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Tema: Krigsmodstand internationalt

Krigsmodstand internationalt
Chris Bambery: Voices Against War: resisting conflict
Socialist Worker nr. 2182, dec 09 – side 13
Note: Chris Bambery looks at those who refused to fight in the First World War (Voices Against War: A Century of Protest by Lyn Smith)
CND Archive
Socialist Worker nr. 2094, mar 08 – side 11
Note: The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s 50 years of activism have produced an amazing archive of posters, leaflets, banners and photos. Its peace symbol is recognised across the world.
Yuri Prasad: Pat Arrowsmith recalls organising against Britain's Bomb
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 12
Note: As anti-nuclear campaigners return to Aldermaston this weekend, Pat Arrowsmith looks back at the first protest there 50 years ago.
Andreas Ytterstad: Antimilitarisme i norsk arbeiderbevegelses historie 1903-1924
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 4, sep 99 
Pete Goodwin: Back page: Rules of war
Socialist Review nr. 66, jun 84 – side 36
Note: Bruce Kent, general secretary of CND, has been addressing himself to members of the armed forces at Greenham Common. In a speech last month (published in The Guardian) he urged them ‘if no other course of action is possible refuse to obey illegal and immoral cruise-missile related orders’.
Rip Bulkeley + Colin Sparks + Pete Goodwin + Peter Binns + Ian Birchall: ‘If at first you don't succeed...’: fighting against the bomb in the 1950s and 1960s
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 1
Note: From the beginning of 1958 through into 1964 the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was a huge mass movement. During that period it involved in its activities literally hundreds of thousands of people, many brought into politics for the first time.
Krigsmodstand (int.) Vietnam
Simon Basketter: Watergate, protester mod Vietnamkrigen og det amerikanske imperiums nederlag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 7
Note: USA’s nederlag i Vietnam førte til en regeringskampagne mod politiske modstandere med fatale konsekvenser
Simon Basketter: Watergate, anti Vietnam war protests and US imperial failure
Socialist Worker nr. 2067, sep 07 – side 12
Note: US defeat in Vietnam led to a government campaign against political opponents with disastrous consequences.
Krigsmodstand (int.) Balkankrigene
Hans Erik Madsen: Krigen på Balkan: Modstand i Nato-landene mod krigen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 174, aug 99 – side 5
Note: At Nato – verdens største militæralliance – vandt krigen på Balkan, er der intet overraskende i. Hvad der kan overraske, er de store problemer, Nato havde med at gennemføre og afslutte krigen med et, for dem, acceptabelt udfald.
Krigsmodstand (int.) 2001-?
15 February 2003: How the anti-war protest changed us all for good
Socialist Worker nr. 2340, feb 13 – side 11
Note: “The school student walkouts were inspiring. I could see that protesting in solidarity with Iraq meant more to them than simply bunking off.”
Judith Orr: 15 February 2003: The anti-war movement politicised millions
Socialist Worker nr. 2340, feb 13 – side 11
Note: The Iraq war will haunt Tony Blair to his grave. He will forever be known as the imperialist warmonger who defied the mass of the population when he backed the US invasion and occupation.
Siân Ruddick: Ten years since 9/11: Millions marched with Stop the War
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 10
Note: The attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on 11 September 2001 shook the world. But many knew it would be used as an excuse to send US troops charging around the world.
Siân Ruddick: Jail for British soldier who wouldn’t go to war
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 5
Note: Anti-war soldier Joe Glenton has been imprisoned for his refusal to fight in Afghanistan. A military court on Friday of last week sentenced him to nine months in the Military Corrective Training Centre in Colchester.
Lindsey German: In my opinion: Remembering Dissent
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 7
Note: Debate on Afghanistan is reaching boiling point. I write this on 11 November, Remembrance Day, marking the date of the armistice which ended the First World War.
Lene Junker: Fiasko i Afghanistan og politisk krise i USA og NATO-landene
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 4
Note: Amerikanske generaler ønsker 40.000 flere soldater til Afghanistan for at afværge et nederlag i Afghanistan.
Siân Ruddick: Protests shake Nato Strasbourg summit
Socialist Worker nr. 2146, apr 09 – side 16
Note: Thousands of demonstrators defied police repression and violence to stage mass protests against Nato in Strasbourg, France, last Saturday
SWP conference 2009: Stop the War: Mobilising a mass response to imperialism
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 6
Note: Lindsey German introduced a session on imperialism and the Stop the War Coalition.
She began by highlighting the scale of mass resistance to Israel’s attack on Gaza, which she described as a “phenomenal response”.
Appel vedtaget i Stuttgart 5. oktober 2008: Nej til krig – Nej til Nato
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 283, okt 08 – side 5
Note: I anledning af militærorganisationen NATO’s 60 års jubilæum, appellerer vi til alle folk om at komme til Strasbourg i april 2009 for at protestere mod NATO’s aggressive militær- og atomvåben-politik, og fremføre vores vision om en retfærdig verden uden krig.
Thousands in Manchester to protest against the war
Socialist Worker nr. 2120, sep 08 – side 5
Note: More than 5,000 people marched through central Manchester last Saturday against the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and to oppose the spread of war to other countries.
Sadie Robinson: Victory as the military are kicked off North London campus
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 3
Note: Activists at the College of North East London (Conel) in Tottenham won a major victory last week when they kicked the military off their campus.
Meetings mobilise for Manchester anti-war demonstration
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 3
Note: Support is growing for next weekend’s anti-war demonstration outside the Labour Party conference in Manchester. Students and trade unionists from across the country will be travelling to make their protest.
Michelle Robidoux: Keep Canada's doors open to war resisters
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 6
Note: "I should have been in New Orleans, not in Iraq." This was the conclusion that Corey Glass, former sergeant in the US National Guard, came to after several months in Balad, Iraq.
Eamonn McCann on the victory of the Raytheon 9 anti-war protesters
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 6
Note: On 9 August 2006, nine Northern Irish anti-war activists occupied the Derry offices of Raytheon, one of the biggest arms manufacturers in the world, and destroyed its computers. Their action was sparked by anger at Raytheon’s complicity in Israel’s bombing campaign against Lebanon.
The Raytheon 9 won a massive victory when they were acquitted of charges of criminal damage earlier this month. Campaigning journalist Eamonn McCann was one of the nine protesters. He spoke to Socialist Worker about the case.
Raytheon 9 found not guilty (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 
Note: The Raytheon 9 have been found not guilty of all charges of criminal damage in a unanimous verdict. The nine anti-war protesters, including campaigning journalist Eamonn McCann, occupied and shut down the Derry offices of Raytheon, the fifth biggest arms manufacturer in the world, on Wednesday 9 August 2006.
Lene Junker: Giv freden en chance – træk tropperne hjem fra Afghanistan!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 279, jun 08 – side 8
Note: Det var hovedbudskabet for den internationale Afghanistan-konference, som fredsbevægelsen i Tyskland holdt den 7-8 juni i Hannover.
Raytheon 9 Trial: Anti-war campaigners on trial for ‘crime’ of solidarity
Socialist Worker nr. 2103, maj 08 – side 2
Note: As Israeli forces were pounding Lebanon in the summer of 2006, nine anti-war activists in Northern Ireland occupied the offices of arms company Raytheon Systems Limited – the UK subsidiary of the US company Raytheon.
US soldier refuses to fight in Iraq
Socialist Worker nr. 2102, maj 08 – side 2
Note: A 24-year old US soldier has refused his deployment to Iraq.
Raytheon Nine trial set to start
Socialist Worker nr. 2102, maj 08 – side 2
Note: The trial of the “Raytheon Nine” anti-war activists is set to start this week in Belfast, and last for up to six weeks.
Rachel Cohen: Anti-war marches: who goes and why
Socialist Worker nr. 2094, mar 08 – side 12
Note: Rachel Cohen has been surveying anti-war protesters on recent demonstrations – and uncovering a few surprises in the process
Anti-war student sabbatical suspended at University College London
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 3
Note: Students and anti-war campaigners across the country are rallying to defend the student union at University College London (UCL) from an astonishing attack on democracy.
Protests are still strong five years after the invasion of Iraq
Socialist Worker nr. 2093, mar 08 – side 6
Note: Thousands of anti-war campaigners took part in global protests last weekend to mark the fifth anniversary of the occupation of Iraq.
40,000 march in London to mark fifth anniversary of Iraq war (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2092, mar 08 
Note: Some 40,000 anti-war protesters took part in today's march in London to mark the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
Chris Bambery: Glasgow anti-war march draws over 5,000 (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2092, mar 08 
Note: Over 5,000 people marched through Glasgow on Saturday to mark the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
Andrew Burgin: Stop the War: a mass movement to celebrate and defend
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 3
Note: The 15 February 2003 demonstration reminds us of the strength of the anti-war movement and shows the importance of the upcoming 15 March protest.
Lene Junker: World Against War
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 275, jan 08 – side 8
Note: World Against War konferencen i London den 1. december samlede ca 1200 repræsentanter fra alle kontinenter og 26 lande. Stop The War Coalition i England havde arrangeret konferencen.
Victory for Iraq war resisters in Canada
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 16
Note: US war resisters – soldiers who fled to Canada rather than serve in Iraq – have won a significant victory in their campaign for asylum.
Esme Choonara: People’s Assembly reaffirms opposition to Blair’s war – full report
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 
Note: “We here at this assembly represent the opinions of the people far more than those in houses of parliament,” said Tony Benn, president of the Stop the War Coalition, to hundreds of delegates at the People’s Assembly held in central London on Tuesday.
Simon Assaf: World Against War Conference: Global movement plans next moves
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 6
Note: Delegates representing millions of anti-war campaigners across the world this week pledged themselves to organising demonstrations, protests and rallies to mark the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
For videos of the speeches and the conference declaration go to
World Against War Conference: Unions join fight against the war
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 6
Note: A group of health workers from South Wales came as a delegation to the conference. Shop steward Ian Thomas, who helped to organise the group, told Socialist Worker, “Our union branch unanimously backed this event.
World Against War Conference: Czechs say no to US missiles
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 6
Note: Campaigners from the Czech Republic told the conference about the growing unease over the “new cold war” in central Europe.
World Against War Conference: Europe fights against war
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 6
Note: Brigitte Ostmeyer from the Left Party in Germany spoke of the growing movement against German troops being in Afghanistan.
World Against War Conference: Resisting attack on Iran
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 6
Note: Mohammad Omidvar represents Iran’s Tudeh (Communist) Party. He told the session on Iran about a growing movement for change inside the country.
World Against War conference: Messages from international activists
Socialist Worker nr. 2079, dec 07 – side 8
Note: The international World Against War conference will bring together delegates from five continents. Ibrahim Mousawi, the former editor from Lebanon’s pro-resistance Al-Manar TV station, and Brigitte Ostmeyer of Germany’s Die Linke tell Socialist Worker why they will be attending the conference.
Matthew Cookson: Activists across the globe build a World Against War
Socialist Worker nr. 2078, nov 07 – side 2
Note: Anti-war campaigners from across the globe are heading to London on Saturday 1 December to attend the World Against War conference, organised by the Stop the War Coalition.
Morale in British army reaches an all time low
Socialist Worker nr. 2078, nov 07 – side 2
Note: The occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are producing unease in the army.
Anti-war feeling in colleges helps build day of action
Socialist Worker nr. 2077, nov 07 – side 2
Note: The Stop the War Coalition is mobilising against the US, France and Britain’s threats against Iran. Its recent conference called for two days of action next week to highlight the growing danger of the extension of the “war on terror” to Iran.
Students across the country are mobilising to make the day of action planned for Thursday of next week as big as possible.
Richard Seymour: Resisting the war
Socialist Worker nr. 2077, nov 07 – side 13
Note: The “war on terror” has been opposed at every turn by the global anti-war movement. Now activists must rise to the challenge posed by threats against Iran, writes Richard Seymour
Esme Choonara: Stop the War's vibrant annual conference
Socialist Worker nr. 2075, nov 07 – side 3
Note: The strength and determination of the anti-war movement in Britain was clearly demonstrated at the Stop the War Coalition’s annual conference held in London last Saturday.
Alex Callinicos: Comment: The anti-war movement: the radicals have not gone away
Socialist Worker nr. 2066, sep 07 – side 4
Note: “Where are the students on the rampage?” Polly Toynbee asked plaintively in the Guardian recently. “Compare this inertia with the fury over Vietnam back in the late 1960s, when Britain had no troops in that war.
Chris Bambery: People’s Assembly draws anti-war activists together
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 1
Note: Jahan Hajipour is an Iranian journalist. He took time off work to join a delegation from Sheffield, where he now lives, to the People’s Assembly held in London on Tuesday of this week.
David Karvala: Spain – Italy – Greece: Hundreds of thousands march across the world
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 2
Note: The People’s Assembly in London was part of a series of coordinated protests around the world to mark the fourth anniversary of the disastrous invasion of Iraq.
Megan Trudell: Rifondazione votes for war
International Socialism Journal nr. 113, jan 07 – side 33
Note: Many supporters of Italy’s Rifondazione Comunista party are shocked and disoriented. Three years ago it put itself at the front of Europe’s anti-capitalist movement. But its deputies and senators have now voted to refinance Italian troops in Afghanistan and send Italian troops to Lebanon as a result of choosing to join the centre-left government of Romano Prodi, alongside the social democrats of the Democrat Left and a section of the Christian Democrats.
Iraq will join global anti-war protest
Socialist Worker nr. 1989, feb 06 – side 1
Note: The people of Basra and Baghdad will be joining next month’s global protest against the US and British occupation of Iraq.
Andrew Murray + Jane Shallice: 15 February 2003: the day two million marched for peace
Socialist Worker nr. 1987, feb 06 
Note: Next week sees the third anniversary of the great London demonstration against war in Iraq of 15 February 2003. Andrew Murray, chair of the Stop the War Coalition, and leading anti-war activist Jane Shallice look back.
News update: Galloway in total victory against pro-war Telegraph (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 
Note: Respect MP George Galloway spoke to Socialist Worker immediately after his stunning High Court libel victory
Editorial: Off to a Flying Start
Socialist Review nr. 287, jul 04 – side 5
Note: Problems for New Labour in the elections and Iraq.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Storbritannien: 300.000 satte Bush i husarrest
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 5
Note: Krigsmodstand: George Bush’ statsbesøg i Storbritannien i slutningen af november blev alt andet end det triumftog, han og Blair havde håbet på. Et hav af protester kulminerede i en demonstration den 20. november, der med 300.000 deltagere satte det indre London i stå.
Mikkel Bay + Kristine Haugaard + Danny Morck Jensen: USA set fra neden: Bring them home, now
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 5
Note: 'Bring them on' var Bush' svar, da han blev spurgt om de mange angreb på amerikanske soldater i Irak. Soldaternes familiers svar er 'Bring them home, now!'.
Tag til demonstration i Evian
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 214, maj 03 – side 16
Note: Fra Danmark arrangerer bl.a. Attac busser til de store demonstrationer i forbindelse med G-8 topmødet i den franske by Evian.
Anti-krigsopråb fra European Social Forum i Firenze, nov. 2002: “Til alle medborgere i Europa: Sammen kan vi stoppe denne krig!”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 209, nov 02 – side 3
Note: “Vi, de europæiske folkebevægelser, kæmper for sociale rettigheder, for social retfærdighed og demokrati, og imod alle former af undertrykkelse.”
Jan Hoby: ESF i Firenze: En million i demonstration: Nej til krig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 209, nov 02 – side 5
Note: Over en million deltog i Europa største antikrigsdemonstration i Firenze lørdag d. 9. november. Ved åbningen af ESF var meldingen at vi ville blive ca. 300.000 i demonstrationen, men jo nærmere vi kom lørdag steg tallet, ligesom det gjorde på selve European Social Forum.
Engelsk socialist og studerende: Studenter mod krig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 209, nov 02 – side 6
Note: - At opbygge en antikrigsgruppe fra bunden er forholdsvist let, især på universiteterne. Vi har argumenteret for studenterbaserede grupper, organiseret af studerende og kun løst forbundet til grupper andre steder i byen.
Erfaringer fra England: Antikrigsdag 31. oktober
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 209, nov 02 – side 6
Note: I hundredvis af studerende deltog i en kombineret demonstration og “die-in”, som aktionen blev navngivet. Protesterne foregik på Essex universitetet i Colchester.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Stop krigsvanviddet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 208, nov 02 – side 6
Note: I takt med at Bush kører stadigt større dele af den amerikanske krigsmaskine i stilling i Mellemøsten, opruster den internationale fredsbevægelse også.
Lars Kjær: Storbritannien: Modstand mod Blair
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 197, okt 01 – side 4
Note: Tony Blairs regering er USA’s tætteste allierede i den beskidte krig mod Afghanistan.
Krigsmodstand (int.) Gaza 2009
Se også: Palæstina
Tag til Marxism i London
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 288, apr 09 – side 14
Note: 5-dages seminar med 200 møder samt musik, udstillinger, film og meget mere.
Martin B. Johansen: Efter Gaza-krigen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 16
Note: I januar trak Israel sig efter tre ugers terror ud af Gaza og erklærede sig selv for sejrherre over Hamas og andre palæstinensiske modstandsgrupper.
Lindsey German: In my opinion: The other occupation
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 7
Note: Every mass campaign has its symbols. For me the most moving of the Gaza campaign were the dolls dressed in bloodstained baby clothes, carried by children or teenagers, brought up to the front of demos and cradled in people's arms.
Siân Ruddick: Solidarity with Gaza: Manchester at heart of student rebellion
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 3
Note: Students remain at the forefront of the movement in solidarity with the people of Palestine, with over 25 universities seeing occupations in the last few weeks.
Student occupations keep on spreading
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 3
Note: There have been a number of other occupations in the last week. Students at Goldsmiths, a university in south east London, occupied on Wednesday of last week. The occupation won two scholarships for Palestinians every year for ten years. The university will fully fund these places.
Stop the War: Movement of solidarity for Gaza grows
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 – side 15
Note: Activists across Britain have been stepping up activity around Gaza. Local initiatives have included meetings, collections in workplaces and street stalls to raise awareness and money for the people of Gaza.
Siân Ruddick: Student rebellion spreads across campuses
Socialist Worker nr. 2138, feb 09 – side 16
Note: The past week has seen the 27th occupation start on a university campus in as many days. For students across Britain, the first weeks of term in 2009 look set to shape the politics on campus for many months to come.
Siân Ruddick: Student protests for Palestine remain strong
Socialist Worker nr. 2137, feb 09 – side 16
Note: Resistance to Israel’s aggression and its siege of Gaza has continued to rage on college campuses across Britain.
Dave Crouch: In my opinion: Whose side are you on, BBC?
Socialist Review nr. 333, feb 09 – side 7
Note: The refusal of the BBC's top management to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Gaza aid appeal focused public anger over media coverage of the Israeli assault.
Step up solidarity for Gaza
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 1
Note: After BBC bans humanitarian appeal: Collect money for Palestine | Protest against the siege | Stop arms sales to Israel
Gaza protests still going strong
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 3
Note: Protests and activities in solidarity with the people of Gaza are continuing across Britain, despite Israel’s announcement of a “ceasefire”.
Siân Ruddick: Student occupations light flame of revolt
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 3
Note: Students in Britain have been a dynamic and powerful part of the movement that has sprung up in solidarity with the Palestinians over the last few weeks.
Peter Murray: Union condemns BBC’s decision
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 3
Note: The NUJ journalists’ union says that BBC bosses have betrayed the broadcaster’s public service duty by refusing to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) humanitarian aid appeal for Gaza.
Siân Ruddick: A revival of student militancy over Gaza
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 2
Note: A mood of militancy and radicalism is sweeping Britain’s campuses following Israel’s attack on Gaza.
Mass demonstrations and rallies, as well as occupations, are taking place as growing numbers of students become radicalised.
Activists take to the streets against the slaughter in Gaza
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 2
Note: The scale and breadth of the demonstrations against Israel’s assault on Gaza has underlined a resurgence of the anti-war movement in Britain.
They have also shown the massive shift in attitudes towards Israel that has taken place over the last few years.
Councillors condemn Israeli terror
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 2
Note: Preston council passed an emergency motion last week to condemn Israel’s military attack and economic blockade of Gaza, and to call for the suspension of the economic agreement between the EU and Israel.
It also recognised Hamas as “legitimately and democratically elected representatives of the people in Gaza”.
In Brief: London demo targets Israeli embassy
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 2
Note: Up to 10,000 people attended a rally in Trafalgar Square on Saturday of last week.
Speakers included Lindsey German, the convenor of the Stop the War Coalition, who condemned Israel’s attacks and the West’s continued support for it.
Chris Newlove: In Brief: Mass march in Middlesbrough
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 2
Note: The biggest political demonstration in Middlesbrough’s recent history took place on Saturday of last week, as around 2,500 people filled the streets in support of Palestine.
Beirut conference calls for solidarity with Palestine
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 3
Note: Palestine has become a unifying force across the globe. That was the main sentiment of a conference against imperialism that took place in Lebanon last weekend.
The meeting brought together activists from the Middle East and the rest of the world, including Britain’s Stop the War Coalition and the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste in France.
Gaza protests continue around Britain (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 
Note: Protests against Israel’s assault on Gaza have continued around Britain.
Break Britain’s links with Israel
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 1
Note: Expel the Israeli ambassador | Stop all arms sales
In Brief: Scottish MSPs offer support
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 2
Note: The Scottish parliament has spoken out against the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.
United mass protests in Turkey shake up the region
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 2
Note: The anger at Israel’s assault on Gaza has reached new heights across the region.
One indication of the growing pressure on Israel and its allies is the change in language among politicians long considered friendly to Israel and the West.
Turkey’s prime minister Recep Erdogan told a recent rally that Israel is “perpetrating inhuman actions which would bring it to self-destruction.
Siân Ruddick: Massive protests in solidarity with Gaza
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 3
Note: Last weekend saw hundreds of thousands spilling onto the streets in cities and towns across the world to protest against Israel’s murderous attack on Gaza.
Anger at Obama's silence over Gaza slaughter
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 5
Note: Barack Obama was elected on a wave of hope following eight years of the warmongering neoliberal George Bush.
But Obama’s failure to condemn Israel’s barbaric attack on Gaza has sparked anger among ordinary people.
Soas students occupy university building in solidarity with Gaza (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 
Note: Students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (Soas) in London have occupied the Brunei Gallery Suite in protest at a Ministry of Defence exhibition being held there and in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
Siân Ruddick: Soas student occupation declares victory as university concedes demands (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 
Note: Students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (Soas) occupying the Brunei Gallery in solidarity with Gaza have declared victory after winning significant demands from the university management.
Vladimir Unkovski-Korica + Siân Ruddick: Occupation at London School of Economics over Gaza (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 
Note: Over 40 pro Palestine students occupied a lecture theatre at the London School of Economics (LSE) on Thursday afternoon to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and stops investing in arms companies that supply the Israeli military.

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