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Tema: Sport

Brian Richardson: Muhammad Ali – en folkets kæmper
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 
Note: Muhammad Ali fascinerede verden, da han blev verdensmester i sværvægtsboksning i 1964. Han kombinerede ekstraordinær ynde og hurtighed i ringen med en stor personlighed udenfor.
Des Barrow: Review: Love football—hate Fifa
International Socialism Journal nr. 144, okt 14 – side 214
Note: Dave Zirin, Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy (Haymarket, 2014), £11.99
Dave Zirin is a left wing sports writer from the United States who has written extensively on the Olympics, including a biography of John Carlos. Here he digs beneath the shiny surface of Brazil projected by the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) and details how they are using mega sporting events—the 2014 football world cup and 2016 Olympic Games—both to promote an image (of a stable democracy and a powerhouse economy), and as tools with which to further their neoliberal project.
Alice Clark: Review: New book on sport pulls no punches
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 210
Note: Michael Lavalette (ed), Capitalism and Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play (Bookmarks, 2013), £9.99
Modern sport is often criticised by socialists for reflecting, or worse, perpetuating aspects of capitalist culture. While there are chapters in Capitalism and Sport that discuss the problematic elements of commercialised sport, there are others that seek to counteract it with examples of how sport has been used as a political tool to challenge oppression.
John Lyons: Review: Michael Lavalette (Ed.), Capitalism and Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 7, sep 13 – side 76
Note: The world of sport? A world of mindless nationalism, sexism, homophobia and virulent racism; openly fascist managers, billionaires owners, millionaire professionals and underappreciated fans – and thats just football! No wonder, then, that many interested in changing the world for the better have a rather negative view of sports. But what a mistake!
Gareth Edwards: Interview: Resistance: the best Olympic spirit
International Socialism Journal nr. 135, jul 12 – side 81
Note: Dave Zirin is one of the most celebrated Marxists writing about sport today. He spoke to Gareth Edwards about the contradictory nature of the Olympic Games.
Michael Lavalette: The decline and fall of Glasgow Rangers FC
Socialist Review nr. 371, jul 12 – side 4
Note: Back in February Glasgow Rangers Football Club entered administration. The administrators claimed there were short-term problems and the club would be back to normal shortly.
Gareth Edwards: Faster, Higher, Stronger: A Critical Analysis of the Olympics
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 2, jun 12 – side 73
Note: For two weeks this summer London will play host to the Olympic Games. Against a backdrop of austerity-driven public spending cuts, thousands of athletes from more than 200 countries will contest 26 events, competing ‘in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams’.
Martin Smith: Pirates of the Bundesliga
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 30
Note: If you hate football with every fibre in your body, then read on. If you love football with a passion, then you need to read on too.
How can I square this circle, I hear you ask. The answer to this conundrum lies in Hamburg, Germany. There, nestling between the Reeperbahn (Hamburg's red-light district), the docks, and poor migrant and working class neighbourhoods is the Millerntor stadium, home to the football team St Pauli.
Hans Erik Madsen: VM i fodbold: En nationalistisk folkefest
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 299, jul 10 – side 11
Note: VM i fodbold er overstået. Det danske fodboldlandshold havde ikke noget at byde på og røg hurtigt ud. Derfor blev det nationale hysteri kortvarigt, og godt det samme – fodboldmæssigt og politisk. Men nok engang blev VM en udstilling af sportens rolle som en økonomisk og ideologisk faktor.
Viv Smith: Sydafrika: Venter stadig på frihed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 297, apr 10 – side 16
Note: Tyve år efter Nelson Mandelas løsladelse kommer verdensmesterskaberne i fodbold til Sydafrika. Viv Smith går bag glamouren for at undersøge betydningen for almindelige mennesker.
Sportens nådesløse profit
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 297, apr 10 – side 16
Note: Arrangøren af verdensmesterskaberne, Fifa, får 94% af sin indtægt fra sponsor-aftaler – og står skruppelløst fast på sine „rettigheder“.
Yuri Prasad: Ian Hawkey: How Africans used sport to challenge colonialism
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 13
Note: Yuri Prasad interviewed Ian Hawkey, whose book about the history of African football has been shortlisted for the William Hill sports book of the year.
Bob Holman: Fred Perry: the radical of Wimbledon (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2157, jun 09 
Note: It's tennis time again at Wimbledon and everybody is watching Andy Murray – the great British hope. The last male British player to win the trophy was Fred Perry in 1936. Unlike Murray, the Wimbledon establishment never accepted him.
Yuri Prasad: Bluster aside, the Olympic games won't deliver
Socialist Worker nr. 2116, aug 08 – side 4
Note: Yuri Prasad casts a sceptical eye over the patriotic atmosphere that has accompanied the Beijing Olympics and the anticipation of the 2012 games
Alex Callinicos: Olympian hoo-hah over China power
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 4
Note: I find the Olympics irritating at the best of times. Two weeks of corporate-sponsored flag-waving in honour of a bunch of muscle-bound dullards is not my cup of tea. But the orgy of China-bashing surrounding the Beijing Olympics is enough to make one spew.
Chris Bambery: Sport’s race to the bottom
Socialist Worker nr. 2113, aug 08 – side 13
Note: Modern sport is not about play or enjoyment, argues Chris Bambery. Instead it reflects the constraints and ideology of capitalist society.
Editorial: Olympics: Repression behind corporate festival
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 12
Note: In the final weeks before the Olympic games begin in Beijing, the Chinese state has cracked down on “undesirables” – human rights activists, migrant workers from western China and the city’s poor.
Patrick Ward: Frontlines: Olympian failure
Socialist Review nr. 325, maj 08 – side 5
Note: When Ken Livingstone lobbied for the 2012 Olympics he argued that the resulting investment was needed desperately by east London, as it had seen none since Victorian times.
Lene Junker: Tag ikke fejl: OL i Peking 08 drejer sig om: Sport, penge og politik
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 3
Note: Enhedslistens Per Clausen deltager ikke som politisk gæst i OL, selvom han er inviteret. Han mener, det er at blåstemple Kinas undertrykkelse af menneskerettighederne. Punktum!
Editorial: Olympics: Competition in sport reflects capitalism
Socialist Worker nr. 2096, apr 08 – side 11
Note: The protests that greeted the Olympic torch in London and Paris have re-ignited a debate about whether you can keep politics out of sport. The simple answer is no. As George Orwell famously wrote, sport "is war minus the shooting".
Kris Stewart: Football – can we have our ball back please?
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 12
Note: The Premier League’s plan for “Game 39” is the latest stage of football club owners’ search for profits and dominance.
Paul Blackledge: Review: The struggle and the scrum
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 198
Note: Tony Collins, Rugby League in the Twentieth Century: A Social and Cultural History (Routledge, 2006), £23.99
Tony Collins’s excellent history of rugby league, from the split with rugby union in 1895 to the emergence of Rupert Murdoch’s Super League a century later, couldn’t be further removed from traditional histories of sports, which seem to consist largely of lists of match statistics flavoured with a few choice biopics of the stars.
Jakob L. Krogh: Fodbold: Racisme på tribunerne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 4
Note: Tre udlændinge overfaldet af 30 racistiske tilhængere fra Århus fodboldklubben AGF. Episoden, der fandt sted lørdag den 11. november efter en udekamp på Sjælland, er endnu et eksempel på, at højre-ekstreme grupper har infiltret hooligan-miljøerne.
Michael Lavalette: Tour de France: Chain Gang Convicts of the Road
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 21
Note: July sees the annual highlight of the cycling road-race calendar – the Tour de France.
Ole Andersen: Verdensmesterskabet er: Fodbold for profittens skyld
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 204, jul 02 – side 8
Note: Den 31. maj begyndte en af verdens største sports og medie-begivenheder, verdensmesterskabet i fodbold.
Jo Cardwell: Sport: It's not just cricket
Socialist Review nr. 265, jul 02 – side 22
Note: You can't seperate sport from the racism and nationalism that go with it, argues Jo Cardwell
Mike Gonzalez: Arts Review: Cultural currents: Ugly side of the beautiful game (World Cup)
Socialist Review nr. 265, jul 02 – side 23
Note: Watching the world cup was a game of two halves for Mike Gonzalez
Ole Andersen: Fodbold: Korruption og tvivlsomme forretningsmetoder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 202, mar 02 – side 8
Note: I det seneste årti er pengemængden i professionel elite sport eksploderet. Der er ikke længere tale om millioner af kroner eller for den sags skyld hundrede millioner kroner, men om milliarder, mange milliarder. Fodbolden er på mange måder eksponent for denne udvikling.
Ole Andersen: Kommercialisering af sporten er årsag til doping-skandaler
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 187, nov 00 – side 8
Note: Doping er i dag en naturlig del af sporten.
Paul McGarr: Sport: IOC-skandalen
Socialistisk Revy nr. 12, feb 99 – side 29
Note: Det mest fantastiske ved den skandale, der har ramt den Internationale Olympiske Komite (IOC), er, at dens præsident, Juan Antonio Samaranch, ser ud til at klare frisag.
Hans Erik Madsen: Derfor kom sporten på sprøjten
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 20
Note: Doping, disciplin og sponsorernes magt har fjernet den sidste rest af kreativitet og leg i sporten. Hans Erik Madsen beskriver, hvordan sporten er en del af den kapitalistiske markedsøkonomi.
Chris Bambery: Marxism and sport
International Socialism Journal nr. 73, dec 96 – side 35
Note: Sport is played and watched by millions of working class people ­ and big business makes millions out of them as they do so. Chris Bambery looks at the links between capitalism and sport, at why people enjoy sport and at the argument that physical recreation and the modern form of sport are by no means the same thing.
Jakob Nerup: VM i fordbold: Pas på nationalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 12
Note: Milliarder af mennesker på hele kloden følger døgnet rundt det gigantiske fodboldshow fra USA. Vi begejstres og udtaler os med skråsikker autoritet om de enkelte holds chancer og spillestil, mens vi læner os tilbage i sofaen og prøver at finde ud af, hvem vi skal holde med.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: OL i Lillehammer: Coca-Cola er sikker vinder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 100, feb 94 – side 12
Note: Fra den 12. til den 27. februar vil TV-kanaler og aviser i 14 dage være spækket med nyheder fra Vinter OL i Lillehammer. Verdenseliten vil kæmpe om berømmelse og deraf følgende muligheder for at score penge.
Pia Larsen: På kanten: Når vi sejler op ad åen ...
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 20, jun 86 – side 4
Note: Mexico er atter i mediernes søgelys. I juni måned vil millioner verden over sidde og bide negle foran skærmen, og lange vidtløftige reportager vil hver dag bringe nyt fra grønsværen og omklædningsrummene.
Colin Sparks: Bread and Terraces
Socialist Review nr. 41, mar 82 – side 2
Note: Nothring is immune from the World economic crisis. Colin Sparks explores the havoc it is wreaking in the world of sport.

Der blev fundet 36 artikler


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