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Tema: Samtidige revolutioner (1917-23)

Samtidige revolutioner (1917-23)
John Rose: Luxemburg, Müller and the Berlin workers’ and soldiers’ councils
International Socialism Journal nr. 147, jul 15 – side 113
Note: Two very important new books about the German Revolution were published last year: Working-Class Politics in the German Revolution: Richard Müller, the Revolutionary Shop Stewards and the Origins of the Council Movement by Ralf Hoffrogge and The German Left and the Weimar Republic: A Selection of Documents, translated and introduced by Ben Fowkes.
Yusuf Timms: The KPD and the Crisis of World Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 140, okt 13 
Note: This year marks the ninetieth anniversary of the “German October”, the aborted socialist revolution that came to mark the end of the post-war revolutionary wave that had washed away monarchical government from most of Central and Eastern Europe. For a time, in the autumn of 1923, there seemed a real possibility that a new front was about to be opened up in the communist revolution that had begun in Russia six years earlier.
John Riddell: Feedback: Letter to the editor
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 201
Note: I would like to question a statement by Sebastian Zehetmair published in issue 136 of your journal in autumn 2012 under the title: “Germany’s Lost Bolshevik: Paul Levi Revisited”. In Zehetmair’s view, the dispute over revolutionary strategy that gripped the Communist International in 1921 was closely linked to a division in the Bolshevik Party over policy towards Russian peasants and towards the NEP (New Economic Policy).
Mark Thomas: Germany's Forgotten Revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 – side 10
Note: Between 1918 and 1923 revolution erupted in Germany. Open class warfare gripped the country with uprisings, mass strikes and army mutinies. Armed workers clashed with counter-revolutionary paramilitaries.
Volkhard Mosler: The German Revolution: Berlin’s days of hope turned into despair
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 6
Note: Our series concludes as Volkhard Mosler describes the moves to crush the revolution in January 1919
Volkhard Mosler: The German Revolution: Workers’ councils had power to run society
Socialist Worker nr. 2130, dec 08 – side 6
Note: In the third part of our series Volkhard Mosler examines the movement that rocked Germany’s rulers in 1918
Volkhard Mosler: The German Revolution: Horrors of war gave birth to new struggle
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 6
Note: In the second part of our series Volkhard Mosler looks at how the German left grew during the war
Volkhard Mosler: The German Revolution: How a workers' uprising ended the First World War
Socialist Worker nr. 2128, nov 08 – side 6
Note: Volkhard Mosler opens our new series by looking at how revolt spread from the front to the factories in 1918
It is widely claimed that the 1918 November Revolution in Germany failed. But it succeeded in ending the First World War – the biggest and bloodiest war in human history up to that time.
Ole Andersen: Den tyske revolution: Reformismens forræderi
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 179, jan 00 – side 9
Charlie Lywood: Tyskland 1918-23: Revolutionen der kunne have ændret verdens gang
Socialistisk Revy nr. 13, mar 99 – side 16
Note: Tyskland 1918-23 var præget af revolutionære tilstande. Charlie Lywood skriver her, at var revolutionen lykkedes, ville verden have set meget anderledes ud i dag. Og vi havde undgået såvel nazismens som stalinismens barbari
Tom Christiansen + Juhani Lohikoski: Finland 1918: Den glemte revolution
Socialistisk Revy nr. 3, apr 98 – side 24
Note: Revolutioner er ikke forbeholdt de "varme lande". Juhani Lohikoski skriver om den finske revolution i 1918, og forklarer hvorfor den blev slået ned igen.
Kevin Ovenden: Tyskland 1918-23: Den tabte revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 156, apr 97 – side 6
Note: Den tyske revolution endte med nederlag. En sejr kunne have ændret det 20. århundredes forløb.
Dorte Lange: Sønderjylland 1918: Revolutionen stod for døren
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 150, jan 97 – side 6
Note: Rådsbevægelsen i slutningen af 1. verdenskrig skabte skræk for en revolution blandt de europæiske borgerskaber. I Sønderjylland dannede arbejdere og soldater råd og overtog magten i flere byer.
Kevin Ovenden: Karl Liebknecht 1871-1919: Ja til revolution! Nej til krig!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 138, jun 96 – side 8
Note: Første verdenskrig splittede arbejderbevægelsen i reformister og revolutionære. Karl Liebknecht fastholdt sin krigsmodstand og argumenterede for nødvendigheden af revolution.
Charlie Hore: Jazz – a people's music?
International Socialism Journal nr. 61, dec 93 – side 91
Anne Kaltoft: Råd og magt: Antonio Gramsci og fabriksbesættelserne i Torino i 1920
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 28, apr 87 – side 10
Note: Mange socialister mener, at den eneste politiske magt ligger i folketinget. Men historien viser talrige eksempler på, at arbejdere spontant har organiseret sig i råd som alternativ til det eksisterende magtapparat.
Lotte Mylendorff: Tyskland 1918-23: Opstand og nederlag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 16, jan 86 – side 6
Note: »Uden en revolution i Tyskland er vi dødsdømte«, sagde Lenin i 1918. Historien har givet ham ret.
Donny Gluckstein: The Workers' Council Movement in Western Europe
International Socialism Journal nr. 18, dec 82 – side 3
Note: The Labour Party has been in government seven times, and seven times it has not only failed to bring socialism but created the same feeling of betrayal. Yet the parliamentary road is still trodden by a large, if increasingly demoralised, army of the left. Despite a rotten past, reformist politics survive because the mass of workers see their choices restricted to the parliamentary system or the Stalinist monolith of eastern Europe.
Yet there is a clear alternative which despite everything refuses to be buried. This is the tradition of workers’ revolutionary self-organisation – of Soviets, or workers’ councils.

Der blev fundet 18 artikler


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