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Tema: Rusland

Simon Englert: The rise and fall of the Jewish Labour Bund
International Socialism Journal nr. 135, jul 12 – side 115
Note: The history of the Bund, or Algemeyner Yiddisher Arbeter Bund in Rusland un Poyln (General Jewish Labour Union in Russia and Poland), is one riven with contradictions.
John Rose: Messianic strains
International Socialism Journal nr. 132, okt 11 – side 217
Note: Antony Polonsky, The Jews in Poland and Russia, Volume 1: 1350-1881 (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2010), £39.50
Pete Glatter: Russia: Rising from the East?
Socialist Review nr. 313, jan 07 – side 18
Note: A few years ago post Communist Russia was commonly dismissed as a basket case, argues Pete Glatter, but today fear of a resurgent Russia is driving a new agenda.
Dave Crouch: The inevitability of radicalism (Boris Kagarlitsky: "Russia under Yeltsin and Putin: Neo-Liberal Autocracy")
International Socialism Journal nr. 97, dec 02 – side 91
Note: Dave Crouch on Boris Kagarlitsky's assessment of the movement in Russia today
Pete Glatter + Mike Haynes: The Russian catastrophe
International Socialism Journal nr. 81, dec 98 – side 45
Note: Russia's catastrophe is qualitatively worse than virtually anything previously suffered by an advanced industrial economy in peacetime. Any thoughts that this judgement might be considered an exaggeration will be banished by Mike Haynes and Pete Glatter's forensic dissection of the Russian crisis. They show in revealing detail just what havoc has been wrought on the Russian society by its integration with the world market and analyse the decomposition of the Russian ruling class just at the point where it thought that it had successfully negotiated the transition from state capitalism.
Rusland: Kamp er eneste håb
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 156, apr 97 – side 3
Note: Op mod fire millioner mennesker gik sidste uge på gaderne over alt i Rusland i en stribe strejker, demonstrationer og protestaktioner.
Minearbejderstrejke i Rusland: “Det er vores opgave at vælte Jeltsin”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 149, dec 96 – side 3
Note: De russiske minearbejdere er gået videre i deres krav, nu forlanger de også regeringens afgang.
Valget i Rusland: Vesten køber Jeltsin til magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 137, jun 96 – side 3
Note: Valget i Rusland beskrives i Vesten som et valg mellem demokrati og kommunisme. Men både Jeltsin og Sjuganov går ind for kapitalisme.
Minearbejdere udfordrer Jeltsin
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 128, feb 96 – side 3
Note: Der er stigende modstand i den russiske arbejderklasse mod Jeltsins reformer. En omfattende strejke tvang i starten af februar regeringen til at give indrømmelser.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Valget i Rusland: Kapitalistisk kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 125, dec 95 – side 4
Note: Valget til parlamentet i Rusland d. 17. december vil blive et nederlag for reformpolitikerne, som har stået for indførelsen af markedsøkonomien.
Dave Crouch: The crisis in Russia and the rise of the right
International Socialism Journal nr. 66, mar 95 – side 3
Note: Russia's crisis reached new depths with Boris Yeltsin's bloody suppression of Chechnya. He won the battle but may have lost the war to hold on to his presidency. Dave Crouch writes from Moscow, assessing the liberals' political, economic and social record and showing how they have prepared the ground for forces to their right, including Russia's increasingly vociferous Nazi organisations. Finally he looks at how workers' organisations are placed to resist the rise of the right.
Mike Haynes: The wrong road on Russia (S Clarke, P Fairbrother, M Burawoy and P Krotov: "What About the Workers? Workers and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia")
International Socialism Journal nr. 64, sep 94 – side 105
Note: Mike Haynes reviews "What About the Workers?", an attempt to give a socialist perspective on the transition to the market.
Anders Schou: Valget i Rusland: Politisk molotov-cocktail. Yderste højre udfordrer Jeltsin
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 99, jan 94 – side 7
Note: Ruslands katastrofale økonomi splitter den herskende klasse.
John Rees: Forvirring på den russiske venstrefløj
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 74, okt 91 – side 11
Note: Den russiske venstrefløj, som blev taget med bukserne nede ved august-kuppet, står nu i en krisesituation.
Mike Haynes: Introduction to Boris Kagarlitsky
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 89
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is one of the best known activists of the new opposition in Russia. He is a founder of the New Socialist Party and of the independent trade union organisation, Sotsprof. He is author of The Thinking Reed, which was recently awarded the Isaac Deutscher memorial prize.
Boris Kagarlitskij: The market instead of democracy?
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 93
Note: Boris Kagarlitsky is one of the best known activists of the new opposition in Russia. He is a founder of the New Socialist Party and of the independent trade union organisation, Sotsprof. He is author of The Thinking Reed, which was recently awarded the Isaac Deutscher memorial prize. In 'The Market or Democracy?' he takes on the most fervent Russian advocates of the free market and demolishes their arguments.
Ulla Justesen: Armenien: Nationalt mareridt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 2
Note: Midt i februar startede de største protester i Sovjet siden 20’erne. Over en million mennesker i den sovjetiske republik, Armenien, gik på gaden for at demonstrere.

Der blev fundet 17 artikler


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