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Tema: Brasilien

Eduardo Albuquerque: Analysis: A historic turning point in Brazil
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 17
Note: Dilma Rousseff’s suspension is a historic turning point in Brazil—the end of an era of Workers’ Party (PT) national governments that began in 2002 with the election of Lula.
Sean Purdi: Brasiliens nye højre-regering møder modstand i gaderne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: Få dage efter sin tiltrædelse har Brasiliens nye regering ledet af præsident Michel Temer allerede mødt energisk modstand, skriver Sean Purdi fra Sao Paolo.
Dave Sewell: Brasilien: Arbejderne må mobilisere efter rigsretssag mod Rousseff
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Brasiliens kongres stemte i går, søndag, for at rejse rigsretssag mod centrum-venstre-præsidenten Dilma Rousseff.
Des Barrow: Review: Love football—hate Fifa
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 214
Note: Dave Zirin, Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy (Haymarket, 2014), £11.99
Dave Zirin is a left wing sports writer from the United States who has written extensively on the Olympics, including a biography of John Carlos. Here he digs beneath the shiny surface of Brazil projected by the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) and details how they are using mega sporting events—the 2014 football world cup and 2016 Olympic Games—both to promote an image (of a stable democracy and a powerhouse economy), and as tools with which to further their neoliberal project.
Workers walk out in Brazil – and Chile
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 8
Note: Workers struck at hundreds of workplaces across Brazil on Thursday of last week. Thousands marched in the main cities of Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.
Sean Purdi: Eyewitness Brazil: ‘Workers can take the struggle to the next stage’
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 15
Note: Huge protests have forced the unions into action—creating new opportunities and challenges, says Sean Purdy
Dave Sewell: Protester tiltvinger sig indrømmelser i Brasilien – men vreden fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 330, jul 13 – side 8
Note: Masseprotester tvang Brasiliens regering til store indrømmelser. Mere end en million mennesker deltog i en sejrs demonstration torsdagen efter kommunerne havde nedsat prisen på busbilleter – det spørgsmål som startede protesterne.
Sean Purdi + Henrique Sanchez: Brazil in revolt
Socialist Review nr. 382, jul 13 – side 16
Note: Brazil, held up as an economic success story over the last decade, has been shaken by a massive revolt triggered by transport fare rises. Henrique Sanchez and Sean Purdy examine the roots of the rebellion and assess the political challenges ahead.
Sean Purdi: Police attack São Paulo protests
Socialist Worker nr. 2358, jun 13 – side 20
Note: Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Brazil on Monday of this week, in protest at bus and subway fare hikes.
Police kill indigenous protester in Brazil
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 8
Note: Police in southern Brazil killed one Terena indigenous protester and wounded several others while evicting them from their land on Thursday of last week.
Sean Purdi: Police move onto university campus in Brazil (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 
Note: Striking students, staff and professors have faced brutal police repression at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, the largest university in South America, with more than 75,000 students.
Sean Purdi: Book review: Lula of Brazil
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 25
Note: by Richard Bourne, Zed Books, £16.99
There are few leaders in the developing world with such a larger than life reputation as Lula, president of Brazil since 2002 and long-time leader of the Brazilian Workers' Party (PT).
Sean Purdi: Where is Lula’s Brazil going?
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 4
Note: Brazil is Latin America’s largest and most economically powerful nation.
On the surface it is a success story – President Lula of the Workers Party still enjoys substantial popularity within Brazil. The economy has been relatively stable and it is likely that Lula will choose his own successor in the next presidential elections in 2010.
Dave Treece: Brazil: Fighting for the Right to be Black
Socialist Review nr. 313, jan 07 – side 22
Note: "We're not Racists: A Response to Those Who Want to Turn Us into a Bi-Coloured Nation." So reads the provocative title of a recent contribution to the debate on race relations in Brazil, by Ali Kamel, executive director of journalism for the Globo media network.
Brasilien: 6,5 mio. stemte for venstreorienteret alternativ
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 261, okt 06 – side 12
Note: Oktober måneds valg udtrykte vælgernes vrede imod præsident Lulas politik – og resulterede i en stærk stemme til den radikale venstrefløjskandidat Heloisa Helena.
Joseph Choonara: Brasilien: Fra håb til fortvivlelse på fire år
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 261, okt 06 – side 12
Note: Lula blev første gang valgt til præsident i Brasilien i 2002. Han rejste håbet hos millioner af almindelige brasilianere om, at forandringer var på vej.
Sérgio Dominguez + Paulo Trinidade + Rui Polly: The left and the crisis of the Lula government
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 102
Note: Lula’s Workers’ Party (PT) government in Brazil was hit by a devastating political crisis over the summer.
Nyt parti for frihed og socialisme i Brasilien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 230, jun 04 – side 5
Note: Partiet for socialisme og frihed (P-SOL), sådan lyder navnet på et nyt venstrefløjsparti i Brasilien.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: Brasilien: Lulas første år på magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 223, jan 04 – side 8
Note: Lula har netop overstået sit første år som Brasiliens præsident. Året har været præget af mange løfter, brandtaler mod nyliberalismen, og massive forventninger om en bedre hverdag for den almindelige brasilianer. Spørgsmålet der endnu står ubesvaret er, om Lula kan indfri forventningerne til ham.
Mike Gonzalez: Brazil in the eye of the storm
International Socialism Journal nr. 98, mar 03 – side 57
Note: LULA’S VICTORY in the Brazilian presidential election last October represented the hopes of millions of workers. But straight after speaking to cheers at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, he jetted off to Davos to meet and greet the architects of neo-liberal globalisation at the World Economic Forum. Mike Gonzalez looks at Lula’s political history, from young trade unionist to much feted leader of the Workers Party and asks, will he live up to his promise?
Brasilien: Krisens næste offer?
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 10
Note: Netop som økonomiske kommentatorer beroligede hinanden med, at den økonomiske krise var forbi, at nedgangen i Sydøstasien vistnok var vendt til en lille vækst, at krisen i Rusland var isoleret og at Latinamerika havde holdt stand, kollapsede den ottende største økonomi i verden, den brasilianske.
Tom Christiansen: Brasilien: Militær smadrer strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 117, jul 95 – side 7
Note: Den brasilianske præsident, Fernando Cardoso, smadrede i starten af juni en fire uger lang strejke blandt oliearbejderne i Brasilien med tanks og tropper.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: ØK i Brasilien: Kolonialisme på dansk
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 5
Note: ØK holder den gamle tradition som koloniherrer i hævd. ØK står bag grov udnyttelse af fattige arbejdere i Brasilien.
Peter Iversen: Brasilien: Håbet om forandring
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 7
Note: Præsidentvalget i Brasilien rejser forhåbninger hos millioner af arbejdere og fattige om en bedre fremtid.
Anders Schou: Klassekamp i Brasilien: Historiens største strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 9
Note: Kort før jul i 1986 var Brasilien skueplads for en verdenshistorisk begivenhed. I en medieverden, som ellers er voldsomt fikseret på rekorder, blev denne hændelse forbigået i relativ ubemærkethed. I begyndelsen af december strejkede 15 millioner arbejdere samlet i 24 timer. Det var uden konkurrence den største generalstrejke nogensinde.
Ann Eidenham + Dave Beecham: Beyond the mass strike: Class, party and trade union struggle in Brazil
International Socialism Journal nr. 36, sep 87 – side 3

Der blev fundet 26 artikler


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