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Tema: Nationalisme

Se også: Se også: Nazister; Racisme; National befrielse

Se også: Nazister; Racisme; National befrielse
Nicholas De Genova: The “crisis” of the European border regime: Towards a Marxist theory of borders
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 31
Note: Ever since Marx and Engels proclaimed in The Communist Manifesto that the workers have no country, it has been an elementary and defining premise of Marxist politics that we are internationalists. There has never been a more clear proof that Stalinism involved a radical betrayal of Marxism, furthermore, than the devious and self-serving proposition that it was possible to build “socialism in one country”.
Christine Kyndi: Ja til åbne grænser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 341, okt 14 – side 7
Note: Situationen i Syrien og Eritrea betyder, at flere flygtninge kommer til Danmark. Sammen med debatten om østeuropæiske arbejdere har det været med til at genåbne debatten om grænsekontrol.
John Molyneux: The National Question – some basic principles
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 8, dec 13 – side 4
Note: Marxists are internationalists not nationalists. Nationalism is a key element in bourgeois ideology. It is one of the ideological means, arguably in today’s world the main ideological means, by which the capitalist class of all nations secures the compliance and even support of the working class and of the oppressed of all nations.
Det mener vi: Nej til grænsebomme, ja til åbne grænser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 310, jul 11 – side 4
Note: Der er megen farce over hele grænsebomssagen, som har fyldt medierne og det politiske landskab gennem maj og juni. Men bag farcen ligger Dansk Folkepartis beskidte nationalistiske dagsorden.
Jesper Høi Kanne: Introduktion til socialisme: Det nationale spørgsmål
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 13
Note: Palæstina, Libanon, Nordirland, Baskerlandet, Grønland, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Tibet, Kaukasus, m.fl., er alle steder, hvor en kamp for national befrielse inddrager nationalisme, klassekamp og imperialisme i vidt forskellige kombinationer.
Police criticised in Paul Coker death-in-custody Inquest
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 6
Note: An inquest last week criticised police over the death of Paul Coker, who died in a police station in 2005. Patricia Coker, Paul’s mother, gives her view.
Simon Basketter: Using nationalism to divide and rule
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 13
Note: National oppression, racism and ethnic conflict are the legacy of the nation state and colonialism, argues Simon Basketter. And the struggles they produce are contradictory.
Esme Choonara: Nationalism: Who really benefits when ‘we’re all in it together’?
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 – side 9
Note: Esme Choonara argues that nationalism is bad news for the workers’ movement
Neil Davidson: Reimagined Communities
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 143
Note: Review: Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (Verso, 2006), £12.99
Dave Crouch: The seeds of national liberation (Jeremy Smith: "The Bolsheviks and the National Question 1917-1923")
International Socialism Journal nr. 94, mar 02 – side 115
Neil Davidson: The trouble with 'ethnicity'
International Socialism Journal nr. 84, sep 99 – side 3
Note: From Dagestan to Scotland, from the Balkans to Indonesia, the language of ethnic conflict has become the common coin of political debate, seemingly replacing earlier concepts like oppression and racism. Neil Davidson argues that looking at the world through the glass of ethnic division obscures real issues of oppression, disguising the ways in which ethnic characteristics are foisted on local populations by the Great Powers. Even when, as a result of oppression or social dislocation, such populations come to adopt the ethnic identity as their own, such definitions should not be uncritically accepted by the left since they obscure class divisions and power relations.
Phil Marfleet: Nationalism and internationalism in the new Europe
International Socialism Journal nr. 84, sep 99 – side 69
Note: Refugees coming to Europe have quickly found that the politics of ethnic characterisation can be little more than a cover for refurbished imperial racism, as Phil Marfleet shows in his study of the emerging ideology of the European Union's policy of 'Fortress Europe'.
Ian Birchall: The vice-like hold of nationalism? A comment on Megan Trudell's 'Prelude to revolution'
International Socialism Journal nr. 78, mar 98 – side 133
Megan Trudell: Prelude to revolution: Class consciousness and the First World War
International Socialism Journal nr. 76, sep 97 – side 67
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Den farlige nationalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 164, aug 97 – side 5
Note: En undersøgelse viste for nylig, at mange mennesker har meget overdrevne forestillinger om kvaliteten af den danske velfærd.
Jørn Andersen: Dannebrog eller røde faner
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 137, jun 96 – side 4
Note: Sommerens sportsbegivenheder har på forhånd skabt et nationalt hysteri. Medierne er fulde af genudsendelser fra EM i fodbold i 1992 og optaktsudsendelser til dette års europamesterskaber. Tour de France og OL i Atlanta vil sikre, at hysteriet fortsætter sommeren over.
Chris Harman: The return of the national question
International Socialism Journal nr. 56, sep 92 – side 3
Note: Nationalism seems to be the most powerful political force in themodern world. From the Middle East to the Caucasus, from Ireland to Croatia, from South Africa to Slovakia no one remains untouched by nationalism. `The return of the national question' unravels the enigma of nationhood, tracing its roots in early capitalism and using the legacy of the classical Marxist tradition to chart the development of more recent national liberation movements.
Chris Harman shows how even the most progressive of such movements have close ties with the growth of the capitalist system. Yet there is an alternative to fashionable pessimism about the world's descent into communalism. It is to be found in class politics-providing socialists build on their own traditions' strengths, not its weaknesses.
Chris Harman: Nasjonalismen – vår tids gift (norsk)
International Socialism Journal nr. 56, sep 92 
Note: Oversat fra "The return of the national question"
Alex Callinicos: Capitalism and the state system: A reply to Nigel Harris
International Socialism Journal nr. 54, mar 92 – side 133
Note: Reply to Nigel Harris' defence of his book "National Liberation", printed in our last issue
Nigel Harris: A comment on "National Liberation" (Nigel Harris: "National Liberation")
International Socialism Journal nr. 53, dec 91 – side 79
Note: Nigel Harris's new book National Liberation was reviewed by Alex Callinicos in International Socialism 51, the same issue to which Chris Harman contributed 'The state and capital'. Here Nigel responds to both articles, restating his analysis of the shape of the world system in the 1990s.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Nationalismens rødder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 75, nov 91 – side 7
Note: Stalinismens fald i Østeuropa og Sovjet er blevet fulgt op af et enormt frembrud af nationale modsætninger.
Alex Callinicos: The end of nationalism?
International Socialism Journal nr. 51, jun 91 – side 57
Note: Nigel Harris’ recent book ‘National Liberation’ is reviewed by Alex Callinicos. He takes issue with Harris’ argument that the globalisation of capital has led to a greater disassociation of capital and the state. And he disputes the claim that such globalisation will undermine the factors which give rise to national liberation movements.
Jørn Andersen: Klassen ikke nationen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 70, maj 91 – side 10
Carsten Lorenzen: Nationalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 6
Note: I dag er nationalisme den herskende ideologi i samfundet. Tidligere har borgerskabet brugt religionen, men nu bruger de nationalismen til at få folk til at slutte op bag deres egne undertrykkere.
SWP: SWP Conference Document: The National Question
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 101, sep 77 – side 9
Note: The rise of the Nationalist Parties in Scotland and Wales has had considerable impact on the British labour movement. It threatens to undermine the Labour Party’s electoral base and has divided socialists as to whether the demands of the Nationalists for autonomy and independence should be supported. The question was discussed at the conference of the Socialist Workers Party in June, when the following theses were approved.
Nigel Harris: Black Power and the ‘Third World’
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 79, jun 75 – side 23
Note: HOW DO the politics of black power relate to building a united workers’ movement? Some black power militants – and their white supporters – argue that in effect colour defines a separate national minority whose identity is more important than the class or classes to which the members belong. Because white racialism is so widespread, black people can rely only on themselves.
Nigel Harris: Race and Nation
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 34, sep 68 – side 22
Note: We have recently seen a public resurgence of racialism and, on a less dramatic scale, nationalism in Britain. The economic background to this change is fairly clear, but the mechanism by which the change is achieved is not clear.

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