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Venstrefløj - teori
Se også: Strategi og taktik; Venstrefløj
Alex Callinicos: Feedback: Anti-politics and the social illusion: A reply to Tietze and Humphrys
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 – side 169
Note: The debate about contemporary “anti-politics” raises important issues, although in my view to frame it in these, sometimes theoretically inflated, terms is misleading. So what is at stake? We are witnessing around the world very widespread disaffection with, not simply established parties, but also the political system that they help constitute. This disaffection embraces a variety of electoral rebellions, and it has also been one of the driving forces in some of the most significant mass movements of recent years.
John Rees: The socialist revolution and the democratic revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 83, jun 99 – side 3
Note: Revolution, like war, was supposedly banished from the world scene a decade ago. In fact, social inequality and class conflict have become more marked in the last decade. But the major revolutionary challenges to the existing order in the last ten years--the revolutionary transformations in East Europe and South Africa and the still continuing Indonesian Revolution have so far resulted in the achievement of parliamentary regimes underpinned by capitalist economic structures. In 'The socialist revolution and the democratic revolution' John Rees looks back at the original democratic transformations, the classical bourgeois revolutions in England, America and France, and compares them with the upheavals of the last ten years. The comparison reveals that today more discriminating approaches are necessary in the field of strategy and organisation if workers' power is to be the outcome of contemporary revolutions.
Miguel Cabrillana + Alan Gibson: Movementism and Marxism: a contribution to debate with Spain’s Movimiento Communista
International Socialism Journal nr. 38, mar 88 – side 105
Robin Burrett: “How many ways to get what you want?”
International Socialism Journal nr. 133, jan 12 – side 218
Note: John Molyneux, Anarchism: A Marxist Criticism (Bookmarks, 2011), £4
Paul Blackledge: Feedback: Anarchism, syndicalism and strategy: A reply to Lucien van der Walt
International Socialism Journal nr. 131, jul 11 – side 189
Note: Lucien van der Walt’s reply to my “Marxism and Anarchism” marks a welcome step forward beyond the all too familiar “non-debate” between Marxist and anarchist tendencies on the revolutionary left.
Lucien van der Walt: Feedback: Counterpower, participatory democracy, revolutionary defence: debating Black Flame, revolutionary anarchism and historical Marxism
International Socialism Journal nr. 130, apr 11 – side 193
Note: This article responds to criticisms of the broad anarchist tradition in International Socialism, an International Socialist Tendency (IST) journal. I will discuss topics such as the use of sources, defending revolutions and freedom, the Spanish anarchists, anarchism and democracy, the historical role of Marxism, and the Russian Revolution.
Ian Birchall: Feedback: Another side of anarchism
International Socialism Journal nr. 127, jul 10 – side 175
Note: Paul Blackledge’s article “Marxism and anarchism” is a most useful contribution. It provides a sound exposition of the fundamental differences between Marxism and anarchism; it is based on careful and thorough documentation and is argued in a sober and unsectarian tone. Yet at times the article only tells half the story.
Leo Zeilig: Book review: Contesting the revolutionary tradition
International Socialism Journal nr. 127, jul 10 – side 220
Note: Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt, Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (AK Press, 2009), £18
Black Flame is the first of a two-volume project that attempts to re-examine the history and theory of “anarchism’s democratic class politics” over the last 150 years. Its scope is wide. The two volumes aim to cover the emergence of 19th century anarchism, the anti-capitalist movements at the start of this century, and the intellectual history of the tradition.
Joseph Choonara: Empire built on shifting sand
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 143
Note: The last few years have not been kind to Antonio Negri. Empire, his most famous book, produced in collaboration with Michael Hardt, heralded the death of imperialism.
Artiklen er oversat til dansk og kan læses på Marxisme Online: Imperiet bygget på flyvesand.
Martin B. Johansen: Michael Hardt og Toni Negri: "Imperiet": Manifest for det 21. århundrede?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 221, nov 03 – side 9
Note: Michael Hardt og Toni Negris bog "Empire" er i oktober udkommet på dansk. Da bogen kom frem for tre år siden, blev den betegnet som "nutidens Kommunistiske Manifest". Men kan disse værker sammenlignes? Hvilken betydning har bogen "Empire" haft for den antikapitalistiske bevægelse?
Alex Callinicos: Toni Negri in perspective
International Socialism Journal nr. 92, sep 01 – side 33
Note: Alex Callinicos develops a critique of Toni Negri, the theorist of autonomism and the figure to whom many of the Black Bloc anarchists look for inspiration. He argues that Negri's theory is an impoverished body of ideas as incapable of providing intellectual guidance to the new movement as the Black Bloc is of providing practical guidance.
Jack Fuller: The new workerism: The politics of the Italian autonomists (Reprint ISJ 2:8, Spring 1980)
International Socialism Journal nr. 92, sep 01 – side 63
Note: Jack Fuller's dissection of the previous phase of autonomist activity was first published in International Socialism in the spring of 1980. We reproduce it here since none of the warnings that it issues about the illusions of autonomism have lost their relevance.
Andy Durgan: Revolutionary Anarchism in Spain: the CNT 1911-37
International Socialism Journal nr. 11, dec 80 – side 93
Note: The origins of Spanish anarchism lie in the birth pangs of a locally weak capitalism and the waves of rural revolt which swept the peninsular in the second half of the nineteenth century. The complex reasons why anarchism should take root so firmly in Spain have been discussed elsewhere. Suffice to say that the peculiar social, economic and political situation in nineteenth century Spain did not bode well for normal trade union practices, particularly in the countryside. Anarchist ideas fitted many of the traditions of Spanish workers, e.g. federalism, and their influence spread partly because they became available in the key formative years of the workers’ movement.
Donny Gluckstein: The rebirth of social democracy
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 123
Note: The arrival of radical politics on the parliamentary stage across many countries has been spectacular. From Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party in the United States to the unexpected election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, the emergence of powerful new parties like Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain, and electoral breakthroughs in Ireland and Portugal, the prominence of left wing electoral projects creates exciting new opportunities for socialists, but also raise many questions.
Charlie Lywood: Alternativ til venstre-reformismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 348, okt 15 – side 9
Note: SYRIZAs afbøjning over for de samlede europæiske herskende klasser rejser alvorlige spørgsmål for os som socialister.
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Two faces of reformism
International Socialism Journal nr. 148, okt 15 – side 3
Note: In our last issue we advised the radical left in Britain to be “open to the sudden fissures that the crisis of the British state can…unexpectedly open up, perhaps making possible a qualitative advance”. And the unexpected came very quickly, and in a particularly surprising form.
Donny Gluckstein: Classical Marxism and the question of reformism
International Socialism Journal nr. 143, jul 14 – side 141
Note: We stand at an unusual place in history, both in Britain and internationally. It is more apparent than ever that while humanity possesses the means to abolish want, we live under an anarchic system that viciously assaults the working class and the poor across the globe. Yet the impact of this realisation on our movement is contradictory.
Paul Blackledge: Feedback: Once more on left reformism: A reply to Ed Rooksby
International Socialism Journal nr. 141, jan 14 – side 189
Note: Ed Rooksby’s response to the Socialist Workers Party’s criticisms of left reformism is exemplary both in its aim and its tone.1 I hope that my reply matches the standards he set. In essence, Ed suggests that the SWP’s conception of left reformism is akin to the claim that all cats are grey in the dark; it says more about our perspective than it does about the variety of political formations we criticise.
Ed Rooksby: “Left Reformism” and socialist strategy
International Socialism Journal nr. 140, okt 13 – side 83
Note: There has been a significant revival of interest among the radical left in “big picture” questions of socialist strategy that, as Mark L Thomas has pointed out, represents a return to “important debates of the left largely absent over the last three decades”.
John Molyneux: Understanding Left Reformism
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 6, jun 13 – side 22
Note: There is something of a vogue for left reformism on the left at the moment. I stress ‘on the left’ because it couldn't yet be described as a societal phenomenon, except with Syriza in Greece. It doesn't generally proclaim itself as left reformism preferring to sail under such flags as ‘fresh thinking’, ‘rethinking the left’ and ‘left unity’. Nevertheless the trend is real and perceptible both in Ireland and internationally.
Nina Holm Jensen: Parlamentarisme?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 5
Note: Hvordan forsvarer vi velfærden mod angreb? Hvad er den bedste vej til forbedringer for arbejderklassen? Hvordan kommer vi tættere på målet om en bedre verden? Spørgsmål som disse har altid optaget socialister.
Tony Cliff: Economic roots of reformism (1957)
Note: Socialist Review 1957.
Alt. url:
Ole Andersen: Den tyske revolution: Reformismens forræderi
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 179, jan 00 – side 9
Dorte Lange: Klassisk reformisme og den marxistiske kritik
International Socialisme nr. 11, jun 97 – side 4
Note: Diskussionen om revolution eller reform som middel til at ændre det kapitalistiske samfund tog for alvor fart, da arbejderklassen organiserede sig politisk i fagforeninger og politiske partier i slutningen af 1800-tallet.
Tom Christiansen: Reformismens krise
International Socialisme nr. 11, jun 97 – side 16
Note: Der er en naturlig sammenhæng mellem de problemer Socialdemokratiet aktuelt står i og den økonomiske nedgang, der har præget den vestlige kapitalistiske økonomi siden 1973, fordi Socialdemokratiet siden 1914 har bundet sin succes sammen med kapitalismens succes.
Chris Harman: From Bernstein to Blair: one hundred years of revisionism
International Socialism Journal nr. 67, jun 95 – side 17
Note: Socialist Worker editor Chris Harman looks at previous attempts by leaders of the labour movement to abandon socialist ideas, and shows how Tony Blair is obliged to be more right wing than his predecessors.
Kevin Corr + Andy Brown: The labour aristocracy and the roots of reformism
International Socialism Journal nr. 59, jun 93 – side 37
Note: 'Labour aristocrats' has long been a term used to explain why some important groups of workers continue to lend their support to the capitalist system. Marx and Engels used the phrase, Lenin developed it into a theory and it's been a staple of left wing writing ever since. But did the labour aristocrats ever exist? And, even if they did, were they such a vital force that they could explain the growth of reformism? Kevin Corr and Andy Brown's essay in labour history separates the myth from the reality.
Pia Larsen: Historien om hvordan reformpartierne holder systemet i gang: Reformismens svøbe
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 26, jan 87 – side 6
Note: DUNCAN HALLAS er ledende medlem af Socialist Workers Party i England og en af IS-bevægelsens stiftere. PIA LARSEN talte med ham, da han var i Danmark i december, om hvordan revolutionære forholder sig til socialdemokraterne og andre reformistiske partier.
Ellen Christensen: Rosa Luxemburg: “Reform eller revolution”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 19, maj 86 – side 9
Note: Diskussionen om mål og midler i kampen for socialismen er lige så gammel som arbejderbevægelsen selv: kan vi få kontrol og magt over samfundet skridt for skridt gennem reformer, eller kan kun en magtovertagelse i en revolution sikre os socialisme?
Ian Birchall: Too much, too little, too late: left Social Democracy in the French Popular Front
International Socialism Journal nr. 13, jun 81 – side 74
Note: Recent developments in the Labour Party seem to have strengthened the case of those who argue that the left can make real gains by working inside mass social-democratic parties. Many Labour Party members believe it is actually possible for the left current in the Party to grow in strength and influence until it dominates the whole Party.
Sue Cockerill: Reply to left reformism
International Socialism Journal nr. 8, mar 80 – side 95
Note: A reply to Bob Rowthorn: “The Alternative Economic Strategy” (this issue) + Geoff Hodgson: “Britain's crisis” (ISJ2:7)
Geoff Hodgson and Bob Rowthorn have both made replies to Jonathan Bearman’s Anatomy of the Bennite Left (International Socialism 2 : 6). This article attempts to take up the points raised by both, particularly in relation to the Alternative Economic Strategy.
Ian Birchall: Social democracy and the Portuguese ‘revolution’
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 71
Note: It is now four years since the hot revolutionary summer of 1975 in Portugal. The Portuguese experience (together with the Italian elections of 1976 and the ‘social contact’ in Britain) marked a crucial turning-point for the European revolutionary left, whose ‘crisis’ Chris Harman analysed in Number 4 of this journal.
Colin Barker: A 'New' Reformism? – A critique of the political theory of Nicos Poulantzas
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 88
Note: For some years now, there has been a welcome revival in Marxist discussion on the State. Two names, above all, have been associated with that discussion: Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas.
Alt. url:
Michael Kidron: Reform and Revolution – Rejoinder to Left Reformism II
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 7, dec 61 – side 15
Note: This article will attempt to take up the case against Left Reformism, as it was presented by Henry Collins in the last issue of International Socialism, at the point where Alasdair MacIntyre left it.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Introduktion til socialisme: Hvad er centrisme?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 310, jul 11 – side 10
Note: Dette mærkelige ord dækker over en organisation, der befinder sig imellem reform og revolution. Begrebet knytter sig især til den tyske socialistiske bevægelse i slutningen af og umiddelbart efter 1. verdenskrig.
Gareth Jenkins: What Do We Mean by: Centrism
Note: Centrism is not something we’re terribly familiar with in British politics. We’re accustomed to dealing with two currents in the labour movement – the majority one of reformism and the tiny minority one of revolutionary socialism.
(From the collection, What do we mean by ...?, Education for Socialists No.6, March 1987.)
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Marxismens betydning: Centrisme – ikke blot et skældsord
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 1, okt 84 – side 7
Note: Centrisme, som betegnelse for en politisk strømning i arbejderklassen mellem reform og revolution og til betegnelse af arbejderpartier, der er revolutionære i ord, men opportunistiske i handling, opstod i perioden under og efter 1. verdenskrig især i Tyskland.
Se også: Syndikalister (DK)
Simon Basketter: Book Review: The revolutionary trade unions
International Socialism Journal nr. 121, jan 09 – side 178
Note: Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism (Ashgate, 2008), £60
According to the syndicalist Tom Mann, “The object of the unions is to wage the class war and take every opportunity of scoring against the enemy.” One cannot imagine such a statement passing the lips of a single trade union leader today, and this helps illuminate the inspiration provided by “syndicalism”—the revolutionary trade unionism that sprang up across the world in the first couple of decades of the 20th century.
Chris Bambery: Syndicalism and the limits of radical trade unionism
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 13
Note: Chris Bambery looks at the issues raised by some fascinating debates between revolutionaries and left wing trade unionists in the early 20th century.
Phil Taylor: What Do We Mean by: Syndicalism
Note: Though the term “syndicalism” is widely used on the left today, often as a term of abuse, syndicalist organisations are extremely rare. This was not always the case.
(From the collection, What do we mean by ...?, Education for Socialists No.6, March 1987.)
Tony Cliff: The tragedy of A J Cook
International Socialism Journal nr. 31, mar 86 – side 69
Note: A J Cook was a leader of the miners during the 1926 General Strike
Janet Ure-Smith: A J Cook and the limits of syndicalism
Socialist Review nr. 66, jun 84 – side 7
Note: Fleet Street thrives on images of Arthur Scargill as a power-crazed, egocentric madman. But Scragill is not the first miners’ leader to have newspaper editors foaming at the mouth. Here Jane Ure Smith recalls another.
(Page 8)
Ian Birchall: Stalin’s river of blood
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 – side 14
Note: On the 60th anniversary of the death of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, Ian Birchall looks at his life and how his politics damaged the idea of socialism for decades.
Julie Waterson: The party at its peak (Nina Fishman: "The British Communist Party and the Trade Unions, 1933-45")
International Socialism Journal nr. 69, dec 95 – side 77
Lee Sustar: Communism in the heart of the beast (Michael E Brown, Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten and George Snedeker (eds): "New Studies in the Politics and Culture of US Communism")
International Socialism Journal nr. 68, sep 95 – side 81
Note: Lee Sustar reviews a history of the US Communist Party
Richard Greeman: The return of Comrade Tulayev: Victor Serge and the tragic vision of Stalinism
International Socialism Journal nr. 58, mar 93 – side 79
Note: Victor Serge, the great revolutionary chronicler of the Russian revolution, was also a fine novelist. The greatest of his fiction, The Case of Comrade Tulayev, has just been re-published after 20 years. In an article extracted from his forthcoming biography of Serge, Richard Greeman examines Serge the artist and Serge the anti-Stalinist, carefully tracing the links between art and life.
Alex Callinicos: Rhetoric which cannot conceal a bankrupt theory: a reply to Ernest Mandel
International Socialism Journal nr. 57, dec 92 – side 147
Note: Alex Callinicos replies to Ernest Mandel's article printed in our previous issue.
Chris Bambery: The decline of the Western Communist Parties
International Socialism Journal nr. 49, dec 90 – side 3
Philip Spencer: The ‘left’ face of Eurocommunism
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 92
Note: It is becoming something of a cliche in the revolutionary left these days to analyse the phenomenon of Eurocommunism in terms of the Social Democratisation of the Communist Parties of the advanced capitalist countries.
Notes of the Month: Eurocommunism: Euro CPs & the crisis
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 103, nov 77 – side 5
Note: The current strategy of the major Western European Communist parties is to prove that they are responsible and respectable candidates for the role of rationalising and modernising their ‘own’ local national capitalism in the face of a capitalist crisis. To do this they need to present themselves both as potentially safe governing parties and as capable of controlling the response of the working class.
Duncan Hallas: Communism and Stalinism (On John Golan’s Social Democracy: Some Problems)
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 87, apr 76 – side 25
Note: Just over 20 years ago this month (to be precise, on the 24th and 25th February 1956), Nikita S. Khrushchev, then First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, delivered his “secret speech” to the twentieth Congress of the CPSU.
Tom Gordon: Book Review: State, power and bureaucracy
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 200
Note: A review of Thomas M Twiss, Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy (Brill/Haymarket, 2015), £25.99
The theory of bureaucratic state capitalism in Russia and elsewhere characterises the International Socialist Tendency and distinguishes us from most other Marxist parties worldwide. So a study of the development of Leon Trotsky’s ideas on the Russian bureaucracy is of particular interest. This book reveals one of the greatest Marxists struggling to come to terms with a wholly new ­phenomenon, the Stalinist bureaucracy.
Alex Callinicos: Trotskyism (1990)
Alex Callinicos: The Anti-Capitalist Movement and the Revolutionary Left
Chris Harman: Movie with an open ending
Socialist Review nr. 241, maj 00 – side 21
Note: How can we understand the world system at the moment? Chris Harman shows how Tony Cliff made sense of the contradictions and crises of the 1990s.
Alt. url: Reds - Die Roten
Alex Callinicos: State in debate (Ernest Haberkern and Arthur Lipow (eds): "Neither Capitalism nor Socialism: Theories of Bureaucratic Colllectivism")
International Socialism Journal nr. 73, dec 96 – side 117
Chris Bambery: The politics of James P Cannon
International Socialism Journal nr. 36, sep 87 – side 49
Alex Callinicos: Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution and its relevance to the Third World Today
International Socialism Journal nr. 16, mar 82 – side 98
Note: Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution is one of the half a dozen most important contributions to Marxism since the time of its founders. The appearance of a serious study of the theory by Michael Löwy, the author of excellent books on the young Marx and on Lukacs, is, therefore, to be welcomed.
Pete Goodwin: Beyond the fragments
International Socialism Journal nr. 9, jun 80 – side 95
Note: It is now something like a year since the publication of Beyond the fragments by Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright. It has had, on the face of things, a striking success.
Daniel Bensaïd: The roots of the crisis
International Socialism Journal nr. 9, jun 80 – side 118
Note: The extreme left in Europe is in crisis. The description of it given in Chris Harman’s article (IS 2 : 4) is a significant one.
Tony Cliff: Trotsky om “substitutionismen”
Proletar! nr. 6, nov 73 – side 24
Note: Oversat af Brian Gooseman og Tage Bild fra “Party and Class” (Essays by Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, Chris Harman and Leon Trotsky), Pluto Press, London 1972
Alt. url: Original-tekst (engelsk)
Paul Mattick: Review: Mandel’s Economics: Another View
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 37, jun 69 – side 35
Note: In the last issue of International Socialism we printed a review of Mandel’s book[1] by Michael Kidron. We are now printing another review of the same book by the American Marxist, Paul Mattick.
4. Internationale historie
Alex Callinicos: Daniel Bensaïd (25 March 1946-12 January 2010)
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 
Note: The SWP’s Alex Callinicos has sent the following message to comrades in the NPA.
Duncan Hallas: Introduction to "Origins of the International Socialists" (1971)
Duncan Hallas: Building the Leadership (1969) (critique of the politics of the Socialist Labour League)
Duncan Hallas: Fourth International in decline: from Trotskyism to Pabloism 1944-1953 (1973)
Natalia Sedova Trotskij: Natalya Trotsky Breaks with the Fourth International (1951)
Note: Letter sent by Natalia Sedova Trotsky to the leadership of the Fourth International and of the Socialist Workers’ Party, breaking off all political connection with these organisations.
Duncan Hallas: Trotskijs marxisme (kap. 5: Arven) (1979)
Jørgen Lund: 4. Internationales fallit: Skred gennem 50 år
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 43, okt 88 – side 9
Note: I år er det 50 år siden, at 4. Internationale blev dannet. De var fra starten meget små og politisk svage. Efter Trotskijs død ændrede de deres opfattelse af stalinismen. De stalinistiske lande blev alle til arbejderstater, og dermed blev stalinismen en progressiv, historisk kraft.
Duncan Hallas: Trotsky's Heritage – on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the 4th International
International Socialism Journal nr. 40, sep 88 – side 53
Alex Callinicos: Their Trotskyism and ours
International Socialism Journal nr. 22, dec 83 – side 117
Note: During the last of the many debates of his long career as a revolutionary Leon Trotsky wrote an article entitled: From a Scratch – to the Danger of Gangrene. The article was aimed at a faction within the American section of the Fourth International (the Shachtmanites) which rejected Trotsky’s characterisation of Russia as a degenerated workers’ state. Trotsky’s theme was that this specific criticism would lead eventually to the abandonment of revolutionary Marxism in its entirety.
SWP Visitors: The FI’s XIth World Congress
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 120
Note: The First Congress of the Fourth International was held in 1938. In the forty-one years between then and the XIth World Congress there have been major wars, revolutions and social upheavals of all kinds. It is most unlikely that the next forty years will be any less stormy. It is therefore a matter of some importance to examine closely the nature and possibilities of an organisation whose claim is that it is “The World Party of Socialist Revolution.”
Alex Callinicos + Pete Goodwin: On the perspectives of the Fourth International
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 97
Note: The debate on the perspectives of the Fourth International takes place in the context of the forthcoming 11th World Congress of that body, to which we, in the SWP, have been invited for the first time. We will be attending as observers and the exchange published here is part of this process.
John Ross + Tariq Ali + Brian Grogan: Reply to the central committee of the Socialist Workers’ Party
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 113
Note: A reply to Alex Callinicos & Pete Goodwin: “On the perspectives of the Fourth International” in this issue.
The decision to invite the Socialist Workers Party to attend the eleventh World Congress and to comment on our discussion has already proved fruitful. The fraternal response by Pete Goodwin and Alex Callinicos means that a dialogue could result, at the very least, in political clarity and at best by a narrowing of the differences and a drawing closer between the Fourth International and the SWP.
Pete Goodwin: ‘Razor-sharp factional minds’ – the F.I. debates Kampuchea
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 106
Note: Our party, the SWP, was born out of Trotskyism. We were conceived, in the Trotskyist movement of the late 1940s on the basis of our different analysis of Stalinist Russia and the other so-called socialist countries.
Chris Harman: Review: Mandel’s ‘Late Capitalism’
International Socialism Journal nr. 1, jul 78 – side 79
Note: Ernest Mandel: “Late Capitalism”
We are four and a half years into the worst world crisis since World War II and there seems to be no end to it in sight. An understanding of this crisis is central to the strategy and tactics of revolutionary socialism. Are we faced with a temporary hiccough in the upward curve of capitalism? Or are we in for decades of decline for the world system?
IS-tendensen historie
Se også: IS/ISU
IS/U: Krisen i SWP
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 334, dec 13 
Note: Socialist Workers Party (SWP) i Storbritannien er i en stor krise, som nu har været over et år. Partiet, som er den største revolutionære, socialistiske organisation i Storbritannien, står i december overfor dets tredje kongres på et år.
Christian Høgsbjerg + Nigel Harris: Tony Cliff rediscovered
International Socialism Journal nr. 132, okt 11 – side 175
Note: Two reviews of Ian Birchall, Tony Cliff: A Marxist For His Time (Bookmarks, 2011), £15
Ian Birchall + Joseph Choonara: Talkin’ ‘bout a revolutionary
International Socialism Journal nr. 131, jul 11 – side 207
Note: Joseph Choonara spoke to Ian Birchall, author of Tony Cliff: A Marxist for his Time (Bookmarks, 2011), which looks at the life of the founder of the International Socialist tradition,
Ian Birchall: Chris Harman: a life in the struggle
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 55
Note: I first met Chris Harman in the spring of 1963, in Peter Sedgwick’s attic. We had gone to Liverpool for a meeting of the Young Socialist paper Young Guard.
Joseph Choonara: Another side of Chris Harman
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 85
Note: For those of us who joined the Socialist Workers Party from the mid-1990s—too late to have worked closely with Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, Paul Foot or Mike Kidron—Chris Harman played a special role. For one thing, he seemed more than anyone else to embody what had drawn us towards the International Socialist tradition, not just the theories of state capitalism, deflected permanent revolution and the permanent arms economy, but also the possibility of workers’ self-emancipation that these theories helped to maintain.
Andy Durgan: A whiff of tear gas
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 127
Note: Upon joining the Dagenham and Ilford International Socialists in late 1972 I was offered a special bargain price package of reading material. I eagerly devoured what was a fairly mixed selection of work but one pamphlet stood out: Chris Harman’s How the Revolution was Lost. Having flirted with Stalinism, here were all the arguments I had been looking for.
Panos Garganas: Chris Harman 1942-2009
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 18
Note: Chris Harman died as he lived, in the struggle. He was a formidable intellectual but his integrity and unassuming approach meant that perhaps only now the impact of his life and work is fully appreciated.
Choi Il-bung: Chris Harman: A man of political clarity
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 20
Note: I first met Chris in London just before Marxism 1990. My first impression was that he seemed argumentative and particularly so towards me, a former orthodox Trotskyist with a mishmash of vague ideas.
Graham Turner: Chris Harman: A masterful book
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 20
Note: Zombie Capitalism is a masterful book, a culmination of Chris Harman's work spanning four decades as one of the world's leading Marxist economists. The timing of his passing is both tragic and deeply ironic.
Mary Phillips: Chris Harman: He never thought of himself as too important
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 21
Note: All Chris's publications are important, but two in particular stand out for me. One is a pamphlet called Is a Machine After Your Job? It deals with the way employers use new technology to get more work out of fewer people without giving them more leisure time.
Larry Elliott: Chris Harman: A thinker and a polemicist
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 21
Note: The last time I saw Chris Harman he was in his element.
A year into the most ferocious financial and economic crisis since the 1930s, we were sharing a platform at the Marxism conference in central London. We were both trying, probably unsuccessfully, not to sound smug.
Chris Harman: 1942–2009
International Socialism Journal nr. 124, okt 09 
Note: Readers of International Socialism will be sad to hear the tragic news that Chris Harman died on Friday 6 November in Cairo where he was speaking at a conference.
Ian Birchall: When Rosmer reviewed Cliff
International Socialism Journal nr. 103, jun 04 – side 159
Note: Book reviews include a newly discovered review of Tony Cliff's first book ("Stalin's Satellites in Europe").
Alfred Rosmer: Cliff's first book ("Stalin's Satellites in Europe")
International Socialism Journal nr. 103, jun 04 – side 163
Note: Book reviews include a newly discovered review of Tony Cliff's first book.
Chris Harman: Thinking it through: A Blast from the Past (Tony Cliff: "Marxist Theory after Trotsky")
Socialist Review nr. 276, jul 03 – side 16
Note: Correct revolutionary theory requires correct revolutionary practice.
Ian Birchall: Michael Kidron (1930-2003)
International Socialism Journal nr. 99, jun 03 – side 103
Note: Mike Kidron, who died recently, was the founding editor of this journal 43 years ago. Ian Birchall introduces a selection of extracts from his early editorials, spanning, among other things, pacifism and the bomb, confronting Nazis on our streets, and the role of the theoretical journal.
Ian Birchall: 'Parrots have never made a revolution' (Tony Cliff: "Selected Writings Volume Two: In the Thick of Workers' Struggle")
Socialist Review nr. 262, apr 02 – side 18
Note: Attacks on Labour and trade union leaders, as well as the occasional anecdote, makes Tony Cliff's second volume of selected writings essential reading says Ian Birchall
Ian Birchall: The Smallest Mass Party in the World (1975-1981)
Note: The first two sections of this pamphlet were written in 1973. The final section was written in early 1981. It offers an outline history of the Socialist Review Group/International Socialists/Socialist Workers Party over a period of thirty years.
Jakob Kappel: Anmeldelse: Tony Cliff: “Marxism at the Millenium”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 8
Note: Nylig afdøde Tony Cliff, stifter af IS-tendensen, har med Marxism at the Millenium efterladt en fremragende essaysamling, der dækker en bred vifte af emner fra den russiske revolution til Seattle – alle med en klar teoretisk og praktisk marxistisk fortolkning af verden.
Ahmed Shawki + Tony Cliff: 50 år med den Internasjonale Sosialistiske tradisjonen
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 2, jun 98 
Note: Ahmed Shawki intervjuer Tony Cliff
Part of the tradition (interview with leading OSE members)
Socialist Review nr. 118, mar 89 – side 20
Note: OSE recently voted to become part of the International Socialist Tendency
Alex Callinicos: Maoism, Stalinism and the Soviet Union
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 80
Note: Review: Charles Bettelheim: "Class struggles in the USSR – First period: 1917-1923, Second period: 1923-1930" – 2 vols
Nigel Harris: Leninisme – Stalinisme – Maoisme
Proletar! nr. 8, maj 74 – side 21
Det ny venstre
Debate on the European Revolutionary Left: Introduction
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 108
Note: Chris Harman’s article The Crisis of the European revolutionary left (International Socialism 2 : 4) has aroused interest on the part of revolutionaries in several countries. Written comments have been received from several sources, including the one from Riccardo Albione (DP, Italy) published in our last issue, but perhaps the most interesting development has been a conference, held in Paris in October, which took Harman’s article as the main starting point.
Bernard Navaculles (OCT, France): Crisis of the revolutionary left: a view from France
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 110
Note: Chris Harman’s article on the Crisis of the revolutionary left in Europe (International Socialism no. 2 : 4, Spring 1979) sheds light on a discussion which is crucial for militants. It is a fact that since 1976 the organisations which were born around 1968 have been, each in turn, afflicted by the same ailments, with similar symptoms, and without doubt due to similar causes.
MC (Movimiento Comunista, Spain): On the crisis of the new revolutionary left in Europe
International Socialism Journal nr. 7, dec 79 – side 115
Note: We will begin with two qualifications. The ‘revolutionary left’ is not a homogenous grouping. It includes various organisations that emerged in the 60s and 70s, all of them opposed to the old reformist parties, but not always clearly distinguished from them politically and ideologically. Furthermore the appearance and development of these new parties was powerfully affected by the various national conditions.
Riccardo Albione: On the Italian revolutionary left
International Socialism Journal nr. 6, sep 79 – side 137
Note: We have begun to receive some contributions to Chris Harman's major article on the revolutionary left in Europe published in International Socialism 2:4, and we are including the first of them, by Riccardo Albione on Italy, in this issue.
Chris Harman: Crisis of the European Revolutionary Left
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 49
Note: The European revolutionary left has been undergoing a general crisis for the last two and a half years. In country after country the largest organisations have been paralysed by political confusion, leading in many cases to splits, in some to complete disintegration.
Colin Barker: A 'New' Reformism? – A critique of the political theory of Nicos Poulantzas
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 88
Note: For some years now, there has been a welcome revival in Marxist discussion on the State. Two names, above all, have been associated with that discussion: Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas.
Alt. url:
Mike Simons: The Red and the Green – socialists and the ecology movement
International Socialism Journal nr. 37, dec 87 – side 50

Der blev fundet 106 artikler


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