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Tema: Nazister: Tyskland

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Nazister: Tyskland
Se også: Tyskland
Lene Junker: Interview: Alternative für Deutschland og kampen mod racisme i Tyskland
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 359, maj 17 – side 7
Note: I Tyskland står det højreradikale parti Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) til at blive stort ved valget til det tyske parlament, forbundsdagen, i efteråret.
Martin B. Johansen: Sejr for tyske anti-fascister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 296, mar 10 – side 5
Note: I midten af februar lykkedes det for tyske anti-fascister at stoppe en nazistisk march i byen Dresden.
Donny Gluckstein: Review: The economics of barbarism
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 184
Note: Review: Gotz Aly, Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War and the Nazi Welfare State (Verso, 2007), £19.99
Hitler’s Beneficiaries is an important milestone in the study of Nazism and the Holocaust. At first glance, a book on German government financial policy and taxation is not likely to set the heart racing. However, a detailed study of these aspects yields some extraordinary results.
Anders Schou: Kampen mod nazierne i Tyskland: Forbud løser ikke problemet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 5
Note: I sidste måned demonstrerede over 200.000 mennesker i Berlin mod nazisterne og det største militante nazi-parti, NPD.
Jim Wolfreys: The physiology of barbarism (Donny Gluckstein: "The Nazis, Capitalism and the Working Class")
International Socialism Journal nr. 83, jun 99 – side 147
Note: Jim Wolfreys' review of Donny Gluckstein's account of the rise of the Nazis reminds us that there are no easy comparisons with modern authoritarian heads of state.
Henry Maitles: Never again! (David Goldhagen: "Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust")
International Socialism Journal nr. 77, dec 97 – side 103
Note: The Nazis' crimes and their roots in German society are discussed in Henry Maitles's review of Daniel Goldhagen's infamous Hitler's Willing Executioners
Jørgen Lund: “Afregning – en nynazist står af”: Nazistiske bekendelser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 106, aug 94 – side 12
Note: Den nazistiske afhopper, Ingo Hasselbach, har skrevet en bog om sin tid som nazist.
Charlie Lywood: Stands nazi-terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 87, dec 92 – side 12
Note: Brandmordet på to tyrkiske kvinder og en pige på ti år i Mölln d. 23. november har skabt rædsel og vrede i det tyske samfund.
Henrik Christensen: Kampen mod racismen i Tyskland, Danmark og Norge: Tyskland: Racister på tilbagetog
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 76, dec 91 – side 5
Note: Efter voldsomme overgreb på tyske asylcentre så det ud til at racisterne og nazisterne for alvor var på fremmarch. Men de sidste par måneder har styrket kampen mod dem.
Roland Christensen: Stop nazisterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 75, nov 91 – side 12
Note: I Tyskland er racister, nazister, højreekstremister og store dele af borgerskabet i øjeblikket i gang med at mobilisere kræfter imod udlændinge.
SAG (Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe, Tyskland): Brev fra tyske socialister
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 75, nov 91 – side 12
Note: Kohl og hans konservative kristeligt-demokratiske regering begyndte deres racistiske kampagne mod flygtninge i august.
SAG (Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe, Tyskland): The European Left and the new fascists: Fascism and the German Left: Sozialistiche Arbeiter Gruppe
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 89
Note: FIGHT Everyday Fascism!
The attempt to bomb Strauss to power as the ‘strong man’ and the ‘saviour out of the chaos’ has failed. However, it would have succeeded had it not become evident that the assassins of Munich were fascists and not left-wingers.
The European Left and the new fascists: Comments from the Editors
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 90
Note: WE DO NOT think that extended comment is called for, since the documents largely speak for themselves. In particular, it is clear that the two documents from the French comrades are sadly inadequate and contain serious mistakes.
Colin Sparks: Fascism and the working class: Part 1 – the German experience
International Socialism Journal nr. 2, sep 78 – side 41
Note: The development of the National Front, and its apparent appeal to sections of the English working class, has provoked a considerable amount of discussion on the question of fascism. Marxists have generally argued that, as a social phenomenon, fascism is a ‘petit bourgeois’ movement, and we have regarded the National Front penetration of the working class as an historical ‘accident’ which they would move away from as they evolved into a traditional fascist movement. In this article, I want to examine rather more closely what we mean by considering fascism as ‘petit bourgeois’, and to examine the relationship between the German Nazis and the working class.
Contents 38-39 – Special Issue: Fascism, Stalinism and the United Front, 1930-34 by Leon Trotsky
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 38-39, aug 69 

Der blev fundet 15 artikler


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