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Tema: Sydamerika

Dave Sewell: Brasilien: Krisen i Arbejderpartiet viser begrænsningerne i venstrefløjens strategi
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Højrefløjens forsøg på at vælte venstre-regeringer i Sydamerika har rejst vigtige politiske spørgsmål.
Mike Gonzalez: Latin America: the tide is turning
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 73
Note: As 2012 nears its end a pattern is emerging in the political and economic picture of Latin America. It is surprising and contradictory, a dramatic example of the gulf that can open up between rhetoric and reality. After a decade of struggles characterised by their determination, their militancy but also their creativity, this is probably not where we expected to be.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Latinamerika: Modstand mod kapitalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 12
Note: I det seneste årti har Latinamerika været et centrum for modstand mod kapitalisme, neoliberalisme og USA’s imperialisme. Internationalt har især Venezuela og Bolivia fanget både magthavernes og antikapitalisters opmærksomhed.
Fiona McPhail: Latin America: wounds that haven’t healed
Socialist Worker nr. 2159, jul 09 – side 12
Note: The radical Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez presented Barack Obama with the book Open Veins of Latin America, one of the continent’s most important political works, during the Summit of the Americas in April. The book shot up the bestseller list after the event.
Mike Gonzalez: Latin America and the struggles to come
Socialist Review nr. 332, jan 09 – side 10
Note: For a decade global capitalism has suffered setbacks and defeats in the continent where it had been at its most aggressive. Mike Gonzalez argues it is the new forces that have led the resistance which are central to continuing the struggle for a new society.
Latin America: the return of Popular Power
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 8
Note: An old slogan has been reborn in Latin America—that of ‘Poder Popular’, ‘Popular Power’. It has been raised because people in this region see it as more appropriate to deep-seated processes of social change than parliamentarianism.
Joseph Choonara: The state of revolutions
International Socialism Journal nr. 113, jan 07 – side 194
Note: A review of D L Raby, Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today (Pluto, 2006), £15, Tariq Ali, Pirates of the Caribbean—Axis of Hope (Verso, 2006), £14.99 and Michael Lebowitz, Build it Now: Socialism for the 21st Century (Monthly Review Press, 2006), £10.95
These three books take seriously the challenge, laid down by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez at the 2005 World Social Forum, to reinvent socialism for the 21st century. Each of the books attempts to do this with reference to recent struggles in Latin America, in particular the unfolding ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ in Venezuela.
Andy Brown: The real Simon Bolivar
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 183
Note: Simon Bolivar's name is now used to describe the revolutionary process in Venezuela. Andy Brown looks at an important new biography, explaining who Bolivar was and what he really stood for.
(A review of John Lynch: "Simon Bolivar: A Life" (Yale University Press, 2006))
James Dunkerley: Book Review: The Enduring Spell of Bolivar
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 22
Note: James Dunkerley is impressed by a new biography of the Latin American freedom fighter.
Simon Bolivar by John Lynch is published by Yale University Press, £25
Claudio Katz: Latin America’s new ‘left’ governments
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 145
Note: Latin America is increasingly at the sharp end of resistance to the global system. Supposedly left governments rule in Argentina, Brazil, and Uuguay. An uprising has just overthrown the Ecuadorian president Gutierrez. And there have been predictions of civil war in Bolivia. Argentinian Marxist Claudio Katz looks at the recent developments.
Oddbjørn Ø. Jensen + Frank Antonsen: Krise og oprør i USA’s baggård
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 208, nov 02 – side 8
Note: Landene i Latinamerika har siden 1980erne været ofre for Verdensbankens og IMF’s programmer. Resultatet har været øget fattigdom i det, der ellers burde være et rigt kontinent, som endelig var sluppet af med de amerikansk-støttede militærdiktaturer.
Peter Iversen: Latinamerika på randen af kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 206, sep 02 – side 2
Note: Den økonomiske krise rammer voldsomt Latinamerika. Der er fare for, at hele kontinentet står overfor en økonomisk nedsmeltning, sådan som det allerede er sket i Argentina.
Rikke Holm: Latinamerika: Stor utilfredshed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 175, sep 99 – side 4
Note: Den økonomiske krise, der har ramt Latinamerika har ført til stigende utilfredshed med magthavernes økonomiske politik. Arbejdere og studenter i en række lande går nu til kamp mod manglende demokrati og usle levevilkår.
Jørgen Lund: Kampen mod gældspolitikken
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 13, okt 85 – side 8
Note: Latinamerika skylder over halvdelen af al international gæld, nemlig cirka 400 milliarder dollars.
Peter Green: Debt, the banks and Latin America
International Socialism Journal nr. 21, sep 83 – side 3
John Wight: Feedback: Farc's struggle
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 8
Note: I enjoyed and agree with the analysis of Mike Gonzalez in his piece on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) (Frontlines, Socialist Review, July/August 2008). With regard to Hugo Chavez and his recent statement criticising the Farc and their struggle, I too find it strange and worrying.
Mike Gonzalez: The Farc, Chavez and the Colombian dilemma
Socialist Review nr. 327, jul 08 – side 6
Note: The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the Farc, has existed since the late 1940s. But it has rarely received the kind of worldwide attention it has today.
Esme Choonara: Colombia: vicious friend of the West
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 8
Note: The US and Britain are funding one of the most murderous regimes in Latin America.
Colombia: Kim Howells’ dirty friends
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 8
Note: The Welsh TUC last week called on Gordon Brown’s government to halt military aid to Colombia. It joined a chorus of condemnation of Kim Howells MP, the foreign office minister and Pontypridd MP, who was pictured sharing a joke with General Mario Montoya, head of the Colombian army.
Andy Higginbottom: Colombia: Oppression and curse of Coke
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 9
Note: On 12 February a brown envelope was left outside the home of Coca-Cola worker José Domingo Flórez. The note inside was from the Black Eagles, a right wing paramilitary death squad.
Iván Cepeda: Colombia: Paramilitaries kill march organisers
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 9
Note: Four trade union leaders were assassinated in the week following the 6 March day of protests against paramilitaries and state crime. These protests took place across Colombia and in many parts of the world.
Coca-Cola activists face death threats in Colombia
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 4
Note: Three workers at Coca-cola in Bucaramanga, Colombia, face death threats for their trade union activities.
Peter Bearder: Frontlines: Unlikely partners
Socialist Review nr. 319, nov 07 – side 4
Note: The peculiar marriage between Hugo Chavez and Bush's man in the Americas – President Uribe of Colombia – has onlookers scratching their heads.
Edgar Mojica: Colombia: Agrifuels and death squads
Socialist Worker nr. 2058, jul 07 – side 9
Note: Edgar Mojica is national leader of the USO oil workers’ union in Colombia. He writes on the impact of biofuels on Colombian oil workers.
Protesting for Colombian trade unionists
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 20
Note: A delegation of trade unionists takes a letter to the Colombian ambassador.
Terroristerne sidder i Colombias regering
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 235, nov 04 – side 14
Note: Foreningen Oprør har skabt røre i vandene. Efter at foreningen har doneret penge til det colombianske FARC og det palæstinensiske PFLP har den colombianske regering krævet at få medlemmer af Oprør udleveret til retsforfølgelse.
Between the lines (VM-strømmangel i Nigeria; Colombia-højregruppes klage-telefon; NASA efterlyser reservedele på Yahoo)
Socialist Review nr. 264, jun 02 – side 5
Elizabeth Atherton: News Review: Colombia: A war conceived in Washington
Socialist Review nr. 261, mar 02 – side 7
Note: President Andres Pastrana has announced the end of the peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Mike Gonzalez: The poisoned embrace: Plan Colombia and the expansion of imperial power
International Socialism Journal nr. 93, dec 01 – side 81
Note: Mike Gonzalez explains the real reasons behind Plan Colombia.
Jesper Høi Kanne + Mikkel Birk Jespersen: USA-imperialismen – den største trussel mod fred og velfærd
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 9
Note: USA er den absolut stærkeste økonomiske og militære magt i verden. USA forsvarer sine interesser overalt – i Afghanistan, i Columbia, i Mellemøsten. Og det med en brutalitet, som sætter profit højere end menneskeliv.
Helge Ryggvik: Colombia og den globale kapitalismen
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 6, sep 00 
Note: Sammenhengen mellom undertrykking av urbefolkninger og multinasjonalenes investeringer i Latin-Amerika er et spørsmål som opptar stadig flere. Helge Ryggvik viser sammenhengen mellom en stadig mer aggressiv oljeimperialisme og motstanden fra U'wa-indianerne og arbeiderklassen i Colombia.
Sharon Smith: USA på vrangen: Den colombianske forbindelse
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 14
Note: Historien gentager sig i Latinamerika. I juni måned afslørede New York Times og Washington Post de uhyrligheder, som er begået i endnu en USA-støttet krig for at understøtte et korrupt regime.
Frank Antonsen: Ecuador: “Folkets parlament”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 180, feb 00 – side 4
Note: Ecuadors præsident Mahuad blev væltet på kort tid af et folkeligt oprør i slutningen af januar.
Mike Gonzalez: Peru's new president won't fight for workers unless pushed
Socialist Worker nr. 2256, jun 11 – side 4
Note: The election of Ollanta Humala as president of Peru expresses a widespread rejection of neoliberalism.
Tom Haines-Doran: Election in Peru: is Ollanta Humala a new Hugo Chávez?
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 
Note: Peru’s presidential election this week could be a critical moment in the battle against neoliberalism across Latin America. This second round is a runoff between the right wing Keiko Fujimori and populist Ollanta Humala.
Mike Gonzalez: Peru: Hundreds dead in attacks (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 
Note: According to Peruvian president Alan García, the Amazonian peoples “are not first class citizens”.
This is his justification for the continuing vicious attacks on them with helicopter gunships and heavily armed soldiers.
John Crabtree: Peru: Second Chance President
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 18
Note: Peru's president elect, Alan Garcia, promises to be rather different to the Alan Garcia who became president in 1985.
Peru: IMF’s stråmand rystet af massestrejker
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 216, jul 03 – side 10
Note: Omfattende strejker har siden midten af maj lammet Peru, da befolkningens vrede over regeringens IMF-støttede tiltag kom i udbrud.
Konni Nørlem: Dikator væltet i Peru
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 4
Note: I slutningen af november flygtede Peru’s forhadte diktator Fujimori til Japan.
Dave Sewell: Valget i Venezuela viser højrefløjens svaghed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 361, sep 17 – side 10
Note: Ved valget til den nye grundlovsforsamling i Venezuela den 30. juni var der lange køer til valgstederne i de fattige, regeringstro områder.
Dave Sewell: Kapitalismen, ikke socialismen, har ansvaret for Venezuelas krise
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 353, aug 16 
Note: Højrefløjen siger, at hvis vi stemmer på en socialist som fx Jeremy Corbyn, så vil Storbritannien ende som Venezuela. Men Venezuelas problem er ikke for meget socialisme, men for lidt.
Roger Cox: Book Review: A new type of socialism?
International Socialism Journal nr. 146, apr 15 – side 218
Note: Mike Gonzalez, Hugo Chávez, Socialist for the Twenty-first Century (Pluto, 2014), £11.50
In 2004 I remember sitting in one of the minibuses that take the more well-heeled residents of Porto Alegre in Brazil from the centre to the suburbs, when the bus was stopped by the police outside the massive Gigantinho stadium and a long convoy of cars passed us. In one of them I saw Hugo Chávez. I shouted “Presidente Chávez” and the whole bus jumped up to catch a sight and take photos.
Mike Gonzalez: Analysis: The reckoning: the future of the Venezuelan Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 143, jul 14 – side 25
Note: Hugo Chávez’s final testament, before his death in March 2013, was the Plan de La Patria 2013-19. It opens with a combative reaffirmation of the project for “socialism for the 21st century” that Chávez memorably announced at the Porto Alegre World Social Forum in 2005.
Mike Gonzalez: Hugo Chavez 1954-2013
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 
Note: Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez Frias has died in hospital after a long fight with cancer. Mike Gonzalez looks back at Chavez’s life and ideas—and the Venezuela he leaves behind.
Peadar O’Grady: Hugo Chavez Frias (1954-2013): The king is dead, long live the revolution?
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 6, jun 13 – side 79
Note: The death earlier this year of Hugo Chavez at the age of 58 prompts immediate questions regarding his legacy and his successors.
Videos of ISJ “Marxism and Revolution Today” event
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 
Note: Video recordings of the weekend school held by International Socialism on 22 and 23 September 2012.
Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela: Voksende problemer bag Chávez’ sejr
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 323, sep 12 
Note: Den 7. oktober blev Chávez genvalgt som Venezuelas præsident med 55,4 pct. af stemmerne. Oppositionens kandidat, Henrique Capriles Radonski, fik næsten 45 pct., eller mere end 6 millioner stemmer.
Sonja Andersen Lange: Anmeldelse af Bülow: ’Den Venezuelanske Revolution: En beretning fra orkanens øje
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 303, nov 10 – side 15
Note: I bogen ’Den Venezuelanske Revolution – øjenvidneberetning og analyse’ giver forfatteren Andreas Bülow et kritisk, historisk og levende billede af den indtil videre ti år lange revolutionære proces i Venezuela.
Luke Stobart: Venezuela at the crossroads: Voices from inside the revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 19
Note: In recent years Venezuela has been the centre of attention for much of the international left, since mass mobilisations defeated a military coup and oil industry lockout, and left wing President Hugo Chávez famously launched his plan to create “socialism in the 21st century”. However, previous analyses in this journal have shown the revolution is at a key junction, with increased disenchantment in the population due to corruption, bureaucratisation and the slow pace of change which has reopened the door to victory for the right wing opposition in referendums and regional elections.
Mike Gonzalez: Chavez wins Venezuela referendum (expanded online)
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 4
Note: Just after 9pm last Sunday a crowd erupted into cries of joy in Venezuela's capital, Caracas. They were gathered on Urdaneta Avenue, the street that runs alongside the presidential palace, and had just heard the announcement that President Hugo Chavez had won a hard-fought referendum on a constitutional amendment.
Mike Gonzalez: Campaigning for Venezuela's referendum (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 
Note: Mike Gonzalez in Caracas watches the intense campaigning for the referendum on whether President Chavez will be allowed to stand again for the presidency in 2012
Phil Turner: Film review: Red Oil – profits, poverty and redistribution in Venezuela
Socialist Worker nr. 2137, feb 09 – side 11
Note: A new film looking at Venezuela’s oil coporation gives a fascinating portrait of the contradictions facing Hugo Chavez.
Mike Gonzalez: Chavez ten years on
International Socialism Journal nr. 121, jan 09 – side 49
Note: On 23 November 2008 Venezuela went to the polls. It was the 14th election in the ten years since the victory of Hugo Chavez in 1998. This time the vote was for state governors, mayors and representatives to Venezuela’s 24 state assemblies. Just over 65 percent of those eligible registered their choice on the new electronic voting machines. The very high turnout was a sign that the election was much more than a vote for local officials. It had become, instead, a vote of confidence in Chavez himself.
Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela: Election reveals growing tensions
Socialist Worker nr. 2129, nov 08 – side 3
Note: Venezuela went to the polls last Sunday supposedly to elect new state governors and mayors. In reality the election was a confidence vote in left wing president Hugo Chavez.
Steve Henshall: Venezuela: The stakes get ever higher for Chavez
Socialist Worker nr. 2116, aug 08 – side 6
Note: Steve Henshall recently returned to Britain after a year in Venezuela. He spoke to Socialist Worker about radical president Hugo Chavez and the growing debate over the way forward for his 'Bolivarian Revolution'
Alex Callinicos: Venezuela: Gaden overfor eliten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 276, feb 08 – side 11
Note: Alex Callinicos kigger på modsætningsforholdet i Hugo Chavez regering, mellem at administrere en bureaukratisk kapitalistisk stat og kæmpe for socialisme.
Analysis: Lessons from Venezuela's referendum
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 9
Note: There are two sorts of defeats the left can suffer. There are devastating defeats that set it back years or even decades. And there are small defeats from which it can learn.
The defeat for Hugo Chavez’s referendum on a new constitution in December was of the second sort. But if the lessons are not learnt quickly, the ground will be laid for a defeat of the first sort.
Chris Harman: In perspective: No saviours or substitutes
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 17
Note: The words of the Internationale strike a chord for all socialists who believe society can only be transformed from below. It is a message that could not be more urgent than for today's working class in Venezuela and Bolivia.
Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela: Defeat on constitutional reforms: Is it all over for Hugo Chavez? (expanded online version)
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 12
Note: Mike Gonzalez reports from Venezuela on the reasons behind the recent vote against president Hugo Chavez’s constitutional reforms.
Peter Bearder: Frontlines: Unlikely partners
Socialist Review nr. 319, nov 07 – side 4
Note: The peculiar marriage between Hugo Chavez and Bush's man in the Americas – President Uribe of Colombia – has onlookers scratching their heads.
Mike Gonzalez: Interview: Venezuela—tensions within the process
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 107
Note: Mike Gonzalez has written on Venezuela in this journal and elsewhere. Following his recent visit he answered questions from International Socialism about the latest developments.
Mike Gonzalez: Shaping the future in Venezuela
Socialist Review nr. 318, okt 07 – side 10
Note: As town square debates on Hugo Chavez's constitutional amendments rage in Venezuela, Mike Gonzalez considers whether they will deepen democracy or further centralise power.
Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela: Questions mark the birth of Hugo Chavez’s new party
Socialist Worker nr. 2061, jul 07 – side 4
Note: The “socialist battalions” of Venezuela’s new political party met last week in open assembly in various districts of the capital Caracas. This is to be repeated across Venezuela.
Interview: Orlando Chirino on Chavez, trade unions and socialism in Venezuela
Note: The following interview was conducted with Orlando Chirino, national organiser of the UNT union federation in Venezuela and leader of C-Cura—the United Autonomous Revolutionary Class current—within the federation. It came after Chavez proposed the formation of a new unified Venezuelan socialist party (PSUV).
Mike Gonzalez: Marco Antonio García interview: Questions for the Venezuelan revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2060, jul 07 – side 8
Note: Mike Gonzalez spoke to Marco Antonio García, a member of the UNT trade union federation, about workers’ struggle and the fight for socialism in the 21st century
Mike Gonzalez: Letter from Latin America: Two visions for the future of Venezuela’s revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2058, jul 07 – side 8
Note: Ciudad Guyana is not one city but two. Several hundred kilometres south east of the capital Caracas, it is split by a tributary of the Orinoco river. On one side of the bridge is San Felix, a crowded poor town of potholed roads and very basic houses.
Orlando Chirino: A view from Venezuela
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 12
Note: Orlando Chirino is a national coordinator of the UNT union federation and a leader of its C-Cura ‘classist’ tendency.
Chris Harman: Venezuela, Hugo Chavez og den permanente revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 265, feb 07 – side 7
Note: Hugo Chavez taler om „permanent revolution“ i Venezuela. Men der foregår en kamp om fremtiden for revolutionen og for forandringer nedefra, skriver Chris Harman.
Steve Mather: Venezuela – socialisme for det 21. århundrede?: Demokrati på gulvplan
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 265, feb 07 – side 8
Note: Hvad vil Hugo Chavez? Højrefløjen kalder ham diktator. Hans vælgere elsker ham. Selv taler han om at opbygge en „socialisme for det 21. århundrede“. Vi ser nærmere på den proces af forandring, der er sat i gang i Venezuela.
Steve Mather: Venezuela: Kampen efter valget
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 265, feb 07 – side 8
Note: Vi har interviewet den fremtrædende marxistisk forfatter Michael Lebowitz om perspektiver for udviklingen i Venezuela.
Analysis: The battle over Venezuela’s union
International Socialism Journal nr. 111, jun 06 – side 18
Note: The arguments in Bolivia between Morales and his left critics are part of a much wider discussion across much of Latin America. The shift to the left is spreading—most notably with a massive student struggle in Chile at the end of May.
Roland Denis: Venezuela: the popular movement and the government
International Socialism Journal nr. 110, mar 06 – side 29
Note: Roland Denis is active in the Venezuelan Movement of 13 April. Chris Harman and Maina van der Zwan interviewed him in Caracas at the end of January 2006.1 We began by asking him about the development of the movement at the base of society.
Dossier: Reform and revolution in Venezuela
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 31
Note: "In the laboratory of the revolution" – An interview with Marta Harnecker
"A view from the top" – Interview with José Vincente Rangel
Venezuela: A glossary of terms
"The Party of Revolution and Socialism" – Interview with Stalin Perez Borges
"Socialism for the 21st century and the Latin American revolution"
"Manifesto of the popular organisations"
Socialist Worker (UK): Interview med Richard Gott om Hugo Chavez og Venezuela: Revolution i slow-motion
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 239, mar 05 – side 5
Note: Den britiske Latinamerika-ekspert Richard Gott fortæller om den venezuelanske præsident Hugo Chavez's politik og planer for fremtiden.
Venezuela: inside the Bolivarian revolution (An interview with Roland Denis)
International Socialism Journal nr. 106, mar 05 – side 135
Note: Hugo Chávez has becom a symbol of defiance to imperialism, drawing enthusiastic crowds in places as far apart as Porto Alegra and Calcutta. But what really is happening on the ground in Venezuela? Roland Denis, a Venezuelan revolutionary and former deputy minister, tells of some of the contradictions in the 'Bolivarian' process.
Sara Andersen: Venezuela: Hvad nu Chavez?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 232, sep 04 – side 5
Note: En bølge af håb og optimisme strømmer gennem gaderne i Caracas, da tilhængere af Chávez danser til rytmerne af salsamusik, mens fyrværkeriet lyser himlen op.
Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela: many steps to come
International Socialism Journal nr. 104, sep 04 – side 65
Note: Venezuela’s upper classes have tried three times to overthrow the government of Hugo Chavez, most recently with the referendum in August. On each occasion they hoped US backing would guarantee them success. On each occasion mobilisations of the country’s lower classes defeated their schemes. But there is still enormous confusion internationally about what is really happening in Venezuela. Mike Gonzalez looks at where Chavez came from, what his movement represents and the mobilisations in support of it. He argues that the reforms made so far can only be defended by further, revolutionary, developments.
Chris Harman: (News Review:) Venezuela: When is a coup not a coup?
Socialist Review nr. 266, sep 02 – side 7
Note: Venezuela is suffering from the backlash right across South America
Jesper Høi Kanne + Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Kuppet i Venezuela: USA vil have kontrol over olien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 203, maj 02 – side 4
Note: Den 13. april blev Venezuelas præsident Hugo Chavez arresteret af militæret og på ordre fra hærchef Efrain Vasquez ført til militærbasen Fort Tiuna.
Kevin Edmonds: An elusive independence: Neocolonial intervention in the Caribbean
International Socialism Journal nr. 146, apr 15 – side 167
Note: On the eve of Jamaica’s celebrations marking 50 years of political independence, the Jamaica Gleaner released the results of a poll finding that an estimated 60 percent of Jamaicans believed that they would be better off if they had remained a colony of Britain.
John Newsinger: Been here before
International Socialism Journal nr. 111, jun 06 – side 179
Note: A review of Stephen G Rabe: "US Intervention in British Guiana: A Cold War Story" (University of North Carolina Press, 2005), £14.50
Eduardo Albuquerque: Analysis: A historic turning point in Brazil
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 17
Note: Dilma Rousseff’s suspension is a historic turning point in Brazil—the end of an era of Workers’ Party (PT) national governments that began in 2002 with the election of Lula.
Sean Purdi: Brasiliens nye højre-regering møder modstand i gaderne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: Få dage efter sin tiltrædelse har Brasiliens nye regering ledet af præsident Michel Temer allerede mødt energisk modstand, skriver Sean Purdi fra Sao Paolo.
Dave Sewell: Brasilien: Arbejderne må mobilisere efter rigsretssag mod Rousseff
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Brasiliens kongres stemte i går, søndag, for at rejse rigsretssag mod centrum-venstre-præsidenten Dilma Rousseff.
Des Barrow: Review: Love football—hate Fifa
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 214
Note: Dave Zirin, Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy (Haymarket, 2014), £11.99
Dave Zirin is a left wing sports writer from the United States who has written extensively on the Olympics, including a biography of John Carlos. Here he digs beneath the shiny surface of Brazil projected by the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) and details how they are using mega sporting events—the 2014 football world cup and 2016 Olympic Games—both to promote an image (of a stable democracy and a powerhouse economy), and as tools with which to further their neoliberal project.
Workers walk out in Brazil – and Chile
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 8
Note: Workers struck at hundreds of workplaces across Brazil on Thursday of last week. Thousands marched in the main cities of Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.
Sean Purdi: Eyewitness Brazil: ‘Workers can take the struggle to the next stage’
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 15
Note: Huge protests have forced the unions into action—creating new opportunities and challenges, says Sean Purdy
Dave Sewell: Protester tiltvinger sig indrømmelser i Brasilien – men vreden fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 330, jul 13 – side 8
Note: Masseprotester tvang Brasiliens regering til store indrømmelser. Mere end en million mennesker deltog i en sejrs demonstration torsdagen efter kommunerne havde nedsat prisen på busbilleter – det spørgsmål som startede protesterne.
Henrique Sanchez + Sean Purdi: Brazil in revolt
Socialist Review nr. 382, jul 13 – side 16
Note: Brazil, held up as an economic success story over the last decade, has been shaken by a massive revolt triggered by transport fare rises. Henrique Sanchez and Sean Purdy examine the roots of the rebellion and assess the political challenges ahead.
Sean Purdi: Police attack São Paulo protests
Socialist Worker nr. 2358, jun 13 – side 20
Note: Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Brazil on Monday of this week, in protest at bus and subway fare hikes.
Police kill indigenous protester in Brazil
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 8
Note: Police in southern Brazil killed one Terena indigenous protester and wounded several others while evicting them from their land on Thursday of last week.
Sean Purdi: Police move onto university campus in Brazil (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2156, jun 09 
Note: Striking students, staff and professors have faced brutal police repression at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, the largest university in South America, with more than 75,000 students.
Sean Purdi: Book review: Lula of Brazil
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 25
Note: by Richard Bourne, Zed Books, £16.99
There are few leaders in the developing world with such a larger than life reputation as Lula, president of Brazil since 2002 and long-time leader of the Brazilian Workers' Party (PT).
Sean Purdi: Where is Lula’s Brazil going?
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 4
Note: Brazil is Latin America’s largest and most economically powerful nation.
On the surface it is a success story – President Lula of the Workers Party still enjoys substantial popularity within Brazil. The economy has been relatively stable and it is likely that Lula will choose his own successor in the next presidential elections in 2010.
Dave Treece: Brazil: Fighting for the Right to be Black
Socialist Review nr. 313, jan 07 – side 22
Note: "We're not Racists: A Response to Those Who Want to Turn Us into a Bi-Coloured Nation." So reads the provocative title of a recent contribution to the debate on race relations in Brazil, by Ali Kamel, executive director of journalism for the Globo media network.
Brasilien: 6,5 mio. stemte for venstreorienteret alternativ
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 261, okt 06 – side 12
Note: Oktober måneds valg udtrykte vælgernes vrede imod præsident Lulas politik – og resulterede i en stærk stemme til den radikale venstrefløjskandidat Heloisa Helena.
Joseph Choonara: Brasilien: Fra håb til fortvivlelse på fire år
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 261, okt 06 – side 12
Note: Lula blev første gang valgt til præsident i Brasilien i 2002. Han rejste håbet hos millioner af almindelige brasilianere om, at forandringer var på vej.
Rui Polly + Sérgio Dominguez + Paulo Trinidade: The left and the crisis of the Lula government
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 102
Note: Lula’s Workers’ Party (PT) government in Brazil was hit by a devastating political crisis over the summer.
Nyt parti for frihed og socialisme i Brasilien
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 230, jun 04 – side 5
Note: Partiet for socialisme og frihed (P-SOL), sådan lyder navnet på et nyt venstrefløjsparti i Brasilien.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: Brasilien: Lulas første år på magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 223, jan 04 – side 8
Note: Lula har netop overstået sit første år som Brasiliens præsident. Året har været præget af mange løfter, brandtaler mod nyliberalismen, og massive forventninger om en bedre hverdag for den almindelige brasilianer. Spørgsmålet der endnu står ubesvaret er, om Lula kan indfri forventningerne til ham.
Mike Gonzalez: Brazil in the eye of the storm
International Socialism Journal nr. 98, mar 03 – side 57
Note: LULA’S VICTORY in the Brazilian presidential election last October represented the hopes of millions of workers. But straight after speaking to cheers at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, he jetted off to Davos to meet and greet the architects of neo-liberal globalisation at the World Economic Forum. Mike Gonzalez looks at Lula’s political history, from young trade unionist to much feted leader of the Workers Party and asks, will he live up to his promise?
Brasilien: Krisens næste offer?
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 10
Note: Netop som økonomiske kommentatorer beroligede hinanden med, at den økonomiske krise var forbi, at nedgangen i Sydøstasien vistnok var vendt til en lille vækst, at krisen i Rusland var isoleret og at Latinamerika havde holdt stand, kollapsede den ottende største økonomi i verden, den brasilianske.
Tom Christiansen: Brasilien: Militær smadrer strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 117, jul 95 – side 7
Note: Den brasilianske præsident, Fernando Cardoso, smadrede i starten af juni en fire uger lang strejke blandt oliearbejderne i Brasilien med tanks og tropper.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: ØK i Brasilien: Kolonialisme på dansk
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 5
Note: ØK holder den gamle tradition som koloniherrer i hævd. ØK står bag grov udnyttelse af fattige arbejdere i Brasilien.
Peter Iversen: Brasilien: Håbet om forandring
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 7
Note: Præsidentvalget i Brasilien rejser forhåbninger hos millioner af arbejdere og fattige om en bedre fremtid.
Anders Schou: Klassekamp i Brasilien: Historiens største strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 9
Note: Kort før jul i 1986 var Brasilien skueplads for en verdenshistorisk begivenhed. I en medieverden, som ellers er voldsomt fikseret på rekorder, blev denne hændelse forbigået i relativ ubemærkethed. I begyndelsen af december strejkede 15 millioner arbejdere samlet i 24 timer. Det var uden konkurrence den største generalstrejke nogensinde.
Dave Beecham + Ann Eidenham: Beyond the mass strike: Class, party and trade union struggle in Brazil
International Socialism Journal nr. 36, sep 87 – side 3
Videos of ISJ “Marxism and Revolution Today” event
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 
Note: Video recordings of the weekend school held by International Socialism on 22 and 23 September 2012.
Steve Henshall: Bolivia 1952: A glimpse of workers' power
Socialist Worker nr. 2297, apr 12 – side 10
Note: Sixty years after the Bolivian revolution, Steve Henshall shows how workers beat the army
Steve Henshall: Bolivia 1952: What did the socialists do?
Socialist Worker nr. 2297, apr 12 – side 10
Note: The nationalists were not the only revolutionary opposition in Bolivia.
Federico Fuentes: Feedback: The Morales government: neoliberalism in disguise?
International Socialism Journal nr. 134, apr 12 – side 191
Note: For more than a decade Bolivia has been rocked by mass upsurges and mobilisations that have posed the necessity and possibility of fundamental political and social transformation. In 2005 the social movements that led the country’s water and gas wars managed to elect a government that since then has presided over a process of change that has brought major advances.
Jeffery R Webber: Revolution against “progress”: The TIPNIS struggle and class contradictions in Bolivia
International Socialism Journal nr. 133, jan 12 – side 151
Note: In the two and a half months that passed between mid-August and late October of this year, the Bolivian government of Evo Morales entered into its worst crisis to date.
Mike Gonzalez: Evo Morales’ wrong turn in Bolivia
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 10
Note: Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia as the voice of a mass movement – but a battle over a new road exposes the gulf between his rhetoric and reality.
Marcos Schneider: Book review: Jeffrey Webber: From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 26
Note: Two terms into Bolivia's first indigenous led government, this book by Jeffrey Webber presents a sober intervention in a climate where all too often Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement Toward Socialism, MAS) are either demonised by the right or lauded uncritically by the left.
Jeffery R Webber: Book Review: Struggle, continuity and contradiction in Bolivia
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 193
Note: A review of John Crabtree and Laurence Whitehead (eds), Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present (University of Pittsburgh, 2008), £24.50
Bolivia has long been marginalised from mainstream international political discussion and affairs. Even the rest of South America has often forgotten the existence of its landlocked indigenous core. However, the poorest country in South America entered the spotlight in December 2005 when Evo Morales won an electoral majority and became the country’s first indigenous president.
Joel Richards: Letter from Bolivia: Evo Morales re-elected with a mandate for change
Socialist Worker nr. 2181, dec 09 – side 2
Note: Barely two hours after the voting for Bolivia’s president had ended last Sunday, Movement towards Socialism (MAS) supporters began to fill Plaza Murillo, the heart of the capital of La Paz.
Mike Gonzalez: Højrefløjens vold har rystet Bolivia
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 282, okt 08 – side 11
Note: I begyndelsen og midten af september gik Bolivias højrefløj til angreb for med brutal vold og racistisk retorik at forsøge at destabilisere Evo Morales’ regering og forhindre radikale reformer. Siden da er der blevet indgået en form for våbenhvile, men situationen er stadig ustabil. Mike Gonzalez, der for tiden bor i Venezuela, fortæller her om begivenhederne i Bolivia og baggrunden for dem.
Ernesto Gonzalez: Right wing violence is shaking Bolivia
Socialist Worker nr. 2119, sep 08 – side 6
Note: The wealthy have unleashed brutal attacks and racist rhetoric to destabilise the radical reforms of Evo Morales.
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 7
Note: Fascism in Russia – Bolivian referendum shows strength of left
James Norrie: Rejecting the right in Bolivia
Socialist Worker nr. 2115, aug 08 – side 12
Note: Bolivia’s recent referendum showed the deep divisions inside the Latin American country, reports James Norrie in Cochabamba.
Joseph Choonara: Book review: Revolutionary Horizons
Socialist Review nr. 322, feb 08 – side 24
Note: Forrest Hylton and Sinclair Thomson: Revolutionary Horizons – Past and Present in Bolivian Politics, Verso, £12.99
Some years before the French Revolution, Bolivia's indigenous masses, the Aymara, the Quechua and others, rose up. The names of the heroes of the 1780-1 rebellion – Tomás Katari, Tupaj Amaro and Tupaj Katari – still echo through Bolivia, where two thirds of the population define themselves as indigenous.
Chris Harman: In perspective: No saviours or substitutes
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 17
Note: The words of the Internationale strike a chord for all socialists who believe society can only be transformed from below. It is a message that could not be more urgent than for today's working class in Venezuela and Bolivia.
Mike Gonzalez: Break up of Bolivia planned by bosses
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 4
Note: Several provinces of Bolivia have announced that they are to breakaway from the central state in protest against the left wing policies of the country’s leader Evo Morales.
Mike Gonzalez: Overklassen forsøger at sabotere Bolivias regering
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 6
Note: I midten af september marcherede tusinder af fattige bønder og indfødte aktivister gennem den bolivianske by Sucre. Marchen var en støtte til de forandringer i forfatningen, som den venstreorienterede præsident Evo Morales har foreslået.
Mike Gonzalez: Rich try to sabotage Bolivia’s government
Socialist Worker nr. 2069, sep 07 – side 5
Note: Thousands of poor farmers and indigenous activists marched through the Bolivian city of Sucre last week in support of constitutional changes proposed by President Evo Morales.
Mark Shenkin + Crawford Spence: Morales and the Bolivian state
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 56
Note: The article explores the tentative development of a new form of political organisation in Bolivia, as it emerged after Evo Morales’s victory in the presidential elections of December 2005.
Analysis: Taking on the multinationals in Bolivia
International Socialism Journal nr. 111, jun 06 – side 14
Note: The nationalisation of Bolivia’s oil and gas reserves on 1 May was another step forward in the radicalisation of Latin America. Talk of socialism in the 21st century in Venezuela, it seemed, was translated into action against the multinationals 2,000 miles away.
Chris Harman: Opstanden i Bolivia
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 245, sep 05 – side 5
Note: Revolution er på dagsordenen i det 21. århundrede. Det blev tydeligt på gaderne i La Paz, Bolivias hovedstad, i forrige måned.
Mike Gonzalez: Bolivia: the rising of the people
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 73
Chris Harman: The Bolivian Uprising
Socialist Review nr. 298, jul 05 – side 12
Note: The actuality of revolution in the 21st century. That was what was on display on the streets of Bolivia's capital, La Paz, last month.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Bolivia og Georgien: Med revolutionen på dagsordenen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 2
Note: Bolivia: Utilfredshed med regeringens salg af naturgas til USA var den direkte anledning til, at Bolivias præsident Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada i midten af oktober blev tvunget til at flygte til Miami. Det skete efter flere års stærk utilfredshed med en politik, der har gjort Bolivia til Latinamerikas fattigste land.
Georgien: Søndag d. 22. november blev Georgiens præsident, Sjevardnadse, tvunget fra magten.
Peter Iversen: Revolution i Bolivia
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 221, nov 03 – side 4
Note: Bolivianske arbejdere, indianere og bønder fortsætter kampen mod nyliberalismen. Nu diskuterer de, hvordan de får væltet den nye regering, og indført reelt demokrati nedefra.
Mikkel Bay: Demonstrationer mod privatisering: De vandt i Bolivia
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 196, sep 01 – side 7
Note: At GATS-aftalen om privatisering af hele den offentlige sektor endnu ikke er på plads har ikke fået WTO, Verdensbanken og IMF til at tøve med at presse regeringer verden over, især i u-lande, til at begynde at privatisere.
Bolivias arbejdere viser vej
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 13, okt 85 – side 8
Note: Bolivias arbejdere har gjort det igen. I september måned gennemførte de en langvarig generalstrejke i protest mod regeringens benhårde nedskæringspolitik.
John Newsinger: Revolution in Bolivia
International Socialism Journal nr. 18, dec 82 – side 60
Note: NOWHERE IN LATIN AMERICA has the class struggle developed to a greater extent or reached greater heights than in Bolivia. At a time when enthusiasm for the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua and solidarity with the guerrillas in El Salvador and Guatemala dominates the consciousness of much of the left, this point needs emphasising.
Nis Hejlskov: Nyt politisk alternativ skyder frem i Chile
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 354, okt 16 – side 4
Note: I weekenden den 3. og 4. september mødtes omkring 350 delegerede fra hele Chile i hovedstaden Santiago for at diskutere dannelsen af et nyt politisk alternativ, Nueva Democracia (Nyt Demokrati).
Nis Hejlskov: Kæmpe miljøkatastrofe i Chile: Fiskere og arbejdere besætter ø i protest
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: I det sydlige Chile har de lokale fiskere og arbejdere barrikaderet og besat øen Chiloe på syvende døgn i protest over en miljøkatastrofe, som de mener er forårsaget af laksefarmene i området, der dumpede 90 tons døde laks pga. algeudbrud ud for Chiloes kyst.
Nis Hejlskov: 120.000 demonstrerer for gratis uddannelse i Chile
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 – side 15
Note: Da op mod 120.000 elever og studerende den 21. april protesterede i Chiles hovedstad Santiago for at presse regeringen til at gøre videregående uddannelser gratis, førte det til voldelige sammenstød med politiets specialstyrker.
Nis Hejlskov: Chile: Studerende og arbejdere i fælles kamp for mere demokrati og gratis uddannelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 346, jul 15 
Note: Siden slutningen af maj måned i år har Chile oplevet massive undervisningsnedlæggelser og adskillige universitetsbesættelser.
Workers walk out in Brazil – and Chile
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 8
Note: Workers struck at hundreds of workplaces across Brazil on Thursday of last week. Thousands marched in the main cities of Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.
Nathaniel Mehr: Book review: Apologising for the Chilean coup
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 215
Note: Alistair Horne, Kissinger’s Year: 1973 (Orion Books, 2009), £20
Grace Livingstone, America’s Backyard: The United States and Latin America from the Monroe Doctrine to the War on Terror (Zed Books, 2009), £18.99
The reviled Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, who came to power in a US-sponsored coup in 1973 and remained in power until 1990, died three years ago this December. In a new book examining the political career of US secretary of state Henry Kissinger during that tumultuous year, British historian Alistair Horne has sought to rehabilitate Kissinger’s reputation. The book has met with the approval of Kissinger, who has personally endorsed it.
Mike Gonzalez: Chile: tremors of the past
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 9
Note: The earthquake in Chile and the declaration of martial law reveal the failure of the state – but they also recall the horror of the last time the military ruled.
Michael Stanton: Chile: Angry protests and riots shake central Santiago in Chile
Socialist Worker nr. 2067, sep 07 – side 4
Note: Rioting shook Chile’s capital Santiago on Wednesday of last week during a day of protest called by the CUT, the main trade union federation.
Michael Stanton: Miners' victory in Chile is part of an awakening of workers
Socialist Worker nr. 2065, aug 07 – side 4
Note: At the beginning of August, contract miners in Chile’s new CTC union federation celebrated a significant victory against Codelco, Chile’s state-owned mining corporation.
Pedro Marin: Chilean miners' leader looks to growth of the movement (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2062, aug 07 
Note: After the battles of forestry workers in the Arauco region and copper miners working for the state owned Codelco company, subcontracted workers are targeting the private mining industry.
Michael Stanton: Victory for striking subcontracted miners in Chile (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2062, aug 07 
Note: Miners striking against Codelco, Chile's state owned mining corporation are celebrating a victory. After a solid 37 day strike by some 13,000 workers the company made a revised offer.
Michael Stanton: Subcontracted Chilean copper miners strike to demand ‘Same work, Same pay’ online only
Socialist Worker nr. 2059, jul 07 
Note: The use of sub-contractors has become endemic in Chilean copper mines.
Jørn Andersen: 30 år efter 11. september 1973 i Chile: 11.september – ikke i vores navn
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 218, sep 03 – side 6
Note: Den 11. september vil medier og politikere gøre en stor sag ud af at få os til at mindes ofrene for angrebene på World Trade Center og Pentagon for to år siden.
Matthew Cookson: The other 11 September – Chile 1973: Murder backed by US
Socialist Worker nr. 1816, sep 02 – side 9
Note: THERE IS another 11 September, but there will be few tributes in the media to its victims. As the Chilean writer Ariel Dorfman says: "11 September has been a date of mourning, for me and millions of others, ever since that day in 1973 when Chile lost its democracy in a military coup, that day when death irrevocably entered our lives and changed us forever."
Jakob Hansen: CIA stod bag kuppet i Chile
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 4
Note: Adgang til gamle arkiver har bekræftet det, som vi er mange, der har sagt i små 30 år, at CIA og dermed USA stod bag kuppet i Chile i 1973.
Paul Langhoff: Pinochet stadig rask
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 183, jun 00 – side 2
Note: Ex-diktatoren er ved meget bedre helbred end de britiske læger konkluderede under deres undersøgelse i februar, fremgår det af en rapport fra tre ledende chilenske psykiatere.
Niels Henrik Jespersen: Pinochet: Handel vigtigere end retfærdighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 181, mar 00 – side 4
Note: For Pinochet krævede det ikke mere, end en flyvetur fra England til Chile, hvor eksdiktatoren blev modtaget af militæret, før han var rask nok til at rejse sig fra sin kørestol og hilse på sine gamle støtter og venner. Efter blot 8 timer på et hospital i Chile, var han rask nok til at blive udskrevet.
Charlie Lywood: Chile 1970–73: Den blodige vej til nederlag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 151, jan 97 – side 4
Note: Den parlamentariske vej førte den socialistiske Allende–regering i Chile til et blodigt nederlag.
Mike Gonzalez: Chile and the struggle for workers'power
International Socialism Journal nr. 60, sep 93 – side 137
Note: The Chilean coup which overthrew Salvador Allende's left wing government exactly 20 years ago marked the end of one of the most prestigious attempts to gain socialism by constitutional means. Mike Gonzalez looks back to those tragic events and argues that other, revolutionary, opportunities existed had the organisations of the Chilean left been equipped to take them.
Jens Mikkelsen: Isabel Allende: “Åndernes hus”: Borgerskabet smider masken
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 26, jan 87 – side 8
Note: Isabel Allende: Åndernes Hus. Gyldendal, 394 s., 68 kr.
“Åndernes Hus” er en bog, der på glimrende vis understreger den dyrekøbte erfaring, at man ikke kan stemme sig til socialismen. Samt at en arbejder- eller venstrefløjsregering enten bliver tvunget fra magten med vold, eller bliver tvunget til at regere på borgerskabets betingelser.
Karin Ladefoged: Chile 13 år efter: Hadet vokser mod diktatur
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 22, sep 86 – side 12
Note: I dag, 13 år efter Pinochet’s magtovertagelse, er Chile et land med store økonomiske problemer og en stadig voksende modstand fra befolkningen trods regimets blodige forsøg på at holde den nede.
Charlie Lywood: Chile 1973: Den forsigtige vej til kuppet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 22, sep 86 – side 12
Note: Den 11. september for tretten år siden tog militæret magten i Chile. Tragedien er ikke blot en påmindelse om, hvor brutal og hensynsløs en herskende klasse kan være, når den er tvunget til det, men endnu mere grotesk fordi tragedien kunne have være undgået.
Chile: Pinochet slår hårdt ned
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 3, dec 84 – side 8
Note: Igennem de sidste 18 måneder er Pinochets militærjunta i Chile blevet konfronteret med massive demonstrationer og aktionsdage.
Mike Gonzalez: The coup in Chile and the left
International Socialism Journal nr. 22, dec 83 – side 45
Chris Harman + Ian Birchall: Chile – Enden på den parlamentariske vej til socialismen
Proletar! nr. 6, nov 73 – side 6
Note: Oversat af Thorvald Berg Berthelsen fra “International Socialism” 62, 1973
Christopher Scott: The Notebook: Chile
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 6
Note: If there is a central theme in the present policy of the Chilean government, then it appears to be a tripartite one.
Joel Richards: Argentina: trials show the unrepentant right
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 – side 12
Note: The right wing in Argentina is making threats as former military officers face trial for their role in the 1970s dictatorship.
Ernesto Gonzalez: Letter from ...: Argentina
Socialist Review nr. 318, okt 07 – side 9
Note: When workers occupied the Chilavert printshop in Buenos Aires it was threatened with closure. Ernesto Gonzalez, a Chilavert printer, describes running the factory under workers' control.
Isidoro Cruz + Robert Sáenz: The driving force behind the 'Argentinazo'
International Socialism Journal nr. 98, mar 03 – side 77
Note: Two Argentinean activists chart the debates since the popular uprising in Argentina in December 2001, and argue that the organised industrial working class must be central to the movement if it is to unite the different sections and demands of the popular assemblies.
Chris Harman: Argentina: Swimming with the tide of revolt
Socialist Review nr. 263, maj 02 – side 18
Note: As renewed political crisis sweeps Argentina, Chris Harman following a recent visit to the country argues there is a huge opening for the revolutionary left, provided it breaks from its sectarian past
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Argentinas oprør fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 202, mar 02 – side 4
Note: ”Duhalde-regeringen er arbejderklassens og folkets fjende (...) Det er en regering der ved hjælp af løgne om ’national suverænitet’ skjuler sin politik der plyndrer os til fordel for de store monopoler, samtidig med at den fører IMF’s diktater ud i livet.”
Chris Harman: Argentina: Rebellion at the sharp end of the world crisis
International Socialism Journal nr. 94, mar 02 – side 3
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Spontane kampe udfordrer magteliten i Argentina
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 201, feb 02 – side 4
Note: De argentinske magthavere, regeringen og toppen af erhvervslivet, er ude af stand til at føre landet ud af den økonomiske og politiske krise. Samtidig opstår nye former for spontan organisering blandt de demonstrerende arbejdere.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen + Troels Skov Nielsen: Revolution i Argentina!?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 200, jan 02 – side 12
Note: Argentina er på randen af revolution. Oprøret har væltet den ene præsident efter den anden og har potentialet til at løfte millioner af argentinere ud af den fattigdom, nyliberalismen har kastet dem ud i.
Argentina: ‘El pueblo unido’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 200, jan 02 – side 12
Note: “Vi var her i aftes og vi kom igen i dag, ligesom vi gør det hver eneste torsdag,” sagde en af mødrene fra Plaza de Mayo.
Javier Carles: News Review: Argentina: Sparking off a chain reaction
Socialist Review nr. 259, jan 02 – side 4
Note: Javier Carles reports from the streets of Argentina
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Peter Morgan: News Review: Argentina: The masses rise, a government collapses
Socialist Review nr. 259, jan 02 – side 5
Note: Protests, strikes and demonstrations by Argentina's workers against cuts and austerity forced the appointment of the fifth president in two weeks, Eduardo Duhalde, at the start of January.
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Economic storm hits Argentina
Socialist Worker nr. 1779, dec 01 – side 13
Note: "Nobody knows if they will have a job tomorrow or when they will be paid. People are almost paralysed by fear." This was what an Argentinian psychologist told journalists last weekend. No wonder. Argentina, an industrial country that once boasted a living standard as high as that of Italy, has been hit by an economic crisis.
Margit Johansen: Argentina præget af strejker og fabriksbesættelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 4
Note: Arbejderne ved Zanon-keramikfabrikken i Argentina har strejket i snart 3 måneder mod at fabrikken skal lukke.
Jakob L. Krogh: Argentina: Oprør mod liberalisering
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 196, sep 01 – side 4
Note: Krisen i verdensøkonomien rammer Argentina hårdt: Arbejdsløsheden stiger, lønnen og de offentlige udgifter falder.
Chris Harman: Argentina: The ecstasy, followed by the agony
Socialist Review nr. 255, sep 01 – side 5
Note: Argentina's economic miracle turns to mirage
Kup i Paraguay
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 321, jul 12 – side 14
Note: Centrum-venstre præsidenten Fernando Lugo, blev i fredags afsat af den konservativt kontrollerede kongres, anklaget for at svigte sit ansvar med at sikre den social ro i forbindelse med strid om jord der kostede seks betjente og 11 bønder livet, yderligere 60 bønder blev såret.
Javier Carles: One-day general strike brought Uruguay to a standstill (expanded online version)
Socialist Worker nr. 2119, sep 08 – side 6
Note: A one-day general strike brought Uruguay to a halt on 20 August. It was strong across industry, transport, education, the health service and even in the shops.

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