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Tema: Religion

Kate Davison: Atheism, secularism and religious freedom: Debates within the German left
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 55
Note: Debates in Germany in recent years around the wearing of the hijab, Islamic religious instruction in schools, circumcision and claims of a “Salafist” threat continue to demonstrate the importance for Marxists to be clear on the question of religious freedom. Under the cover of defending “Western” culture—always “defined” as “Christian-Jewish” or Christianity-based—these controversial discussions have created an atmosphere of hostility and suspicion, offering renewed opportunities for racists and reactionaries.
Graham Mustin: Religion and revolution in the Middle Ages
International Socialism Journal nr. 147, jul 15 – side 179
Note: In International Socialism 141 Roland Boer gives a fascinating account of how Luther Blissett’s novel Q is “a stunning reclamation of the revolutionary Christian tradition for a whole generation of anti-capitalist activists”.
Roland Boer: “All things are in common”: theology and politics in Luther Blissett’s Q
International Socialism Journal nr. 141, jan 14 – side 139
Note: The long and wildly popular novel Q is a stunning reclamation of the revolutionary Christian tradition for a whole generation of anti-capitalist activists. Written by the radical Italian collective, Luther Blissett (now Wu Ming, “nobody”), it was first published online in Italian in 1999.
Amy Gilligan: Review: Materialism vs creationism
International Socialism Journal nr. 134, apr 12 – side 213
Note: John Bellamy Foster, Brett W Clark and Richard York, Critique of Intelligent Design (Monthly Review Press, 2008), £10.95
Intelligent design—the notion that the complexity we see in the universe could only have arisen due to the intervention of a “designer” or creator—has seen somewhat of a resurgence in the 21st century. Particularly in the US, right wing fundamentalist Christians have attempted to force schools to teach intelligent design alongside evolutionary theory in an attempt to provide credibility for their ideas as “science”.
Roland Boer: The full story: Marxism and religion
International Socialism Journal nr. 123, jul 09 – side 161
Note: “Religion is the main cause of wars and conflicts through history.” How often do we hear that old idealist argument used in our day of renewed global conflict? In an earlier issue of this journal John Molyneux wrote a useful response to that position. I would like to offer a critical reply to Molyneux, pointing out where he falls short but also developing one or two points further.
Neil Davidson: Book Review: Terry Eagleton: Reason, Faith and Revolution
Socialist Review nr. 337, jun 09 – side 25
Note: In this very welcome contribution to the current debate on religion, Terry Eagleton has two central objectives. One is to dismantle the pretensions of leading figures among the New Atheists, above all Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, whom he conflates into a single entity called "Ditchkins".
His other objective is likely to be more controversial with readers of Socialist Review. Eagleton, rightly focusing on Christianity rather than Islam, argues that the genuine radicalism of original religion was abandoned (the relevant chapter is actually called "The Revolution Betrayed") following its institutionalisation and subsequent accommodation to power
John Molyneux: More than opium: Marxism and religion
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 51
Note: About 20 years ago I spoke on “Marxism and religion” at the Socialist Workers Party Easter Rally in Skegness. I began, roughly, with the words, “Today, in Britain, religion—fortunately—is not a major political issue.” Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Today religion, or rather one religion in particular, namely Islam, is at the centre of political debate.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Marx og religion
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 11
Note: Mange af de angreb, som muslimer oplever i dag, er de samme som jøderne blev udsat for på Marx tid. Liberale tænkere hånede religion, og så religion som det afgørende problem i kampen for frihed. Marx mente, at det at se på religion på en så snæver måde, skjulte for det større billede af samfundet og derved også de grundlæggende problemer vi i dag har.
Jørn Andersen: Socialister og religion
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 12
Note: Mange kender citatet fra Marx om, at “Religion er opium for folket”. Det stammer fra indledningen til “Kritik af den hegelske retsfilosofi” og er skrevet i 1844. Udtalelsen markerer, at marxister er de mest grundlæggende og konsekvente kritikere af religion.
Paul Blackledge: Not just opium
International Socialism Journal nr. 113, jan 07 – side 191
Note: A review of Scott Mann, Heart of a Heartless World: Religion as Ideology (Black Rose Books, 1999), £13.99
How should socialists relate to social movements whose aims are informed by religious ideas? A moment’s consideration of this problem is enough to suggest that a simple answer is precluded by the very diversity of such movements.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: Teori for bevægelsen: Marx og religion
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 253, mar 06 – side 8
Note: Mange af de angreb, som muslimer oplever i dag, er de samme som jøderne blev udsat for på Marx tid. Liberale tænkere hånede religion, og så religion som det afgørende problem i kampen for frihed. Marx mente, at det at se på religion på en så snæver måde, skjulte for det større billede af samfundet.
Jørn Andersen: Socialister og religion
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 248, nov 05 – side 8
Note: Mange kender citatet fra Marx om, at "Religion er opium for folket". Udtalelsen markerer, at marxister er de mest grundlæggende og konsekvente kritikere af religion. Men marxisters konkrete, politiske angreb er ikke rettet mod troende eller tilhængere af religiøse bevægelser, men mod de institutioner, der binder religionen til den herskende orden.
Hazel Croft: Religion, rebellion & reaction
Socialist Worker nr. 1779, dec 01 – side 10
Note: It is clear to anyone who looks around the world today that religious ideas still retain huge influence among millions. Why do people still look to religion, and what attitude should socialists take?
Kjetil Kvist: "Stopp kristentvang i skolen" – en kritikk
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 2, jun 98 
Note: Sosialister har lange tradisjoner å forsvare når det kommer til kritikk av religionen og kristendomsundervisningen – og la det være sagt; Andreas forsvarer dem godt. Men jeg føler at det er flere punkter Andreas ikke belyser godt nok.
Anders Schou: Mennesket skabte Gud
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 149, dec 96 – side 6
Note: De “faste” kristne værdier, som det er så populært at hylde, spænder fra jøders oprør mod romersk imperialisme til inkvisitionens afbrænding og tortur af hekse og kættere.
Nina Holm Jensen: Religion er folkets opium: Et svar på en verden i kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 123, nov 95 – side 6
Note: Religion er et forsøg på, at finde et svar på den kaotiske verden vi lever i. Men religionen løser intet.
Alex Callinicos: In a heartless world
Socialist Review nr. 119, apr 89 – side 14
Note: Following the Rushdie affair, Alex Callinicos looks at the Marxist view of religion
John Rose: Review: Early chapters of the Jewish story
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 205
Note: Simon Schama, The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000BCE-1492CE (Bodley Head, 2013), £25
This book’s greatest strength is that it tackles the plethora of fresh archaeological evidence that is challenging some taken for granted assumptions about Jewish history.
John Rose: Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish Question—a reappraisal
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 121
Note: At some point, quite early on in our revolutionary “careers”, Jewish students of the 1968 generation had to confront On the Jewish Question written by the young Karl Marx in 1843.
Hal Draper: Marx and the Economic-Jew Stereotype (1977) (Karl Marx: "On the Jewish Question" (1843))
Note: From Hal Draper, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution, Vol.1: State and Bureaucracy, Monthly Review, New York 1977, pp.591-608.
Ann Rogers: Marxismen og det jødiske spørgsmål
Socialistisk Revy nr. 4, maj 98 – side 23
Note: I år fejrer den israelske stat 50-års fødselsdag. Zionismen og Israels undertrykkelse af palæstinenserne forsvares tit ved at henvise til jødeforfølgelsen. Ann Rogers skriver om Abram Leons bog The Jewish Question, der forkaster zionismen og undersøger myter og realiteter bag antisemitismen.
Editorial: Pope Benedict and a history of bigotry
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 12
Note: The Roman Catholic church has never been averse to taking reactionary positions on a whole range of political issues.
But even critics of the church will have been taken aback by Pope Benedict’s latest move – revoking the excommunication of four bishops associated with the Society of St Pius X (SSPX).
John Rose: Jesus: history's most famous missing person
International Socialism Journal nr. 85, dec 99 – side 73
Note: The Millennium seems a good moment to examine the event that defines the Christian calendar, the birth of Jesus. John Rose examines the historical evidence for the existence of Jesus in the context of social conflict in the Roman Empire.
Se også: Muslim-hetz; Muhammed-krisen 2005-6
Ron Margulies: What are we to do with Islam? The case of Turkey
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 85
Note: The question of the relationship between socialists on the one hand and Muslims and Islamic organisations on the other is of burning relevance both in the West and, even more so, in the countries of the Middle East.
Memet Uludag: Happy Ramadan!
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 13, jun 15 – side 82
Note: Some years ago a rumour arose regarding a visit Vladimir Lenin made to Ireland. The rumour proved false, but one person whose philosophy Lenin built his soviet ideals on, did visit Ireland.
Hassan Mahamdallie: Islamophobia: the othering of Europe’s Muslims
International Socialism Journal nr. 146, apr 15 – side 45
Note: Islamophobia has become the predominant form of racism in Europe today. It is proving to be potent and multifaceted, manifesting itself at state, popular and party political level. It represents a profoundly divisive force, not least because the “Muslim question” is a central component of the “war on terror” characterised by those prosecuting it as an elemental struggle for the very survival of Western civilisation and Enlightenment values.
Sameh Naguib: The Islamists and the Egyptian Revolution
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 14
Note: Egyptian socialist Sameh Naguib looks at the role of Islamists in the Egyptian Revolution
Jakob L. Krogh: Boganmeldelse: Der er et yndigt land – om kvindekamp og antiracisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 13
Note: Rikke Andreassens bog er en gave til socialister, feminister og antiracister. Hun har analyseret mediernes dækning af synlige minoriteter, dvs. ikke-hvide indvandrere fra 1971 til 2007.
Hassan Mahamdallie: Britain: Muslim working class struggles
International Socialism Journal nr. 113, jan 07 – side 93
Note: One product of the demonisation of Britain’s Muslims by those forces desperate to provide a scapegoat for the fallout from the ‘war on terror’ has been a concerted effort to separate them out from the rest of society, to make them seem ‘alien’ and culturally distant—especially in the eyes of the wider working class. These attacks obscure the reality that the majority of Muslims (though not all, of course) belong to the working class.
Chris Harman: Between ritual and revolt
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 218
Note: A review of Ali Rahnema (ed): "Pioneers of the Islamic Revival" (Zed books, 2006), £18.95
Salma Yaqoob: Salma Yaqoob på “Marxism 2005”: Muslimer og socialister – stå sammen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 252, feb 06 – side 9
Note: Salma Yaqoob er ledende muslimsk anti-krigsaktivist i Storbritannien. Hun stillede op som parlamentskandidat for Respect i Birmingham og blev nummer to med 27% af stemmerne. Her taler hun til Socialist Workers Partys seminar "Marxism 2005" få dage efter bomberne i London den 7. juli 2005.
Hassan Mahamdallie: More than the mosque (Humayun Ansari: "The Infidel Within: Muslims in Britain since 1800")
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 184
Note: A review of Humayun Ansari, The Infidel Within: Muslims in Britain since 1800 (Hurst & Company, 2004), £16.50
Chris Harman: Book reviews: Contested values (Olivier Roy: "Globalised Islam: The Search for the New Ummah" + Mariam Abou Zahab & Olivier Roy: "Islamist Networks: The Afghan-Pakistan Connection" + Muzaffar Alam: "The Languages of Political Islam: India 1200-1800")
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 184
Note: Nine years ago Olivier Roy wrote a book entitled The Failure of Political Islam. It was a book which demanded to be taken seriously, since he is one of the few Westerners to provide a serious account for a general readership of what has variously been called ‘political Islam’, ‘Islamism’ or ‘Islamic fundamentalism’.
Anne Alexander: Islam through the looking-glass (Gilbert Achcar: "Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror")
International Socialism Journal nr. 104, sep 04 – side 127
Note: A review of Gilbert Achcar, Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror (Monthly Review, 2004), £12.99
Antoine Boulangé: The hijab, racism and the state
International Socialism Journal nr. 102, mar 04 – side 3
Note: When right wing French prime minister Raffarin introduced a law banning the wearing of Muslim headscarves in schools, he fanned the flames of a debate with implications that stretch far beyond the borders of France. Most of the French left supported the ban on the basis of protecting 'secularity' and the values of the republic. Antoine Boulangé argues that they mistakenly put an abstract idea of equality above the civil rights of Muslims in an Islamophobic post-9/11 world.
Salma Yaqoob: Global and local echoes of the anti-war movement: a British Muslim perspective
International Socialism Journal nr. 100, sep 03 – side 39
Note: Islamophobia has underpinned much of the ideology of the 'war on terror'. The left has not always been immune to such ideas. Salma Yaqoob draws on her experience as the chairperson of the Birmingham Stop the War Coalition, and as a British Muslim, to suggest how progressive alliances can overcome preconception and prejudice.
Sam Ashman: Islam and imperialism (Tariq Ali: "The Clash of Fundamentalisms")
International Socialism Journal nr. 95, jun 02 – side 125
Phil Marfleet: Islam: Force for change?
Socialist Review nr. 257, nov 01 – side 16
Note: Phil Marfleet looks at the appeal and limits of Islamic activism
Anders Schou: Islamisk fundamentalisme: Et forkert svar på undertrykkelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 197, okt 01 – side 5
Note: På den ene side er fundamentalismen en reaktionær ideologi, som undertrykker kvinder og homoseksuelle og er fjendtlig overfor socialister og arbejderbevægelsen. På den anden side er islamisk fundamentalisme mange undertryktes – ganske vist forkerte svar – på en verden, som nægter dem alt, der bare kan minde om social tryghed.
Phil Marshall: The children of Stalinism
International Socialism Journal nr. 68, sep 95 – side 117
Note: A comment on Chris Harman's article on Islam, 'The Prophet and the Proletariat', (ISJ2:64)
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Bag sløret
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 110, dec 94 – side 9
Note: Islams voksende indflydelse i Mellemøsten og blandt indvandrere i Vesteuropa er af mange blevet tolket som en trussel mod det moderne vesten og alle dens rettigheder som fx ytringsfrihed og kvindefrigørelse.
Ellen Christensen: Islamisk fundamentalisme: Trussel mod de herskende
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 110, dec 94 – side 12
Note: Langt ind på venstrefløjen hersker den opfattelse, at islam er lig tilbagevenden til den sorteste middelalder. Men er det en berettiget holdning?
Anders Schou: Islam: Vestens skræmmebillede
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 11
Note: Den muslimske tro er efterhånden etableret som den vestlige verdens nye skræmmebillede. Men fundamentalisme udspringer af andre forhold end religionen.
Chris Harman: The prophet and the proletariat
International Socialism Journal nr. 64, sep 94 – side 3
Note: [Alt. URL]
Islamic fundamentalism is rapidly emerging as the ideology that Western politicians and media pundits most like to hate. The kind of abuse once reserved for `Communism' is now directed at the Islamic movements which threaten to destabilise key areas of Western influence in the Middle East and beyond. But the campaign against Islamism has found allies on the left among those fearful that it threatens an irrationalist, even fascist, backlash.
Chris Harman charts a careful course through the contradictions of Islamism, revealing its class roots and arguing that when the Islamists are in opposition the socialist attitude should be `with the state never, with Islamism sometimes'. He goes on to show in which circumstances Islamism plays a reactionary role and in which circumstances the Islamists challenge the establishment.
Phil Marshall + Phil Marshall: Bookwatch: Islamic activism in the Middle East
International Socialism Journal nr. 60, sep 93 – side 157
Note: Phil Marshall reviews the literature on the Islamic revival in the Middle East.
Phil Marshall: Islamic fundamentalism – oppression and revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 40, sep 88 – side 1
Phil Marshall + Phil Marshall: Islamisk fundamentalisme – undertrykkelse og revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 40, sep 88 
Note: Udgivet som pjece af Internationale Socialisters Forlag
Phil Marshall: Islamischer Fundamentalismus – Unterdrückung und Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 40, sep 88 
Phil Marfleet: Islam and Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 37

Der blev fundet 49 artikler


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