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Tema: USA internt 1945-1990

USA internt 1945-1990
Andrew Stone: Book review: Priests of Our Democracy
Socialist Review nr. 380, maj 13 – side 27
Note: Contrary to the common focus on the Hollywood Ten and nuclear spies, the most numerous victims of the McCarthyite witch-hunts in the US in the 1950s were public sector workers, and educationalists in particular.
Ken Olende: Geronimo Pratt, former political prisoner and Black Panther, dies
Socialist Worker nr. 2255, jun 11 
Note: Former political prisoner and Black Panther Geronimo Pratt died last week aged 63. He is believed to have died of natural causes in Tanzania where he had settled and worked as a human rights activist.
Brian Richardson: The many lives of Malcolm X
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 17
Note: Manning Marable, an academic and activist, died in April this year, just three days before the release of his biography of Malcolm X, the great icon of the Black Power Movement.Brian Richardson looks at this landmark book and the extraordinary life of Malcolm X.
Judith Orr + Sabby Sagall: Interview: Playing a part against injustice
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 18
Note: Oscar winning actor Julie Christie talks to Sabby Sagall and Judith Orr about her work and political commitment and how she feels about the media treatment of women in the public eye in the age of celebrity culture.
Ken Olende: Emory Douglas interviewed about the Black Panthers in print
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 8
Note: The former Minister of Culture in the Black Panther Party talks to Ken Olende about the fight for black liberation in the United States and a new exhibition of his art work
Ken Olende: Black Panther: Emory Douglas and the Art of Revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 9
Note: The outstanding Emory Douglas exhibition at the Urbis in Manchester is much more than an art show. Visitors can feel the atmosphere the Black Panthers developed in and the outrage that made the party grow.
Ken Olende: The Black Panthers: defiance in the face of repression
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 9
Note: The Black Panther Party was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California. They were enraged by the racism they saw – particularly police brutality – and inspired by Malcolm X and the anti-colonial liberation movements of the time.
Yuri Prasad: Martin Luther King and the fight against racism in the US
Socialist Worker nr. 2095, apr 08 – side 8
Note: The legendary US civil rights leader Martin Luther King was assassinated on the balcony of his hotel in Memphis, Tennessee 40 years ago.
Brian Kelly: 1968: an extraordinary year: Unfinished business: Martin Luther King in Memphis
International Socialism Journal nr. 118, apr 08 – side 73
Note: On the fortieth anniversary of his assassination, eulogies on the life of Martin Luther King Jr come cheap, and often from the most unlikely quarters.
Ron Senchak: Book Review: We Will Be Heard
Socialist Review nr. 324, apr 08 – side 29
Note: Bud and Ruth Shultz, Merrell, £14.95
This book is a series of testimonies, mostly from ordinary people, about their experiences of state persecution. They have been imprisoned, had their friends murdered, and their families have been beaten, deported and threatened. We Will Be Heard covers almost 100 years of resistance in the US.
Yuri Prasad: Mine Eyes Have Seen: Chronicling black people’s resistance to US racism
Socialist Worker nr. 2078, nov 07 – side 11
Note: Review: Mine Eyes Have Seen: Bearing Witness to the Struggle for Civil Rights by Bob Adelman and Charles Johnson (Thames and Hudson)
A collection of Bob Adelman’s photographs sheds light on the continuing struggle of black people in the US.
Simon Basketter: Watergate, protester mod Vietnamkrigen og det amerikanske imperiums nederlag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 7
Note: USA’s nederlag i Vietnam førte til en regeringskampagne mod politiske modstandere med fatale konsekvenser
Ken Olende: Little Rock and the fight to end school segregation
Socialist Worker nr. 2069, sep 07 – side 13
Note: The campaign against school segregation in Little Rock in the US in September 1957 challenged a racist society.
Adnan Siddiqui: Malcolm X – En kilde til inspiration for alle muslimer, der kæmper for retfærdighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 240, mar 05 – side 12
Note: George Bushs "krig mod terror" har gjort Malcolm X’s idé om universel frigørelse relevant for muslimer i dag, skriver den britiske borgerrettighedsaktivist Dr. Adnan Siddiqui.
Mike Davis: Wild streets: 'American Graffiti' versus the Cold War
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 37
Note: Mike Davis, author of Magical Urbanism, takes a look at the seeds of revolt sown in the youth rebellions of early Cold War America. From the 'Zoot suit' riots of 1943 to the battles on Sunset Strip, he shows how rebelling against the local sheriff led to identification with the civil rights movement.
Martin Smith: Nekrolog: Sinatras røde fortid
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 27
Note: Frank Sinatra er efter sin død blevet lovprist i medierne. De har endog glorificeret hans forbindelser til mafiaen og hans skørtejægeri. Men pressen har fuldstændig glemt at nævne, at gamle Frankie-boy engang tilhørte “de røde”.
John Newsinger: From class war to Cold War (G Lipsitz: "Rainbow At Midnight. Labor and Culture in the 1940s")
International Socialism Journal nr. 73, dec 96 – side 107
Note: USA in the 1940s
Brian Richardson: The making of a revolutionary
(Huey P Newton: "Revolutionary Suicide")

International Socialism Journal nr. 70, mar 96 – side 91
Note: Black Panther Huey Newton's life is both an inspiration to socialists and a lesson that taking on the state without a clear strategy is a dangerous game, as Brian Richardson's review of Newton's autobiography shows.
Jens Loller: Sandheden om de sorte pantere
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 117, jul 95 – side 12
Note: De sorte pantere var en sort organisation, der kæmpede for omstyrtelse af det kapitalistiske USA i slutningen af 1960’erne. Deres historie er både vigtig og spændende.
Jens Loller: Anmeldelse: Malcolm X – sort revolutionær (Kevin Ovenden: "Malcolm X – Black Nationalism and Socialism")
International Socialisme nr. 3, dec 92 – side 34
Note: Havde oprøret i LA i april 92 ikke henledt opmærksomheden på de sociale problemer, som særligt de sorte i USA lider under, havde et blik på den kulturelle udvikling kunnet give et godt fingerpeg. Den sorte rapmusik fra ghettoerne har bredt sig og vinder indflydelse overalt. Film af den sorte instruktør Spike Lee er af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet og har hver gang også et politisk budskab. Hans næste film er om Malcolm X, og den ventes at få premiere til foråret.
Anders Schou: USA: Den glemte strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 52, sep 89 – side 2
Note: Samtidig med at de sovjetiske kulminearbejdere offensivt forsøger at forbedre deres levevilkår, er deres amerikanske kolleger ude i en desperat forsvarskamp.
Phil Taylor: Fighting for a dream (David J Garrow: "Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jnr and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference")
Socialist Review nr. 116, jan 89 – side 20
Joan Hansen: Det amerikanske præsidentvalg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 43, okt 88 – side 6
Note: Siste show + Pæne mænd uden politik
Joan Hansen: USA: Strejker mangler støtte
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 43, okt 88 – side 7
Note: Det er en udbredt opfattelse på venstrefløjen, at den amerikanske arbejderklasse er enormt tilbagestående, den faglige organisering er lav, fagbureaukratiet endnu tættere forbundet med systemet end herhjemme, at de kritikløst høster frugterne af USAs imperialistiske dominans og jubler over Reagan-administrationens politik.
Lance Selfa: USA: Battle of the bland
Socialist Review nr. 113, okt 88 – side 12
Lee Sustar + Lance Selfa: USA: Where's Jesse?
Socialist Review nr. 113, okt 88 – side 13
USA, 1968: Oprør mod racehad
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 40, jun 88 – side 10
Note: I sommeren 1868 var de amerikanske sorte bydele i oprør. Martin Luther King blev myrdet den 4. april 1968. Bølger af vrede og protester skyllede hen over USA. Gennem mere end et årti havde han været en central leder i den sorte borgerrettighedsbevægelse.
Alex Callinicos + Joanna Rollo: Carter versus the miners
Socialist Review nr. 1, apr 78 – side 3
Note: Jimmy Carter was out into the White House by the votes of the oppressed and the exploited in American society.
Kim Moody: Survey: GIs on the March
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 13
Note: Things aren’t going too well for the military these days. The Senate Armed Services Committee, for example, reported in early March that desertions and AWOL’s were ‘substantially’ higher than last year.
Martin Glaberman: Survey: Detroit (The Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement)
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 36, apr 69 – side 8
Note: The first major stage has ended for a new form of black organisation based on black industrial workers. The organisation is the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement and is made up of black workers at the Hamtramck Assembly plant, formerly Dodge Main, of the Chrysler Corporation. Hamtramck is an industrial suburb completely within the city limits of Detroit. Both the town and the plant were for many years overwhelmingly Polish. Now the plant is 70 per cent black but the union local (UAW Local 3), the plant management and lower supervision, and the Hamtranick city administration is essentially Polish.
Lily Gay Lampinen: The Notebook: The Poor People’s Campaign (USA)
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 8
Note: The six-week-old Poor People’s Campaign ended with the government’s ‘closing’ of its camp site, Resurrection City, USA, on Monday 24 June 1968.
Steve Fox: The Notebook: US Motor Workers
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 32, mar 68 – side 5
Note: At the April 1967 UAW convention in Detroit a demonstration of production workers was organised, at first by the official leadership. At the last moment Walter Reuther, UAW International President, put pressure on local leaders to have it called off. In spite of this effort, several thousand auto-workers turned out in the pouring rain during a working day to express their feelings.
Henry Paley + Dick Logan: ‘People’s Capitalism’?
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 5, jun 61 – side 24
Note: The art of using cute phrases to camouflage fact has spread from salesmanship to politics and economics.

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