landet i to uger.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Europa i oprør: Spanien: ‘Nu må de stoppes’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 100, feb 94 – side 6
Note: Stor opbakning til spansk generalstrejke mod den socialdemokratiske regerings planer om nedskæring af lønnen.
Andy Durgan: The rise and fall of Largo Caballero
International Socialism Journal nr. 18, dec 82 – side 87
Andy Durgan: Revolutionary Anarchism in Spain: the CNT 1911-37
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 93
Note: The origins of Spanish anarchism lie in the birth pangs of a locally weak capitalism and the waves of rural revolt which swept the peninsular in the second half of the nineteenth century. The complex reasons why anarchism should take root so firmly in Spain have been discussed elsewhere. Suffice to say that the peculiar social, economic and political situation in nineteenth century Spain did not bode well for normal trade union practices, particularly in the countryside. Anarchist ideas fitted many of the traditions of Spanish workers, e.g. federalism, and their influence spread partly because they became available in the key formative years of the workers’ movement.
Doug Andrews + Mary Reid: Spain: No short cut
Socialist Review nr. 4, jul 78 – side 5
Note: The situation in Euskadi (the Basque country) continues to be at the centre of the political arena.
Mary Andrews + Doug Andrews: Madrid letter
Socialist Review nr. 1, apr 78 – side 5
Note: Anyone who has much faith in Spain’s new ‘democracy’ should reflect on the case of the revolutionary magazine Saida.
Notes of the Month: Spain: Control by Any Other Name
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 99, jun 77 – side 7
Note: RECENT events have revealed the pitfalls in the path of the Suarez government’s programme of controlled “democratisation” in Spain.
Manuel Fernandez: Spain: The Gathering Storm
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 80, jul 75 – side 12
Note: THE LESSONS of the revolution in Portugal have not been lost on the Spanish ruling class; the fear that the same thing might happen to them has moved them to try and carry out a reform of their own political structures.
P. Catala: Survey: Spain
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 11
Note: In 1969, after 30 years of dictatorship, a State of Emergency was declared in Spain. This is a good time to analyse the present state of the fight against capitalism waged by the Spanish workers.

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