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Tema: Permanent revolution

Permanent revolution
Neil Davidson: Feedback: Revolutions between theory and history: a response to Alex Callinicos and Donny Gluckstein
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 177
Note: Any author who attempts to reappraise a fundamental concept in historical materialism, in this case bourgeois revolution, can at the very least expect their work to receive close scrutiny from fellow Marxists. If, more specifically, that author is prepared to express doubt about the continued relevance of the most original aspect of Leon Trotsky’s Marxism, the related concept of permanent revolution, then this scrutiny is likely to be tinged with suspicion, at least from those who trace their political lineage back to the Left Opposition and the Fourth International.
Alex Callinicos: Feedback: Continuing the discussion
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 199
Note: The issues raised by Neil Davidson’s grand work on bourgeois revolutions are not merely of historical interest, but are of the first importance to the contemporary revolutionary left.
Joseph Choonara: Feedback: The relevance of permanent revolution: A reply to Neil Davidson
International Socialism Journal nr. 131, jul 11 – side 173
Note: Leon Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution formed in its author’s mind during Russia’s 1905 Revolution—between 9 January, when workers marched to the Winter Palace to petition the Tsar, and the mass strikes of October that gave birth to the Petrograd Soviet.
Jørn Andersen: Introduktion til socialisme: Permanent revolution i Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 12
Note: Ud med Mubarak – men hvad så? Handler det ”bare” om at slippe af med en vestligt støttet, brutal diktator og skifte nogle folk ud i toppen? Eller handler det også om social forandring: At gøre noget ved ulighed og fattigdom, underkastelsen under vestlig imperialisme og over 20 års nyliberalisme?
Neil Davidson: From deflected permanent revolution to the law of uneven and combined development
International Socialism Journal nr. 128, okt 10 – side 167
Note: “Trotsky is the one for whom there is no room either in pre-1990 Really Existing Socialism or in post-1990 Really Existing Capitalism, in which even those who are nostalgic for Communism do not know what to do with Trotsky’s permanent revolution”. Slavoj Zizek wrote these words at the beginning of the millennium and, in this case, he expresses a sentiment with which readers of International Socialism are likely to agree.
Esme Choonara: Book review: Skipping stages
International Socialism Journal nr. 128, okt 10 – side 215
Note: Richard B Day and Daniel Gaido (eds), Witnesses to Permanent Revolution: The Documentary Record, (Haymarket, 2011), $36
“The revolutionary centre is moving from the West to the East,” writes German socialist Karl Kautsky in 1903 in the first article in this collection. It is an apt opening for a groundbreaking book that documents some of the huge debates that took place in the socialist movement in Russia and beyond in the years 1903-1907.
Leo Zeilig: Tony Cliff: Deflected permanent revolution in Africa
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 159
Note: If Tony Cliff credited the theory of permanent revolution as Trotsky’s most outstanding and original contribution to Marxism, then Cliff’s own revisions to the theory in 1963 were similarly remarkable. An appraisal of Cliff’s work, ten years after his death, must include his theory of deflected permanent revolution.
Chris Harman: Ukraine, Libanon: Er det et ægte oprør?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 240, mar 05 – side 5
Note: Chris Harman, engelsk socialist og redaktør for International Socialism Journal, overvejer her, hvordan socialister bør reagere, når USA støtter "demokratiske oprør" i Ukraine, Libanon og andre lande.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Den permanente revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 144, okt 96 – side 5
Note: En standardbeskrivelse af en revolution tager sig således ud: Utilfredsheden i arbejderklassen vil før eller siden udløses i en generalstrejke.
Det vil føre til, at arbejderne organiserer sig i arbejderråd og overtager kontrollen over virksomhederne. Inden længe vil den herskende klasse være sat ud af kraft og magten være i hænderne på arbejderrådene.
Ågot Berger: Socialisme sådan!: Verdensrevolutionen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 62, sep 90 – side 10
Note: De fleste vil ryste på hovedet, når vi siger og mener, at verdensrevolutionen både er en mulighed og en nødvendighed inden for overskuelig fremtid.
Pia Larsen: Den permanente revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 14, nov 85 – side 4
Note: De russiske arbejdere har indtil i dag gennemført verdenshistoriens eneste socialistiske arbejderrevolution. Desværre forblev revolutionen isoleret, og i dag har stalinisme og statskapitalisme totalt fjernet sporene fra 1917.
Torben Mønster: Socialisme og den tredje verden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 5, feb 85 – side 4
Note: Siden 2. verdenskrig har mere end halvdelen af jordens befolkning gjort op med gamle, før-kapitalistiske strukturer og kolonialismens lænker.
Vogt jer for efterligninger: Cuba, Nicaragua
Alex Callinicos: Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution and its relevance to the Third World Today
International Socialism Journal nr. 16, mar 82 – side 98
Note: Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution is one of the half a dozen most important contributions to Marxism since the time of its founders. The appearance of a serious study of the theory by Michael Löwy, the author of excellent books on the young Marx and on Lukacs, is, therefore, to be welcomed.

Der blev fundet 13 artikler


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