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Tema: Nyliberalisme

Maciej Bancarzewski: Book Review: Breaking with neoliberalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 148, okt 15 – side 217
Note: Lucia Pradella and Thomas Marois (eds), Polarising Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis (Pluto Press, 2014), £22

Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall neoliberalism has dominated the global economy. The philosophy of TINA (There is No Alternative) became the official orthodoxy which has been preached both in the North and in the South. Keynesian thought was forgotten or at least regarded as old-fashioned and impractical. Governments were advised by international financial institutions (the IMF and World Bank) that real development could only be achieved through adhering to neoliberal principles and that any departure from them would have catastrophic consequences.
Dave O’Farrell: Privatisation: theory and practice
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 10, jun 14 – side 52
Note: Privatisation has been one of the most obvious and controversial aspects of the global trend to neoliberal economics over the past forty years. Across the globe, neoliberal governments and regimes have pursued privatisation policies ranging from the wholesale sell-off of nationalised industries and public services to more ‘subtle’ policies of marketisation or ‘outsourcing’, where state controlled entities and service provision are ‘opened to competition’.
Joseph Choonara + Jane Hardy: Neoliberalism and the British working class: A reply to Neil Davidson
International Socialism Journal nr. 140, okt 13 – side 103
Note: Neil Davidson has produced a lengthy piece on the neoliberal era in Britain, which raises important questions for us as revolutionary socialists. We agree with much of his narrative. However, the article is a piece of two halves and there are problems with both.
Neil Davidson: The neoliberal era in Britain: Historical developments and current perspectives
International Socialism Journal nr. 139, jul 13 – side 171
Note: The world economy has experienced four systemic crises since the emergence of capitalism as a global system; the years 1873, 1929, 1973 marked the commencement of the first three.
Hans Erik Madsen: Borgerskabets nyliberale revanche: – et opgør med ’68
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 302, okt 10 – side 7
Note: 70’ernes velfærdsreformer – materielt og demokratisk – skal revancheres og fjernes. Det er hvad borgerskabets nyliberale dagsorden handler om i dag – og har handlet om siden først i 80’erne.
Neil Davidson: Neoliberalism: A failed ideology that lives on
Socialist Worker nr. 2181, dec 09 – side 4
Note: The whole neoliberal, or free market, order that has dominated the world for over 30 years was called into question when the system plunged into economic crisis in the autumn of last year.
Neil Davidson: Shock and awe
International Socialism Journal nr. 124, okt 09 – side 159
Note: A review of Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Allen Lane, 2007), £25
Jan Hoby: København, den røde og markedsgjorte kommune
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 288, apr 09 – side 12
Note: En stille, liberalistisk revolution. Sådan kan man med megen god ret karakterisere den lange bølge af reformer af de offentlige forvaltnings-, styrings- og ledelsesstrukturer, som VK-regeringen har gennemført med frit-valg-reform, kommunalreform, regnskabs- og budgetreform, topledelsesreform, ændringer af kommune- og regionsaftalerne, kvalitetsreform med videre.
Neil Faulkner: Feedback: From bubble to black hole: the neoliberal implosion
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 155
Note: “Revolutionary socialists today should not be…pontificating on the degree of damage that capitalism has done to itself, on whether we are in 1929, 1992 or whatever… We do not have a crystal ball…but we can see all too clearly what is happening now and what our responsibilities are.” So argues Chris Harman in his article in the previous issue of this journal.
Eddie Cimorelli: Feedback: Take neoliberalism seriously
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 167
Note: The International Socialist tradition has made some remarkable intellectual breakthroughs, above all the theories of state capitalism, the permanent arms economy and deflected permanent revolution. A strength of our tradition has been the ability to look reality in the face, no matter how unpalatable. In recent years, however, our theory has not played the same role in understanding the latest developments in capitalism, variously known as the Washington consensus or neoliberalism.
Jakob L. Krogh: Anmeldelse: Dansk nyliberalisme: Er en ny ideologisk venstrefløj på vej?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 6
Note: Bogen Dansk Nyliberalisme er et vellykket forsøg på en kritik af nyliberalismen. Liberalisme betyder frihed, i nyliberalismen er friheden til at agere på markedet den eneste vigtige frihed.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Boganmeldelse: „Nyliberalismen, velfærden og kvalitetsreformen“
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 13
Note: En gang imellem kan man godt blive i tvivl om, hvor galt det egentligt står til med velfærden i Danmark. I medierne påstås det fra tid til anden, at Anders Fogh er blevet „beskytter af velfærden. Dette falske billede er et af resultaterne af det smarte redskab, Fogh regeringen meget dygtigt har benyttet sig af, nemlig den systematiske brug af spin og nysprog.
William Dinan + David Miller: Spinning neoliberalism
Socialist Worker nr. 2092, mar 08 – side 12
Note: Propaganda played a vital role in forcing through the victory of big business in the 1980s.
"A Century Of Spin: How public relations became the cutting edge of corporate power" (Pluto) by David Miller and William Dinan.
Chris Harman: Theorising neoliberalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 87
Note: A new word1 entered the vocabulary of the left in November 1999 with the momentous protest against the World Trade Organisation in Seattle—”neoliberalism”.2 Just as the movement that erupted at that protest defined itself as being against “globalisation” (or “corporate globalisation”), so it came to describe itself as “anti-neoliberal”. The far left took over this terminology, often describing economic policies it opposed as “neoliberal”.
Iain Ferguson: Neoliberalism, happiness and wellbeing
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 123
Note: Visit any high street bookshop chain in Britain and before very long you are likely to encounter one or more stands devoted solely to the subject of happiness and wellbeing.
Neil Davidson: Neoliberal logic exposed by Scottish National Party
Socialist Worker nr. 2078, nov 07 – side 4
Note: In a recent article in The Guardian, Scottish journalist Iain MacWhirter noted Gordon Brown’s “apparent capitulation to neoconservatism” and asked what might have happened if Brown had taken a different path.
Chris Harman: Last Word: What Lies Behind the Health Service 'Reforms'
Socialist Review nr. 313, jan 07 – side 32
Note: There is enormous opposition to New Labour's "reforms" of the health service. But there is not usually the same level of understanding of what lies behind them.
Rob Hoveman: Andrew Glyn: 'Will we face a dystopia in which very large numbers of less qualified and poorly paid people exist to service the consumption needs of the rich?'
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 6
Note: Andrew Glyn has been a prominent left wing economist for more than 35 years. He talks to Rob Hoveman about his latest book Capitalism Unleashed.
Mike Haynes: Where it came from
International Socialism Journal nr. 110, mar 06 – side 173
Note: David Harvey, A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism (Oxford University Press, 2005), £14.99
Martin B. Johansen: Regeringens nyliberalistiske offensiv: Det store angreb på solidariske værdier
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 216, jul 03 – side 6
Note: Regeringen er løbet ind i et problem. Som borgerlig regering har den det erklærede mål at føre politik til gavn for big business og overklassen.
Ole Andersen: Alex Callinicos: “Against the Third Way”: Blairism: Den slagne vej
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 201, feb 02 – side 8
Note: I sin første nytårstale til befolkningen erklærede statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, at klassekampen var død, og at de kollektive ideologiers århundrede var afsluttet.

Der blev fundet 21 artikler


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